db->query("select alias,vhost,flags from diogenes_site where alias='$alias'"); if (!list($this->alias,$this->vhost,$flags) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { return; } mysql_free_result($res); $this->table_menu = "{$this->alias}_menu"; $this->table_page = "{$this->alias}_page"; $this->treeCacheFile = $globals->spoolroot."/diogenes_c/". $this->alias.".tree"; $this->pluginsCacheFile = $globals->plugins->cacheFile($this->alias); $this->flags = new flagset($flags); $this->options = new Diogenes_Barrel_Options($this->alias); $this->spool = new DiogenesSpool($this,$this->alias); $this->readTree(); } /** Create a new Diogenes barrel. This creates the database, RCS and * spool entries for the new barrel. * * @param $alias * @param $caller */ function create($alias, &$caller) { global $globals; /* sanity check */ if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/",$alias) or in_array($alias, $globals->invalidaliases)) { $caller->info("Invalid barrel name!"); return; } $res = $globals->db->query("select alias from diogenes_site where alias='$alias'"); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { $caller->info("Entry '{$alias}' already exists in table 'diogenes_site'!"); return; } if (file_exists("{$globals->rcsroot}/$alias")) { $caller->info("Directory '{$globals->rcsroot}/$alias' already exists!"); return; } if (!is_dir($globals->rcsroot) || !is_writable($globals->rcsroot)) { $caller->info("Directory '{$globals->rcsroot}' is not writable!"); return; } /* log this event */ $caller->log("barrel_create","$alias:*"); /* create DB entry */ $globals->db->query("insert into diogenes_site set alias='$alias'"); $globals->db->query("CREATE TABLE {$alias}_menu (" . "MID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment," . "MIDpere int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," . "ordre int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," . "title tinytext NOT NULL," . "link text NOT NULL," . "PID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL," . "PRIMARY KEY (MID)" . ") TYPE=MyISAM;"); $globals->db->query("CREATE TABLE {$alias}_page (" . "PID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment," . "parent INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'," . "location tinytext NOT NULL," . "title tinytext NOT NULL," . "status tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'," . "perms enum('public','auth','user','admin','forbidden') NOT NULL default 'public'," . "wperms enum('public','auth','user','admin','forbidden') NOT NULL default 'admin'," . "template varchar(255) NOT NULL," . "PRIMARY KEY (PID)" . ") TYPE=MyISAM;"); /* set the barrel's title */ $opt = new Diogenes_Barrel_Options($alias); $opt->updateOption('title',$alias); /* create entry for the homepage */ $globals->db->query("insert into {$alias}_page set location='temp'"); $homepage = mysql_insert_id(); $globals->db->query("update {$alias}_page set location='',title='Home',perms='public' where PID='$homepage'"); /* create home page & copy CSS template */ $rcs = new $globals->rcs($caller,$alias,$_SESSION['session']->username,true); $rcs->newdir("",$homepage); $rcs->commit($homepage,$globals->htmlfile,""); $rcs->commit($homepage,$globals->cssfile, file_get_contents("{$globals->root}/{$globals->cssfile}") ); } /** Destroy a Diogenes barrel. This removes the related database, RCS * and spool entries. * * @param $alias * @param $caller */ function destroy($alias, &$caller) { global $globals; /** Sanity check */ if (!$alias) { $caller->info("Empty alias supplied!"); return; } /* log this event */ $caller->log("barrel_delete","$alias:*"); system(escapeshellcmd("rm -rf ".escapeshellarg("{$globals->spoolroot}/$alias"))); system(escapeshellcmd("rm -rf ".escapeshellarg("{$globals->rcsroot}/$alias"))); system(escapeshellcmd("rm -f ".escapeshellarg("{$globals->spoolroot}/diogenes_c/$alias.tree"))); system(escapeshellcmd("rm -f ".escapeshellarg($globals->plugins->cacheFile($alias)))); $globals->db->query("drop table {$alias}_menu"); $globals->db->query("drop table {$alias}_page"); $globals->db->query("delete from diogenes_perm where alias='$alias'"); $globals->db->query("delete from diogenes_site where alias='$alias'"); $globals->db->query("delete from diogenes_option where barrel='$alias'"); $globals->db->query("delete from diogenes_plugin where barrel='$alias'"); } /** Return the location corresponding to a given page ID * * @param $PID */ function getLocation($PID) { return array_search($PID, $this->treeCache); } /** Return all the barrel's pages. */ function getPages() { global $globals; $bpages = array(); $res = $globals->db->query("select * from {$this->table_page}"); while ($props = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $bpages[$props['PID']] = new Diogenes_Barrel_Page($this, $props); } mysql_free_result($res); return $bpages; } /** Return the page ID matching a given directory location * * @param $dir */ function getPID($dir) { if (isset($this->treeCache[$dir])) return $this->treeCache[$dir]; else return; } /** List the plugins that are active in a given context * * @param $page */ function getPlugins($page = 0) { $plugins = array(); foreach ($this->pluginsCache as $plug) { if ($plug['page'] == $page) { array_push($plugins, $plug); } } return $plugins; } /** Check whether the barrel has a given flag * * @param $flag */ function hasFlag($flag) { return $this->flags->hasFlag($flag); } /** Compile the directory tree */ function compileTree() { global $globals; if (!$fp = fopen($this->treeCacheFile, "w")) { trigger_error("failed to open '{$this->treeCacheFile}' for writing", E_USER_ERROR); return; } // load all the pages $res = $globals->db->query("select * from {$this->table_page}"); $tpages = array(); while ($props = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $tpage = new Diogenes_Barrel_Page($this, $props); $tpages[$props['PID']] = $tpage; if (!strlen($props['location'])) { $homepage = $props['PID']; } } // recursively build the tree, starting at the homepage $str = $this->compilePageTree($tpages, $homepage, ''); fputs($fp, $str); fclose($fp); } /** Compile a single page */ function compilePageTree(&$tpages, $PID, $ploc) { global $globals; $cpage = $tpages[$PID]; $ploc = ($ploc ? "$ploc/" : "") . $cpage->props['location']; // add this page $out = "$ploc\t$PID\t".$cpage->props['parent']."\n"; // add children $res = $globals->db->query("select PID from {$this->table_page} where parent='$PID'"); while (list($child) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $out .= $this->compilePageTree($tpages, $child, $ploc); } mysql_free_result($res); return $out; } /** Load all plugins for the specified page. * * @param $bpage */ function loadPlugins(&$bpage) { global $globals; $plugins = $this->getPlugins($bpage->props['PID']); $loaded = array(); foreach ($plugins as $plugentry) { $loaded[$plugentry['plugin']] =& $globals->plugins->load($plugentry); } return $loaded; } /** Read the compiled plugin cache */ function readPlugins() { global $globals; $this->pluginsCache = $globals->plugins->readCache($this->pluginsCacheFile, $this->alias); } /** Read the compiled directory tree */ function readTree() { global $globals; // if the tree cache does not exits, try to init it if (!file_exists($this->treeCacheFile)) { $this->compileTree(); } if (!$fp = fopen($this->treeCacheFile, "r")) { trigger_error("failed to open '{$this->treeCacheFile}' for reading", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $locations = array(); while ($line = fgets($fp)) { $line = substr($line, 0, -1); $bits = explode("\t", $line); list($loc, $pid, $parent) = $bits; $locations[$loc] = $pid; } fclose($fp); $this->treeCache = $locations; } }