Template: diogenes/welcome Type: note _Description: Welcome to the Diogenes setup program You must have a database server already setup and ready to go if you are going to have this program configure your database for you. If you are not comfortable with this, you should tell the debconf process that you do not have any database server. You will then need to configure Diogenes manually. . If debconf is set up in a way that you will not be asked questions interactively (i.e. you do not see this note during installation but as a mail to your root account), Diogenes will assume that your web server is apache and your database server is MySQL and no MySQL root password is set. If any of these do not apply, Diogenes will not run unless you configure it manually by creating its database and editing the files in /etc/diogenes. Template: diogenes/purge_removes_data Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Remove web site data after "purging" the diogenes package? Should the data that makes up Diogenes's web sites be removed when the diogenes packages is purged with the "dpkg --purge diogenes" command (i.e. remove everything including the configuration)? Template: diogenes/webservers Type: multiselect _Choices: apache, apache-ssl, apache-perl, apache2 Default: apache _Description: Type of web server: By default Diogenes supports any web server that php4 does. This config process currently only supports Apache directly. If you use another one you will have to handle the web ends manually. If you choose the first option, this install process will manage the configuration (or attempt to) of the Apache specific portions necessary to run Diogenes properly. Template: diogenes/webuser Type: string Default: www-data _Description: User your web server runs as: Unable to obtain the user your web server runs as. This is needed in order to allow the web server to write the files that make up the Diogenes-managed web sites. Template: diogenes/webgroup Type: string Default: www-data _Description: Group your web server runs as: Unable to obtain the group your web server runs as. This is needed in order to allow the web server to read Diogenes's configuration files. Template: diogenes/databasemgr_type Type: select _Choices: Automatic, Manual Default: Automatic _Description: Type of database installation: If you want the setup program to ask you questions and do the database setup for you, select "Automatic". (Recommended) . If you want to configure your database by hand, select "Manual". In this case you will have to create the Diogenes database and user by hand and handle database upgrades manually. Template: diogenes/dbadmpass Type: password _Description: Database admin password: Enter the password for your database admin user to access the database. This password had been set when installing your database. It is most likely NOT the same password that your Diogenes manager account will use. Template: diogenes/databasemgr_server Type: string Default: localhost _Description: Hostname of the database server: If your database is on another machine besides the one that Diogenes is running on then you need to change this value to the fully qualified domain name for that system. Template: diogenes/database_name Type: string Default: diogenes _Description: Name for the Diogenes database: By default this will be "diogenes". This is where all the Diogenes related database items will be setup and stored. Template: diogenes/database_user Type: string Default: diogenes _Description: Database username: What username will access the database for Diogenes? By default this is it's own user "diogenes" so that permissions can be tightened down. Template: diogenes/database_pass Type: password Default: auto _Description: Password for the Diogenes user: Enter a password for the database user which will be used along with the database user name you have already supplied to connect to the database. . If you wish to leave the password empty, type "none". If you wish to use an automatically generated random password type "auto". Template: diogenes/dbmyadmin Type: string Default: root _Description: MySQL administrator username: