#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id$ use strict; use Config::General; use DBI; use Getopt::Std; ############################################################################### # # # Global variables # # # ############################################################################### my $rootdir; my %conf; my $config; my $confile; my $debug; my %opts; my @incpath; # file masks my($mask_inc,$mask_php,$mask_img); # db connection my($db_db,$db_host,$db_user,$db_pwd); my($dsn,$dbh); sub dprint { my $text = shift; print $text if ($debug); } ############################################################################### # # # text operations # # # ############################################################################### # worker function called by tagextract and tagstrip sub tagcrunch { my($tag1,$tag2,$intag,@lines) = @_; my($line,$pos,@out,$add); while ($line = shift(@lines)) { if ($intag) { # we are inside the block if (($pos=index($line, $tag2)) > -1) { $add = substr($line,0,$pos); $line = substr($line,$pos+length($tag2)); $intag = 0; } else { $add = $line; $line = ""; } $add =~ s/^\s*//; $add =~ s/\s*$//; push @out, "$add\n" if (length($add)>0); } if (!$intag) { # we are outside the block while(($pos = index($line, $tag1)) > -1) { $line = substr($line,$pos+length($tag1)); if (($pos=index($line, $tag2)) > -1) { $add = substr($line,0,$pos); $line = substr($line,$pos+length($tag2)); } else { $add = $line; $line=""; $intag=1; } $add =~ s/^\s*//; $add =~ s/\s*$//; push @out, "$add\n" if (length($add)>0); } } } return @out; } # return only blocks of @lines between tag1 and tag2 sub tagextract { my($tag1,$tag2,@lines) = @_; return &tagcrunch($tag1,$tag2,0,@lines); } # return @lines minus blocks between tag1 and tag2 sub tagstrip { my($tag1,$tag2,@lines) = @_; return &tagcrunch($tag2,$tag1,1,@lines); } # for each line, remove whatever is after the comment marker sub commentstrip { my($tag,@lines) = @_; my @out; foreach my $line (@lines) { $line =~ s/$tag.*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; push @out, "$line\n" if (length($line)>0); } return @out; } ############################################################################### # # # DB access # # # ############################################################################### sub dbconnect { $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$db_db;host=$db_host"; $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pwd); } # clear a database table sub cleartable { my($table) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->do("delete from $table"); } # add a dependency into DB sub putdep { my($pageid,$depid,$did,$type) = @_; my($sth); $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from dep where page=$pageid and dep=$depid and dir=$did and type='$type'"); $sth->execute(); if (!$sth->rows) { $dbh->do("insert into dep set page=$pageid,dep=$depid,dir=$did,type='$type'"); } } # put a directory into DB sub putdir { my($dir) = @_; &dprint("putdir($dir)\n"); my $did=&getdirid($dir); if (!$did) { $dbh->do("insert into dir set path='$dir'"); $did=&getdirid($dir); } return $did; } # put a file into DB sub putfile { my($file,$exists,$did) = @_; my($fid,$type); $exists=0 if (!$exists); &dprint("putfile($file,$exists,$did)\n"); if ($exists) { $type = "page" if ($file =~ /$mask_php/); $type = "include" if ($file =~ /$mask_inc/); $type = "image" if ($file =~ /$mask_img/); } else { $type = "dead"; } $fid=&getfileid($file); if ($fid) { $dbh->do("update file set type='$type' where id=$fid") if ($exists); } else { $dbh->do("insert into file set path='$file',type='$type'"); $fid=&getfileid($file); } $dbh->do("update file set dir='$did' where id=$fid") if ($did); return $fid; } # return the ID corresponding to a directory name sub getdirid { my($dir) = @_; my($sth); $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from dir where path='$dir'"); $sth->execute(); if (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { return $ref->{"id"}; } else { return 0; } } # return the ID corresponding to a file name sub getfileid { my($file) = @_; my($sth); $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from file where path='$file'"); $sth->execute(); if (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { return $ref->{"id"}; } else { return 0; } } ############################################################################### # # # file processing # # # ############################################################################### # from a path in the server tree, return the path in the filesystem sub realpath { my($vpath) = @_; return $rootdir.$vpath; } # given a working directory and a relative path, return full path # ( in the server tree ) sub abspath { my($curdir,$relpath) = @_; my(@path,@comps,$ret); # current directory not absolute if ($curdir !~ /^\//) { print "abspath($curdir,$relpath) : $curdir is not an absolute path!\n"; die; } # relpath is already absolute return $relpath if ($relpath =~ /^\//); # is there a final slash? my $finalslash=""; $finalslash="/" if ($relpath =~ /\/$/); @path = split /\//,substr($curdir,1); @comps = split /\//,$relpath; foreach my $comp (@comps) { SWITCH: { if ($comp =~ /^\.$/) { last SWITCH; } if ($comp =~ /^\.\.$/) { pop @path; last SWITCH; } push @path, $comp; } } $ret = "/". join("/",@path) .$finalslash; $ret =~ s/\/\//\//; return $ret; } # parse a directory sub parsedir { my($vdir) = @_; my($fid,$did); # build virtual path $did=&putdir($vdir); opendir(DIRHANDLE, &realpath($vdir)); my @list = grep /^[^\.]/, readdir(DIRHANDLE); closedir(DIRHANDLE); my @incfiles=grep /$mask_inc/,@list; map (&putfile("${vdir}$_", 1, $did), @incfiles); my @imgfiles=grep /$mask_img/,@list; map (&putfile("${vdir}$_", 1, $did), @imgfiles); my @phpfiles=grep /$mask_php/,@list; foreach my $phpfile (@phpfiles) { if (-f realpath("${vdir}${phpfile}")) { $fid=&putfile("${vdir}${phpfile}", 1, $did); &parsefile($fid, $did, "${vdir}${phpfile}", $vdir); } else { &putfile("${vdir}$phpfile", 0, $did) } } foreach my $entry (@list) { if ((-d realpath("${vdir}${entry}")) && ($entry !~ /^CVS$/)) { &parsedir("${vdir}${entry}/"); } } } # parse a file sub parsefile { my($fid,$did,$vfile,$vdir) = @_; my(@lines,@phplines,@includes,$depid,$sth,$ifile,$iexists); &dprint("parsefile($fid,$did,$vfile,$vdir)\n"); # we return if we already have dependecies in the same scope $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from dep where page=$fid and dir=$did"); $sth->execute(); return if (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()); open(FHANDLE,realpath($vfile)); @lines = ; close(FHANDLE); # strip out commented code @lines = &tagstrip("",@lines); # deal with PHP lines @phplines = &tagextract("",@lines); @phplines = &tagstrip("/*","*/",@phplines); @phplines = &commentstrip("\/\/",@phplines); @phplines = &commentstrip("#",@phplines); @includes = grep s/.*(require|include)\s*\({0,1}\"(.*)\"\){0,1}.*\n$/$2/, @phplines; foreach my $include (@includes) { &dprint("REQ:$include\n"); if ($include =~ /$mask_php/) { print "Warning : $include gets included by $vfile!\n"; } $iexists=0; if ($include =~ /^[\.\/]/) { # the directory is specified $ifile = &abspath($vdir,$include); $iexists=1 if (-f &realpath($ifile)); } else { # directory not specified, go through the include path foreach my $incp (@incpath) { $ifile = &abspath(&abspath($vdir,$incp),$include); &dprint("trying $ifile\n"); if (-f &realpath($ifile)) { $iexists=1; last; } } # did not find file to be included, treat it as if it were # in the first segment of include path $ifile = &abspath(&abspath($vdir,$incpath[0]),$include) if (!$iexists); } $depid=&putfile($ifile,$iexists,0); &putdep($fid,$depid,$did,"include"); &parsefile($depid,$did,$ifile,$vdir) if ($iexists); } } ############################################################################### # # # init and conf file # # # ############################################################################### sub init { my $path = `pwd`; $confile="$ENV{'HOME'}/.deptrackrc"; if ( not getopts('dhf:', \%opts) or $opts{'h'}) { &syntax(); } # check for root directory my $nargs = @ARGV; $nargs || &syntax(); $rootdir = $ARGV[0]; $rootdir =~ s/\/$//; if (!-d $rootdir) { print "root directory $rootdir not found!\n"; die; } else { print "Using $rootdir as web root directory\n"; } # process options if ($opts{'d'}){ print "Running in debug mode ...\n"; $debug = 1; }else{ $debug = 0; } if ($opts{'f'}){ if (-r "$opts{'f'}") { print "Using $opts{'f'} as config file\n"; &read_conf("$opts{'f'}"); } else { print "$opts{'f'} : not a valid config file\n"; exit(1); } } else { print "Using $confile as config file\n"; if (-r "$confile") { &read_conf("$confile"); } else { print "No valid configuration file found, aborting\n"; exit(1); } } &dbconnect(); } #Read Configuration and init global vars sub read_val { my($default,$value) = @_; if ($value) { return $value; } else { return $default; } } sub read_conf { my $file = shift; $config = new Config::General( -file =>"$file", -AllowMultiOptions =>"yes", -LowerCaseNames =>"yes",); %conf = $config->getall; $db_db = &read_val("deptrack", $conf{'db_db'}); $db_host = &read_val("localhost", $conf{'db_host'}); $db_pwd = &read_val("", $conf{'db_pwd'}); $db_user = &read_val("deptrack", $conf{'db_user'}); @incpath = split /:/, &read_val(".", $conf{'include_path'}); $mask_img = &read_val("\\.(png|gif|jpg)\$", $conf{'mask_img'}); $mask_inc = &read_val("\\.inc(\\.php)?\$", $conf{'mask_inc'}); $mask_php = &read_val("(? - use as config file\n", " -d - debug mode\n"; exit(1); } ############################################################################### # # # main # # # ############################################################################### &about(); &init(); &cleartable("dir"); &cleartable("file"); &cleartable("dep"); &parsedir("/");