Les Forums de Banana

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Banana, a Web interface for a NNTP Server
Developed under GPL License for Polytechnique.org
Use silk icons from www.famfamfam.com
'; Banana::$profile['lastnews'] = $_SESSION['banana_lastnews']; setcookie('banana_lastnews', time(), time() + 25920000); // Run Bananan $banana = new MyBanana(); // Create the instance of Banana $res = $banana->run(); // Run banana, and generate the XHTML output $css = $banana->css(); // Get the CSS code to add in my page headers $feed = $banana->feed(); // Get a link to banana's feed. You need to use Banana::refreshAllFeeds in a cron or enable Banana::$feed_updateOnDemand in order to keep up-to-date feeds $bt = $banana->backtrace(); // Get protocole execution backtrace session_write_close(); // Genererate the page ?> Banana, a NNTP<->Web Gateway

Les Forums de Banana

Vous êtes :

Banana, a Web interface for a NNTP Server
Developed under GPL License for Polytechnique.org
Use silk icons from www.famfamfam.com
"; foreach ($bt as &$entry) { echo "
" . $entry['action'] . "
"; echo "

" . "Exécution en " . sprintf("%.3fs", $entry['time']) . "
" . "Retour : " . $entry['code'] . "
" . "Lignes : " . $entry['response'] . "

"; } echo "
"; } ?>