Selects rows with WHERE foo = 'bar' * => Insertions are done with SET foo = 'bar' */ public $forced_values = array(); // the field for sorting entries public $sortfield; public $sortdesc = false; // action to do to delete row: // null => delete effectively, false => no deletion, SQL public $delete_action; public $delete_message; // Should "Save" button return to the list view public $auto_return = true; /* table editor for platal * $plname : the PLname of the page, ex: admin/payments * $table : the table to edit, ex: profile_medals * $idfield : the field of the table which is the id, ex: id * $editid : is the id editable or not (if not, it is considered as an int) */ public function __construct($plname, $table, $idfield, $editid = false, $idfield2 = false) { $this->pl = $plname; $this->table = $table; $this->idfield = $idfield; $this->idfield2 = $idfield2; $this->sortfield = $idfield; $this->idfield_editable = $editid; $this->whereclause = '1'; $r = XDB::iterator("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM $table"); $this->vars = array(); while ($a = $r->next()) { // desc will be the title of the column $a['desc'] = $a['Field']; $a['display'] = true; if (substr($a['Type'],0,8) == 'varchar(') { // limit editing box size $a['Size'] = $a['Maxlength'] = substr($a['Type'], 8, strlen($a['Type']) - 9); if ($a['Size'] > 40) $a['Size'] = 40; // if too big, put a textarea $a['Type'] = ($a['Maxlength']<200)?'varchar':'varchar200'; } elseif ($a['Type'] == 'text' || $a['Type'] == 'mediumtext') $a['Type'] = 'textarea'; elseif (substr($a['Type'],0,4) == 'set(') { // get the list of options $a['List'] = explode('§',str_replace("','","§",substr($a['Type'], 5, strlen($a['Type']) - 7))); if (count($a['List']) == 1) { $a['Type'] = 'checkbox'; $a['Value'] = $a['List'][0]; } else { $a['Type'] = 'set'; } } elseif (substr($a['Type'],0,5) == 'enum(') { // get the list of options $a['List'] = explode('§',str_replace("','","§",substr($a['Type'], 6, strlen($a['Type']) - 8))); $a['Type'] = 'enum'; } elseif (substr($a['Type'],0,10) == 'timestamp(' || $a['Type'] == 'datetime') { $a['Type'] = 'timestamp'; } elseif ($a['Comment'] == 'ip_address') { $a['Type']='ip_address'; } $this->vars[$a['Field']] = $a; } $this->vars[$idfield]['desc'] = 'id'; } // called before creating a new entry private function prepare_new() { $entry = array(); foreach ($this->vars as $field => $descr) { $entry[$field] = $descr['Default']; } return $this->prepare_edit($entry); } // called before editing $entry private function prepare_edit(&$entry) { foreach ($this->vars as $field => $descr) { if ($descr['Type'] == 'set') { // get the list of options selected $selected = explode(',', $entry[$field]); $entry[$field] = array(); foreach ($selected as $option) $entry[$field][$option] = 1; } if ($descr['Type'] == 'timestamp') { // set readable timestamp $date =& $entry[$field]; $date = preg_replace('/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/', '\3/\2/\1 \4:\5:\6', $date); } if ($descr['Type'] == 'date') { $date =& $entry[$field]; $date = preg_replace('/([0-9]{4})-?([0-9]{2})-?([0-9]{2})/', '\3/\2/\1', $date); } if ($descr['Type'] == 'ip_address') { $ip = & $entry[$field]; $ip = long2ip($ip); } } foreach ($this->forced_values as $field => $value) { $entry[$field] = $value; } return $entry; } // set whether the save button show redirect to list view or edit view public function list_on_edit($var) { $this->auto_return = $var; } // change display of a field public function describe($name, $desc, $display) { $this->vars[$name]['desc'] = $desc; $this->vars[$name]['display'] = $display; } // add a join table, when deleting a row corresponding entries will be deleted in these tables public function add_join_table($name,$joinid,$joindel,$joinextra="") { if ($joindel) $this->jtables[$name] = array("joinid" => $joinid,"joinextra" => $joinextra?(" AND ".$joinextra):""); } /** Add optional table * @see add_option_field * @param $name the table sql name * @param $jointclause the full joint clause. Use t as main table alias * name. */ public function add_option_table($name, $jointclause) { $this->otables[$name] = $jointclause; } /** Add optional field * These fields are used to display additionnal infos in listing (and only * there). The additionnal infos are retreived from other tables. * @param $sqlname is the full sql name (table.field) where table must be * added with add_option_table * @param $name the name used for sort (please make it different from * other fields in main table or subtables) * @param $desc the description displayed as column header * @param $type the typed used for display */ public function add_option_field($sqlname, $name, $desc, $type = null, $nextvar = null) { $this->ofields[$sqlname] = array($name, $desc, $type, $nextvar); } // add a sort key public function add_sort_field($key, $desc = false, $default = false) { if ($default) { $this->sortfield = $key . ($desc ? ' DESC' : ''); } else { $this->sort[] = $key . ($desc ? ' DESC' : ''); } } // force the value of a field in select and add public function force_field_value($field, $value) { $this->forced_values[$field] = $value; } // add a where clause to limit table listing public function set_where_clause($whereclause="1") { $this->whereclause = $whereclause; } // set an action when trying to delete row public function on_delete($action = NULL, $message = NULL) { $this->delete_action = $action; $this->delete_message = $message; } /** Retrieve the 'WHERE' clause to use for this PlTableEditor. * Takes into account $this->whereclause and $this->forced_values. * * @param $extra_clause optional extra clause to add to the WHERE * @return The WHERE clause to use */ protected function get_where_clause($extra_clause=null) { $parts = array(); $parts[] = $this->whereclause; if ($extra_clause !== null) { $parts[] = $extra_clause; } foreach ($this->forced_values as $field => $val) { $parts[] = XDB::format("$field = {?}", $val); } return implode(' AND ', $parts); } // call when done public function apply(PlPage $page, $action, $id = false, $id2 = false) { $page->coreTpl('table-editor.tpl'); $list = true; if ($action == 'delete' && $id !== false) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (!isset($this->delete_action)) { foreach ($this->jtables as $table => $j) XDB::execute("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE {$j['joinid']} = {?}{$j['joinextra']}", $id); $where = XDB::format("{$this->idfield} = {?}", $id); if ($this->idfield2) { $where .= XDB::format(" AND {$this->idfield2} = {?}", $id2); } XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM {$this->table} WHERE " . $this->get_where_clause($where)); $page->trigSuccess("L'entrée " . $id . (($id2) ? '-' . $id2 : '') . ' a été supprimée.'); } else if ($this->delete_action) { XDB::execute($this->delete_action, $id); if (isset($this->delete_message)) { $page->trigSuccess($this->delete_message); } else { $page->trigSuccess("L'entrée ".$id." a été supprimée."); } } else { $page->trigError("Impossible de supprimer l'entrée."); } } if ($action == 'edit' && $id !== false) { $r = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$this->idfield} = {?} AND " . $this->get_where_clause(), $id); $entry = $r->fetchOneAssoc(); $page->assign('entry', $this->prepare_edit($entry)); $page->assign('id', $id); $list = false; } if ($action == 'massadd') { $importer = new CSVImporter($this->table, $this->idfield_editable ? $this->idfield : null); $fields = array(); foreach ($this->vars as $field=>$descr) { if ($this->idfield_editable || $field != $this->idfield) { $fields[] = $field; $importer->describe($field, @$descr['desc']); } } foreach ($this->forced_values as $field => $value) { $importer->forceValue($field, $value); } $page->assign('massadd', true); $importer->apply($page, $this->pl . '/massadd', $fields); $list = false; } if ($action == 'new') { if (!$this->idfield_editable) { $page->assign('entry', $this->prepare_new()); } $list = false; } if ($action == 'update') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $cancel = false; $values = array(); $new = false; foreach ($this->vars as $field => $descr) { $val = null; $new = ($id === false || $id === null); if ($field == $this->idfield && !$this->idfield_editable) { if ($new) { $val = XDB::fetchOneCell("SELECT MAX({$field}) + 1 FROM {$this->table}"); } else { continue; } } elseif (array_key_exists($field, $this->forced_values)) { $val = $this->forced_values[$field]; } elseif ($descr['Type'] == 'set') { $val = new PlFlagset(); if (Post::has($field)) { foreach (Post::v($field) as $option) { $val->addFlag($option); } } } elseif ($descr['Type'] == 'checkbox') { $val = Post::has($field)? $descr['Value'] : ""; } elseif (Post::has($field)) { $val = Post::v($field); if ($descr['Type'] == 'timestamp') { $val = preg_replace('/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})/', '\3\2\1\4\5\6', $val); } else if ($descr['Type'] == 'date') { $val = preg_replace('/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{1,2})\/([0-9]{4})/', '\3-\2-\1', $val); } elseif ($descr['Type'] == 'ip_address') { $val = ip2long($val); } } elseif ($descr['display']) { $cancel = true; $page->trigError("Il manque le champ ".$field); } $values[$field] = XDB::escape($val); } if (!$cancel) { if (!$new) { $update = array(); foreach ($values as $field => $value) { $update[] = $field . ' = ' . $value; } $update = implode(', ', $update); XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE {$this->table} SET {$update} WHERE {$this->idfield} = " . XDB::escape($id) . " AND " . $this->get_where_clause()); } else { $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($values)); $values = implode(', ', $values); XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO {$this->table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$values})"); } if ($id !== false && $id !== null) { $page->trigSuccess("L'entrée ".$id." a été mise à jour."); } else { $page->trigSuccess("Une nouvelle entrée a été créée."); $id = XDB::insertId(); } } else { $page->trigError("Impossible de mettre à jour."); } if (!$this->auto_return) { return $this->apply($page, 'edit', $id); } } if ($action == 'sort') { $this->sortfield = $id; } if ($action == 'sortdesc') { $this->sortfield = $id.' DESC'; } if ($list) { // user can sort by field by clicking the title of the column if (isset($this->sortfield)) { // add this sort order after the others (chosen by dev) $this->add_sort_field($this->sortfield); if (substr($this->sortfield,-5) == ' DESC') { $this->sortfield = substr($this->sortfield,0,-5); $this->sortdesc = true; } } if (count($this->sort) > 0) { $sort = 'ORDER BY ' . join($this->sort, ','); } // optional infos columns $optional_fields = ''; if (count($this->ofields)) { $order = array(); foreach ($this->vars as $i => $aliasname) { $order[sprintf('%f',count($order))] = $i; } // delta for indexing optional columns between existing ones $changeorder = 0.5; foreach ($this->ofields as $sqlname => $ofieldvalues) { list($aliasname, $desc, $type, $nextvar) = $ofieldvalues; $optional_fields .= ', '.$sqlname.' AS '.$aliasname; $this->describe($aliasname, $desc, true); $this->vars[$aliasname]['optional'] = true; if (isset($type)) { $this->vars[$aliasname]['Type'] = $type; } if (isset($nextvar) && isset($this->vars[$nextvar]) && $nextvar != $aliasname) { $nextkey = array_search($nextvar, $order); $order[sprintf('%f',$nextkey - $changeorder)] = $aliasname; $changeorder = $changeorder / 2; } else { $order[sprintf('%f',count($order))] = $aliasname; } $this->vars[$aliasname]['Field'] = $aliasname; } if ($changeorder != 0.5) { ksort($order); $orderedvars = array(); foreach ($order as $aliasname) { $orderedvars[$aliasname] = $this->vars[$aliasname]; } $this->vars = $orderedvars; } } $optional_joints = ''; foreach ($this->otables as $tablename => $jointclause) { $optional_joints .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$tablename.' ON ('.$jointclause.')'; } $it = XDB::iterator("SELECT t.* {$optional_fields} FROM {$this->table} AS t {$optional_joints} WHERE " . $this->get_where_clause() . " $sort"); $this->nbfields = 0; foreach ($this->vars as $field => $descr) if ($descr['display']) $this->nbfields++; $page->assign('list', $it); } $page->assign('t', $this); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>