_type = $type; $this->_root = $url->getBasePath(); $this->_username = false; $this->_password = false; } /** * Adds another location to the realm. * @param SimpleUrl $url Somewhere in realm. * @access public */ function stretch($url) { $this->_root = $this->_getCommonPath($this->_root, $url->getPath()); } /** * Finds the common starting path. * @param string $first Path to compare. * @param string $second Path to compare. * @return string Common directories. * @access private */ function _getCommonPath($first, $second) { $first = explode('/', $first); $second = explode('/', $second); for ($i = 0; $i < min(count($first), count($second)); $i++) { if ($first[$i] != $second[$i]) { return implode('/', array_slice($first, 0, $i)) . '/'; } } return implode('/', $first) . '/'; } /** * Sets the identity to try within this realm. * @param string $username Username in authentication dialog. * @param string $username Password in authentication dialog. * @access public */ function setIdentity($username, $password) { $this->_username = $username; $this->_password = $password; } /** * Accessor for current identity. * @return string Last succesful username. * @access public */ function getUsername() { return $this->_username; } /** * Accessor for current identity. * @return string Last succesful password. * @access public */ function getPassword() { return $this->_password; } /** * Test to see if the URL is within the directory * tree of the realm. * @param SimpleUrl $url URL to test. * @return boolean True if subpath. * @access public */ function isWithin($url) { return (strpos($url->getBasePath(), $this->_root) === 0); } } /** * Manages security realms. * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage WebTester */ class SimpleAuthenticator { var $_realms; /** * Starts with no realms set up. * @access public */ function SimpleAuthenticator() { $this->_realms = array(); } /** * Adds a new realm centered the current URL. * Browsers vary wildly on their behaviour in this * regard. Mozilla ignores the realm and presents * only when challenged, wasting bandwidth. IE * just carries on presenting until a new challenge * occours. SimpleTest tries to follow the spirit of * the original standards committee and treats the * base URL as the root of a file tree shaped realm. * @param SimpleUrl $url Base of realm. * @param string $type Authentication type for this * realm. Only Basic authentication * is currently supported. * @param string $realm Name of realm. * @access public */ function addRealm($url, $type, $realm) { $this->_realms[$url->getHost()][$realm] = new SimpleRealm($type, $url); } /** * Sets the current identity to be presented * against that realm. * @param string $host Server hosting realm. * @param string $realm Name of realm. * @param string $username Username for realm. * @param string $password Password for realm. * @access public */ function setIdentityForRealm($host, $realm, $username, $password) { if (isset($this->_realms[$host][$realm])) { $this->_realms[$host][$realm]->setIdentity($username, $password); } } /** * Finds the name of the realm by comparing URLs. * @param SimpleUrl $url URL to test. * @return SimpleRealm Name of realm. * @access private */ function _findRealmFromUrl($url) { if (! isset($this->_realms[$url->getHost()])) { return false; } foreach ($this->_realms[$url->getHost()] as $name => $realm) { if ($realm->isWithin($url)) { return $realm; } } return false; } /** * Presents the appropriate headers for this location. * @param SimpleHttpRequest $request Request to modify. * @param SimpleUrl $url Base of realm. * @access public */ function addHeaders(&$request, $url) { if ($url->getUsername() && $url->getPassword()) { $username = $url->getUsername(); $password = $url->getPassword(); } elseif ($realm = $this->_findRealmFromUrl($url)) { $username = $realm->getUsername(); $password = $realm->getPassword(); } else { return; } $this->addBasicHeaders($request, $username, $password); } /** * Presents the appropriate headers for this * location for basic authentication. * @param SimpleHttpRequest $request Request to modify. * @param string $username Username for realm. * @param string $password Password for realm. * @access public * @static */ function addBasicHeaders(&$request, $username, $password) { if ($username && $password) { $request->addHeaderLine( 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode("$username:$password")); } } } ?>