;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Polytechnique.org ; ; http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ ; ; ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; ; Foundation, Inc., ; ; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ; This file contains the default values for the configuration variables of ; plat/al. This values can be overriden in by adding a platal.conf file in ; the same directory. ; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ; The core section contains the main configuration of the website like name ; of the site, its URL, or the database parameters. It also provide tools ; to setup debugging or restrictions on the website. [Core] ; $globals->locale ; Locale of the web site. This includes language and charset to ; use for system strings. locale = "fr_FR.UTF-8" ; $globals->timezone ; The timezone of the server. timezone = "Europe/Paris" ; $globals->core->restricted_platal ; When activated restricted_platal, the copy of the website is protected against ; indexation by search engine. This also activate the addition of catch-all emails ; by PlMailer. (see email_catchall and robotstxt_disallowed_uris for more details). ; ; A production website should set this variable to true in platal.conf restricted_platal = 1 ; $globals->core->robotstxt_disallowed_uris ; List of urls that must not be indexed by search engines when the site is not ; in restricted mode. The urls must be separated by spaces or commas. ; ; e.g: robotstxt_disallowed_uris = "/javascript /images /Xorg" robotstxt_disallowed_uris = ; $globals->email_catchall ; An email address that signal a mail to be discarded by the mail routing ; environment. ; ; email_catchall = "" ; $globals->cookie_ns ; String to preprend to the name of the cookies generated by the site ; ; cookie_ns = "" ; $globals->cookie_path ; The path the cookies generated by the site are associated to. ; ; cookie_path = "" ; $globals->debug ; Debug flags. The flags are integer mask and the debug value is a combination ; of this flags. Available values are: ; - provided by the core: ; 1 - DEBUG_BT: displays the backtraces (SQL, mailman, banana executions) ; 2 - DEBUG_VALID: checks that the html of the page is valid ; 4 - DEBUG_SMARTY: don't hide error reported during the execution of smarty ; - provided by xorg: ; 256 - DEBUG_NOCACHE: don't cache db content in the session ; ; debug = 0 ; $globals->mode ; Plat/al execution mode: ; empty -> this copy of plat/al is disabled ; 'r' -> read only, writing in the database is not allowed (excepting logging) ; 'rw' -> read-write, the site is fully available ; ; mode = "rw" ; $globals->core->secure_domain ; If not empty, the site automatically redirects the user to the secure_domain. ; The value must be a hostname (eg.: www.polytechnique.org) secure_domain = "" ; $globals->baseurl ; The base url of the web site. This value is used only for scripts called from ; command line. The value is computed automatically when php serves a web page. baseurl = "https://www.example.org/" ; $globals->sitename ; The name of the site ; ; sitename = "" ; $globals->dbhost ; Host where the db is located ; dbhost = "localhost" ; $globals->dbuser ; Username to use to connect to the database ; dbuser = "web" ; $globals->dbpwd ; Password to use to connect to the database ; dbpwd = "" ; $globals->dbdb ; Name of the database ; dbdb = "x4dat" ; $globals->dbcharset ; The charset to use when talking to the database ; dbcharset = "utf8" ; $globals->static_cache_duration ; Cache duration for static content ; static_cache_duration = "604800" ; $globals->dynamic_cache_duration ; Cache duration for dynamic content ; dynamic_cache_duration = "3600" ; $globals->skin ; Skin to use for unlogged accesses and when the user didn't explicitely ; select a skin. skin = "default" ; $globals->register_skin ; Skin to use during registration process register_skin = "register" ; $globals->core->econfiance ; Key used to perform transactions with the 'econfiance' webservice in order ; to synchronize the X-Informatique directory with polytechnique.net econfiance = "" ; The banana section contains the configuration of the forums. [Banana] ; $globals->banana->server ; Hostname of the nntp server server = "localhost" ; $globals->banana->port ; Port of the nntp server (if port is 563, banana automatically switch ; to nntps) port = 119 ; $globals->banana->password ; Password used by banana to authenticate site users with the nntp server. password = "***" ; $globals->banana->web_user ; Username used by banana web_user = "***" ; $globals->banana->web_pass ; Password used by banana to perform administrative tasks unrelated to a ; specific user web_pass = "***" ; $globals->banana->event_forum ; Name of the newsgroup where events are posted event_forum = "" ; $globals->banana->event_reply ; Name of a newsgroup where to reply to posted events event_reply = "" ; The geocoder section contains parameters used to perform the geocoding ; and the formatting of user addresses. [Geocoder] ; $globals->geocder->email ; Unused parameter. email = "" ; $globals->geocoder->gmaps_key ; API key to use when querying google maps web service gmaps_key = "" ; $globals->geocoder->gmaps_url ; URL of geocoding webservice gmaps_url = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo" ; The lists section contains parameters used to interact with mailman. [Lists] ; $globals->lists->rpchost ; Hostname where the lists' rpc server is located rpchost = "localhost" ; $globasl->lists->rpcport ; Port of the lists' rpc server rpcport = "4949" ; $globals->lists->spool ; Path to the archives of mailman. This is used to provide access to the archives ; via the web interface spool = "/var/lib/mailman/archives/private" ; $globals->lists->vhost_sep ; Character used to separate the host part and the list name part in the internal ; name of the list in mailman. If vhost_sep is '_', the list blah@example.com will ; be internally named example.com_blah vhost_sep = "_" ; $globals->lists->max_mail_per_min ; Maximum number of mails an instance of the moderation cron accepts to deliver. max_mail_per_min = 400 ; The mail section contains parameters used to interacts with email routing [Mail] ; $globals->mail->domain ; Main mail domain domain = "" ; $globals->mail->domain2 ; Secondary mail domain providing aliases to the main domain. domain2 = "" ; $globals->mail->alias_dom ; Mail domain hosting user-choosen aliases. alias_dom = "" ; $globals->mail->alias_dom2 ; Secondary domain for user-choosen aliases. alias_dom2 = "" blacklist_check_url = "" blacklist_host_resolution_limit = ; $globals->mail->domain_whitelist ; Space-separated list of domains to be accepted in urls in the newsletter even if this ; domain is blacklisted by a spam filter. domain_whitelist = "" ; The mailstorage section contains parameters describing the availability of email storage services [MailStorage] ; $globals->mailstorage->imap_active ; Boolean flag triggering the activation of the administration interface for the imap storage service. imap_active = 0 ; $globals->mailstorage->googleapps_active ; Boolean flag triggering the activation of the administration interface for the googleapps service. googleapps_active = 0 ; $globals->mailstorage->googleapps_domain ; Domain used internally when redirecting an email to the googleapps account of a user. googleapps_domain = "" ; The manageurs section contains parameters for the webservice providing data to manageurs.com [Manageurs] ; $globals->manageurs->authorized_ips ; Space-separated list of IP that are allowed on the webservice authorized_ips = "" ; $globals->manageurs->manageurs_cipher_key ; Key used to cipher data sent to manageurs.com manageurs_cipher_key = "" ; $globals->manageurs->manageurs_pass ; Password to be provided by manageurs.com to get authenticated on the webservice manageurs_pass = "" ; The money section contains parameters for the payment module [Money] ; $globals->money->email ; Email address to which payment related actions are reported ; ; email = "" ; Undocumented parameter mpay_def_id = 0 ; Undocumented parameter mpay_def_meth = 0 ; $globals->money->paypal_site ; Hostname of the Paypal site paypal_site = "" ; $globals->money->paypal_compte ; Account on Paypal paypal_compte = "" ; $globals->money->cyberplus_key ; API key to use when accessing the CyberPlus payment service ; ; cyperplus_key = "" ; The poison section contains parameters for injecting poisonous email on the internet [Poison] ; $globals->poison->file ; Path to a file containing one poisonous email per line file = "" ; The search section contains parameters for the search module [Search] ; $globals->search->public_max ; Maximum number of profiles a search on the public site is allowed to return. public_max = 25 ; $globals->search->private_max ; Maximum number of profiles a search on the private site is allowed to return private_max = 800 ; $globals->search->per_page ; Maximum number of profiles per page in the result of a search per_page = 20 ; The register section contains parameters for the registration process [Register] ; $globals->register->notif ; Email address to be notified on new registrations. notif = "" ; The webservice section contains parameters used to access external webservices [WebService] ; $globals->webservice->pass ; Pass to access the webservice of manageurs.com pass = "" ; $globals->webservice->pass_ax ; Passphrase to use to access the webservice of the AX pass_ax = "" ; $globals->webservice->hsot_ax ; Host of the webservice of the AX host_ax = "https://www.polytechniciens.com/" ; $globals->webservice->private_key_ax ; Path to the private key used for authentication with the webservice of the AX private_key_ax = "" ; The xnet section contains parameters for Polytechnique.net [Xnet] ; $globals->xnet->secret ; Authentication key to use to authenticate users with Polytechnique.org secret = "" ; $globals->xnet->auth_baseurl ; Baseur of the site used to perform authentication auth_baseurl = "" ; $globals->xnet->evts_domain ; Domain address where the aliases containing the list of (non-)subscribers ; of an event are created. evts_domain = "" ; The merge section contains parameters about the merge's state. [Merge] ; $globals->merge->state ; Pending before the merge, done afterwards. state = "pending"