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" $userfile"); $rcs->commit($dir, $globals->wordfile, file_get_contents($_FILES['wordfile']['tmp_name']), "Word file update $userfile" ); $page->info(__("Importing Word file") . " $userfile"); $rcs->importWordFile($dir, $globals->htmlfile, $_FILES['wordfile']['tmp_name']); } } else if (isset($_FILES['htmlfile']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['htmlfile']['tmp_name'])) { $userfile = strtolower($_FILES['htmlfile']['name']); if ( (substr($userfile,-4,4) == ".htm") || (substr($userfile,-5,5) == ".html") ) { $page->info(__("Importing HTML file") . " $userfile"); $rcs->commit( $dir, $globals->htmlfile, $rcs->importHtmlString(file_get_contents($_FILES['htmlfile']['tmp_name'])), "html file import of $userfile" ); } else { $page->info(__("Raw file import") . " $userfile"); $rcs->commit( $dir, $globals->htmlfile, file_get_contents($_FILES['htmlfile']['tmp_name']), "raw file import of $userfile" ); } } break; case "update": // page ID $props['PID'] = $dir; // page location if (isset($_REQUEST['pedit_location'])) { $homepage = 0; $props['location'] = $_REQUEST['pedit_' . 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"<$pageloc> " : "") . $ppage->props['title']; } } $page->assign('parent_opts', $parent_opts); } // messages $gtitle = ""; if ($dir) { $gtitle = $bbarrel->getLocation($dir); if (!$gtitle) $gtitle = __("home"); } $page->assign('greeting',__("Page manager") . ($gtitle ? " - $gtitle" : "") ); $page->assign('html',__("Import HTML")); $page->assign('htmlblab',__("You can replace the current page's contents by uploading an HTML file below.")); $page->assign('htmlstrip',__("If the file name ends with .htm or .html, anything outside the <body></body> pair will be stripped.")); $page->assign('send',__("Send")); $page->assign('dir',$dir); $page->assign('page_obj', $bpage->props); $page->assign('status_opts',array(0=>__("visible"), 1=>__("under construction"), 2=>__("disabled"), 3=>__("archived"))); $page->assign('templates',$page->getTemplates()); if ($globals->word_import) { $page->assign('word',__("Import a Word document")); if (file_exists($bbarrel->spool->spoolPath($dir,$globals->wordfile)) ) { $page->assign('wordblab', __("This page's master document is currently a Word document.")); $page->assign('wordsend', __("You can upload a new version of the Word document below.")); $page->assign('wordfile', __("You can get the current version of the file here")); $page->assign('wordlnk', array($globals->wordfile,$page->urlSite((strlen($bpage->props['location']) ? $bpage->props['location'].'/' : '') . $globals->wordfile)) ); } else { $page->assign('wordblab', __("If you wish, you can set this page's content from a Word document.")); $page->assign('wordsend', __("To do so, simply upload the Word document below.")); } } $page->display('page-properties.tpl'); ?>