tryCookie(); if ($cookie == 0) { return $this->start(AUTH_COOKIE); } else if ($cookie == 1 || $cookie == -2) { return false; } } if ((check_ip('dangerous') && S::has('uid')) || check_account()) { $_SESSION['log']->log("view_page", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } return true; } /** Check the cookie and set the associated user_id in the auth_by_cookie session variable. */ private function tryCookie() { S::kill('auth_by_cookie'); if (Cookie::v('ORGaccess') == '' || !Cookie::has('ORGuid')) { return -1; } $res = XDB::query('SELECT user_id, password FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id = {?} AND perms IN(\'admin\', \'user\')', Cookie::i('ORGuid')); if ($res->numRows() != 0) { list($uid, $password) = $res->fetchOneRow(); require_once ''; $expected_value = hash_encrypt($password); if ($expected_value == Cookie::v('ORGaccess')) { S::set('auth_by_cookie', $uid); return 0; } else { return 1; } } return -2; } private function checkPassword($uname, $login, $response, $login_type) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT u.user_id, u.password FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = u.user_id AND type != \'homonyme\') WHERE a.' . $login_type . ' = {?} AND u.perms IN(\'admin\', \'user\')', $login); if (list($uid, $password) = $res->fetchOneRow()) { require_once ''; $expected_response = hash_encrypt("$uname:$password:" . S::v('challenge')); if ($response != $expected_response && Env::has('xorpass') && !preg_match('/^0*$/', Env::v('xorpass'))) { $new_password = hash_xor(Env::v('xorpass'), $password); $expected_response = hash_encrypt("$uname:$new_password:" . S::v('challenge')); if ($response == $expected_response) { XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET password = {?} WHERE user_id = {?}', $new_password, $uid); /* TODO: update GApps password here!!! */ } } if ($response != $expected_response) { S::logger($uid)->log('auth_fail', 'bad password'); return null; } return $uid; } return null; } /** Check auth. */ protected function doAuth($level) { global $globals; /* Cookie authentication */ if ($level == AUTH_COOKIE && !S::has('auth_by_cookie')) { $this->tryCookie(); } if ($level == AUTH_COOKIE && S::has('auth_by_cookie')) { if (!S::logged()) { S::set('auth', AUTH_COOKIE); } return S::i('auth_by_cookie'); } /* We want to do auth... we must have infos from a form. */ if (!Post::has('username') || !Post::has('response') || !S::has('challenge')) { return null; } /** We come from an authentication form. */ if (S::has('suid')) { $suid = S::v('suid'); $login = $uname = $suid['forlife']; $redirect = false; } else { $uname = Env::v('username'); if (Env::v('domain') == "alias") { $res = XDB::query('SELECT redirect FROM virtual INNER JOIN virtual_redirect USING(vid) WHERE alias LIKE {?}', $uname . '@' . $globals->mail->alias_dom); $redirect = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($redirect) { $login = substr($redirect, 0, strpos($redirect, '@')); } else { $login = ''; } } else { $login = $uname; $redirect = false; } } $uid = $this->checkPassword($uname, $login, Post::v('response'), (!$redirect && preg_match('/^\d*$/', $uname)) ? 'id' : 'alias'); if (!is_null($uid)) { S::set('auth', AUTH_MDP); if (Post::has('domain')) { if (($domain = Post::v('domain', 'login')) == 'alias') { setcookie('ORGdomain', "alias", (time() + 25920000), '/', '', 0); } else { setcookie('ORGdomain', '', (time() - 3600), '/', '', 0); } // pour que la modification soit effective dans le reste de la page $_COOKIE['ORGdomain'] = $domain; } S::kill('challenge'); S::logger($uid)->log('auth_ok'); } return $uid; } protected function startSessionAs($uid, $level) { if ((!is_null(S::v('user')) && S::i('user') != $uid) || (S::has('uid') && S::i('uid') != $uid)) { return false; } else if (S::has('uid')) { return true; } if ($level == -1) { S::set('auth', AUTH_COOKIE); } unset($_SESSION['log']); // Retrieves main user properties. $res = XDB::query('SELECT u.user_id AS uid, prenom, prenom_ini, nom, nom_ini, nom_usage, perms, promo, promo_sortie, matricule, password, FIND_IN_SET(\'femme\', u.flags) AS femme, a.alias AS forlife, a2.alias AS bestalias, q.core_mail_fmt AS mail_fmt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(q.banana_last) AS banana_last, q.watch_last, q.core_rss_hash, FIND_IN_SET(\'watch\', u.flags) AS watch_account, q.last_version, g.g_account_name IS NOT NULL AS googleapps FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q USING(user_id) INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = AND a.type = \'a_vie\') INNER JOIN aliases AS a2 ON (u.user_id = AND FIND_IN_SET(\'bestalias\', a2.flags)) LEFT JOIN gapps_accounts AS g ON (u.user_id = g.l_userid AND g.g_status = \'active\') WHERE u.user_id = {?} AND u.perms IN(\'admin\', \'user\')', $uid); $sess = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $perms = $sess['perms']; unset($sess['perms']); // Retrieves account usage information (last login, last host). $res = XDB::query('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.start) AS lastlogin, FROM logger.sessions AS s WHERE s.uid = {?} AND s.suid = 0 ORDER BY s.start DESC LIMIT 1', $uid); if ($res->numRows()) { $sess = array_merge($sess, $res->fetchOneAssoc()); } // Loads the data into the real session. $_SESSION = array_merge($_SESSION, $sess); // Starts the session's logger, and sets up the permanent cookie. if (S::has('suid')) { $suid = S::v('suid'); $logger = S::logger($uid); $logger->log("suid_start", S::v('forlife') . " by " . $suid['uid']); } else { $logger = S::logger($uid); setcookie('ORGuid', $uid, (time() + 25920000), '/', '', 0); if (S::i('auth_by_cookie') == $uid || Post::v('remember', 'false') == 'true') { $cookie = hash_encrypt($sess['password']); setcookie('ORGaccess', $cookie, (time() + 25920000), '/', '', 0); if ($logger && S::i('auth_by_cookie') != $uid) { $logger->log("cookie_on"); } } else { setcookie('ORGaccess', '', time() - 3600, '/', '', 0); if ($logger) { $logger->log("cookie_off"); } } } // Finalizes the session setup. $this->makePerms($perms); $this->securityChecks(); $this->setSkin(); $this->updateNbNotifs(); check_redirect(); // We should not have to use this private data anymore S::kill('auth_by_cookie'); return true; } private function securityChecks() { $mail_subject = array(); if (check_account()) { $mail_subject[] = 'Connexion d\'un utilisateur surveillé'; } if (check_ip('unsafe')) { $mail_subject[] = 'Une IP surveillee a tente de se connecter'; if (check_ip('ban')) { send_warning_mail(implode(' - ', $mail_subject)); $this->destroy(); Platal::page()->kill('Une erreur est survenue lors de la procédure d\'authentification. ' . 'Merci de contacter au plus vite ' . ''); return false; } } if (count($mail_subject)) { send_warning_mail(implode(' - ', $mail_subject)); } } public function tokenAuth($login, $token) { // FIXME: we broke the session here because some RSS feeds (mainly wiki feeds) require // a valid nome and checks the permissions. When the PlUser object will be ready, we'll // be able to return a simple 'PlUser' object here without trying to alterate the // session. $res = XDB::query('SELECT u.user_id AS uid, u.perms, u.nom, u.nom_usage, u.prenom,, FIND_IN_SET(\'femme\', u.flags) AS sexe FROM aliases AS a INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON ( = u.user_id AND u.perms IN ("admin", "user")) INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q ON ( = q.user_id AND q.core_rss_hash = {?}) WHERE a.alias = {?} AND a.type != "homonyme"', $token, $login); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { $sess = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); if (!S::has('uid')) { $_SESSION = $sess; $this->makePerms($sess['perms']); return S::i('uid'); } else if (S::i('uid') == $sess['uid']) { return S::i('uid'); } else { Platal::page()->kill('Invalid state. To be fixed when hruid is ready'); } } return null; } public function makePerms($perm) { $flags = new PlFlagSet(); if ($perm == 'disabled' || $perm == 'ext') { S::set('perms', $flags); return; } $flags->addFlag(PERMS_USER); if ($perm == 'admin') { $flags->addFlag(PERMS_ADMIN); } S::set('perms', $flags); } public function setSkin() { global $globals; if (S::logged() && (!S::has('skin') || S::has('suid'))) { $uid = S::v('uid'); $res = XDB::query("SELECT skin_tpl FROM auth_user_quick AS a INNER JOIN skins AS s ON = WHERE user_id = {?} AND skin_tpl != ''", $uid); S::set('skin', $res->fetchOneCell()); } } public function loggedLevel() { return AUTH_COOKIE; } public function sureLevel() { return AUTH_MDP; } public function updateNbNotifs() { require_once ''; $n = select_notifs(false, S::i('uid'), S::v('watch_last'), false); S::set('notifs', $n->numRows()); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>