_profile = $login; $this->_profile_fetched = true; $res = XDB::query('SELECT ap.uid FROM account_profiles AS ap WHERE ap.pid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', perms)', $login->id()); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } throw new UserNotFoundException(); } // If $data is an integer, fetches directly the result. if (is_numeric($login)) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT a.uid FROM accounts AS a WHERE a.uid = {?}', $login); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } throw new UserNotFoundException(); } // Checks whether $login is a valid hruid or not. $res = XDB::query('SELECT a.uid FROM accounts AS a WHERE a.hruid = {?}', $login); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } // From now, $login can only by an email alias, or an email redirection. // If it doesn't look like a valid address, appends the plat/al's main domain. $login = trim(strtolower($login)); if (strstr($login, '@') === false) { $login = $login . '@' . $globals->mail->domain; } // Checks if $login is a valid alias on the main domains. list($mbox, $fqdn) = explode('@', $login); if ($fqdn == $globals->mail->domain || $fqdn == $globals->mail->domain2) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT a.uid FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN aliases AS al ON (al.id = a.uid AND al.type IN (\'alias\', \'a_vie\')) WHERE al.alias = {?}', $mbox); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } /** TODO: implements this by inspecting the profile. if (preg_match('/^(.*)\.([0-9]{4})$/u', $mbox, $matches)) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT a.uid FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN aliases AS al ON (al.id = a.uid AND al.type IN ('alias', 'a_vie')) WHERE al.alias = {?} AND a.promo = {?}', $matches[1], $matches[2]); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } }*/ throw new UserNotFoundException(); } // Looks for $login as an email alias from the dedicated alias domain. if ($fqdn == $globals->mail->alias_dom || $fqdn == $globals->mail->alias_dom2) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT redirect FROM virtual_redirect INNER JOIN virtual USING(vid) WHERE alias = {?}", $mbox . '@' . $globals->mail->alias_dom); if ($redir = $res->fetchOneCell()) { // We now have a valid alias, which has to be translated to an hruid. list($alias, $alias_fqdn) = explode('@', $redir); $res = XDB::query("SELECT a.uid FROM accounts AS a LEFT JOIN aliases AS al ON (al.id = a.uid AND al.type IN ('alias', 'a_vie')) WHERE al.alias = {?}", $alias); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } } throw new UserNotFoundException(); } // Otherwise, we do suppose $login is an email redirection. $res = XDB::query("SELECT a.uid FROM accounts AS a LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (e.uid = a.uid) WHERE e.email = {?}", $login); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { return $res->fetchOneCell(); } throw new UserNotFoundException($res->fetchColumn(1)); } // Implementation of the data loader. protected function loadMainFields() { if ($this->hruid !== null && $this->forlife !== null && $this->bestalias !== null && $this->display_name !== null && $this->full_name !== null && $this->promo !== null && $this->perms !== null && $this->gender !== null && $this->email_format !== null) { return; } global $globals; /** TODO: promo stuff again */ /** TODO: fix perms field to fit new perms system */ $res = XDB::query("SELECT a.hruid, d.promo_display AS promo, CONCAT(af.alias, '@{$globals->mail->domain}') AS forlife, CONCAT(ab.alias, '@{$globals->mail->domain}') AS bestalias, a.full_name, a.display_name, a.sex = 'female' AS gender, a.email_format, a.password, IF (a.state = 'active', at.perms, '') AS perms, a.is_admin FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_types AS at ON (at.type = a.type) INNER JOIN profile_display AS d ON (d.uid = a.uid) LEFT JOIN aliases AS af ON (af.id = a.uid AND af.type = 'a_vie') LEFT JOIN aliases AS ab ON (ab.id = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', ab.flags)) WHERE a.uid = {?}", $this->user_id); $this->fillFromArray($res->fetchOneAssoc()); } // Specialization of the fillFromArray method, to implement hacks to enable // lazy loading of user's main properties from the session. // TODO(vzanotti): remove the conversion hacks once the old codebase will // stop being used actively. protected function fillFromArray(array $values) { // It might happen that the 'user_id' field is called uid in some places // (eg. in sessions), so we hard link uid to user_id to prevent useless // SQL requests. if (!isset($values['user_id']) && isset($values['uid'])) { $values['user_id'] = $values['uid']; } // Also, if display_name and full_name are not known, but the user's // surname and last name are, we can construct the former two. if (isset($values['prenom']) && isset($values['nom'])) { if (!isset($values['display_name'])) { $values['display_name'] = ($values['prenom'] ? $values['prenom'] : $values['nom']); } if (!isset($values['full_name'])) { $values['full_name'] = $values['prenom'] . ' ' . $values['nom']; } } // We also need to convert the gender (usually named "femme"), and the // email format parameter (valued "texte" instead of "text"). if (isset($values['femme'])) { $values['gender'] = (bool) $values['femme']; } if (isset($values['mail_fmt'])) { $values['email_format'] = $values['mail_fmt']; } parent::fillFromArray($values); } // Specialization of the buildPerms method // This function build 'generic' permissions for the user. It does not take // into account page specific permissions (e.g X.net group permissions) protected function buildPerms() { if (!is_null($this->perm_flags)) { return; } if ($this->perms === null) { $this->loadMainFields(); } $this->perm_flags = self::makePerms($this->perms, $this->is_admin); } /** Return the main profile attached with this account if any. */ public function profile() { if (!$this->_profile_fetched) { $this->_profile_fetched = true; $this->_profile = Profile::get($this); } return $this->_profile; } /** Return true if the user has an associated profile. */ public function hasProfile() { return !is_null($this->profile()); } /** Get the email alias of the user. */ public function emailAlias() { global $globals; return XDB::fetchOneCell("SELECT v.alias FROM virtual AS v INNER JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (v.vid = vr.vid) WHERE (vr.redirect = {?} OR vr.redirect = {?}) AND alias LIKE '%@{$globals->mail->alias_dom}'", $this->forlifeEmail(), $this->m4xForlifeEmail(), $this->id()); } /** Get the alternative forlife email * TODO: remove this uber-ugly hack. The issue is that you need to remove * all @m4x.org addresses in virtual_redirect first. * XXX: This is juste to make code more readable, to be remove as soon as possible */ public function m4xForlifeEmail() { global $globals; trigger_error('USING M4X FORLIFE', E_USER_NOTICE); return $this->login() . '@' . $globals->mail->domain2; } // Return permission flags for a given permission level. public static function makePerms($perms, $is_admin) { $flags = new PlFlagSet($perms); $flags->addFlag(PERMS_USER); if ($is_admin) { $flags->addFlag(PERMS_ADMIN); } return $flags; } // Implementation of the default user callback. public static function _default_user_callback($login, $results) { $result_count = count($results); if ($result_count == 0 || !S::has_perms()) { Platal::page()->trigError("Il n'y a pas d'utilisateur avec l'identifiant : $login"); } else { Platal::page()->trigError("Il y a $result_count utilisateurs avec cet identifiant : " . join(', ', $results)); } } // Implementation of the static email locality checker. public static function isForeignEmailAddress($email) { global $globals; if (strpos($email, '@') === false) { return false; } list($user, $dom) = explode('@', $email); return $dom != $globals->mail->domain && $dom != $globals->mail->domain2 && $dom != $globals->mail->alias_dom && $dom != $globals->mail->alias_dom2; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>