dbh =& $dbh; $this->plugdir = $plugdir; $this->cachedir = $cachedir; } /** Return the path of the cache file * * @param $barrel */ function cacheFile($barrel) { $cachefile = $this->cachedir . "/" . ($barrel ? $barrel : "__diogenes__") . ".plugins"; return $cachefile; } /** Return the cache entry for specified plugin * * @param $cache * @param $barrel * @param $page * @param $plugin */ function cacheGet($cache, $barrel, $page, $plugin) { $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page); return $p_node->data[$plugin]; } /** Return the cache entry for a plugin at a specified position * * @param $cache * @param $barrel * @param $page * @param $pos */ function cacheGetAtPos($cache, $barrel, $page, $pos) { $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page); foreach ($p_node->data as $plugname => $plugentry) { if ($plugentry['pos'] == $pos) { $plugentry['plugin'] = $plugname; return $plugentry; } } } /** Return the cache entry for specified plugin * * @param $cache * @param $barrel * @param $page * @param $plugin */ function cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page) { if ($page) { $p_node = $cache->getChild($page); } else { $p_node = $cache; } return $p_node; } /** List the plugins that are active in a given context * * @param $cache * @param $barrel * @param $page */ function cachedActive($cache, $barrel, $page) { $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page); $plugins = array(); foreach ($p_node->data as $plugname => $plugentry) { //echo "cachedEditable : examining $plugname (status {$plugentry['status']})
\n"; if ($plugentry['status'] & PLUG_ACTIVE) { //echo "cachedActive : adding $plugname
\n"; $plugins[$plugname] = $plugentry; } } return $plugins; } /** Returns an array of cache entries representing the available plugins * in a given context * * @param $cache * @param $barrel * @param $page */ function cachedVisible($cache, $barrel, $page) { $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page); return $p_node->data; /* $available = array(); foreach ($p_node->data as $plugname => $plugentry) { //echo "cachedEditable : examining $plugname (status {$plugentry['status']})
\n"; if (!($plugentry['status'] & PLUG_LOCK) || !$barrel) { //echo "cachedEditable : adding $plugname
\n"; $available[$plugname] = $plugentry; // } } return $available; */ } /** Remove database references to plugins that are not available. */ function clean_database(&$page) { /* $res = $this->dbh->query("select distinct plugin from diogenes_plugin"); while (list($plugname) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $page->info("examining $plugname.."); $plug = $this->load($plugname); if (!is_object($plug)) { $page->info("plugin $plugname is broken, removing"); $this->dbh->query("delete from diogenes_plugin where plugin='$plugname'"); } } mysql_free_result($res); */ } /** Build view for current level. */ function compileNode($node, &$outparent, $index) { $outvals = array(); foreach ($outparent->data as $plugin => $parentval) { //echo "Processing plugin '$plugin' for <{$node->name}>
\n"; $outval = ''; if (($parentval['status'] & PLUG_ACTIVE) || !($parentval['status'] & PLUG_LOCK)) { //echo "* plugin '$plugin' not locked off parent level
\n"; $outval = $parentval; if (is_array($node->data[$plugin])) { //echo "** plugin set at current level
\n"; $outval['pos'] = $node->data[$plugin]['pos']; $outval['params'] = $node->data[$plugin]['params']; if (!($parentval['status'] & PLUG_LOCK)) { //echo "*** plugin status set to DB-specified value
\n"; $outval['status'] = $node->data[$plugin]['status']; } else { $outval['status'] = $parentval['status']; } } else { //echo "** plugin unset at current level
\n"; } } // add the plugin to output if (is_array($outval)) { $outvals[$plugin] = $outval; } } $outnode = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($outvals, $node->name); //echo "
"; // recurse into children foreach ($node->children as $cindex => $child) { $this->compileNode($child, $outnode, $cindex); } // add the produced node $outparent->setChild($index, $outnode); } /** Compile plugin cache. * * @param $barrel */ function compileCache($barrel, &$caller) { $caller->info("Recompiling " .($barrel ? "plugin cache for barrel '$barrel'" : "global plugin cache")); // get the list of all plugins present on the system $allplugins = array(); $plugfiles = System::find($this->plugdir.' -type f -name *.php'); foreach ($plugfiles as $file) { $name = basename($file); $name = substr($name, 0, -4); array_push($allplugins, $name); } $defcache = array(); // fill initial values foreach ($allplugins as $plugin) { $plug_h = $this->load($plugin); $defcache[$plugin] = $plug_h->toArray(); } // get DB values $dbcache = array(); $sql_limit = $barrel ? " where barrel='{$barrel}' or barrel=''" : ""; $sql = "select barrel, page, plugin, status, pos, params from diogenes_plugin" . $sql_limit; $res = $this->dbh->query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $c_barrel = array_shift($row); $c_page = array_shift($row); $plugin = array_shift($row); $plugentry = array( 'status' => $row[0], 'pos' => $row[1], 'params' => ($row[2] ? var_decode_bin($row[2]) : array()) ); $plug_h = $this->load($plugin, $plugentry); //echo "Got params from DB for '$plugin', barrel '$c_barrel', page '$c_page' : ".$row[2]."
"; $dbcache[$c_barrel][$c_page][$plugin] = $plug_h->toArray(); } mysql_free_result($res); // build the input tree $globals_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($dbcache[''][0], 'globals defaults'); $sql_limit = $barrel ? " where alias='{$barrel}'" : " where alias!=''"; $res = $this->dbh->query("select alias from diogenes_site" . $sql_limit); while(list($c_barrel) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $barrel_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($dbcache[$c_barrel][0], "barrel '$c_barrel' defaults"); $res2 = $this->dbh->query("select PID from {$c_barrel}_page"); while(list($page) = mysql_fetch_row($res2)) { $page_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($dbcache[$c_barrel][$page], "barrel '$c_barrel' page $page"); $barrel_node->setChild($page, $page_node); } mysql_free_result($res2); $globals_node->setChild($c_barrel, $barrel_node); } mysql_free_result($res); // compile the cache $top_out_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($defcache, 'plugin defaults'); $this->compileNode($globals_node, $top_out_node, 'globals'); $globals_out_node = $top_out_node->getChild('globals'); //echo "
" . $top_out_node->dump() . "

"; // produce dump(s) if ($barrel) { $dump_node = $globals_out_node->getChild($barrel); $dump_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($barrel)); $dump_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($barrel).".txt", NODE_DUMP_TEXT); } else { $globals_out_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($barrel), NODE_DUMP_NOCHILDREN); $globals_out_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($barrel).".txt", NODE_DUMP_NOCHILDREN | NODE_DUMP_TEXT); foreach ($globals_out_node->children as $c_barrel => $dump_node) { $dump_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($c_barrel)); $dump_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($c_barrel).".txt", NODE_DUMP_TEXT); } } } /** Load the specified plugin * * @param $plugentry */ function load($plugin, $plugentry = '') { $plugfile = $this->plugdir."/$plugin.php"; if (!file_exists($plugfile)) { trigger_error("could not find plugin file '$plugfile'", E_USER_WARNING); return; } include_once($plugfile); if (!class_exists($plugin)) { trigger_error("could not find class '$plugin'", E_USER_WARNING); return; } // load and register plugin $plug_h = new $plugin(); if (is_array($plugentry)) $plug_h->fromArray($plugentry); $plug_log = $plug_h->toArray(); //$pluglog['name'] = 'foo'; array_push($this->log, $plug_log); return $plug_h; } /** Read the compiled plugin cache * * @param $cachefile * @param $barrel */ function readCache($cachefile, $barrel) { if (!file_exists($cachefile)) { return array(); } return Diogenes_Tree_Node::readFile($cachefile); } /** Prepare plugins trace for output */ function trace_format() { $out = ''."\n"; $odd = 0; foreach ($this->log as $key => $val) { $trclass = $odd ? ' class="odd"' : ''; $out .= "\n"; if (isset($val['pos'])) { $out .= "\n"; } $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; if (!empty($val['params'])) { $out .= "\n"; } $odd = ($odd+1) % 2; } $out .= "
{$val['name']} v{$val['version']}
\n"; return $out; } } ?>