array('join_type', 'joined_table', 'join_criter') * which will be translated into : * join_type JOIN joined_table AS join_tablealias ON (join_criter) * in the final query. * * In the join_criter text, $ME is replaced with 'join_tablealias', $PID with *, and $UID with accounts.uid. * * For each kind of "JOIN" needed, a function named addXXXFilter() should be defined; * its parameter will be used to set various private vars of the UserFilter describing * the required joins ; such a function shall return the "join_tablealias" to use * when referring to the joined table. * * For example, if data from profile_job must be available to filter results, * the UFC object will call $uf-addJobFilter(), which will set the 'with_pj' var and * return 'pj', the short name to use when referring to profile_job; when building * the query, calling the jobJoins function will return an array containing a single * row: * 'pj' => array('left', 'profile_job', '$ = $UID'); * * The 'register_optional' function can be used to generate unique table aliases when * the same table has to be joined several times with different aliases. */ class UserFilter extends PlFilter { protected $joinMethods = array(); protected $joinMetas = array( '$PID' => '', '$UID' => 'a.uid', ); private $root; private $sort = array(); private $grouper = null; private $query = null; private $orderby = null; // Store the current 'search' visibility. private $profile_visibility = null; private $lastusercount = null; private $lastprofilecount = null; public function __construct($cond = null, $sort = null) { if (empty($this->joinMethods)) { $class = new ReflectionClass('UserFilter'); foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if (substr($name, -5) == 'Joins' && $name != 'buildJoins') { $this->joinMethods[] = $name; } } } if (!is_null($cond)) { if ($cond instanceof PlFilterCondition) { $this->setCondition($cond); } } if (!is_null($sort)) { if ($sort instanceof PlFilterOrder) { $this->addSort($sort); } else if (is_array($sort)) { foreach ($sort as $s) { $this->addSort($s); } } } // This will set the visibility to the default correct level. $this->profile_visibility = new ProfileVisibility(); } public function getVisibilityLevels() { return $this->profile_visibility->levels(); } public function getVisibilityLevel() { return $this->profile_visibility->level(); } public function restrictVisibilityTo($level) { $this->profile_visibility->setLevel($level); } public function getVisibilityCondition($field) { return $field . ' IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->getVisibilityLevels()); } private function buildQuery() { // The root condition is built first because some orders need info // available only once all UFC have set their conditions (UFO_Score) if (is_null($this->query)) { $where = $this->root->buildCondition($this); $where = str_replace(array_keys($this->joinMetas), $this->joinMetas, $where); } if (is_null($this->orderby)) { $orders = array(); foreach ($this->sort as $sort) { $orders = array_merge($orders, $sort->buildSort($this)); } if (count($orders) == 0) { $this->orderby = ''; } else { $this->orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orders); } $this->orderby = str_replace(array_keys($this->joinMetas), $this->joinMetas, $this->orderby); } if (is_null($this->query)) { if ($this->with_accounts) { $from = 'accounts AS a'; } else { $this->requireProfiles(); $from = 'profiles AS p'; } $joins = $this->buildJoins(); $this->query = 'FROM ' . $from . ' ' . $joins . ' WHERE (' . $where . ')'; } } public function hasGroups() { return $this->grouper != null; } public function getGroups() { return $this->getUIDGroups(); } public function getUIDGroups() { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->buildQuery(); $token = $this->grouper->getGroupToken($this); $groups = XDB::rawFetchAllRow('SELECT ' . $token . ', COUNT(a.uid) ' . $this->query . ' GROUP BY ' . $token, 0); return $groups; } public function getPIDGroups() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->buildQuery(); $token = $this->grouper->getGroupToken($this); $groups = XDB::rawFetchAllRow('SELECT ' . $token . ', COUNT( ' . $this->query . ' GROUP BY ' . $token, 0); return $groups; } private function getUIDList($uids = null, PlLimit $limit) { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->buildQuery(); $lim = $limit->getSql(); $cond = ''; if (!empty($uids)) { $cond = XDB::format(' AND a.uid IN {?}', $uids); } $fetched = XDB::rawFetchColumn('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.uid ' . $this->query . $cond . ' GROUP BY a.uid ' . $this->orderby . ' ' . $lim); $this->lastusercount = (int)XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'); return $fetched; } private function getPIDList($pids = null, PlLimit $limit) { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->buildQuery(); $lim = $limit->getSql(); $cond = ''; if (!is_null($pids)) { $cond = XDB::format(' AND IN {?}', $pids); } $fetched = XDB::rawFetchColumn('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $this->query . $cond . ' GROUP BY ' . $this->orderby . ' ' . $lim); $this->lastprofilecount = (int)XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'); return $fetched; } private static function defaultLimit($limit) { if ($limit == null) { return new PlLimit(); } else { return $limit; } } /** Check that the user match the given rule. */ public function checkUser(PlUser $user) { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->buildQuery(); $count = (int)XDB::rawFetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $this->query . XDB::format(' AND a.uid = {?}', $user->id())); return $count == 1; } /** Check that the profile match the given rule. */ public function checkProfile(Profile $profile) { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->buildQuery(); $count = (int)XDB::rawFetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $this->query . XDB::format(' AND = {?}', $profile->id())); return $count == 1; } /** Default filter is on users */ public function filter(array $users, $limit = null) { return $this->filterUsers($users, self::defaultLimit($limit)); } /** Filter a list of users to extract the users matching the rule. */ public function filterUsers(array $users, $limit = null) { $limit = self::defaultLimit($limit); $this->requireAccounts(); $this->buildQuery(); $table = array(); $uids = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user instanceof PlUser) { $uid = $user->id(); } else { $uid = $user; } $uids[] = $uid; $table[$uid] = $user; } $fetched = $this->getUIDList($uids, $limit); $output = array(); foreach ($fetched as $uid) { $output[] = $table[$uid]; } return $output; } /** Filter a list of profiles to extract the users matching the rule. */ public function filterProfiles(array $profiles, $limit = null) { $limit = self::defaultLimit($limit); $this->requireProfiles(); $this->buildQuery(); $table = array(); $pids = array(); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { if ($profile instanceof Profile) { $pid = $profile->id(); } else { $pid = $profile; } $pids[] = $pid; $table[$pid] = $profile; } $fetched = $this->getPIDList($pids, $limit); $output = array(); foreach ($fetched as $pid) { $output[] = $table[$pid]; } return $output; } public function getUIDs($limit = null) { $limit = self::defaultLimit($limit); return $this->getUIDList(null, $limit); } public function getUID($pos = 0) { $uids =$this->getUIDList(null, new PlLimit(1, $pos)); if (count($uids) == 0) { return null; } else { return $uids[0]; } } public function getPIDs($limit = null) { $limit = self::defaultLimit($limit); return $this->getPIDList(null, $limit); } public function getPID($pos = 0) { $pids =$this->getPIDList(null, new PlLimit(1, $pos)); if (count($pids) == 0) { return null; } else { return $pids[0]; } } public function getUsers($limit = null) { return User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs($this->getUIDs($limit)); } public function getUser($pos = 0) { $uid = $this->getUID($pos); if ($uid == null) { return null; } else { return User::getWithUID($uid); } } public function iterUsers($limit = null) { return User::iterOverUIDs($this->getUIDs($limit)); } public function getProfiles($limit = null, $fields = 0x0000, $visibility = null) { return Profile::getBulkProfilesWithPIDs($this->getPIDs($limit), $fields, $visibility); } public function getProfile($pos = 0, $fields = 0x0000, $visibility = null) { $pid = $this->getPID($pos); if ($pid == null) { return null; } else { return Profile::get($pid, $fields, $visibility); } } public function iterProfiles($limit = null, $fields = 0x0000, $visibility = null) { return Profile::iterOverPIDs($this->getPIDs($limit), true, $fields, $visibility); } public function get($limit = null) { return $this->getUsers($limit); } public function getIds($limit = null) { return $this->getUIDs(); } public function getTotalCount() { return $this->getTotalUserCount(); } public function getTotalUserCount() { if (is_null($this->lastusercount)) { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->buildQuery(); return (int)XDB::rawFetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a.uid) ' . $this->query); } else { return $this->lastusercount; } } public function getTotalProfileCount() { if (is_null($this->lastprofilecount)) { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->buildQuery(); return (int)XDB::rawFetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $this->query); } else { return $this->lastprofilecount; } } public function setCondition(PlFilterCondition $cond) { $this->root =& $cond; $this->query = null; } public function addSort(PlFilterOrder $sort) { if (count($this->sort) == 0 && $sort instanceof PlFilterGroupableOrder) { $this->grouper = $sort; } $this->sort[] = $sort; $this->orderby = null; } public function export() { $export = array('conditions' => $this->root->export()); if (!empty($this->sort)) { $export['sorts'] = array(); foreach ($this->sort as $sort) { $export['sorts'][] = $sort->export(); } } return $export; } public function exportConditions() { return $this->root->export(); } public static function fromExport(array $export) { $export = new PlDict($export); if (!$export->has('conditions')) { throw new Exception("Cannot build a user filter without conditions"); } $cond = UserFilterCondition::fromExport($export->v('conditions')); $sorts = null; if ($export->has('sorts')) { $sorts = array(); foreach ($export->v('sorts') as $sort) { $sorts[] = UserFilterOrder::fromExport($sort); } } return new UserFilter($cond, $sorts); } public static function fromJSon($json) { $export = json_decode($json, true); if (is_null($export)) { throw new Exception("Invalid json: $json"); } return self::fromExport($json); } public static function fromExportedConditions(array $export) { $cond = UserFilterCondition::fromExport($export); return new UserFilter($cond); } public static function fromJSonConditions($json) { $export = json_decode($json, true); if (is_null($export)) { throw new Exception("Invalid json: $json"); } return self::fromExportedConditions($json); } static public function getLegacy($promo_min, $promo_max) { if ($promo_min != 0) { $min = new UFC_Promo('>=', self::GRADE_ING, intval($promo_min)); } else { $min = new PFC_True(); } if ($promo_max != 0) { $max = new UFC_Promo('<=', self::GRADE_ING, intval($promo_max)); } else { $max = new PFC_True(); } return new UserFilter(new PFC_And($min, $max)); } static public function sortByName() { return array(new UFO_Name(Profile::LASTNAME), new UFO_Name(Profile::FIRSTNAME)); } static public function sortByPromo() { return array(new UFO_Promo(), new UFO_Name(Profile::LASTNAME), new UFO_Name(Profile::FIRSTNAME)); } static private function getDBSuffix($string) { if (is_array($string)) { if (count($string) == 1) { return self::getDBSuffix(array_pop($string)); } return md5(implode('|', $string)); } else { return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $string); } } /** Stores a new (and unique) table alias in the &$table table * @param &$table Array in which the table alias must be stored * @param $val Value which will then be used to build the join * @return Name of the newly created alias */ private $option = 0; private function register_optional(array &$table, $val) { if (is_null($val)) { $sub = $this->option++; $index = null; } else { $sub = self::getDBSuffix($val); $index = $val; } $sub = '_' . $sub; $table[$sub] = $index; return $sub; } /** PROFILE VS ACCOUNT */ private $with_profiles = false; private $with_accounts = false; public function requireAccounts() { $this->with_accounts = true; } public function accountsRequired() { return $this->with_accounts; } public function requireProfiles() { $this->with_profiles = true; } public function profilesRequired() { return $this->with_profiles; } protected function accountJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_profiles && $this->with_accounts) { $joins['ap'] = PlSqlJoin::left('account_profiles', '$ME.uid = $UID AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)'); $joins['p'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profiles', '$PID ='); } return $joins; } /** PERMISSIONS */ private $at = false; public function requirePerms() { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->at = true; return 'at'; } protected function permJoins() { if ($this->at) { return array('at' => PlSqlJoin::left('account_types', '$ME.type = a.type')); } else { return array(); } } /** DISPLAY */ const DISPLAY = 'display'; private $pd = false; public function addDisplayFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->pd = true; return ''; } protected function displayJoins() { if ($this->pd) { return array('pd' => PlSqlJoin::left('profile_display', '$ = $PID')); } else { return array(); } } /** LOGGER */ private $with_logger = false; public function addLoggerFilter() { $this->with_logger = true; $this->requireAccounts(); return 'ls'; } protected function loggerJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_logger) { $joins['ls'] = PlSqlJoin::left('log_sessions', '$ME.uid = $UID'); } return $joins; } /** NAMES */ static public function assertName($name) { if (!DirEnum::getID(DirEnum::NAMETYPES, $name)) { Platal::page()->kill('Invalid name type: ' . $name); } } private $pn = array(); public function addNameFilter($type, $variant = null) { $this->requireProfiles(); if (!is_null($variant)) { $ft = $type . '_' . $variant; } else { $ft = $type; } $sub = '_' . $ft; self::assertName($ft); if (!is_null($variant) && $variant == 'other') { $sub .= $this->option++; } $this->pn[$sub] = DirEnum::getID(DirEnum::NAMETYPES, $ft); return $sub; } protected function nameJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->pn as $sub => $type) { $joins['pn' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_name', '$ = $PID AND $ME.typeid = {?}', $type); } return $joins; } /** NAMETOKENS */ private $name_tokens = array(); private $nb_tokens = 0; public function addNameTokensFilter($token) { $this->requireProfiles(); $sub = 'sn' . (1 + $this->nb_tokens); $this->nb_tokens++; $this->name_tokens[$sub] = $token; return $sub; } protected function nameTokensJoins() { /* We don't return joins, since with_sn forces the SELECT to run on search_name first */ $joins = array(); foreach ($this->name_tokens as $sub => $token) { $joins[$sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('search_name', '$ = $PID'); } return $joins; } public function getNameTokens() { return $this->name_tokens; } /** NATIONALITY */ private $with_nat = false; public function addNationalityFilter() { $this->with_nat = true; return 'ngc'; } protected function nationalityJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_nat) { $joins['ngc'] = PlSqlJoin::left('geoloc_countries', '$ME.iso_3166_1_a2 = p.nationality1 OR $ME.iso_3166_1_a2 = p.nationality2 OR $ME.iso_3166_1_a2 = p.nationality3'); } return $joins; } /** EDUCATION */ const GRADE_ING = 'Ing.'; const GRADE_PHD = 'PhD'; const GRADE_MST = 'M%'; static public function isGrade($grade) { return ($grade !== 0) && ($grade == self::GRADE_ING || $grade == self::GRADE_PHD || $grade == self::GRADE_MST); } static public function assertGrade($grade) { if (!self::isGrade($grade)) { Platal::page()->killError("DiplĂ´me non valide: $grade"); } } static public function promoYear($grade) { // XXX: Definition of promotion for phds and masters might change in near future. return ($grade == UserFilter::GRADE_ING) ? 'entry_year' : 'grad_year'; } private $pepe = array(); private $with_pee = false; public function addEducationFilter($x = false, $grade = null) { $this->requireProfiles(); if (!$x) { $index = $this->option; $sub = $this->option++; } else { self::assertGrade($grade); $index = $grade; $sub = $grade[0]; $this->with_pee = true; } $sub = '_' . $sub; $this->pepe[$index] = $sub; return $sub; } protected function educationJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_pee) { $joins['pee'] = PlSqlJoin::inner('profile_education_enum', 'pee.abbreviation = \'X\''); } foreach ($this->pepe as $grade => $sub) { if ($this->isGrade($grade)) { $joins['pe' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_education', '$ME.eduid = AND $ = $PID'); $joins['pede' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::inner('profile_education_degree_enum', '$ = pe' . $sub . '.degreeid AND $ME.abbreviation LIKE {?}', $grade); } else { $joins['pe' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_education', '$ = $PID'); $joins['pee' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::inner('profile_education_enum', '$ = pe' . $sub . '.eduid'); $joins['pede' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::inner('profile_education_degree_enum', '$ = pe' . $sub . '.degreeid'); } } return $joins; } /** GROUPS */ private $gpm = array(); public function addGroupFilter($group = null) { $this->requireAccounts(); if (!is_null($group)) { if (is_int($group) || ctype_digit($group)) { $index = $sub = $group; } else { $index = $group; $sub = self::getDBSuffix($group); } } else { $sub = 'group_' . $this->option++; $index = null; } $sub = '_' . $sub; $this->gpm[$sub] = $index; return $sub; } protected function groupJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->gpm as $sub => $key) { if (is_null($key)) { $joins['gpa' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::inner('groups'); $joins['gpm' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('group_members', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.asso_id = gpa' . $sub . '.id'); } else if (is_int($key) || ctype_digit($key)) { $joins['gpm' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('group_members', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.asso_id = ' . $key); } else { $joins['gpa' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::inner('groups', '$ME.diminutif = {?}', $key); $joins['gpm' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('group_members', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.asso_id = gpa' . $sub . '.id'); } } return $joins; } /** NLS */ private $nls = array(); public function addNewsLetterFilter($nlid) { $this->requireAccounts(); $sub = 'nl_' . $nlid; $this->nls[$nlid] = $sub; return $sub; } protected function newsLetterJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->nls as $key => $sub) { $joins[$sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('newsletter_ins', '$ME.nlid = {?} AND $ME.uid = $UID', $key); } return $joins; } /** BINETS */ private $with_bi = false; private $with_bd = false; public function addBinetsFilter($with_enum = false) { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->with_bi = true; if ($with_enum) { $this->with_bd = true; return 'bd'; } else { return 'bi'; } } protected function binetsJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_bi) { $joins['bi'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_binets', '$ = $PID'); } if ($this->with_bd) { $joins['bd'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_binet_enum', '$ = bi.binet_id'); } return $joins; } /** EMAILS */ private $ra = array(); /** Allows filtering by redirection. * @param $email If null, enable a left join on the email redirection table * (email_redirect_account); otherwise, perform a left join on users having * that email as a redirection. * @return Suffix to use to access the adequate table. */ public function addEmailRedirectFilter($email = null) { $this->requireAccounts(); return $this->register_optional($this->ra, $email); } const ALIAS_BEST = 'bestalias'; const ALIAS_FORLIFE = 'forlife'; const ALIAS_AUXILIARY = 'alias_aux'; private $sa = array(); /** Allows filtering by source email. * @param $email If null, enable a left join on the email source table * (email_source_account); otherwise, perform a left join on users having * that email as a source email. * @return Suffix to use to access the adequate table. */ public function addAliasFilter($email = null) { $this->requireAccounts(); return $this->register_optional($this->sa, $email); } protected function emailJoins() { global $globals; $joins = array(); foreach ($this->ra as $sub => $redirections) { if (is_null($redirections)) { $joins['ra' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('email_redirect_account', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.type != \'imap\''); } else { if (!is_array($redirections)) { $key = array($redirections); } $joins['ra' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('email_redirect_account', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.type != \'imap\' AND $ME.redirect IN {?}', $redirections); } } foreach ($this->sa as $sub => $emails) { if (is_null($emails)) { $joins['sa' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('email_source_account', '$ME.uid = $UID'); } else if ($key == self::ALIAS_BEST) { $joins['sa' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('email_source_account', '$ME.uid = $UID AND FIND_IN_SET(\'bestalias\', $ME.flags)'); } else if ($key == self::ALIAS_FORLIFE) { $joins['sa' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('email_source_account', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.type = \'forlife\''); } else if ($key == self::ALIAS_AUXILiIARY) { $joins['sa' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('email_source_account', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.type = \'alias_aux\''); } else { if (!is_array($emails)) { $key = array($emails); } $joins['sa' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('email_source_account', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ IN {?}', $emails); } } return $joins; } /** ADDRESSES */ private $with_pa = false; public function addAddressFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->with_pa = true; return 'pa'; } private $with_pac = false; public function addAddressCountryFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->addAddressFilter(); $this->with_pac = true; return 'gc'; } private $with_pal = false; public function addAddressLocalityFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->addAddressFilter(); $this->with_pal = true; return 'gl'; } protected function addressJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_pa) { $joins['pa'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_addresses', '$ = $PID'); } if ($this->with_pac) { $joins['gc'] = PlSqlJoin::left('geoloc_countries', '$ME.iso_3166_1_a2 = pa.countryID'); } if ($this->with_pal) { $joins['gl'] = PlSqlJoin::left('geoloc_localities', '$ = pa.localityID'); } return $joins; } /** CORPS */ private $pc = false; private $pce = array(); private $pcr = false; public function addCorpsFilter($type) { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->pc = true; if ($type == UFC_Corps::CURRENT) { $pce['pcec'] = 'current_corpsid'; return 'pcec'; } else if ($type == UFC_Corps::ORIGIN) { $pce['pceo'] = 'original_corpsid'; return 'pceo'; } } public function addCorpsRankFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->pc = true; $this->pcr = true; return 'pcr'; } protected function corpsJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->pc) { $joins['pc'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_corps', '$ = $PID'); } if ($this->pcr) { $joins['pcr'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_corps_rank_enum', '$ = pc.rankid'); } foreach($this->pce as $sub => $field) { $joins[$sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_corps_enum', '$ = pc.' . $field); } return $joins; } /** JOBS */ const JOB_USERDEFINED = 0x0001; const JOB_CV = 0x0002; const JOB_ANY = 0x0003; /** Joins : * pj => profile_job * pje => profile_job_enum * pjt => profile_job_terms */ private $with_pj = false; private $with_pje = false; private $with_pjt = 0; public function addJobFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->with_pj = true; return 'pj'; } public function addJobCompanyFilter() { $this->addJobFilter(); $this->with_pje = true; return 'pje'; } /** * Adds a filter on job terms of profile. * @param $nb the number of job terms to use * @return an array of the fields to filter (one for each term). */ public function addJobTermsFilter($nb = 1) { $this->with_pjt = $nb; $jobtermstable = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb; ++$i) { $jobtermstable[] = 'pjtr_'.$i; } return $jobtermstable; } protected function jobJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_pj) { $joins['pj'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_job', '$ = $PID'); } if ($this->with_pje) { $joins['pje'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_job_enum', '$ = pj.jobid'); } if ($this->with_pjt > 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->with_pjt; ++$i) { $joins['pjt_'.$i] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_job_term', '$ = $PID'); $joins['pjtr_'.$i] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_job_term_relation', '$ME.jtid_2 = pjt_'.$i.'.jtid'); } } return $joins; } /** NETWORKING */ private $with_pnw = false; public function addNetworkingFilter() { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->with_pnw = true; return 'pnw'; } protected function networkingJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_pnw) { $joins['pnw'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_networking', '$ = $PID'); } return $joins; } /** PHONE */ private $with_ptel = false; public function addPhoneFilter() { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->with_ptel = true; return 'ptel'; } protected function phoneJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_ptel) { $joins['ptel'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_phones', '$ = $PID'); } return $joins; } /** MEDALS */ private $with_pmed = false; public function addMedalFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->with_pmed = true; return 'pmed'; } protected function medalJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_pmed) { $joins['pmed'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_medals', '$ = $PID'); } return $joins; } /** MENTORING */ private $pms = array(); private $mjtr = false; const MENTOR = 1; const MENTOR_EXPERTISE = 2; const MENTOR_COUNTRY = 3; const MENTOR_TERM = 4; public function addMentorFilter($type) { $this->requireAccounts(); switch($type) { case self::MENTOR: $this->pms['pm'] = 'profile_mentor'; return 'pm'; case self::MENTOR_EXPERTISE: $this->pms['pme'] = 'profile_mentor'; return 'pme'; case self::MENTOR_COUNTRY: $this->pms['pmc'] = 'profile_mentor_country'; return 'pmc'; case self::MENTOR_TERM: $this->pms['pmt'] = 'profile_mentor_term'; $this->mjtr = true; return 'mjtr'; default: Platal::page()->killError("Undefined mentor filter."); } } protected function mentorJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->pms as $sub => $tab) { $joins[$sub] = PlSqlJoin::left($tab, '$ = $PID'); } if ($this->mjtr) { $joins['mjtr'] = PlSqlJoin::left('profile_job_term_relation', '$ME.jtid_2 = pmt.jtid'); } return $joins; } /** CONTACTS */ private $cts = array(); public function addContactFilter($uid = null) { $this->requireProfiles(); return $this->register_optional($this->cts, is_null($uid) ? null : 'user_' . $uid); } protected function contactJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->cts as $sub=>$key) { if (is_null($key)) { $joins['c' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('contacts', '$ = $PID'); } else { $joins['c' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('contacts', '$ME.uid = {?} AND $ = $PID', substr($key, 5)); } } return $joins; } /** CARNET */ private $wn = array(); public function addWatchRegistrationFilter($uid = null) { $this->requireAccounts(); return $this->register_optional($this->wn, is_null($uid) ? null : 'user_' . $uid); } private $wp = array(); public function addWatchPromoFilter($uid = null) { $this->requireAccounts(); return $this->register_optional($this->wp, is_null($uid) ? null : 'user_' . $uid); } private $w = array(); public function addWatchFilter($uid = null) { $this->requireAccounts(); return $this->register_optional($this->w, is_null($uid) ? null : 'user_' . $uid); } protected function watchJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->w as $sub=>$key) { if (is_null($key)) { $joins['w' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch'); } else { $joins['w' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch', '$ME.uid = {?}', substr($key, 5)); } } foreach ($this->wn as $sub=>$key) { if (is_null($key)) { $joins['wn' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch_nonins', '$ME.ni_id = $UID'); } else { $joins['wn' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch_nonins', '$ME.uid = {?} AND $ME.ni_id = $UID', substr($key, 5)); } } foreach ($this->wn as $sub=>$key) { if (is_null($key)) { $joins['wn' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch_nonins', '$ME.ni_id = $UID'); } else { $joins['wn' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch_nonins', '$ME.uid = {?} AND $ME.ni_id = $UID', substr($key, 5)); } } foreach ($this->wp as $sub=>$key) { if (is_null($key)) { $joins['wp' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch_promo'); } else { $joins['wp' . $sub] = PlSqlJoin::left('watch_promo', '$ME.uid = {?}', substr($key, 5)); } } return $joins; } /** PHOTOS */ private $with_photo; public function addPhotoFilter() { $this->requireProfiles(); $this->with_photo = true; return 'photo'; } protected function photoJoins() { if ($this->with_photo) { return array('photo' => PlSqlJoin::left('profile_photos', '$ = $PID')); } else { return array(); } } /** MARKETING */ private $with_rm; public function addMarketingHash() { $this->requireAccounts(); $this->with_rm = true; } protected function marketingJoins() { if ($this->with_rm) { return array('rm' => PlSqlJoin::left('register_marketing', '$ME.uid = $UID')); } else { return array(); } } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileFilter class ProfileFilter extends UserFilter { public function get($limit = null) { return $this->getProfiles($limit); } public function getIds($limit = null) { return $this->getPIDs(); } public function filter(array $profiles, $limit = null) { return $this->filterProfiles($profiles, self::defaultLimit($limit)); } public function getTotalCount() { return $this->getTotalProfileCount(); } public function getGroups() { return $this->getPIDGroups(); } } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>