#!/usr/bin/php -q info("* Pre-upgrading master tables : diogenes_*"); $this->preupgradeMaster($newversion); // upgrade barrels $res = $this->dbh->query("select alias from diogenes_site"); while (list($alias) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $this->info("* Upgrading barrel '$alias'"); $this->upgradeBarrel($alias, $newversion); } mysql_free_result($res); // upgrade master tables $this->info("* Upgrading master tables : diogenes_*"); $this->upgradeMaster($newversion); exit(1); } /** Upgrades the master (i.e. common) tables before touching the barrel tables. * * @param $newversion */ function preupgradeMaster($newversion) { switch($newversion) { case "0.9.16+0.9.17pre15"; $this->info(" - adding 'barrel' field to 'diogenes_options' table"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_option` ADD `barrel` VARCHAR( 16 ) NOT NULL FIRST;"); $this->dbh->query( "ALTER TABLE `diogenes_option` DROP PRIMARY KEY , ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `barrel` , `name` )"); break; default: break; } } /** Upgrade a barrel's tables * * @param $alias * @param $newversion */ function upgradeBarrel($alias, $newversion) { # $this->info("Processing : {$alias}_menu, {$alias}_page and {$alias}_option"); switch($newversion) { case "0.9.10": $this->info(" - upgrading : {$alias}_menu"); // these field where NULL, change to NOT NULL $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` CHANGE `link` `link` TEXT NOT NULL"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` CHANGE `ordre` `ordre` SMALLINT( 6 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` CHANGE `MIDpere` `MIDpere` SMALLINT( 6 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL"); // break down old 'link' column into 'link' and 'PID' $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` ADD `PID` SMALLINT( 6 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL"); $res2 = $this->dbh->query("select MID,link from {$alias}_menu"); while (list($MID,$link) = mysql_fetch_row($res2)) { switch (substr($link,0,3)) { case "PI:": $pid = substr($link,3); $this->dbh->query("UPDATE `{$alias}_menu` SET link='',PID='$pid' WHERE MID='$MID'"); break; case "SE:": $adr = substr($link,3); $this->dbh->query("UPDATE `{$alias}_menu` SET link='$adr' WHERE MID='$MID'"); break; } } mysql_free_result($res2); $this->info(" - creating : {$alias}_option"); $this->dbh->query("CREATE TABLE `{$alias}_option` (name VARCHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`)) TYPE=MyISAM;"); $this->info(" - registering title, description and keywords"); $res2 = $this->dbh->query("select title,description,keywords from diogenes_site where alias='$alias'"); list($title,$description,$keywords) = mysql_fetch_row($res2); $this->dbh->query("replace into `{$alias}_option` set name='title',value='$title'"); $this->dbh->query("replace into `{$alias}_option` set name='description',value='$description'"); $this->dbh->query("replace into `{$alias}_option` set name='keywords',value='$keywords'"); break; case "0.9.12": $this->info(" - adding 'template' field"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` ADD `template` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL"); $this->info(" - dropping 'hits' field"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` DROP `hits`"); $this->info(" - replacing 'visible' field by 'status'"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` DROP `visible`"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` ADD `status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL"); $this->info(" - modifying 'perms' and 'wperms' to add 'forbidden' access"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` CHANGE `perms` `perms` ENUM( 'public', 'auth', 'user', 'admin', 'forbidden' ) DEFAULT 'public' NOT NULL"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` CHANGE `wperms` `wperms` ENUM( 'public', 'auth', 'user', 'admin', 'forbidden' ) DEFAULT 'admin' NOT NULL"); break; case "0.9.16": $this->info(" - changing page id fields to INT UNSIGNED"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` CHANGE `PID` `PID` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` CHANGE `PID` `PID` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"); $this->info(" - changing menu id fields to INT UNSIGNED"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` CHANGE `MID` `MID` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` CHANGE `MIDpere` `MIDpere` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_menu` CHANGE `ordre` `ordre` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"); break; case "0.9.16+0.9.17pre15": $this->info(" - merging '{$alias}_option' into 'diogenes_options'"); $res = $this->dbh->query("select name,value from `{$alias}_option`"); while (list($o_name,$o_value) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $this->dbh->query("insert into `diogenes_option` set barrel='$alias',name='$o_name',value='".addslashes($o_value)."'"); } mysql_free_result($res); $this->info(" - dropping '{$alias}_option'"); $this->dbh->query("drop table `{$alias}_option`"); $this->info(" - adding 'parent' field to `{$alias}_page`"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` ADD `parent` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `PID`"); $res = $this->dbh->query("select PID from `{$alias}_page` where location=''"); list($homepage) = mysql_fetch_row($res); $this->dbh->query("update `{$alias}_page` set parent='$homepage' where location!=''"); $this->info(" - ordering `{$alias}_page` entries by `location`"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` CHANGE `location` `location` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `{$alias}_page` ORDER BY `location`"); break; default: $this->info(" - no changes needed."); break; } } /** Upgrades the master (i.e. common) tables after the barrel tables have been updated. * * @param $newversion */ function upgradeMaster($newversion) { // upgrade master tables switch($newversion) { case "0.9.10": $this->info(" - dropping fields : title, description, keywords"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_site` DROP `title`"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_site` DROP `description`"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_site` DROP `keywords`"); break; case "0.9.15": $this->info(" - adding field : email"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_auth` ADD `email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL"); break; case "0.9.16": $this->info(" - changing user id fields to INT UNSIGNED"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_auth` CHANGE `user_id` `user_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_logsessions` CHANGE `uid` `uid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_logsessions` CHANGE `suid` `suid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_perm` CHANGE `uid` `uid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"); break; case "0.9.16+0.9.17pre15": $this->info(" - creating 'diogenes_plugin' table"); $this->dbh->query( "CREATE TABLE `diogenes_plugin` ( `plugin` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `barrel` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', `page` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `pos` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `params` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`plugin`,`barrel`,`page`), KEY `pos` (`pos`) ) TYPE=MyISAM;"); break; case "0.9.16+0.9.17pre19": $this->info(" - changing id of `diogenes_logsessions` to INT(10) UNSIGNED"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_logsessions` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"); break; case "0.9.16+0.9.17pre21": $this->dbh->query("INSERT INTO diogenes_logactions VALUES (13, 'barrel_options', 'the barrel options were updated');"); $this->dbh->query("INSERT INTO diogenes_logactions VALUES (14, 'barrel_plugins', 'the barrel plugins were modified');"); $this->dbh->query("INSERT INTO diogenes_logactions VALUES (15, 'page_props', 'the page properties were updated');"); $this->dbh->query("INSERT INTO diogenes_logactions VALUES (16, 'page_plugins', 'the page plugins were modified');"); break; case "0.9.18+0.9.19pre2": $this->info(" - adding 'status' field to 'diogenes_plugin' table"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_plugin` ADD `status` INT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"); $this->dbh->query("update diogenes_plugin set status=0 where page=0"); $this->dbh->query("update diogenes_plugin set status=1 where page!=0"); $this->info(" - removing 'pos' field to 'diogenes_plugin' table"); $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_plugin` DROP `pos`"); break; default: $this->info(" - no changes needed."); break; } } } /* * Main routine */ $creator = new DiogenesDbInit("diogenes_option"); $creator->parseOptions($argv, "diogenes", "localhost", "diogenes", ""); $creator->run(); ?>