dbhost, $globals->dbuser, $globals->dbpwd, $globals->dbdb); if ($globals->debug & DEBUG_BT) { $bt = new PlBacktrace('MySQL'); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { $bt->newEvent("MySQLI connection", 0, mysqli_connect_error()); return false; } } self::$mysqli->autocommit(true); self::$mysqli->set_charset($globals->dbcharset); return true; } public static function setNonFatalError() { self::$fatalErrors = false; } public static function _prepare($args) { global $globals; $query = array_map(Array('XDB', 'escape'), $args); $query[0] = preg_replace('/#([a-z0-9]+)#/', $globals->dbprefix . '$1', $args[0]); $query[0] = str_replace('%', '%%', $query[0]); $query[0] = str_replace('{?}', '%s', $query[0]); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $query); } public static function _reformatQuery($query) { $query = preg_split("/\n\\s*/", trim($query)); $length = 0; foreach ($query as $key=>$line) { $local = -2; if (preg_match('/^([A-Z]+(?:\s+(?:JOIN|BY|FROM|INTO))?)\s+(.*)/u', $line, $matches) && $matches[1] != 'AND' && $matches[1] != 'OR') { $local = strlen($matches[1]); $line = $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[2]; $length = max($length, $local); } $query[$key] = array($line, $local); } $res = ''; foreach ($query as $array) { list($line, $local) = $array; $local = max(0, $length - $local); $res .= str_repeat(' ', $local) . $line . "\n"; $length += 2 * (substr_count($line, '(') - substr_count($line, ')')); } return $res; } public static function _query($query) { global $globals; if (!self::$mysqli && !self::connect()) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error'); Platal::page()->kill('Impossible de se connecter à la base de données.'); exit; } if ($globals->debug & DEBUG_BT) { $explain = array(); if (strpos($query, 'FOUND_ROWS()') === false) { $res = self::$mysqli->query("EXPLAIN $query"); if ($res) { while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $explain[] = $row; } $res->free(); } } PlBacktrace::$bt['MySQL']->start(XDB::_reformatQuery($query)); } $res = XDB::$mysqli->query($query); if ($globals->debug & DEBUG_BT) { PlBacktrace::$bt['MySQL']->stop(@$res->num_rows ? $res->num_rows : self::$mysqli->affected_rows, self::$mysqli->error, $explain); } if ($res === false) { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error'); if (strpos($query, 'INSERT') === false && strpos($query, 'UPDATE') === false && strpos($query, 'REPLACE') === false && strpos($query, 'DELETE') === false) { $text = 'Erreur lors de l\'interrogation de la base de données'; } else { $text = 'Erreur lors de l\'écriture dans la base de données'; } if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $text .= "\n" . XDB::_reformatQuery($query) . "\n" . XDB::$mysqli->error; } else if ($globals->debug) { $text .= '
' . pl_entities(XDB::_reformatQuery($query)) . '
'; } else { $file = fopen($globals->spoolroot . '/spool/tmp/query_errors', 'a'); fwrite($file, '
' . date("Y-m-d G:i:s") . '
' . '
' . pl_entities(XDB::_reformatQuery($query)) . '
' . '
' . XDB::$mysqli->error . '
' . "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fclose($file); } if (self::$fatalErrors) { Platal::page()->kill($text); exit; } else { throw new Exception($text . " :\n" . $query); } } return $res; } private static function queryv($query) { return new XOrgDBResult(self::_prepare($query)); } public static function query() { return self::queryv(func_get_args()); } public static function format() { return self::_prepare(func_get_args()); } // Produce the SQL statement for setting/unsetting a flag public static function changeFlag($fieldname, $flagname, $state) { if ($state) { return XDB::format($fieldname . ' = CONCAT({?}, \',\', ' . $fieldname . ')', $flagname); } else { return XDB::format($fieldname . ' = REPLACE(' . $fieldname . ', {?}, \'\')', $flagname); } } // Produce the SQL statement representing an array public static function formatArray(array $array) { return self::escape($array); } const WILDCARD_EXACT = 0x00; const WILDCARD_PREFIX = 0x01; const WILDCARD_SUFFIX = 0x02; const WILDCARD_CONTAINS = 0x03; // WILDCARD_PREFIX | WILDCARD_SUFFIX // Returns the SQL statement for a wildcard search. public static function formatWildcards($mode, $text) { if ($mode == self::WILDCARD_EXACT) { return XDB::format(' = {?}', $text); } else { $text = str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\%', '\_'), $text); if ($mode & self::WILDCARD_PREFIX) { $text = $text . '%'; } if ($mode & self::WILDCARD_SUFFIX) { $text = '%' . $text; } return XDB::format(" LIKE {?}", $text); } } // Returns a FIELD(blah, 3, 1, 2) for use in an order with custom orders public static function formatCustomOrder($field, $values) { return 'FIELD( ' . $field . ', ' . implode(', ', array_map(array('XDB', 'escape'), $values)) . ')'; } public static function execute() { global $globals; $args = func_get_args(); if ($globals->mode != 'rw' && !strpos($args[0], 'logger')) { return; } return self::_query(XDB::_prepare($args)); } public static function iterator() { return new XOrgDBIterator(self::_prepare(func_get_args())); } public static function iterRow() { return new XOrgDBIterator(self::_prepare(func_get_args()), MYSQL_NUM); } private static function findQuery($params, $default = array()) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($default) ; ++$i) { $is_query = false; foreach (array('insert', 'select', 'replace', 'delete', 'update') as $kwd) { if (stripos($params[0], $kwd) !== false) { $is_query = true; break; } } if ($is_query) { break; } else { $default[$i] = array_shift($params); } } return array($default, $params); } /** Fetch all rows returned by the given query. * This functions can take 2 optional arguments (cf XOrgDBResult::fetchAllRow()). * Optional arguments are given *before* the query. */ public static function fetchAllRow() { list($args, $query) = self::findQuery(func_get_args(), array(false, false)); return self::queryv($query)->fetchAllRow($args[0], $args[1]); } /** Fetch all rows returned by the given query. * This functions can take 2 optional arguments (cf XOrgDBResult::fetchAllAssoc()). * Optional arguments are given *before* the query. */ public static function fetchAllAssoc() { list($args, $query) = self::findQuery(func_get_args(), array(false, false)); return self::queryv($query)->fetchAllAssoc($args[0], $args[1]); } public static function fetchOneCell() { list($args, $query) = self::findQuery(func_get_args()); return self::queryv($query)->fetchOneCell(); } public static function fetchOneRow() { list($args, $query) = self::findQuery(func_get_args()); return self::queryv($query)->fetchOneRow(); } public static function fetchOneAssoc() { list($args, $query) = self::findQuery(func_get_args()); return self::queryv($query)->fetchOneAssoc(); } /** Fetch a column from the result of the given query. * This functions can take 1 optional arguments (cf XOrgDBResult::fetchColumn()). * Optional arguments are given *before* the query. */ public static function fetchColumn() { list($args, $query) = self::findQuery(func_get_args(), array(0)); return self::queryv($query)->fetchColumn(); } public static function insertId() { return self::$mysqli->insert_id; } public static function errno() { return self::$mysqli->errno; } public static function error() { return self::$mysqli->error; } public static function affectedRows() { return self::$mysqli->affected_rows; } public static function escape($var) { switch (gettype($var)) { case 'boolean': return $var ? 1 : 0; case 'integer': case 'double': case 'float': return $var; case 'string': return "'".addslashes($var)."'"; case 'NULL': return 'NULL'; case 'object': if ($var instanceof PlFlagSet) { return "'" . addslashes($var->flags()) . "'"; } else { return "'".addslashes(serialize($var))."'"; } case 'array': return '(' . implode(', ', array_map(array('XDB', 'escape'), $var)) . ')'; default: die(var_export($var, true).' is not a valid for a database entry'); } } } class XOrgDBResult { private $_res; public function __construct($query) { $this->_res = XDB::_query($query); } public function free() { if ($this->_res) { $this->_res->free(); } unset($this); } protected function _fetchRow() { return $this->_res ? $this->_res->fetch_row() : null; } protected function _fetchAssoc() { return $this->_res ? $this->_res->fetch_assoc() : null; } public function fetchAllRow($id = false, $keep_array = false) { $result = Array(); if (!$this->_res) { return $result; } while (($data = $this->_res->fetch_row())) { if ($id !== false) { $key = $data[$id]; unset($data[$id]); if (!$keep_array && count($data) == 1) { reset($data); $result[$key] = current($data); } else { $result[$key] = $data; } } else { $result[] = $data; } } $this->free(); return $result; } public function fetchAllAssoc($id = false, $keep_array = false) { $result = Array(); if (!$this->_res) { return $result; } while (($data = $this->_res->fetch_assoc())) { if ($id !== false) { $key = $data[$id]; unset($data[$id]); if (!$keep_array && count($data) == 1) { reset($data); $result[$key] = current($data); } else { $result[$key] = $data; } } else { $result[] = $data; } } $this->free(); return $result; } public function fetchOneAssoc() { $tmp = $this->_fetchAssoc(); $this->free(); return $tmp; } public function fetchOneRow() { $tmp = $this->_fetchRow(); $this->free(); return $tmp; } public function fetchOneCell() { $tmp = $this->_fetchRow(); $this->free(); return $tmp[0]; } public function fetchColumn($key = 0) { $res = Array(); if (is_numeric($key)) { while($tmp = $this->_fetchRow()) { $res[] = $tmp[$key]; } } else { while($tmp = $this->_fetchAssoc()) { $res[] = $tmp[$key]; } } $this->free(); return $res; } public function fetchOneField() { return $this->_res ? $this->_res->fetch_field() : null; } public function fetchFields() { $res = array(); while ($res[] = $this->fetchOneField()); return $res; } public function numRows() { return $this->_res ? $this->_res->num_rows : 0; } public function fieldCount() { return $this->_res ? $this->_res->field_count : 0; } } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/pliterator.php'; class XOrgDBIterator extends XOrgDBResult implements PlIterator { private $_result; private $_pos; private $_total; private $_fpos; private $_fields; private $_mode = MYSQL_ASSOC; public function __construct($query, $mode = MYSQL_ASSOC) { parent::__construct($query); $this->_pos = 0; $this->_total = $this->numRows(); $this->_fpost = 0; $this->_fields = $this->fieldCount(); $this->_mode = $mode; } public function next() { $this->_pos ++; if ($this->_pos > $this->_total) { $this->free(); unset($this); return null; } return $this->_mode != MYSQL_ASSOC ? $this->_fetchRow() : $this->_fetchAssoc(); } public function first() { return $this->_pos == 1; } public function last() { return $this->_pos == $this->_total; } public function total() { return $this->_total; } public function nextField() { $this->_fpos++; if ($this->_fpos > $this->_fields) { return null; } return $this->fetchOneField(); } public function firstField() { return $this->_fpos == 1; } public function lastField() { return $this->_fpos == $this->_fields; } public function totalFields() { return $this->_fields; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>