xdb->query(" SELECT deadline_inscription, LEFT(NOW(), 10) AS now, membres_only FROM groupex.evenements WHERE eid = {?}", $eid); $e = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); // impossible to change inscription: either inscription closed or members only if ($e['deadline_inscription'] && $e['deadline_inscription']<$e['now']) { $page->trig("Les inscriptions sont closes"); continue; } if ($e['membres_only'] && !is_member()) { $page->trig("Les inscriptions à cet événement ne sont pas publiques"); continue; } // impossible to unsubscribe if you already paid sthing $total_inscr = 0; $inscriptions = array(); for ($i=1; Env::has('moment'.$eid.'_'.$i); $i++) { $inscriptions[$i] = Env::get('moment'.$eid.'_'.$i); // retreive ohter field when more than one person if ($inscriptions[$i] == 2) $inscriptions[$i] = 1 + Env::get('personnes'.$eid.'_'.$i,0); // avoid negative count if other field incorrect if ($inscriptions[$i] < 0) $inscriptions[$i] = 0; // avoid floating count if other field incorrect $inscriptions[$i] = floor($inscriptions[$i]); $total_inscr += $inscriptions[$i]; } $unsubscribing = ($total_inscr == 0); // retreive the amount already paid for this event in cash $res = $globals->xdb->query(" SELECT paid FROM groupex.evenements_participants WHERE eid = {?} AND uid = {?} LIMIT 1", $eid, Session::get("uid")); $paid = $res->fetchOneCell(); if (!$paid) $paid = 0; if ($unsubscribing && $paid != 0) { $page->trig("Impossible de te désinscrire complètement parce que tu as fait un paiement par chèque ou par liquide. Contacte un administrateur du groupe si tu es sûr de ne pas venir"); continue; } // update actual inscriptions foreach ($inscriptions as $i=>$nb) { if ($nb > 0) { $globals->xdb->execute( "REPLACE INTO groupex.evenements_participants VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $eid, Session::get("uid"), $i, $nb, $paid); } else { $globals->xdb->execute( "DELETE FROM groupex.evenements_participants WHERE eid = {?} AND uid = {?} AND item_id = {?}", $eid, Session::get("uid"), $i); } } } } /**** retreive all infos about all events ****/ $page->assign('logged', logged()); $page->assign('admin', may_update()); $evenements = $globals->xdb->iterator( "SELECT e.eid, IF(e.intitule = '', ' ', e.intitule) AS intitule, IF(e.descriptif = '', ' ', e.descriptif) AS descriptif, e.debut, e.fin, LEFT(10,e.debut) AS debut_day, LEFT(10,e.fin) AS fin_day, e.paiement_id, e.membres_only, e.show_participants, u.nom, u.prenom, u.promo, a.alias, MAX(ep.nb) AS inscrit, MAX(ep.paid) AS paid, e.short_name, IF(e.deadline_inscription,e.deadline_inscription >= LEFT(NOW(), 10), 1) AS inscr_open, e.deadline_inscription FROM groupex.evenements AS e INNER JOIN x4dat.auth_user_md5 AS u ON u.user_id = e.organisateur_uid LEFT JOIN x4dat.aliases AS a ON (a.type = 'a_vie' AND a.id = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN groupex.evenements_participants AS ep ON (ep.eid = e.eid AND ep.uid = {?}) WHERE asso_id = {?} GROUP BY e.eid ORDER BY debut",Session::get('uid'),$globals->asso('id')); $evts = array(); while ($e = $evenements->next()) { $e['moments'] = $globals->xdb->iterator( "SELECT titre, details, montant, ei.item_id, nb FROM groupex.evenements_items AS ei LEFT JOIN groupex.evenements_participants AS ep ON (ep.eid = ei.eid AND ep.item_id = ei.item_id AND uid = {?}) WHERE ei.eid = {?}", Session::get('uid'), $e['eid']); $query = $globals->xdb->query( "SELECT montant FROM {$globals->money->mpay_tprefix}transactions AS t WHERE ref = {?} AND uid = {?}", $e['paiement_id'], Session::get('uid')); $montants = $query->fetchColumn(); foreach ($montants as $m) { $p = strtr(substr($m, 0, strpos($m, "EUR")), ",", "."); $e['paid'] += trim($p); } $evts[] = $e; } $page->assign('evenements', $evts); $page->assign('is_member', is_member()); $page->assign('nb_evt', $evenements->total()); $page->run(); ?>