tryCookie()) { case self::COOKIE_SUCCESS: if (!$this->start(AUTH_COOKIE)) { return false; } break; case self::INVALID_USER: case self::INVALID_COOKIE: return false; } } if ((check_ip('dangerous') && S::has('uid')) || check_account()) { S::logger()->log("view_page", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } return true; } /** Check the cookie and set the associated user_id in the auth_by_cookie session variable. */ private function tryCookie() { S::kill('auth_by_cookie'); if (Cookie::v('access') == '' || !Cookie::has('uid')) { return self::NO_COOKIE; } $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid, password FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?} AND state = \'active\'', Cookie::i('uid')); if ($res->numRows() != 0) { list($uid, $password) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if (sha1($password) == Cookie::v('access')) { S::set('auth_by_cookie', $uid); return self::COOKIE_SUCCESS; } else { return self::INVALID_COOKIE; } } return self::INVALID_USER; } private function checkPassword($uname, $login, $response, $login_type) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT a.uid, a.password FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON ( = a.uid AND l.type != \'homonyme\') WHERE l.' . $login_type . ' = {?} AND a.state = \'active\'', $login); if (list($uid, $password) = $res->fetchOneRow()) { $expected_response = sha1("$uname:$password:" . S::v('challenge')); /* XXX: Deprecates len(password) > 10 conversion */ if ($response != $expected_response) { if (!S::logged()) { Platal::page()->trigError('Mot de passe ou nom d\'utilisateur invalide'); } else { Platal::page()->trigError('Mot de passe invalide'); } S::logger($uid)->log('auth_fail', 'bad password'); return null; } return $uid; } Platal::page()->trigError('Mot de passe ou nom d\'utilisateur invalide'); return null; } /** Check auth. */ protected function doAuth($level) { global $globals; /* Cookie authentication */ if ($level == AUTH_COOKIE && !S::has('auth_by_cookie')) { $this->tryCookie(); } if ($level == AUTH_COOKIE && S::has('auth_by_cookie')) { if (!S::logged()) { S::set('auth', AUTH_COOKIE); } return User::getSilentWithValues(null, array('user_id' => S::i('auth_by_cookie'))); } /* We want to do auth... we must have infos from a form. */ if (!Post::has('username') || !Post::has('response') || !S::has('challenge')) { return null; } /** We come from an authentication form. */ if (S::suid()) { $login = $uname = S::suid('uid'); $redirect = false; } else { $uname = Env::v('username'); if (Env::v('domain') == "alias") { $res = XDB::query('SELECT redirect FROM virtual INNER JOIN virtual_redirect USING(vid) WHERE alias LIKE {?}', $uname . '@' . $globals->mail->alias_dom); $redirect = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($redirect) { $login = substr($redirect, 0, strpos($redirect, '@')); } else { $login = ''; } } else { $login = $uname; $redirect = false; } } $uid = $this->checkPassword($uname, $login, Post::v('response'), (!$redirect && is_numeric($uname)) ? 'id' : 'alias'); if (!is_null($uid) && S::suid()) { if (S::suid('uid') == $uid) { $uid = S::i('uid'); } else { $uid = null; } } if (!is_null($uid)) { S::set('auth', AUTH_MDP); if (!S::suid()) { if (Post::has('domain')) { if (($domain = Post::v('domain', 'login')) == 'alias') { Cookie::set('domain', 'alias', 300); } else { Cookie::kill('domain'); } } } S::kill('challenge'); S::logger($uid)->log('auth_ok'); } return User::getSilentWithValues(null, array('user_id' => $uid)); } protected function startSessionAs($user, $level) { if ((!is_null(S::v('user')) && S::v('user')->id() != $user->id()) || (S::has('uid') && S::i('uid') != $user->id())) { return false; } else if (S::has('uid')) { return true; } if ($level == AUTH_SUID) { S::set('auth', AUTH_MDP); } // Retrieves main user properties. /** TODO: Move needed informations to account tables */ /** TODO: Currently suppressed data are matricule, promo */ /** TODO: Use the User object to fetch all this */ $res = XDB::query("SELECT a.uid, a.hruid, a.display_name, a.full_name, = 'female' AS femme, a.email_format, a.token, FIND_IN_SET('watch', a.flags) AS watch_account, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fp.last_seen) AS banana_last, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(w.last) AS watch_last, a.last_version, g.g_account_name IS NOT NULL AS googleapps, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.start) AS lastlogin,, a.is_admin, at.perms FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_types AS at ON(a.type = at.type) INNER JOIN watch AS w ON(w.uid = a.uid) LEFT JOIN forum_profiles AS fp ON(fp.uid = a.uid) LEFT JOIN gapps_accounts AS g ON(a.uid = g.l_userid AND g.g_status = 'active') LEFT JOIN logger.last_sessions AS ls ON (ls.uid = a.uid) LEFT JOIN logger.sessions AS s ON( = WHERE a.uid = {?} AND a.state = 'active'", $user->id()); $sess = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $perms = $sess['perms']; unset($sess['perms']); // Loads the data into the real session. $_SESSION = array_merge($_SESSION, $sess); // Starts the session's logger, and sets up the permanent cookie. if (S::suid()) { S::logger()->log("suid_start", S::v('hruid') . ' by ' . S::suid('hruid')); } else { S::logger()->saveLastSession(); Cookie::set('uid', $user->id(), 300); if (S::i('auth_by_cookie') == $user->id() || Post::v('remember', 'false') == 'true') { $this->setAccessCookie(false, S::i('auth_by_cookie') != $user->id()); } else { $this->killAccessCookie(); } } // Finalizes the session setup. $this->makePerms($perms, S::b('is_admin')); $this->securityChecks(); $this->setSkin(); $this->updateNbNotifs(); check_redirect(); // We should not have to use this private data anymore S::kill('auth_by_cookie'); return true; } /** Start a session without authentication data for the given user. * This is used to identify the user after his registration, to be * removed after rewriting registration procedure. * XXX: Temporary */ public function startWeakSession($user) { if (!$this->startSessionAs($user, AUTH_MDP)) { $this->destroy(); return false; } S::set('auth', AUTH_MDP); return true; } private function securityChecks() { $mail_subject = array(); if (check_account()) { $mail_subject[] = 'Connexion d\'un utilisateur surveillé'; } if (check_ip('unsafe')) { $mail_subject[] = 'Une IP surveillee a tente de se connecter'; if (check_ip('ban')) { send_warning_mail(implode(' - ', $mail_subject)); $this->destroy(); Platal::page()->kill('Une erreur est survenue lors de la procédure d\'authentification. ' . 'Merci de contacter au plus vite ' . ''); return false; } } if (count($mail_subject)) { send_warning_mail(implode(' - ', $mail_subject)); } } public function tokenAuth($login, $token) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT a.uid AS user_id, a.hruid FROM aliases AS l INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON ( = a.uid AND a.state = \'active\') WHERE a.token = {?} AND l.alias = {?} AND l.type != \'homonyme\'', $token, $login); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { return new User(null, $res->fetchOneAssoc()); } return null; } protected function makePerms($perm, $is_admin) { S::set('perms', User::makePerms($perm, $is_admin)); } public function setSkin() { if (S::logged() && (!S::has('skin') || S::suid())) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT skin_tpl FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN skins AS s on ( = WHERE a.uid = {?} AND skin_tpl != \'\'', S::i('uid')); S::set('skin', $res->fetchOneCell()); } } public function loggedLevel() { return AUTH_COOKIE; } public function sureLevel() { return AUTH_MDP; } public function updateNbNotifs() { require_once ''; $user = S::user(); $n = Watch::getCount($user); S::set('notifs', $n); } public function setAccessCookie($replace = false, $log = true) { if (S::suid() || ($replace && !Cookie::blank('access'))) { return; } Cookie::set('access', sha1(S::user()->password()), 300, true); if ($log) { S::logger()->log('cookie_on'); } } public function killAccessCookie($log = true) { Cookie::kill('access'); if ($log) { S::logger()->log('cookie_off'); } } public function killLoginFormCookies() { Cookie::kill('uid'); Cookie::kill('domain'); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>