array('public'), 'ax' => array('ax', 'public'), 'private' => array('private', 'ax', 'public')); const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'public'; const VISIBILITY_AX = 'ax'; const VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'private'; /* name tokens */ const LASTNAME = 'lastname'; const FIRSTNAME = 'firstname'; const NICKNAME = 'nickname'; const PSEUDONYM = 'pseudonym'; const NAME = 'name'; /* name variants */ const VN_MARITAL = 'marital'; const VN_ORDINARY = 'ordinary'; const VN_OTHER = 'other'; const VN_INI = 'ini'; /* display names */ const DN_FULL = 'directory_name'; const DN_DISPLAY = 'yourself'; const DN_YOURSELF = 'yourself'; const DN_DIRECTORY = 'directory_name'; const DN_PRIVATE = 'private_name'; const DN_PUBLIC = 'public_name'; const DN_SHORT = 'short_name'; const DN_SORT = 'sort_name'; /* education related names */ const EDU_X = 'École polytechnique'; const DEGREE_X = 'Ingénieur'; const DEGREE_M = 'Master'; const DEGREE_D = 'Doctorat'; static public $name_variants = array( self::LASTNAME => array(self::VN_MARITAL, self::VN_ORDINARY), self::FIRSTNAME => array(self::VN_ORDINARY, self::VN_INI, self::VN_OTHER) ); const ADDRESS_MAIN = 0x000001; const ADDRESS_PERSO = 0x000002; const ADDRESS_PRO = 0x000004; const ADDRESS_ALL = 0x000006; const ADDRESS_POSTAL = 0x000008; const EDUCATION_MAIN = 0x000010; const EDUCATION_EXTRA = 0x000020; const EDUCATION_ALL = 0x000040; const EDUCATION_FINISHED = 0x000080; const EDUCATION_CURRENT = 0x000100; const JOBS_MAIN = 0x001000; const JOBS_ALL = 0x002000; const JOBS_FINISHED = 0x004000; const JOBS_CURRENT = 0x008000; const NETWORKING_ALL = 0x000000; const NETWORKING_WEB = 0x010000; const NETWORKING_IM = 0x020000; const NETWORKING_SOCIAL = 0x040000; private $pid; private $hrpid; private $data = array(); private $visibility = null; private function __construct(array $data) { $this->data = $data; $this->pid = $this->data['pid']; $this->hrpid = $this->data['hrpid']; if (!S::logged()) { $this->setVisibilityLevel(self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC); } } public function id() { return $this->pid; } public function hrid() { return $this->hrpid; } public function promo() { return $this->promo; } /** Print a name with the given formatting: * %s = • for women * %f = firstname * %l = lastname * %F = fullname * %S = shortname * %p = promo */ public function name($format) { return str_replace(array('%s', '%f', '%l', '%F', '%S', '%p'), array($this->isFemale() ? '•' : '', $this->first_name, $this->last_name, $this->full_name, $this->short_name, $this->promo), $format); } public function fullName($with_promo = false) { if ($with_promo) { return $this->full_name . ' (' . $this->promo . ')'; } return $this->full_name; } public function shortName($with_promo = false) { if ($with_promo) { return $this->short_name . ' (' . $this->promo . ')'; } return $this->short_name; } public function firstName() { return $this->firstname; } public function firstNames() { return $this->nameVariants(self::FIRSTNAME); } public function lastName() { return $this->lastname; } public function lastNames() { return $this->nameVariants(self::LASTNAME); } public function isFemale() { return $this->sex == PlUser::GENDER_FEMALE; } public function data() { $this->first_name; return $this->data; } private function nameVariants($type) { $vals = array($this->$type); foreach (self::$name_variants[$type] as $var) { $vartype = $type . '_' . $var; $varname = $this->$vartype; if ($varname != null && $varname != "") { $vals[] = $varname; } } return array_unique($vals); } public function __get($name) { if (property_exists($this, $name)) { return $this->$name; } if (isset($this->data[$name])) { return $this->data[$name]; } return null; } public function __isset($name) { return property_exists($this, $name) || isset($this->data[$name]); } public function setVisibilityLevel($visibility) { if ($visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_AX && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) { Platal::page()->kill("Visibility invalide: " . $visibility); } $this->visibility = self::$v_values[$visibility]; if ($this->mobile && !in_array($this->mobile_pub, $this->visibility)) { unset($this->data['mobile']); } } /* Photo */ public function getPhoto($fallback = true) { /* TODO: migrate photo table to profile_photo, change uid to pid */ $cond = ''; if ($this->visibility) { $cond = ' AND pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility); } $res = XDB::query('SELECT * FROM profile_photos WHERE attachmime IN (\'jpeg\', \'png\') ' . $cond . ' AND pid = {?}', $this->id()); if ($res->numRows() > 0) { $photo = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); return PlImage::fromData($photo['attach'], 'image/' . $photo['attachmime'], $photo['x'], $photo['y']); } else if ($fallback) { return PlImage::fromFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../htdocs/images/none.png', 'image/png'); } return null; } /* Addresses */ public function getAddresses($flags, $limit = null) { $where = XDB::format(' = {?}', $this->id()); if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_MAIN) { $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags)'; } if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_POSTAL) { $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags)'; } if ($this->visibility) { $where .= ' AND IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility); } $type = array(); if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PRO) { $type[] = 'job'; } if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PERSO) { $type[] = 'home'; } if (count($type) > 0) { $where .= ' AND pa.type IN ' . XDB::formatArray($type); } $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit); return XDB::iterator('SELECT pa.text, pa.postalCode, pa.type, pa.latitude, pa.longitude, AS locality, AS subAdministrativeArea, AS administrativeArea, gc.countryFR AS country, ppfix.display_tel AS fixed_tel, ppfax.display_tel AS fax_tel, FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags) AS current, FIND_IN_SET(\'temporary\', pa.flags) AS temporary, FIND_IN_SET(\'secondary\', pa.flags) AS secondary, FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags) AS mail, pa.type FROM profile_addresses AS pa LEFT JOIN geoloc_localities AS gl ON ( = pa.localityId) LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS ga ON ( = pa.administrativeAreaId) LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS gas ON ( = pa.subAdministrativeAreaId) LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = pa.countryId) LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS ppfix ON (ppfix.link_type = \'address\' AND ppfix.uid = AND ppfix.link_id = AND ppfix.tel_type = \'fixed\') LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS ppfax ON (ppfax.link_type = \'address\' AND ppfax.uid = AND ppfax.link_id = AND ppfax.tel_type = \'fax\') WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ' . $limit); } public function getMainAddress() { $it = $this->getAddresses(self::ADDRESS_PERSO | self::ADDRESS_MAIN); if ($it->total() == 0) { return null; } else { return $it->next(); } } /* Educations */ public function getEducations($flags, $limit = null) { $where = XDB::format('pe.uid = {?}', $this->id()); if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_MAIN) { $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags)'; } else if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_EXTRA) { $where .= ' AND NOT FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags)'; } else if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_FINISHED) { $where .= ' AND pe.grad_year <= YEAR(CURDATE())'; } else if ($flags & self::EDUCATION_CURRENT) { $where .= ' AND pe.grad_year > YEAR(CURDATE())'; } $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit); return XDB::iterator('SELECT pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year, pe.program, AS school, pee.abbreviation AS school_short, pee.url AS school_url, gc.countryFR AS country,, pede.abbreviation AS degree_short, pede.level AS degree_level, pefe.field, FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags) AS prim FROM profile_education AS pe INNER JOIN profile_education_enum AS pee ON (pe.eduid = LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pede ON (pe.degreeid = LEFT JOIN profile_education_field_enum AS pefe ON (pe.fieldid = WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY NOT FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags), pe.entry_year, ' . $limit); } public function getExtraEducations($limit = null) { return $this->getEducations(self::EDUCATION_EXTRA, $limit); } /** Networking */ public function getNetworking($flags, $limit = null) { $where = XDB::format('pn.uid = {?}', $this->id()); if ($flags & self::NETWORKING_WEB) { $where .= ' AND pn.network_type = 0'; // XXX hardcoded reference to web site index } if ($this->visibility) { $where .= ' AND IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility); } $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit); return XDB::iterator('SELECT, pne.icon, IF (LENGTH( > 0, REPLACE(, \'%s\', pn.address), pn.address) AS address FROM profile_networking AS pn INNER JOIN profile_networking_enum AS pne ON (pn.network_type = pne.network_type) WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY pn.network_type, pn.nwid ' . $limit); } public function getWebSite() { $site = $this->getNetworking(self::NETWORKING_WEB, 1); if ($site->total() != 1) { return null; } $site = $site->next(); return $site['address']; } /** Jobs */ public function getJobs($flags, $limit = null) { $where = XDB::format('pj.uid = {?}', $this->id()); $cond = 'TRUE'; if ($this->visibility) { $where .= ' AND IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility); $cond = 'pj.email_pub IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility); } $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit); return XDB::iterator('SELECT, pje.acronym, pje.url,, pje.NAF_code, pj.description, pj.url AS user_site, IF (' . $cond . ',, NULL) AS user_email, AS sector, AS subsector, AS subsubsector FROM profile_job AS pj INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pje ON ( = pj.jobid) LEFT JOIN profile_job_sector_enum AS pjse ON ( = pj.sectorid) LEFT JOIN profile_job_subsector_enum AS pjsse ON ( = pj.subsectorid) LEFT JOIN profile_job_subsubsector_enum AS pjssse ON ( = pj.subsubsectorid) WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY ' . $limit); } public function getMailJob() { $job = $this->getJobs(self::JOBS_MAIN, 1); if ($job->total() != 1) { return null; } return $job->next(); } /* Binets */ public function getBinets() { return XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT binet_id FROM binets_ins WHERE user_id = {?}', $this->id()); } public function owner() { return User::getSilent($this); } private static function fetchProfileData(array $pids, $respect_order = true) { if (count($pids) == 0) { return array(); } if ($respect_order) { $order = 'ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('', $pids); } else { $order = ''; } return XDB::Iterator('SELECT p.*, = \'female\' AS sex, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year, AS firstname, AS lastname, AS nickname, IF( IS NULL,, AS firstname_ordinary, IF( IS NULL,, AS lastname_ordinary, AS promo, pd.short_name, pd.directory_name AS full_name, pd.directory_name, pp.display_tel AS mobile, AS mobile_pub, AS photo_pub, ap.uid AS owner_id FROM profiles AS p INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( = INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.uid = AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags)) INNER JOIN profile_name AS pn_f ON ( = AND pn_f.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('firstname', true) . ') INNER JOIN profile_name AS pn_l ON ( = AND pn_l.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('lastname', true) . ') LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_uf ON ( = AND pn_uf.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('firstname_ordinary', true) . ') LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_ul ON ( = AND pn_ul.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('lastname_ordinary', true) . ') LEFT JOIN profile_name AS pn_n ON ( = AND pn_n.typeid = ' . self::getNameTypeId('nickname', true) . ') LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.uid = AND pp.link_type = \'user\' AND tel_type = \'mobile\') LEFT JOIN profile_photos AS ph ON ( = LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON ( = AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) WHERE IN ' . XDB::formatArray($pids) . ' GROUP BY ' . $order); } public static function getPID($login) { if ($login instanceof PlUser) { return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid FROM account_profiles WHERE uid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', perms)', $login->id()); } else if (ctype_digit($login)) { return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid FROM profiles WHERE pid = {?}', $login); } else { return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT pid FROM profiles WHERE hrpid = {?}', $login); } } public static function getPIDsFromUIDs($uids, $respect_order = true) { if ($respect_order) { $order = 'ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('uid', $uids); } else { $order = ''; } return XDB::fetchAllAssoc('uid', 'SELECT ap.uid, FROM account_profiles AS ap WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms) AND ap.uid IN ' . XDB::formatArray($uids) .' ' . $order); } /** Return the profile associated with the given login. */ public static function get($login) { if (is_array($login)) { return new Profile($login); } $pid = self::getPID($login); if (!is_null($pid)) { $it = self::iterOverPIDs(array($pid), false); return $it->next(); } else { /* Let say we can identify a profile using the identifiers of its owner. */ if (!($login instanceof PlUser)) { $user = User::getSilent($login); if ($user && $user->hasProfile()) { return $user->profile(); } } return null; } } public static function iterOverUIDs($uids, $respect_order = true) { return self::iterOverPIDs(self::getPIDsFromUIDs($uids), $respect_order); } public static function iterOverPIDs($pids, $respect_order = true) { return new ProfileIterator(self::fetchProfileData($pids, $respect_order)); } /** Return profiles for the list of pids. */ public static function getBulkProfilesWithPIDs(array $pids) { if (count($pids) == 0) { return array(); } $it = self::iterOverPIDs($pids); $profiles = array(); while ($p = $it->next()) { $profiles[$p->id()] = $p; } return $profiles; } /** Return profiles for uids. */ public static function getBulkProfilesWithUIDS(array $uids) { if (count($uids) == 0) { return array(); } return self::getBulkProfilesWithPIDs(self::getPIDsFromUIDs($uids)); } public static function isDisplayName($name) { return $name == self::DN_FULL || $name == self::DN_DISPLAY || $name == self::DN_YOURSELF || $name == self::DN_DIRECTORY || $name == self::DN_PRIVATE || $name == self::DN_PUBLIC || $name == self::DN_SHORT || $name == self::DN_SORT; } public static function getNameTypeId($type, $for_sql = false) { if (!S::has('name_types')) { $table = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('type', 'SELECT id, type FROM profile_name_enum'); S::set('name_types', $table); } else { $table = S::v('name_types'); } if ($for_sql) { return XDB::escape($table[$type]); } else { return $table[$type]; } } public static function rebuildSearchTokens($pid) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM search_name WHERE uid = {?}', $pid); $keys = XDB::iterator("SELECT CONCAT(n.particle, AS name, e.score, FIND_IN_SET('public', e.flags) AS public FROM profile_name AS n INNER JOIN profile_name_enum AS e ON (n.typeid = WHERE = {?}", $pid); foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { if ($key['name'] == '') { continue; } $toks = preg_split('/[ \'\-]+/', $key['name']); $token = ''; $first = 5; while ($toks) { $token = strtolower(replace_accent(array_pop($toks) . $token)); $score = ($toks ? 0 : 10 + $first) * ($key['score'] / 10); XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO search_name (token, uid, soundex, score, flags) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $token, $uid, soundex_fr($token), $score, $key['public']); $first = 0; } } } } /** Iterator over a set of Profiles * @param an XDB::Iterator obtained from a Profile::fetchProfileData */ class ProfileIterator implements PlIterator { private $dbiter; public function __construct($dbiter) { $this->dbiter = $dbiter; } public function next() { $data = $this->dbiter->next(); if ($data == null) { return null; } else { return Profile::get($data); } } public function total() { return $this->dbiter->total(); } public function first() { return $this->dbiter->first(); } public function last() { return $this->dbiter->last(); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>