setChild($child); } } public function setChild(UserFilterCondition &$cond) { $this->child =& $cond; } } abstract class UFC_NChildren implements UserFilterCondition { protected $children = array(); public function __construct() { $children = func_get_args(); foreach ($children as &$child) { if (!is_null($child) && ($child instanceof UserFilterCondition)) { $this->addChild($child); } } } public function addChild(UserFilterCondition &$cond) { $this->children[] =& $cond; } protected function catConds(array $cond, $op, $fallback) { if (count($cond) == 0) { return $fallback; } else if (count($cond) == 1) { return $cond[0]; } else { return '(' . implode(') ' . $op . ' (', $cond) . ')'; } } } class UFC_True implements UserFilterCondition { public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { return self::COND_TRUE; } } class UFC_False implements UserFilterCondition { public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { return self::COND_FALSE; } } class UFC_Not extends UFC_OneChild { public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { $val = $this->child->buildCondition($uf); if ($val == self::COND_TRUE) { return self::COND_FALSE; } else if ($val == self::COND_FALSE) { return self::COND_TRUE; } else { return 'NOT (' . $val . ')'; } } } class UFC_And extends UFC_NChildren { public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { if (empty($this->children)) { return self::COND_FALSE; } else { $true = self::COND_FALSE; $conds = array(); foreach ($this->children as &$child) { $val = $child->buildCondition($uf); if ($val == self::COND_TRUE) { $true = self::COND_TRUE; } else if ($val == self::COND_FALSE) { return self::COND_FALSE; } else { $conds[] = $val; } } return $this->catConds($conds, 'AND', $true); } } } class UFC_Or extends UFC_NChildren { public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { if (empty($this->children)) { return self::COND_TRUE; } else { $true = self::COND_TRUE; $conds = array(); foreach ($this->children as &$child) { $val = $child->buildCondition($uf); if ($val == self::COND_TRUE) { return self::COND_TRUE; } else if ($val == self::COND_FALSE) { $true = self::COND_FALSE; } else { $conds[] = $val; } } return $this->catConds($conds, 'OR', $true); } } } class UFC_Promo implements UserFilterCondition { private $grade; private $promo; private $comparison; public function __construct($comparison, $grade, $promo) { $this->grade = $grade; $this->comparison = $comparison; $this->promo = $promo; if ($this->grade != UserFilter::DISPLAY) { UserFilter::assertGrade($this->grade); } } public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { if ($this->grade == UserFilter::DISPLAY) { $sub = $uf->addDisplayFilter(); return XDB::format('pd' . $sub . '.promo = {?}', $this->promo); } else { $sub = $uf->addEducationFilter(true, $this->grade); $field = 'pe' . $sub . '.' . UserFilter::promoYear($this->grade); return $field . ' IS NOT NULL AND ' . $field . ' ' . $this->comparison . ' ' . XDB::format('{?}', $this->promo); } } } class UFC_Name implements UserFilterCondition { const PREFIX = 1; const SUFFIX = 2; const PARTICLE = 7; const VARIANTS = 8; const CONTAINS = 3; private $type; private $text; private $mode; public function __construct($type, $text, $mode) { $this->type = $type; $this->text = $text; $this->mode = $mode; } private function buildNameQuery($type, $variant, $where, UserFilter &$uf) { $sub = $uf->addNameFilter($type, $variant); return str_replace('$ME', 'pn' . $sub, $where); } public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { $left = '$'; $op = ' LIKE '; if (($this->mode & self::PARTICLE) == self::PARTICLE) { $left = 'CONCAT($ME.particle, \' \', $'; } if (($this->mode & self::CONTAINS) == 0) { $right = XDB::format('{?}', $this->text); $op = ' = '; } else if (($this->mode & self::CONTAINS) == self::PREFIX) { $right = XDB::format('CONCAT({?}, \'%\')', $this->text); } else if (($this->mode & self::CONTAINS) == self::SUFFIX) { $right = XDB::format('CONCAT(\'%\', {?})', $this->text); } else { $right = XDB::format('CONCAT(\'%\', {?}, \'%\')', $this->text); } $cond = $left . $op . $right; $conds = array($this->buildNameQuery($this->type, null, $cond, $uf)); if (($this->mode & self::VARIANTS) != 0 && isset(UserFilter::$name_variants[$this->type])) { foreach (UserFilter::$name_variants[$this->type] as $var) { $conds[] = $this->buildNameQuery($this->type, $var, $cond, $uf); } } return implode(' OR ', $conds); } } class UFC_Dead implements UserFilterCondition { private $comparison; private $date; public function __construct($comparison = null, $date = null) { $this->comparison = $comparison; $this->date = $date; } public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { $str = 'p.deathdate IS NOT NULL'; if (!is_null($this->comparison)) { $str .= ' AND p.deathdate ' . $this->comparison . ' ' . XDB::format('{?}', date('Y-m-d', $this->date)); } return $str; } } class UFC_Registered implements UserFilterCondition { private $active; private $comparison; private $date; public function __construct($active = false, $comparison = null, $date = null) { $this->only_active = $active; $this->comparison = $comparison; $this->date = $date; } public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { if ($this->active) { $date = 'a.uid IS NOT NULL AND a.state = \'active\''; } else { $date = 'a.uid IS NOT NULL AND a.state != \'pending\''; } if (!is_null($this->comparison)) { $date .= ' AND a.registration_date ' . $this->comparison . ' ' . XDB::format('{?}', date('Y-m-d', $this->date)); } return $date; } } class UFC_Sex implements UserFilterCondition { private $sex; public function __construct($sex) { $this->sex = $sex; } public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { if ($this->sex != User::GENDER_MALE && $this->sex != User::GENDER_FEMALE) { return self::COND_FALSE; } else { return XDB::format(' = {?}', $this->sex == User::GENDER_FEMALE ? 'female' : 'male'); } } } class UFC_Group implements UserFilterCondition { private $group; private $admin; public function __construct($group, $admin = false) { $this->group = $group; $this->admin = $admin; } public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf) { $sub = $uf->addGroupFilter($this->group); $where = 'gpm' . $sub . '.perms IS NOT NULL'; if ($this->admin) { $where .= ' AND gpm' . $sub . '.perms = \'admin\''; } return $where; } } /****************** * ORDERS ******************/ abstract class UserFilterOrder { protected $desc = false; public function buildSort(UserFilter &$uf) { $sel = $this->getSortTokens($uf); if (!is_array($sel)) { $sel = array($sel); } if ($this->desc) { foreach ($sel as $k=>$s) { $sel[$k] = $s . ' DESC'; } } return $sel; } abstract protected function getSortTokens(UserFilter &$uf); } class UFO_Promo extends UserFilterOrder { private $grade; public function __construct($grade = null, $desc = false) { $this->grade = $grade; $this->desc = $desc; } protected function getSortTokens(UserFilter &$uf) { if (UserFilter::isGrade($this->grade)) { $sub = $uf->addEducationFilter($this->grade); return 'pe' . $sub . '.' . UserFilter::promoYear($this->grade); } else { $sub = $uf->addDisplayFilter(); return 'pd' . $sub . '.promo'; } } } class UFO_Name extends UserFilterOrder { private $type; private $variant; private $particle; public function __construct($type, $variant = null, $particle = false, $desc = false) { $this->type = $type; $this->variant = $variant; $this->particle = $particle; $this->desc = $desc; } protected function getSortTokens(UserFilter &$uf) { if (UserFilter::isDisplayName($this->type)) { $sub = $uf->addDisplayFilter(); return 'pd' . $sub . '.' . $this->type; } else { $sub = $uf->addNameFilter($this->type, $this->variant); if ($this->particle) { return 'CONCAT(pn' . $sub . '.particle, \' \', pn' . $sub . '.name)'; } else { return 'pn' . $sub . '.name'; } } } } class UFO_Registration extends UserFilterOrder { public function __construct($desc = false) { $this->desc = $desc; } protected function getSortTokens(UserFilter &$uf) { return 'a.registration_date'; } } /*********************************** ********************************* USER FILTER CLASS ********************************* ***********************************/ class UserFilter { static private $joinMethods = array(); private $root; private $sort = array(); private $query = null; private $orderby = null; private $lastcount = 0; public function __construct($cond = null, $sort = null) { if (empty(self::$joinMethods)) { $class = new ReflectionClass('UserFilter'); foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if (substr($name, -5) == 'Joins' && $name != 'buildJoins') { self::$joinMethods[] = $name; } } } if (!is_null($cond)) { if ($cond instanceof UserFilterCondition) { $this->setCondition($cond); } } if (!is_null($sort)) { if ($sort instanceof UserFilterOrder) { $this->addSort($sort); } else if (is_array($sort)) { foreach ($sort as $s) { $this->addSort($s); } } } } private function buildQuery() { if (is_null($this->orderby)) { $orders = array(); foreach ($this->sort as $sort) { $orders = array_merge($orders, $sort->buildSort($this)); } if (count($orders) == 0) { $this->orderby = ''; } else { $this->orderby = 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orders); } } if (is_null($this->query)) { $where = $this->root->buildCondition($this); $joins = $this->buildJoins(); $this->query = 'FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON ( = ' . $joins . ' WHERE (' . $where . ')'; } } private function formatJoin(array $joins) { $str = ''; foreach ($joins as $key => $infos) { $mode = $infos[0]; $table = $infos[1]; if ($mode == 'inner') { $str .= 'INNER JOIN '; } else if ($mode == 'left') { $str .= 'LEFT JOIN '; } else { Platal::page()->kill("Join mode error"); } $str .= $table . ' AS ' . $key; if (isset($infos[2])) { $str .= ' ON (' . str_replace(array('$ME', '$PID', '$UID'), array($key, '', 'a.uid'), $infos[2]) . ')'; } $str .= "\n"; } return $str; } private function buildJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach (self::$joinMethods as $method) { $joins = array_merge($joins, $this->$method()); } return $this->formatJoin($joins); } private function getUIDList($uids = null, $count = null, $offset = null) { $this->buildQuery(); $limit = ''; if (!is_null($count)) { if (!is_null($offset)) { $limit = XDB::format('LIMIT {?}, {?}', $offset, $count); } else { $limit = XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', $count); } } $cond = ''; if (!is_null($uids)) { $cond = ' AND a.uid IN (' . implode(', ', $uids) . ')'; } $fetched = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.uid ' . $this->query . $cond . ' GROUP BY a.uid ' . $this->orderby . ' ' . $limit); $this->lastcount = (int)XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'); return $fetched; } /** Check that the user match the given rule. */ public function checkUser(PlUser &$user) { $this->buildQuery(); $count = (int)XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $this->query . XDB::format(' AND a.uid = {?}', $user->id())); return $count == 1; } /** Filter a list of user to extract the users matching the rule. */ public function filter(array $users, $count = null, $offset = null) { $this->buildQuery(); $table = array(); $uids = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $uids[] = $user->id(); $table[$user->id()] = $user; } $fetched = $this->getUIDList($uids, $count, $offset); $output = array(); foreach ($fetched as $uid) { $output[] = $table[$uid]; } return $output; } public function getUIDs($count = null, $offset = null) { return $this->getUIDList(null, $count, $offset); } public function getUsers($count = null, $offset = null) { return User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs($this->getUIDs($count, $offset)); } public function getTotalCount() { if (is_null($this->lastcount)) { return (int)XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $this->query . ' GROUP BY a.uid'); } else { return $this->lastcount; } } public function setCondition(UserFilterCondition &$cond) { $this->root =& $cond; $this->query = null; } public function addSort(UserFilterOrder &$sort) { $this->sort[] = $sort; $this->orderby = null; } static public function getLegacy($promo_min, $promo_max) { if ($promo_min != 0) { $min = new UFC_Promo('>=', self::GRADE_ING, intval($promo_min)); } else { $min = new UFC_True(); } if ($promo_max != 0) { $max = new UFC_Promo('<=', self::GRADE_ING, intval($promo_max)); } else { $max = new UFC_True(); } return new UserFilter(new UFC_And($min, $max)); } /** DISPLAY */ const DISPLAY = 'display'; private $pd = false; public function addDisplayFilter() { $this->pd = true; return ''; } private function displayJoins() { if ($this->pd) { return array('pd' => array('left', 'profile_display', '$ = $PID')); } else { return array(); } } /** NAMES */ /* name tokens */ const LASTNAME = 'lastname'; const FIRSTNAME = 'firstname'; const NICKNAME = 'nickname'; const PSEUDONYM = 'pseudonym'; const NAME = 'name'; /* name variants */ const VN_MARITAL = 'marital'; const VN_ORDINARY = 'ordinary'; const VN_OTHER = 'other'; const VN_INI = 'ini'; /* display names */ const DN_FULL = 'directory_name'; const DN_DISPLAY = 'yourself'; const DN_YOURSELF = 'yourself'; const DN_DIRECTORY = 'directory_name'; const DN_PRIVATE = 'private_name'; const DN_PUBLIC = 'public_name'; const DN_SHORT = 'short_name'; const DN_SORT = 'sort_name'; static public $name_variants = array( self::LASTNAME => array(self::VN_MARITAL, self::VN_ORDINARY), self::FIRSTNAME => array(self::VN_ORDINARY, self::VN_INI, self::VN_OTHER) ); static public function assertName($name) { if (!Profile::getNameTypeId($name)) { Platal::page()->kill('Invalid name type'); } } static public function isDisplayName($name) { return $name == self::DN_FULL || $name == self::DN_DISPLAY || $name == self::DN_YOURSELF || $name == self::DN_DIRECTORY || $name == self::DN_PRIVATE || $name == self::DN_PUBLIC || $name == self::DN_SHORT || $name == self::DN_SORT; } private $pn = array(); private $pno = 0; public function addNameFilter($type, $variant = null) { if (!is_null($variant)) { $ft = $type . '_' . $variant; } else { $ft = $type; } $sub = '_' . $ft; self::assertName($ft); if (!is_null($variant) && $variant == 'other') { $sub .= $this->pno++; } $this->pn[$sub] = Profile::getNameTypeId($ft); return $sub; } private function nameJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->pn as $sub => $type) { $joins['pn' . $sub] = array('left', 'profile_name', '$ = $PID AND $ME.typeid = ' . $type); } return $joins; } /** EDUCATION */ const GRADE_ING = 'Ing.'; const GRADE_PHD = 'PhD'; const GRADE_MST = 'M%'; static public function isGrade($grade) { return $grade == self::GRADE_ING || $grade == self::GRADE_PHD || $grade == self::GRADE_MST; } static public function assertGrade($grade) { if (!self::isGrade($grade)) { Platal::page()->killError("DiplĂ´me non valide"); } } static public function promoYear($grade) { // XXX: Definition of promotion for phds and masters might change in near future. return ($grade == UserFilter::GRADE_ING) ? 'entry_year' : 'grad_year'; } private $pepe = array(); private $with_pee = false; private $pe_g = 0; public function addEducationFilter($x = false, $grade = null) { if (!$x) { $index = $this->pe_g; $sub = $this->pe_g++; } else { self::assertGrade($grade); $index = $grade; $sub = $grade[0]; $this->with_pee = true; } $sub = '_' . $sub; $this->pepe[$index] = $sub; return $sub; } private function educationJoins() { $joins = array(); if ($this->with_pee) { $joins['pee'] = array('inner', 'profile_education_enum', 'pee.abbreviation = \'X\''); } foreach ($this->pepe as $grade => $sub) { if ($this->isGrade($grade)) { $joins['pe' . $sub] = array('left', 'profile_education', '$ME.eduid = AND $ME.uid = $PID'); $joins['pede' . $sub] = array('inner', 'profile_education_degree_enum', '$ = pe' . $sub . '.degreeid AND $ME.abbreviation LIKE ' . XDB::format('{?}', $grade)); } else { $joins['pe' . $sub] = array('left', 'profile_education', '$ME.uid = $PID'); $joins['pee' . $sub] = array('inner', 'profile_education_enum', '$ = pe' . $sub . '.eduid'); $joins['pede' . $sub] = array('inner', 'profile_education_degree_enum', '$ = pe' . $sub . '.degreeid'); } } return $joins; } /** GROUPS */ private $gpm = array(); private $gpm_o = 0; public function addGroupFilter($group = null) { if (!is_null($group)) { if (ctype_digit($group)) { $index = $sub = $group; } else { $index = $group; $sub = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $group); } } else { $sub = 'group_' . $this->gpm_o++; $index = null; } $sub = '_' . $sub; $this->gpm[$sub] = $index; return $sub; } private function groupJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->gpm as $sub => $key) { if (is_null($key)) { $joins['gpa' . $sub] = array('inner', 'groupex.asso'); $joins['gpm' . $sub] = array('left', 'groupex.membres', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.asso_id = gpa' . $sub . '.id'); } else if (ctype_digit($key)) { $joins['gpm' . $sub] = array('left', 'groupex.membres', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.asso_id = ' . $key); } else { $joins['gpa' . $sub] = array('inner', 'groupex.asso', XDB::format('$ME.diminutif = {?}', $key)); $joins['gpm' . $sub] = array('left', 'groupex.membres', '$ME.uid = $UID AND $ME.asso_id = gpa' . $sub . '.id'); } } return $joins; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>