'limited', 'END' => 'limited', 'SOURCE' => 'uri', 'NAME' => 'text', 'PROFILE' => 'limited', 'FN' => 'text', 'N' => 'structured', 'NICKNAME' => 'text*', 'PHOTO' => 'binary', 'BDAY' => 'date', 'ADR' => 'structured', 'LABEL' => 'text', 'TEL' => 'phone-number', 'EMAIL' => 'text', 'MAILER' => 'text', 'TZ' => 'utc-offset', 'GEO' => 'structured', 'TITLE' => 'text', 'ROLE' => 'text', 'LOGO' => 'binary', 'AGENT' => 'vcard', 'ORG' => 'structured', 'CATEGORIES' => 'text*', 'NOTE' => 'text', 'PRODID' => 'text', 'REV' => 'date-time', 'SORT-STRING' => 'text', 'SOUND' => 'binary', 'UID' => 'text', 'URL' => 'uri', 'VERSION' => 'limited', 'CLASS' => 'text', 'KEY' => 'binary'); /** Field group. */ public $group = null; /** Field name. */ public $name = null; /** Field value. */ public $value = null; /* RFC2425 parameters */ /** ENCODING: encoding of the field. * default is 8bit, only 'b' is supported for binary fields */ public $ENCODING = null; /** VALUE: type of the value of the field. * available types from RFC2425 are: * -uri: one uri * -text*: one or more text entry * -date*: one or more date entry * -time*: one or more time entry * -date-time: one or more date-time entry * -integer: one or more integer * -boolean: (TRUE|FALSE) * -float: one ore more float entry * -x-username: user-defined type * -(iana-token) * * available types from RFC2426 are: * -binary: (encoding type must be specified) * -vcard: inlined vcard (encoded as text) * -phone-number * -utc-offset * -structured */ public $VALUE = null; /** CHARSET: charset of the value of the field. */ public $CHARSET = null; /** LANGUAGE: lanugage of the field. */ public $LANGUAGE = null; /** CONTEXT: context of the value. */ public $CONTEXT = null; /* RFC2426 parameters */ /** TYPE: variants of the type. */ public $TYPE = null; public function __construct($group, $name, $value) { $this->group = $group; $this->name = $name; $this->value = $value; $type = @self::$defaultEncoding[$name]; if (is_null($type)) { $type = 'text'; } if ($type == 'binary') { $this->ENCODING = 'b'; } else if ($type == 'text' || $type == 'text*' || $type == 'structured') { $this->CHARSET = PlVCard::$charset; } } public function show() { $params = array(); foreach ($this as $pk => $pv) { if ($pk != 'value' && $pk != 'group' && $pk != 'name') { if ($pv instanceof PlFlagset) { $params[$pk] = $pv->flags(); } else if (!is_null($pv)) { $params[$pk] = $pv; } } } $encoding = $this->VALUE; if (is_null($encoding)) { $encoding = @self::$defaultEncoding[$this->name]; } if (is_null($encoding)) { // let say default encoding is 'text' $encoding = 'text'; } self::output($this->group, $this->name, $params, self::format($this->value, $encoding)); } static public function format($value, $format) { if (substr($format, -1) == '*') { $format = substr($format, 0, -1); if (is_array($value)) { $vals = array(); foreach ($value as $v) { $vals[] = self::format($v, $format); } return implode(',', $vals); } } if (is_null($value)) { return ''; } switch ($format) { case 'float': return str_replace(',', '.', $value); case 'boolean': if ($value == 'TRUE' || $value == 'FALSE') { return $value; } return $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; case 'binary': if (!PlVCard::$escapeBinary) { return base64_encode($value); } $value = base64_encode($value); case 'limited': case 'vcard': case 'text': if (PlVCard::$charset != 'UTF-8' && $format != 'binary') { $value = iconv('UTF-8', PlVCard::$charset, $value); } return str_replace(array('\\', ',', "\r\n", "\r", "\n"), array('\\\\', '\\,', '\\n', '\\n', '\\n'), $value); case 'structured': $vals = array(); foreach ($value as $k => $v) { if ($k{0} == '_') { continue; } $enc = isset($value->_encoding[$k]) ? $value->_encoding[$k] : $value->_encoding['@@EXTRA@@']; $vals[] = str_replace(';', '\\;', self::format($v, $enc)); } return implode(';', $vals); case 'uri': case 'phone-number': case 'utc-offset': case 'integer': default: return $value; } } static public function output($group, $name, $params, $value) { $str = ''; if (!is_null($group)) { $str .= $group . '.'; } $str .= $name; if (!is_null($params)) { foreach ($params as $pn => $pv) { $str .= ';' . $pn . '=' . $pv; } } $str .= ':' . $value; // Folding if (PlVCard::$folding && strlen($str) > 75) { $str = chunk_split($str, 75, "\r\n "); if (substr($str, -3) == "\r\n ") { $str = substr($str, 0, -3); } } echo $str . "\r\n"; } } /** Structure of the N type as described in RFC2426. */ class N_Field { public $_encoding = array('familyName' => 'text*', 'givenName' => 'text*', 'additionalName' => 'text*', 'honorificPrefixes' => 'text*', 'honorificSuffixes' => 'text*'); /** The family name * -type: text-list */ public $familyName = null; /** The given name * -type: text-list */ public $givenName = null; /** The additional names * -type: text-list */ public $additionalName = null; /** Honorific prefixes * -type: text-list */ public $honorificPrefixes = null; /** Honorific suffixes * -type: text-list */ public $honorificSuffixes = null; public function __construct($family, $given, $additional, $prefix, $suffix) { $this->familyName = $family; $this->givenName = $given; $this->additionalName = $additional; $this->honorificPrefixes = $prefix; $this->honorificSuffixes = $suffix; } } /** Structure of the ADR type as described in RFC2426. */ class ADR_Field { public $_encoding = array('postOfficeBox' => 'text', 'extendedAddress' => 'text*', 'streetAddress' => 'text*', 'locality' => 'text', 'region' => 'text', 'postalCode' => 'text', 'countryName' => 'text'); /** The post office box * -type: text */ public $postOfficeBox = null; /** Extended address. * -type: text */ public $extendedAddress = null; /** Street address. * -type: text */ public $streetAddress = null; /** Locality name. * -type: text */ public $locality = null; /** Region name. * -type: text */ public $region = null; /** Postal code. * -type: text */ public $postalCode = null; /** Country name. * -type: text */ public $countryName = null; public function __construct($box, $extend, $street, $locality, $region, $postcode, $country) { $this->postOfficeBox = $box; $this->extendedAddress = $extend; $this->streetAddress = $street; $this->locality = $locality; $this->region = $region; $this->postalCode = $postcode; $this->countryName = $country; } } /** Structure of the ORG type as described in RFC2426. */ class ORG_Field { public $_encoding = array('name' => 'text', '@@EXTRA@@' => 'text'); /** Organisation name. * -type: text */ public $name = null; /** Unit level * -type: several entries * * Use dynamic PHP members to distinguish * multi-fields from text-list. */ public function __construct($org, $units) { $this->name = $org; if (!is_null($units)) { if (is_array($units)) { foreach ($units as $k => $v) { $f = 'unit_' . $k; $this->$f = $v; } } else { $this->unit_0 = $units; } } } } /** Structure of the GEO type as described in RFC2426. */ class GEO_Field { public $_encoding = array('latitude' => 'float', 'longitude' => 'float'); /** Latitude. * -type: float */ public $latitude; /** Longitude. * -type: float */ public $longitude; public function __construct($lat, $lon) { $this->latitude = $lat; $this->longitude = $lon; } } class PlVCardEntry { /* RFC2425 fields */ /** SOURCE: source of the vCard. * -type: uri * -optional */ public $SOURCE = null; /** NAME: name of the entry. * -type: text * -optional */ public $NAME = null; /** PROFILE: profile type. * -type: a registered profile name (vCard) * -optional */ public $PROFILE = null; /* RFC2426 fields */ /* Identification fields */ /** FN: Formatted name. * -type: text * -mandatory */ public $FN = null; /** N: Name structure. * -type: n structure * -mandatory */ public $N = null; /** NICKNAME: List of nick names. * -type: text-list */ public $NICKNAME = null; /** PHOTO: Photo of the object identified by the vcard. * -type: binary, can be reset to URL */ public $PHOTO = null; /** BDAY: Birthday * -type: date, can be reset to date-time */ public $BDAY = null; /* Delivery addressing */ /** ADR: delivery address by components. * -type: adr structure * -variant flags: dom, intl, postal, parcel, home, work, pref (default: intl,postal,parcel,work) */ public $ADR = array(); /** LABEL: formatted text representing a delivery address. * -type: text * -variant flags: dom, intl, postal, parcel, home, work, pref (default: intl,postal,parcel,work) */ public $LABEL = array(); /* Telecommunication addressing */ /** TEL: telephone number. * -type: phone-number * -variant flags: home, msg, work, pref, voice, fax, cell, video, pager, bbs, modem, car, isdn, pcs (default: voice) */ public $TEL = array(); /** EMAIL: electroning mail address. * -type: text * -variant flags: internet, x400, pref (default: internet) */ public $EMAIL = array(); /** MAILER: type of mailer used... * -type: text */ public $MAILER = array(); /* Geographical */ /** TZ: timezone. * -type: utc-offset (can be reset to a text value) */ public $TZ = null; /** GEO: Geographical coordinates. * -type: geo structure */ public $GEO = null; /* Organizational */ /** TITLE: job title, functional position or function. * -type: text */ public $TITLE = array(); /** ROLE: role, occupation, business category. * -type: text */ public $ROLE = array(); /** LOGO: logo of the organization. * -type: binary (can be reset to uri) */ public $LOGO = array(); /** AGENT: define information about another person. * -type: vcard (can be reset to a uri) */ public $AGENT = array(); /** ORG: Organizational name and units. * -type: org structure */ public $ORG = array(); /* Explanatory */ /** CATEGORIES: list of categories. * -type: text-list */ public $CATEGORIES = null; /** NOTE: supplemental information or comment. * -type: text */ public $NOTE = null; /** PRODID: Identifier of the product that created the card. * -type: text (ISO 9070) */ public $PRODID = null; /** REV: revision information about the card. * -type: date-time (can be reset to a simple date) */ public $REV = null; /** SORT-STRING: informations on how to sort this card * -type: text */ public $SORT_STRING = null; /** SOUND: digital sound content that annotates the card. * -type: binary (can be reset to a uri) */ public $SOUND = null; /** UID: globaly unique identifier corresponding to the object. * -type: text * -variant: IANA standard format identifier (optionnal) */ public $UID = null; /** URL: url describing the object the vcard refers to. * -type: uri */ public $URL = null; /** VERSION: format version of the vcard * -type: text * MUST BE "3.0" */ public $VERSION = null; /* Security types */ /** CLASS: access classification. * -type: text (eg.: PUBLIC, PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL...) */ public $CLASS = null; /** KEY: public key or authentication certificate associated with the object. * -type: binary (can be overloaded to text */ public $KEY = null; public function __construct($firstname, $lastname, $displayname = null, $sortname = null, $nickname = null) { $this->set('VERSION', '3.0'); $this->setName($firstname, $lastname, $displayname, $sortname, $nickname); } public function &set($name, $value) { $field = new PlVcardField(null, $name, $value); $name = str_replace('-', '_', $name); $this->$name = $field; return $field; } public function &add($name, $value) { $field = new PlVcardField(null, $name, $value); array_push($this->$name, $field); return $field; } public function &addInGroup($group, $name, $value) { $field = new PlVcardField($group, $name, $value); array_push($this->$name, $field); return $field; } public function setName($firstname, $lastname, $displayname = null, $sortname = null, $nickname = null) { $additional = array(); if (is_array($firstname)) { $given = array_shift($firstname); $additional = $firstname; } else { $given = $firstname; } if (is_array($lastname)) { $l = array_shift($lastname); $additional = array_merge($additional, $lastname); $lastname = $l; } if (is_null($displayname)) { $displayname = $given . ' ' . $lastname; } if (is_null($sortname)) { $sortname = $lastname; } $this->set('N', new N_Field($lastname, $given, $additional, null, null)); $this->set('FN', $displayname); if (!is_null($nickname)) { $this->set('NICKNAME', $nickname); } $this->set('SORT-STRING', $sortname); } public function addHome($street, $extra, $postBox, $postCode, $city, $region, $country, $pref = false, $postal = true, $parcel = true) { $group = 'HOME' . count($this->ADR); $field =& $this->addInGroup($group, 'ADR', new ADR_Field($postBox, $extra, $street, $city, $region, $postCode, $country)); $field->TYPE = new PlFlagset(); $field->TYPE->addFlag('home'); $field->TYPE->addFlag('dom'); $field->TYPE->addFlag('intl'); if ($pref) { $field->TYPE->addFlag('pref'); } if ($postal) { $field->TYPE->addFlag('postal'); } if ($parcel) { $field->TYPE->addFlag('parcel'); } return $group; } public function addWork($organisation, $units, $title, $role, $street, $extra, $postBox, $postCode, $city, $region, $country) { $group = 'WORK' . count($this->ORG); $this->addInGroup($group, 'ORG', new ORG_Field($organisation, $units)); if (!is_null($title)) { $this->addInGroup($group, 'TITLE', $title); } if (!is_null($role)) { $this->addInGroup($group, 'ROLE', $role); } $field =& $this->addInGroup($group, 'ADR', new ADR_Field($postBox, $extra, $street, $city, $region, $postCode, $country)); $field->TYPE = new PlFlagset(); $field->TYPE->addFlag('work'); return $group; } public function addTel($group, $tel, $fax = false, $msg = false, $voice = true, $video = false, $cell = false, $pref = false) { $home = is_null($group) || substr($group, 0, 4) == 'HOME'; $work = !$home; $field =& $this->addInGroup($group, 'TEL', $tel); $field->TYPE = new PlFlagset(); foreach (array('home', 'work', 'fax', 'msg', 'voice', 'video', 'cell', 'pref') as $f) { if ($$f) { $field->TYPE->addFlag($f); } } } public function addMail($group, $mail, $pref = false) { $field =& $this->addInGroup($group, 'EMAIL', $mail); $field->TYPE = new PlFlagset(); $field->TYPE->addFlag('internet'); if ($pref) { $field->TYPE->addFlag('pref'); } } public function setPhoto($data, $format = 'JPEG') { $field =& $this->set('PHOTO', $data); $field->TYPE = $format; } public function show() { if (is_null($this->FN) || is_null($this->N) || is_null($this->VERSION)) { trigger_error('Missing mandatoring field in vcard', E_USER_ERROR); return; } PlVcardField::output(null, 'BEGIN', null, 'VCARD'); foreach ($this as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $entry) { $entry->show(); } } else if (!is_null($value)) { $value->show(); } } PlVcardField::output(null, 'END', null, 'VCARD'); } } /** Abstract representation of a vcard. * A VCard file can contain several 'physical' vcards. So, this class * handle a vcard as a set of 'PlVCardEntry', each entry describes a * profile. * * To use this tool, you MUST define a new class that inherists this class * and implements fetch() and buildEntry(). Fetch build an iterator that * list a sequence of object (there is no constraint on the type of object). * This objects are given to buildEntry() that MUST use the object to * build a PlVCardEntry object. * * Example: * * * protected function fetch() { * return new PlArrayIterator(array(id1, id2, id3)); * } * * protected function buildEntry($object) { * $profile = fetchProfile($object['value']); * $entry = new PlVCardEntry($profile['firstname'], $profile['name'], ...); * for ($adr in $profile) { * $entry->addHome($street, $ext, $postCode, $city, ...); * } * ... * return $entry; * } * */ abstract class PlVCard { /* VCard parameters */ /** Charset of the text fields */ static public $charset = 'UTF-8'; /** Is line folding activated. * Line folding consists in breaking too long logical lines * into several physical lines. * * RFC2425 and 2426 indicates that folding SHOULD be used * on lines longer than 75 characters, but it seems to fail * on some systems. */ static public $folding = true; /** Do we escape binary (base64) content like text content. * * RFC2426 does not mention escaping on binary values, but this * seems to bee required for some clients. */ static public $escapeBinary = false; /** Build an iterator that will be used to build the entries. */ protected abstract function fetch(); /** Build a entry from an object. */ protected abstract function buildEntry($item); /** Output a VCard */ public function show() { header("Pragma: "); header("Cache-Control: "); /* XXX: RFC2425 defines the mime content-type text/directory. * VCard inherits this type as a profile type. Maybe test/x-vcard * could be better. To be checked. */ header("Content-type: text/directory; profile=vCard; charset=" . self::$charset); $it = $this->fetch(); while ($item = $it->next()) { $entry = $this->buildEntry($item); $entry->show(); } exit; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>