tpl = $tpl; $this->caching = false; $this->compile_check = true; $this->template_dir = $globals->spoolroot . "/templates/"; $this->compile_dir = $globals->spoolroot . "/spool/mails_c/"; $this->config_dir = $globals->spoolroot . "/configs/"; $this->register_outputfilter(Array($this, 'mail_format')); $this->register_function('from', Array($this, 'setFrom')); $this->register_function('to', Array($this, 'addTo')); $this->register_function('cc', Array($this, 'addCc')); $this->register_function('bcc', Array($this, 'addBcc')); $this->register_function('subject', Array($this, 'setSubject')); $this->register_function('add_header', Array($this, 'addHeader')); } public static function &get(&$mailer, $tpl) { static $plmail; if (!isset($plmail) || $plmail->tpl != $tpl) { $plmail = new PlMail($tpl); } $plmail->mailer =& $mailer; return $plmail; } public function run($version) { $this->assign('mail_part', $version); $text = $this->fetch($this->tpl); if ($version == 'text') { return wordwrap($text, 78); } return $text; } /** used to remove the empty lines due to {from ...}, {to ...} ... functions */ static public function mail_format($output, &$smarty) { return "\n".trim($output)."\n"; } static protected function format_addr(&$params) { if (isset($params['full'])) { return $params['full']; } elseif (empty($params['text'])) { return $params['addr']; } else { return $params['text'].' <'.$params['addr'].'>'; } } /** template function : from. * {from full=...} for an already formatted address * {from addr=... [text=...]} else */ public function setFrom($params, &$smarty) { $smarty->mailer->setFrom(PlMail::format_addr($params)); } /** template function : to. * {to full=...} for an already formatted address * {to addr=... [text=...]} else */ public function addTo($params, &$smarty) { $smarty->mailer->addTo(PlMail::format_addr($params)); } /** template function : cc. * {cc full=...} for an already formatted address * {cc addr=... [text=...]} else */ public function addCc($params, &$smarty) { $smarty->mailer->addCc(PlMail::format_addr($params)); } /** template function : bcc. * {bcc full=...} for an already formatted address * {bcc addr=... [text=...]} else */ public function addBcc($params, &$smarty) { $smarty->mailer->addBcc(PlMail::format_addr($params)); } /** template function : subject. * {subject text=...} */ public function setSubject($params, &$smarty) { $smarty->mailer->setSubject($params['text']); } /** template function : add_header. * {add_header name=... value=...} */ public function addHeader($params, &$smarty) { $smarty->mailer->addHeader($params['name'], $params['value']); } } require_once('Mail.php'); require_once('Mail/mime.php'); /** Class for sending inline or multipart-emails. * Based on Diogenes' HermesMailer */ class PlMailer extends Mail_Mime { private $mail; private $page = null; private $charset; private $wiki = null; function __construct($tpl = null, $charset = "UTF-8") { $this->charset = $charset; $this->Mail_Mime("\n"); $this->mail = Mail::factory('sendmail', Array('sendmail_args' => '-oi')); if (!is_null($tpl)) { $this->page =& PlMail::get($this, $tpl); } } /** * converts all : Foo Bar Baz into "Foo Bar Baz" which is RFC compliant */ private function correct_emails($email) { return preg_replace('!(^|, *)([^<"]+?) *(<[^>]*>)!u', '\1"\2" \3', $email); } public function addTo($email) { $email = $this->correct_emails($email); if (isset($this->_headers['To'])) { $this->_headers['To'] .= ", $email"; } else { $this->_headers['To'] = $email; } } public function addCc($email) { return parent::addCc($this->correct_emails($email)); } public function addBcc($email) { return parent::addBcc($this->correct_emails($email)); } public function setFrom($email) { return parent::setFrom($this->correct_emails($email)); } public function addHeader($hdr,$val) { switch($hdr) { case 'From': $this->setFrom($val); break; case 'To': unset($this->_headers[$hdr]); $this->addTo($val); break; case 'Cc': unset($this->_headers[$hdr]); $this->addCc($val); break; case 'Bcc': unset($this->_headers[$hdr]); $this->addBcc($val); break; default: $this->headers(Array($hdr=>$val)); } } public function addUploadAttachment(PlUpload &$upload, $name) { $encoding = $upload->isType('text') ? 'quoted-printable' : 'base64'; $this->addAttachment($upload->getContents(), $upload->contentType(), $name, false, $encoding); } public function assign($var, $value) { if (!is_null($this->page)) { $this->page->assign($var, $value); } } public function assign_by_ref($var, &$value) { if (!is_null($this->page)) { $this->page->assign_by_ref($var, $value); } } public function register_modifier($var, $callback) { if (!is_null($this->page)) { $this->page->register_modifier($var, $callback); } } public function register_function($var, $callback) { if (!is_null($this->page)) { $this->page->register_function($var, $callback); } } public function setWikiBody($wiki) { $this->wiki = $wiki; } private function processPage($with_html = true) { if (!is_null($this->page)) { $level = error_reporting(0); $this->page->run('head'); // process page headers $this->wiki = trim($this->page->run('wiki')); // get wiki if (!$this->wiki) { $this->setTxtBody($this->page->run('text')); if ($with_html) { $html = trim($this->page->run('html')); if (!empty($html)) { $this->setHtmlBody($html); } } } error_reporting($level); } if ($this->wiki) { $this->setTxtBody(MiniWiki::WikiToText($this->wiki, false, 0, 78)); if ($with_html) { $this->setHtmlBody('' . MiniWiki::WikiToHtml($this->wiki, true) . ''); } } } public function send($with_html = true) { $this->processPage($with_html); if (S::v('forlife')) { global $globals; $this->addHeader('X-Org-Mail', S::v('forlife') . '@' . $globals->mail->domain); } $addrs = Array(); foreach(Array('To', 'Cc', 'Bcc') as $hdr) { if(isset($this->_headers[$hdr])) { require_once 'Mail/RFC822.php'; $parsed = @Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList($this->_headers[$hdr]); if (is_array($parsed)) { $addrs = array_merge($addrs, $parsed); } } } if(empty($addrs)) { return false; } $dests = Array(); foreach($addrs as $a) { $dests[] = "{$a->mailbox}@{$a->host}"; } // very important to do it in THIS order very precisely. $body = $this->get(array('text_charset' => $this->charset, 'text_encoding' => '8bit', 'html_charset' => $this->charset, 'head_charset' => $this->charset)); $hdrs = $this->headers(); if (empty($hdrs['From'])) { trigger_error('Empty "From", mail not sent', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return $this->mail->send($dests, $hdrs, $body); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>