plug_barrel = $plug_barrel; $this->plug_page = $plug_page; $this->plug_page_wperms = $plug_page_wperms; } /** Run the plugin editor. * * @param $page * @param $outputvar */ function run(&$page, $outputvar = '') { global $globals; $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; $target = isset($_REQUEST['plug_target']) ? $_REQUEST['plug_target'] : ''; // load all available plugins $cachefile = $globals->plugins->cacheFile($this->plug_barrel); // if the tree cache does not exits, try to init it if (!file_exists($cachefile)) { $globals->plugins->compileCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel); } $cache = $globals->plugins->readCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel); $available = $globals->plugins->cachedAvailable($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page); // handle updates switch ($action) { case "move_up": case "move_down": if ($this->readonly) die("Sorry, this plugin view is read-only."); $delta = ($action == "move_down") ? 1 : -1; //$page->info("moving plugin '$target'.."); $plugcache_a = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $target); $plug_a =& $globals->plugins->load($plugcache_a); //$plug_a =& $globals->plugins->get($target); if (is_object($plug_a) && ($plug_a->active)) { $old_pos = $plug_a->pos; //$plug_b =& $globals->plugins->getAtPos($old_pos + $delta); $plugcache_b = $globals->plugins->cacheGetAtPos($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos + $delta); if (is_array($plugcache_b)) { $plug_b =& $globals->plugins->load($plugcache_b); // swap the current plugin and the next plugin if (is_object($plug_b) && ($plug_b->active)) { $plug_a->writeParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos + $delta); $plug_b->writeParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos); } } } $globals->plugins->compileCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel); $cache = $globals->plugins->readCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel); $available = $globals->plugins->cachedAvailable($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page); break; case "update": if ($this->readonly) die("Sorry, this plugin view is read-only."); // list of active plugins $active = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['plugins_active'])) { $active = array_values($_REQUEST['plugins_active']); } foreach ($available as $plugin) { $plugentry =& $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $plugin); if (!is_array($plugentry) and $this->plug_page) { $plugentry = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, 0, $plugin); if (is_array($plugentry)) { $plugentry['active'] = 0; } } // check we have a valid cache entry if (!is_array($plugentry)) { $page->info("could not find plugin '$plugin' in cache for barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'"); return; } $plug_h =& $globals->plugins->load($plugentry); if (is_object($plug_h) && is_array($plugentry)) { $pos = array_search($plugin, $active); if ($pos !== false) { // check the plugin is allowed in the current context if ($this->plug_barrel and $this->plug_page) { $wperms = $this->plug_page_wperms; // $page->info("checking plugin '$plugin' vs. write permissions '$wperms'.."); if (!$plug_h->allow_wperms($wperms)) { $page->info("plugin '$plugin' is not allowed with write permissions '$wperms'!"); break; } } // retrieve parameters from REQUEST foreach ($plug_h->params as $key => $val) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_".$key])) { $plug_h->params[$key] = $_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_".$key]; } } // write parameters to database $plug_h->writeParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $pos); } else { // erase parameters from database $plug_h->eraseParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page); } } } // log this action if ($this->plug_barrel) { if ($this->plug_page) { $page->log('page_plugins', $this->plug_barrel.":".$this->plug_page); } else { $page->log('barrel_plugins', $this->plug_barrel.":*"); } } $globals->plugins->compileCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel); $cache = $globals->plugins->readCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel); $available = $globals->plugins->cachedAvailable($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page); break; } // get dump of plugins to fill out form $page->assign('plug_barrel', $this->plug_barrel); $page->assign('plug_page', $this->plug_page); $plugs = array(); // start by adding the active plugins foreach ($cache as $plugcache) { if (in_array($plugcache['plugin'], $available) and ($plugcache['page'] == $this->plug_page) and ($plugcache['active'])) { // check we have a valid plugin handle $plug_h = $globals->plugins->load($plugcache); if (!is_object($plug_h)) { $page->info("could not load disabled plugin '{$plugcache['plugin']}' in barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'"); } else { $plugentry = $plug_h->dump(); $plugentry['icon'] = $globals->icons->get_action_icon('plugins'); $type = $plugentry['type']; if (!empty($plugs[$type])) { $plugentry['move_up'] = 1; $last = count($plugs[$type]) - 1; $plugs[$type][$last]['move_down'] = 1; } else { $plugs[$type] = array(); } array_push($plugs[$type], $plugentry); } } } // next we add the disabled plugins if (!$this->readonly) { foreach ($available as $plugname) { $plugcache = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $plugname); if (!is_array($plugcache) or !$plugcache['active']) { $plugcache = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, 0, $plugname); $plugcache['active'] = 0; $plug_h = $globals->plugins->load($plugcache); if (!is_object($plug_h)) { $page->info("could not load disabled plugin '$plugname' in barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'"); return; } $plugentry = $plug_h->dump(); $plugentry['icon'] = $globals->icons->get_action_icon('plugins'); $type = $plugentry['type']; if (empty($plugs[$type])) { $plugs[$type] = array(); } array_push($plugs[$type], $plugentry); } } } /* echo "plugins
    echo "
"; */ $page->assign('plugins', $plugs); // values $page->assign('show_params', $this->show_params); $page->assign('readonly',$this->readonly); // translations $page->assign('msg_submit', __("Submit")); $page->assign('msg_plugedit_plugin', __("plugin")); $page->assign('msg_plugedit_plugins', __("plugins")); $page->assign('msg_plugedit_description', __("description")); $page->assign('msg_plugedit_parameters', __("parameters")); $page->assign('msg_move_up', __("move up")); $page->assign('msg_move_down', __("move down")); // if requested, assign the content to be displayed if (!empty($outputvar)) { $page->assign($outputvar, $page->fetch('plugin-editor.tpl')); } } /** Do not display plugin parameters. * * @param $hide boolean */ function hide_params($hide) { $this->show_params = !$hide; } } ?>