'', 'master' => 'master.', 'phd' => 'doc.', 'all' => 'alumni.' ); private $_profile_fetched = false; private $_profile = null; // Additional fields (non core) protected $promo = null; // Implementation of the login to uid method. protected function getLogin($login) { global $globals; if (!$login) { throw new UserNotFoundException(); } if ($login instanceof User) { return $login->id(); } if ($login instanceof Profile) { $this->_profile = $login; $this->_profile_fetched = true; $res = XDB::query('SELECT ap.uid FROM account_profiles AS ap WHERE ap.pid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', perms)', $login->id()); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } throw new UserNotFoundException(); } // If $data is an integer, fetches directly the result. if (is_numeric($login)) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', $login); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } throw new UserNotFoundException(); } // Checks whether $login is a valid hruid or not. $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid FROM accounts WHERE hruid = {?}', $login); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } // From now, $login can only by an email alias, or an email redirection. $login = trim(strtolower($login)); if (strstr($login, '@') === false) { $res = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT uid FROM email_source_account WHERE email = {?}', $login); } else { list($email, $domain) = explode('@', $login); $res = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT s.uid FROM email_source_account AS s INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON (s.domain = m.id) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (d.aliasing = m.id) WHERE s.email = {?} AND d.name = {?}', $email, $domain); } if ($res) { return $res; } // Looks for an account with the given email. $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid FROM accounts WHERE email = {?}', $login); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } // Otherwise, we do suppose $login is an email redirection. $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid FROM email_redirect_account WHERE redirect = {?}', $login); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } throw new UserNotFoundException($res->fetchColumn(1)); } protected static function loadMainFieldsFromUIDs(array $uids, $respect_order = true) { if (empty($uids)) { return PlIteratorUtils::emptyIterator(); } global $globals; $joins = ''; $fields = array(); if ($globals->asso('id')) { $joins .= XDB::format("LEFT JOIN group_members AS gpm ON (gpm.uid = a.uid AND gpm.asso_id = {?})\n", $globals->asso('id')); $fields[] = 'gpm.perms AS group_perms'; $fields[] = 'gpm.comm AS group_comm'; $fields[] = 'gpm.position AS group_position'; } if (count($fields) > 0) { $fields = ', ' . implode(', ', $fields); } else { $fields = ''; } if ($respect_order) { $order = 'ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('a.uid', $uids); } else { $order = ''; } $uids = array_map(array('XDB', 'escape'), $uids); return XDB::iterator('SELECT a.uid, a.hruid, a.registration_date, h.uid IS NOT NULL AS homonym, a.firstname, a.lastname, IF(ef.email IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT(ef.email, \'@\', mf.name)) AS forlife, IF(ef.email IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT(ef.email, \'@\', df.name)) AS forlife_alternate, IF(eb.email IS NULL, NULL, CONCAT(eb.email, \'@\', mb.name)) AS bestalias, (er.redirect IS NULL AND a.state = \'active\' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', at.perms)) AS lost, a.email, a.full_name, a.directory_name, a.display_name, a.sex = \'female\' AS gender, IF(a.state = \'active\', CONCAT(at.perms, \',\', IF(a.user_perms IS NULL, \'\', a.user_perms)), \'\') AS perms, a.user_perms, a.email_format, a.is_admin, a.state, a.type, at.description AS type_description, a.skin, FIND_IN_SET(\'watch\', a.flags) AS watch, a.comment, a.weak_password IS NOT NULL AS weak_access, g.g_account_name IS NOT NULL AS googleapps, a.token IS NOT NULL AS token_access, a.token, a.last_version, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.start) AS lastlogin, s.host, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fp.last_seen) AS banana_last ' . $fields . ' FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_types AS at ON (at.type = a.type) LEFT JOIN email_source_account AS ef ON (ef.uid = a.uid AND ef.type = \'forlife\') LEFT JOIN email_virtual_domains AS mf ON (ef.domain = mf.id) LEFT JOIN email_virtual_domains AS df ON (df.aliasing = mf.id AND df.name LIKE CONCAT(\'%\', {?}) AND df.name NOT LIKE \'alumni.%\') LEFT JOIN email_source_account AS eb ON (eb.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'bestalias\',eb.flags)) LEFT JOIN email_virtual_domains AS mb ON (a.best_domain = mb.id) LEFT JOIN email_redirect_account AS er ON (er.uid = a.uid AND er.flags = \'active\' AND er.broken_level < 3 AND er.type != \'imap\' AND er.type != \'homonym\') LEFT JOIN homonyms_list AS h ON (h.uid = a.uid) LEFT JOIN gapps_accounts AS g ON (a.uid = g.l_userid AND g.g_status = \'active\') LEFT JOIN log_last_sessions AS ls ON (ls.uid = a.uid) LEFT JOIN log_sessions AS s ON (s.id = ls.id) LEFT JOIN forum_profiles AS fp ON (fp.uid = a.uid) ' . $joins . ' WHERE a.uid IN (' . implode(', ', $uids) . ') GROUP BY a.uid ' . $order, $globals->mail->domain2, $globals->mail->domain2); } // Implementation of the data loader. protected function loadMainFields() { if ($this->hruid !== null && $this->forlife !== null && $this->bestalias !== null && $this->display_name !== null && $this->full_name !== null && $this->perms !== null && $this->gender !== null && $this->email_format !== null) { return; } $this->fillFromArray(self::loadMainFieldsFromUIDs(array($this->uid))->next()); } // Specialization of the buildPerms method // This function build 'generic' permissions for the user. It does not take // into account page specific permissions (e.g X.net group permissions) protected function buildPerms() { if (!is_null($this->perm_flags)) { return; } if ($this->perms === null) { $this->loadMainFields(); } $this->perm_flags = self::makePerms($this->perms, $this->is_admin); } public function setPerms($perms) { $this->perms = $perms; $this->perm_flags = null; } // We do not want to store the password in the object. // So, fetch it 'on demand' public function password() { return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT a.password FROM accounts AS a WHERE a.uid = {?}', $this->id()); } public function isActive() { return $this->state == 'active'; } /** Overload PlUser::promo(): there no promo defined for a user in the current * schema. The promo is a field from the profile. */ public function promo() { if (!$this->hasProfile()) { return ''; } return $this->profile()->promo(); } public function category() { $promo = $this->promo(); if (!empty($promo)) { return $promo; } else { return $this->type_description; } } public function firstName() { if (!$this->hasProfile()) { return $this->displayName(); } return $this->profile()->firstName(); } public function lastName() { if (!$this->hasProfile()) { return ''; } return $this->profile()->lastName(); } public function displayName() { if (!$this->hasProfile()) { return $this->display_name; } return $this->profile()->yourself; } public function fullName($with_promo = false) { if (!$this->hasProfile()) { return $this->full_name; } return $this->profile()->fullName($with_promo); } public function shortName($with_promo = false) { if (!$this->hasProfile()) { return $this->full_name; } return $this->profile()->shortName($with_promo); } public function directoryName() { if (!$this->hasProfile()) { return $this->directory_name; } return $this->profile()->directory_name; } static public function compareDirectoryName($a, $b) { return strcasecmp(replace_accent($a->directoryName()), replace_accent($b->directoryName())); } /** Return the main profile attached with this account if any. */ public function profile($forceFetch = false, $fields = 0x0000, $visibility = null) { if (!$this->_profile_fetched || $forceFetch) { $this->_profile_fetched = true; $this->_profile = Profile::get($this, $fields, $visibility); } return $this->_profile; } /** Return true if the user has an associated profile. */ public function hasProfile() { return !is_null($this->profile()); } /** Return true if given a reference to the profile of this user. */ public function isMyProfile($other) { if (!$other) { return false; } else if ($other instanceof Profile) { $profile = $this->profile(); return $profile && $profile->id() == $other->id(); } return false; } /** Check if the user can edit to given profile. */ public function canEdit(Profile $profile) { if ($this->checkPerms(User::PERM_EDIT_DIRECTORY)) { return true; } return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid FROM account_profiles WHERE uid = {?} AND pid = {?}', $this->id(), $profile->id()); } /** Determines main email domain for this user. */ public function mainEmailDomain() { if (array_key_exists($this->type, self::$sub_mail_domains)) { return self::$sub_mail_domains[$this->type] . Platal::globals()->mail->domain; } } /** Determines alternate email domain for this user. */ public function alternateEmailDomain() { if (array_key_exists($this->type, self::$sub_mail_domains)) { return self::$sub_mail_domains[$this->type] . Platal::globals()->mail->domain2; } } public function forlifeEmailAlternate() { if (!empty($this->forlife_alternate)) { return $this->forlife_alternate; } return $this->email; } /** Fetch existing auxiliary alias. */ public function emailAlias() { $aliases = $this->emailAliases(); if (count($aliases)) { return $aliases[0]; } return null; } /** Fetch existing auxiliary aliases. */ public function emailAliases() { return XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT CONCAT(s.email, \'@\', d.name) FROM email_source_account AS s INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON (s.domain = m.id) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (d.aliasing = m.id) WHERE s.uid = {?} AND s.type = \'alias_aux\' ORDER BY d.name', $this->id()); } /** Get all group aliases the user belongs to. */ public function emailGroupAliases($domain = null) { if (is_null($domain)) { return XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT CONCAT(v.email, \'@\', dv.name) AS alias FROM email_virtual AS v INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS dv ON (v.domain = dv.id) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = {?}) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS ms ON (s.domain = ms.id) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS ds ON (ds.aliasing = ms.id) WHERE v.redirect = CONCAT(s.email, \'@\', ds.name) AND v.type = \'alias\'', $this->id()); } else { return XDB::fetchAllAssoc('alias', 'SELECT CONCAT(v.email, \'@\', dv.name) AS alias, MAX(v.redirect = CONCAT(s.email, \'@\', ds.name)) AS sub FROM email_virtual AS v INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS dv ON (v.domain = dv.id AND dv.name = {?}) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = {?}) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS ms ON (s.domain = ms.id) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS ds ON (ds.aliasing = ms.id) WHERE v.type = \'alias\' GROUP BY v.email ORDER BY v.email', $domain, $this->id()); } } /** Get marketing informations */ private function fetchMarketingData() { if (isset($this->pending_registration_date)) { return; } $infos = XDB::fetchOneAssoc('SELECT rp.date AS pending_registration_date, rp.email AS pending_registration_email, rm.last AS last_marketing_date, rm.email AS last_marketing_email FROM accounts AS a LEFT JOIN register_pending AS rp ON (rp.uid = a.uid) LEFT JOIN register_marketing AS rm ON (rm.uid = a.uid AND rm.last != \'0000-00-00\') WHERE a.uid = {?} ORDER BY rm.last DESC', $this->id()); if (is_null($infos)) { $infos = array( 'pending_registration_date' => null, 'pending_registration_email' => null, 'last_marketing_date' => null, 'last_marketing_email' => null ); } $this->fillFromArray($infos); } public function pendingRegistrationDate() { $this->fetchMarketingData(); return $this->pending_registration_date; } public function pendingRegistrationEmail() { $this->fetchMarketingData(); return $this->pending_registration_email; } public function lastMarketingDate() { $this->fetchMarketingData(); return $this->last_marketing_date; } public function lastMarketingEmail() { $this->fetchMarketingData(); return $this->last_marketing_email; } public function lastKnownEmail() { $this->fetchMarketingData(); if ($this->pending_registration_email > $this->last_marketing_date) { return $this->pending_registration_email; } return $this->last_marketing_email; } /** Format of the emails sent by the site */ public function setEmailFormat($format) { Platal::assert($format == self::FORMAT_HTML || $format == self::FORMAT_TEXT, "Invalid email format \"$format\""); XDB::execute("UPDATE accounts SET email_format = {?} WHERE uid = {?}", $format, $this->uid); $this->email_format = $format; } /** Get watch informations */ private function fetchWatchData() { if (isset($this->watch_actions)) { return; } $watch = XDB::fetchOneAssoc('SELECT flags AS watch_flags, actions AS watch_actions, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last) AS watch_last FROM watch WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); $watch['watch_flags'] = new PlFlagSet($watch['watch_flags']); $watch['watch_actions'] = new PlFlagSet($watch['watch_actions']); $watch['watch_promos'] = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT promo FROM watch_promo WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); $watch['watch_users'] = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT ni_id FROM watch_nonins WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); $this->fillFromArray($watch); } public function watchType($type) { $this->fetchWatchData(); return $this->watch_actions->hasFlag($type); } public function watchContacts() { $this->fetchWatchData(); return $this->watch_flags->hasFlag('contacts'); } public function watchEmail() { $this->fetchWatchData(); return $this->watch_flags->hasFlag('mail'); } public function watchPromos() { $this->fetchWatchData(); return $this->watch_promos; } public function watchUsers() { $this->fetchWatchData(); return $this->watch_users; } public function watchLast() { $this->fetchWatchData(); return $this->watch_last; } public function invalidWatchCache() { unset($this->watch_actions); unset($this->watch_users); unset($this->watch_last); unset($this->watch_promos); } // Contacts private $contacts = null; private function fetchContacts() { if (is_null($this->contacts)) { $this->contacts = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('contact', 'SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } } public function iterContacts() { $this->fetchContacts(); return Profile::iterOverPIDs(array_keys($this->contacts)); } public function getContacts() { $this->fetchContacts(); return Profile::getBulkProfilesWithPIDs(array_keys($this->contacts)); } public function isContact(Profile $profile) { $this->fetchContacts(); return isset($this->contacts[$profile->id()]); } public function isWatchedUser(Profile $profile) { return in_array($profile->id(), $this->watchUsers()); } // Groupes X private $groups = null; public function groups($institutions = false, $onlyPublic = false) { if (is_null($this->groups)) { $this->groups = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('asso_id', 'SELECT gm.asso_id, gm.perms, gm.comm, g.diminutif, g.nom, g.site, g.cat, g.pub FROM group_members AS gm INNER JOIN groups AS g ON (g.id = gm.asso_id) WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } if (!$institutions && !$onlyPublic) { return $this->groups; } else { $result = array(); foreach ($this->groups as $id=>$data) { if ($institutions) { if ($data['cat'] != Group::CAT_GROUPESX && $data['cat'] != Group::CAT_INSTITUTIONS) { continue; } } if ($onlyPublic) { if ($data['pub'] != 'public') { continue; } } $result[$id] = $data; } return $result; } } public function groupCount() { return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(asso_id)) FROM group_members WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } public function inGroup($asso_id) { $res = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM group_members WHERE uid = {?} AND asso_id = {?}', $this->id(), $asso_id); return ($res > 0); } /** * Clears a user. * *always deletes in: account_lost_passwords, register_marketing, * register_pending, register_subs, watch_nonins, watch, watch_promo * *always keeps in: account_types, accounts, email_virtual, carvas, * group_members, homonyms_list, newsletter_ins, register_mstats, email_source_account * *deletes if $clearAll: account_auth_openid, announce_read, contacts, * email_redirect_account, email_redirect_account, email_send_save, forum_innd, forum_profiles, * forum_subs, gapps_accounts, gapps_nicknames, group_announces_read, * group_member_sub_requests, reminder, requests, requests_hidden, * email_virtual, ML * *modifies if $clearAll: accounts * * Use cases: * *$clearAll == false: when a user dies, her family still needs to keep in * touch with the community. * *$clearAll == true: in every other case we want the account to be fully * deleted so that it can not be used anymore. */ public function clear($clearAll = true) { $tables = array('account_lost_passwords', 'register_marketing', 'register_pending', 'register_subs', 'watch_nonins', 'watch', 'watch_promo'); foreach ($tables as $t) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM ' . $t . ' WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } if ($clearAll) { global $globals; $groupIds = XDB::iterator('SELECT asso_id FROM group_members WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); while ($groupId = $groupIds->next()) { $group = Group::get($groupId); if (!empty($group) && $group->notif_unsub) { $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetgrp/unsubscription-notif.mail.tpl'); $admins = $group->iterAdmins(); while ($admin = $admins->next()) { $mailer->addTo($admin); } $mailer->assign('group', $group->shortname); $mailer->assign('user', $this); $mailer->assign('selfdone', false); $mailer->send(); } } $tables = array('account_auth_openid', 'announce_read', 'contacts', 'email_send_save', 'forum_innd', 'forum_profiles', 'forum_subs', 'group_announces_read', 'group_members', 'group_member_sub_requests', 'reminder', 'requests', 'requests_hidden'); foreach ($tables as $t) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM ' . $t . ' WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_redirect_account WHERE uid = {?} AND type != \'homonym\'', $this->id()); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_virtual WHERE redirect = {?}', $this->forlifeEmail()); foreach (array('gapps_accounts', 'gapps_nicknames') as $t) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM ' . $t . ' WHERE l_userid = {?}', $this->id()); } XDB::execute("UPDATE accounts SET registration_date = 0, state = 'pending', password = NULL, weak_password = NULL, token = NULL, is_admin = 0 WHERE uid = {?}", $this->id()); if ($globals->mailstorage->googleapps_domain) { require_once 'googleapps.inc.php'; if (GoogleAppsAccount::account_status($this->id())) { $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($this); $account->suspend(); } } } $mmlist = new MMList(S::user()); $mmlist->kill($this->hruid, $clearAll); } // Merge all infos in other user and then clean this one public function mergeIn(User $newuser) { if ($this->profile()) { // Don't disable user with profile in this way. global $globals; Platal::page()->trigError('Impossible de fusionner les comptes ' . $this->hruid . ' et ' . $newuser->hruid . '. Contacte support@' . $globals->mail->domain . '.'); return false; } if ($this->forlifeEmail()) { // If the new user is not registered and does not have already an email address, // we need to give him the old user's email address if he has any. if (!$newuser->perms) { XDB::execute('UPDATE accounts SET email = {?} WHERE uid = {?} AND email IS NULL', $this->forlifeEmail(), $newuser->id()); // Reftech new user so its forlifeEmail will be correct. $newuser = self::getSilentWithUID($newuser->id()); } // Change email used in mailing lists. if ($this->forlifeEmail() != $newuser->forlifeEmail()) { // The super user is the user who has the right to do the modification. $super_user = S::user(); // group mailing lists $group_domains = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT g.mail_domain FROM groups AS g INNER JOIN group_members AS gm ON(g.id = gm.asso_id) WHERE g.mail_domain != \'\' AND gm.uid = {?}', $this->id()); foreach ($group_domains as $mail_domain) { $mmlist = new MMList($super_user, $mail_domain); $mmlist->replace_email_in_all($this->forlifeEmail(), $newuser->forlifeEmail()); } // main domain lists $mmlist = new MMList($super_user); $mmlist->replace_email_in_all($this->forlifeEmail(), $newuser->forlifeEmail()); } } // Updates user in following tables. foreach (array('group_announces', 'payment_transactions', 'log_sessions', 'group_events') as $table) { XDB::execute('UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET uid = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $newuser->id(), $this->id()); } // Merges user in following tables, ie updates when possible, then deletes remaining occurences of the old user. foreach (array('group_announces_read', 'group_event_participants', 'group_member_sub_requests', 'group_members', 'email_redirect_account') as $table) { XDB::execute('UPDATE IGNORE ' . $table . ' SET uid = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $newuser->id(), $this->id()); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } // Eventually updates last session id and deletes old user's accounts entry. $lastSession = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT id FROM log_sessions WHERE uid = {?} ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1', $newuser->id()); XDB::execute('UPDATE log_last_sessions SET id = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $lastSession, $newuser->id()); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); return true; } // Return permission flags for a given permission level. public static function makePerms($perms, $is_admin) { $flags = new PlFlagSet($perms); $flags->addFlag(PERMS_USER); if ($is_admin) { $flags->addFlag(PERMS_ADMIN); } // Access to private directory implies access to 'less'-private version. if ($flags->hasFlag('directory_private')) { $flags->addFlag('directory_ax'); } return $flags; } // Implementation of the default user callback. public static function _default_user_callback($login, $results) { $result_count = count($results); if ($result_count == 0 || !S::admin()) { Platal::page()->trigError("Il n'y a pas d'utilisateur avec l'identifiant : $login"); } else { Platal::page()->trigError("Il y a $result_count utilisateurs avec cet identifiant : " . join(', ', $results)); } } public static function makeHomonymHrmid($alias) { return 'h.' . $alias . '.' . Platal::globals()->mail->domain; } public static function isMainMailDomain($domain) { global $globals; $is_main_domain = false; foreach (self::$sub_mail_domains as $sub_domain) { $is_main_domain = $is_main_domain || $domain == ($sub_domain . $globals->mail->domain) || $domain == ($sub_domain . $globals->mail->domain2); } return $is_main_domain; } public static function isAliasMailDomain($domain) { global $globals; return $domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom || $domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom2; } // Implementation of the static email locality checker. public static function isForeignEmailAddress($email) { if (strpos($email, '@') === false) { return false; } list(, $domain) = explode('@', $email); return !(self::isMainMailDomain($domain) || self::isAliasMailDomain($domain)); } /* Tries to find pending accounts with an hruid close to $login. */ public static function getPendingAccounts($login, $iterator = false) { if (strpos($login, '@') === false) { return null; } list($login, $domain) = explode('@', $login); if ($domain && !self::isMainMailDomain($domain)) { return null; } $sql = "SELECT uid, full_name FROM accounts WHERE state = 'pending' AND REPLACE(hruid, '-', '') LIKE CONCAT('%', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE({?}, ' ', ''), '-', ''), '\'', ''), '%') ORDER BY full_name"; if ($iterator) { return XDB::iterator($sql, $login); } else { $res = XDB::query($sql, $login); return $res->fetchAllAssoc(); } } public static function iterOverUIDs($uids, $respect_order = true) { return new UserIterator(self::loadMainFieldsFromUIDs($uids, $respect_order)); } /** Fetch a set of users from a list of UIDs * @param $data The list of uids to fetch, or an array of arrays * @param $orig If $data is an array of arrays, the subfield where uids are stored * @param $dest If $data is an array of arrays, the subfield to fill with Users * @param $fetchProfile Whether to fetch Profiles as well * @return either an array of $uid => User, or $data with $data[$i][$dest] = User */ public static function getBulkUsersWithUIDs(array $data, $orig = null, $dest = null, $fetchProfile = true) { // Fetch the list of uids if (is_null($orig)) { $uids = $data; } else { if (is_null($dest)) { $dest = $orig; } $uids = array(); foreach ($data as $key=>$entry) { if (isset($entry[$orig])) { $uids[] = $entry[$orig]; } } } // Fetch users if (count($uids) == 0) { return $data; } $users = self::iterOverUIDs($uids, true); $table = array(); if ($fetchProfile) { $profiles = Profile::iterOverUIDS($uids, true); if ($profiles != null) { $profile = $profiles->next(); } else { $profile = null; } } /** We iterate through the users, moving in * profiles when they match the user ID : * there can be users without a profile, but not * the other way around. */ while (($user = $users->next())) { if ($fetchProfile) { if ($profile != null && $profile->owner_id == $user->id()) { $user->_profile = $profile; $profile = $profiles->next(); } $user->_profile_fetched = true; } $table[$user->id()] = $user; } // Build the result with respect to input order. if (is_null($orig)) { return $table; } else { foreach ($data as $key=>$entry) { if (isset($entry[$orig])) { $entry[$dest] = $table[$entry[$orig]]; $data[$key] = $entry; } } return $data; } } public static function getBulkUsersFromDB($fetchProfile = true) { $args = func_get_args(); $uids = call_user_func_array(array('XDB', 'fetchColumn'), $args); return self::getBulkUsersWithUIDs($uids, null, null, $fetchProfile); } } /** Iterator over a set of Users * @param an XDB::Iterator obtained from a User::loadMainFieldsFromUIDs */ class UserIterator implements PlIterator { private $dbiter; public function __construct($dbiter) { $this->dbiter = $dbiter; } public function next() { $data = $this->dbiter->next(); if ($data == null) { return null; } else { return User::getSilentWithValues(null, $data); } } public function total() { return $this->dbiter->total(); } public function first() { return $this->dbiter->first(); } public function last() { return $this->dbiter->last(); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>