results = $results; parent::__construct(); } } interface PlUserInterface { public static function _default_user_callback($login, $results); /** * Determines if the @p login is an email address, and an email address not * served locally by plat/al. */ public static function isForeignEmailAddress($email); } /** * Represents an user of plat/al (without any further assumption), with a * special focus on always-used properties (identification fields, display name, * forlife/bestalias emails, ...). * NOTE: each implementation of plat/al-code MUST subclass PlUser, and name it * 'User'. */ abstract class PlUser implements PlUserInterface { /** * User data enumerations. */ const GENDER_FEMALE = true; const GENDER_MALE = false; const FORMAT_HTML = "html"; const FORMAT_TEXT = "text"; /** * User data storage. * By convention, null means the information hasn't been fetched yet, and * false means the information is not available. */ // uid is internal user ID (potentially numeric), whereas hruid is a // "human readable" unique ID protected $uid = null; protected $hruid = null; // User main email aliases (forlife is the for-life email address, bestalias // is user-chosen preferred email address, email might be any email available // for the user). protected $forlife = null; protected $bestalias = null; protected $email = null; // Display name is user-chosen name to display (eg. in "Welcome // !"), while full name is the official full name. protected $display_name = null; protected $full_name = null; protected $sort_name = null; // Other important parameters used when sending emails. protected $gender = null; // Acceptable values are GENDER_MALE and GENDER_FEMALE protected $email_format = null; // Acceptable values are FORMAT_HTML and FORMAT_TEXT // Permissions protected $perms = null; protected $perm_flags = null; // Other properties are listed in this key-value hash map. protected $data = array(); /** * Constructs the PlUser object from an identifier (any identifier which is * understood by getLogin() implementation). * * @param $login An user login. * @param $values List of known user properties. */ public function __construct($login, $values = array()) { $this->fillFromArray($values); // If the user id was not part of the known values, determines it from // the login. if (!$this->uid) { $this->uid = $this->getLogin($login); } // Preloads main properties (assumes the loader will lazily get them // from variables already set in the object). $this->loadMainFields(); } /** * Get the canonical user id for the @p login. * * @param $login An user login. * @return The canonical user id. * @throws UserNotFoundException when login is not found. */ abstract protected function getLogin($login); /** * Loads the main properties (hruid, forlife, bestalias, ...) from the * database. Should return immediately when the properties are already * available. */ abstract protected function loadMainFields(); /** * Accessors to the main properties, ie. those available as top level * object variables. */ public function id() { return $this->uid; } public function login() { return $this->hruid; } public function isMe($other) { if (!$other) { return false; } else if ($other instanceof PlUser) { return $other->id() == $this->id(); } else { return false; } } public function bestEmail() { if (!empty($this->bestalias)) { return $this->bestalias; } return $this->email; } public function forlifeEmail() { if (!empty($this->forlife)) { return $this->forlife; } return $this->email; } public function displayName() { return $this->display_name; } public function fullName() { return $this->full_name; } abstract public function password(); // Fallback value is GENDER_MALE. public function isFemale() { return $this->gender == self::GENDER_FEMALE; } // Fallback value is FORMAT_TEXT. public function isEmailFormatHtml() { return $this->email_format == self::FORMAT_HTML; } /** * Other properties are available directly through the $data array, or as * standard object variables, using a getter. */ public function data() { return $this->data; } public function __get($name) { if (property_exists($this, $name)) { return $this->$name; } if (isset($this->data[$name])) { return $this->data[$name]; } return null; } public function __isset($name) { return property_exists($this, $name) || isset($this->data[$name]); } public function __unset($name) { if (property_exists($this, $name)) { $this->$name = null; } else { unset($this->data[$name]); } } /** * Fills the object properties using the @p associative array; the intended * user case is to fill the object using SQL obtained arrays. * * @param $values Key-value array of user properties. */ protected function fillFromArray(array $values) { // Merge main properties with existing ones. unset($values['data']); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (property_exists($this, $key) && !isset($this->$key)) { $this->$key = $value; } } // Merge all value into the $this->data placeholder. $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $values); } /** * Adds properties to the object; this method does not allow the caller to * update core properties (id, ...). * * @param $values An associative array of non-core properties. */ public function addProperties(array $values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (!property_exists($this, $key)) { $this->data[$key] = $value; } } } /** * Build the permissions flags for the user. */ abstract protected function buildPerms(); /** * Check wether the user got the given permission combination. */ public function checkPerms($perms) { if (is_null($this->perm_flags)) { $this->buildPerms(); } if (is_null($this->perm_flags)) { return false; } return $this->perm_flags->hasFlagCombination($perms); } /** * Returns a valid User object built from the @p id and optionnal @p values, * or returns false and calls the callback if the @p id is not valid. */ public static function get($login, $callback = false) { return User::getWithValues($login, array(), $callback); } public static function getWithValues($login, $values, $callback = false) { if (!$callback) { $callback = array('User', '_default_user_callback'); } try { return new User($login, $values); } catch (UserNotFoundException $e) { return call_user_func($callback, $login, $e->results); } } public static function getWithUID($uid, $callback = false) { return User::getWithValues(null, array('uid' => $uid), $callback); } // Same as above, but using the silent callback as default. public static function getSilent($login) { return User::getWithValues($login, array(), array('User', '_silent_user_callback')); } public static function getSilentWithValues($login, $values) { return User::getWithValues($login, $values, array('User', '_silent_user_callback')); } public static function getSilentWithUID($uid) { return User::getWithValues(null, array('uid' => $uid), array('User', '_silent_user_callback')); } /** * Retrieves User objects corresponding to the @p logins, and eventually * extracts and returns the @p property. If @p strict mode is disabled, it * also includes logins for which no forlife was found (but it still calls * the callback for them). * In all cases, email addresses which are not from the local domains are * kept. * * @param $logins Array of user logins. * @param $property Property to retrieve from the User objects. * @param $strict Should unvalidated logins be returned as-is or discarded ? * @param $callback Callback to call when a login is unknown to the system. * @return Array of validated user forlife emails. */ private static function getBulkUserProperties($logins, $property, $strict, $callback) { if (!is_array($logins)) { if (strlen(trim($logins)) == 0) { return null; } $logins = preg_split("/[; ,\r\n\|]+/", $logins); } if ($logins) { $list = array(); foreach ($logins as $i => $login) { $login = trim($login); if (empty($login)) { continue; } if (($user = User::get($login, $callback))) { $list[$i] = $user->$property(); } else if (!$strict || (User::isForeignEmailAddress($login) && isvalid_email($login))) { $list[$i] = $login; } } return array_unique($list); } return null; } /** * Returns hruid corresponding to the @p logins. See getBulkUserProperties() * for details. */ public static function getBulkHruid($logins, $callback = false) { return self::getBulkUserProperties($logins, 'login', true, $callback); } /** * Returns forlife emails corresponding to the @p logins. See * getBulkUserProperties() for details. */ public static function getBulkForlifeEmails($logins, $strict = true, $callback = false) { return self::getBulkUserProperties($logins, 'forlifeEmail', $strict, $callback); } /** * Predefined callbacks for the user lookup; they are called when a given * login is found not to be associated with any valid user. Silent callback * does nothing; default callback is supposed to display an error message, * using the Platal::page() hook. */ public static function _silent_user_callback($login, $results) { return; } private static function stripBadChars($text) { return str_replace(array(' ', "'", '+'), array('-', '', '_'), strtolower(stripslashes(replace_accent(trim($text))))); } /** Creates a username from a first and last name * @param $firstname User's firstname * @param $lasttname User's lastname * return STRING the corresponding username */ public static function makeUserName($firstname, $lastname) { return self::stripBadChars($firstname) . '.' . self::stripBadChars($lastname); } /** * Creates a user forlive identifier from: * @param $firstname User's firstname * @param $lasttname User's lastname * @param $category User's promotion or type of account */ public static function makeHrid($firstname, $lastname, $category) { $cat = self::stripBadChars($category); if (!$cat) { Platal::page()->kill("$category is not a suitable category."); } return self::makeUserName($firstname, $lastname) . '.' . $cat; } /** Reformats the firstname so that all letters are in lower case, * except the first letter of each part of the name. */ public static function fixFirstnameCase($firstname) { $firstname = strtolower($firstname); $pieces = explode('-', $firstname); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { $subpieces = explode("'", $piece); $usubpieces = ''; foreach ($subpieces as $subpiece) { $usubpieces[] = ucwords($subpiece); } $upieces[] = implode("'", $usubpieces); } return implode('-', $upieces); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8: ?>