array(0 => key_for_depth0 [, 1 => key_for_depths1, ...]), * value => the value); */ public static function fromArray(array $array, $depth = 1, $flat = false) { return new PlArrayIterator($array, $depth, $flat); } /** Sort an iterator using the given sort callback. * @param iterator The iterator to sort. * @param callback The callback for comparison. * @return a new iterator with the entries sorted. */ public static function sort(PlIterator $iterator, $callback) { $heap = new PlHeap($callback); while ($item = $iterator->next()) { $heap->push($item); } return $heap->iterator(); } /** Merge several iterator into a unique one. * @param iterators Array of iterators. * @param callback The callback for comparison. * @param sorted Tell wether the iterators are already sorted using the given callback. * @return an iterator. */ public static function merge(array $iterators, $callback, $sorted = true) { return new PlMergeIterator($iterators, $callback, $sorted); } /** Build an iterator that contains only the elements of the given iterator that * match the given condition. The condition should be a callback that takes an element * and returns a boolean. * @param iterator The source iterator * @param callback The condition * @return an iterator */ public static function filter(PlIterator $iterator, $callback) { return new PlFilterIterator($iterator, $callback); } /** Build an iterator that transforms the element of another iterator. The callback * takes an element and transform it into another one. Be careful: if the result * of the callback is null, the iteration ends. * @param iterator The source iterator * @param callback The transformer. */ public static function map(PlIterator $iterator, $callback) { return new PlMapIterator($iterator, $callback); } /** Build an iterator whose values are iterators too; such a 'subIterator' will end * when the value of $callback changes * @param iterator The source iterator * @param callback The callback for detecting changes. * @return an iterator */ public static function subIterator(PlIterator $iterator, $callback) { return new SubIterator($iterator, $callback); } /** Returns the callback for '$x -> $x[$key]'; * @param $key the index to retrieve in arrays * @return a callback */ public static function arrayValueCallback($key) { $callback = new _GetArrayValueCallback($key); return array($callback, 'get'); } /** Returns the callback for '$x -> $x->prop'; * @param $property The property to retrieve * @return a callback */ public static function objectPropertyCallback($property) { $callback = new _GetObjectPropertyCallback($property); return array($callback, 'get'); } } /** Iterates over an array. */ class PlArrayIterator implements PlIterator { private $array; private $depth; private $_its = array(); private $_total; private $_first; private $_last; private $_pos; private $_flat; public function __construct(array &$array, $depth = 1, $flat = false) { $this->array =& $array; $this->depth = $depth; $this->_total = $this->count($array, $depth - 1); $this->_pos = 0; $this->_first = false; $this->_last = false; $this->_flat = $flat; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $depth ; ++$i) { if ($i == 0) { $this->_its[] = $array; } else { $this->_its[] = current($this->_its[$i - 1]); } reset($this->_its[$i]); } } private function count(array &$array, $depth) { if ($depth == 0) { return count($array); } else { $sum = 0; foreach ($array as &$item) { $sum += $this->count($item, $depth - 1); } return $sum; } } private function nextArray($depth) { if ($depth == 0) { return; } $this->_its[$depth] = next($this->_its[$depth - 1]); if ($this->_its[$depth] === false) { $this->nextArray($depth - 1); if ($this->_its[$depth - 1] === false) { return; } $this->_its[$depth] = current($this->_its[$depth - 1]); } reset($this->_its[$depth]); } public function next() { ++$this->_pos; $this->_first = ($this->_total > 0 && $this->_pos == 1); $this->_last = ($this->_pos == $this->_total); if ($this->_pos > $this->_total) { return null; } $val = current($this->_its[$this->depth - 1]); if ($val === false) { $this->nextArray($this->depth - 1); $val = current($this->_its[$this->depth - 1]); if ($val === false) { return null; } } $keys = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $this->depth ; ++$i) { $keys[] = key($this->_its[$i]); } next($this->_its[$this->depth - 1]); if ($this->_flat) { return $val; } else { return array('keys' => $keys, 'value' => $val); } } public function total() { return $this->_total; } public function first() { return $this->_first; } public function last() { return $this->_last; } } /** Iterator that return the result of a merge of several iterators. */ class PlMergeIterator implements PlIterator { /* The heap is field with entries with the form: * array('it' => id of the iterator this entry come from, * 'value' => value of the entry). */ private $heap; private $preComputed = false; private $comparator; private $iterators; private $_total; private $pos; public function __construct(array $iterators, $callback, $sorted = true) { $this->heap = new PlHeap(array($this, 'compare')); $this->_total = 0; $this->comparator = $callback; if ($sorted) { $this->iterators = $iterators; foreach ($this->iterators as $key => &$it) { $this->_total += $it->total(); $item = $it->next(); if (!is_null($item)) { $this->heap->push(array('it' => $key, 'value' => $item)); } } } else { $this->preComputed = true; foreach ($iterators as $key => &$it) { $this->_total += $it->total(); while (!is_null($item = $it->next())) { $this->heap->push(array('it' => $key, 'value' => $item)); } } } $this->pos = 0; } /** Compare two entries of the heap using the comparator of the user. */ public function compare($a, $b) { $cp = call_user_func($this->comparator, $a['value'], $b['value']); if ($cp == 0) { return $a['it'] - $b['it']; } return $cp; } public function total() { return $this->_total; } public function next() { ++$this->pos; $entry = $this->heap->pop(); if (is_null($entry)) { return null; } if ($this->preComputed) { return $entry['value']; } $it = $entry['it']; $item = $this->iterators[$it]->next(); if (!is_null($item)) { $this->heap->push(array('it' => $it, 'value' => $item)); } return $entry['value']; } public function last() { return $this->heap->count() == 0; } public function first() { return $this->pos == 1; } } class PlFilterIterator implements PlIterator { private $source; private $callback; private $element; private $start; public function __construct(PlIterator $source, $callback) { $this->source = $source; $this->callback = $callback; $this->start = true; $this->element = null; } private function fetchNext() { do { $current = $this->source->next(); if (!$current) { $this->element = null; $this->start = false; return; } $res = call_user_func($this->callback, $current); if ($res) { $this->element = $current; return; } } while (true); } public function next() { if ($this->element && $this->start) { $this->start = false; } $elt = $this->element; if ($elt) { $this->fetchNext(); } return $elt; } public function total() { /* This is an approximation since the correct total * cannot be computed without fetching all the elements */ return $this->source->total(); } public function first() { return $this->start; } public function last() { return !$this->start && !$this->element; } } class PlMapIterator implements PlIterator { private $source; private $callback; public function __construct(PlIterator $source, $callback) { $this->source = $source; $this->callback = $callback; } public function next() { $elt = $this->source->next(); if ($elt) { return call_user_func($this->callback, $elt); } else { return null; } } public function total() { return $this->source->total(); } public function first() { return $this->source->first(); } public function last() { return $this->source->last(); } } class PlSubIterator implements PlIterator { private $source; private $callback; private $next = null; // The next item, if it has been fetched too early by a subiterator public function __construct(PlIterator $source, $callback) { $this->source = $source; $this->callback = $callback; } public function next() { if ($this->last()) { return null; } else { return new PlInnerSubIterator($this->source, $this->callback, $this, $this->next); } } /** This will always be a too big number, but the actual result can't be easily computed */ public function total() { return $this->source->total(); } public function last() { return ($this->source->last() && $this->next == null); } public function first() { return $this->source->first(); } // Called by a subiterator to "rewind" the core iterator public function setNext($item) { $this->next = $item; } } class PlInnerSubIterator implements PlIterator { private $source; private $callback; private $parent; private $next; // Not null if the source has to be "rewinded" private $curval = null; private $curelt = null; private $stepped = false; private $over = false; public function __construct(PlIterator $source, $callback, PlSubIterator $parent, $next = null) { $this->source = $source; $this->callback = $callback; $this->parent = $parent; $this->next = $next; } public function value() { $this->_step(); return $this->curval; } // Move one step, if the current element has been used private function _step() { if ($this->stepped) { return; } if ($this->next != null) { $this->curelt = $this->next; $this->next = null; } else { $elt = $this->source->next(); } $this->stepped = true; } public function next() { $this->_step(); $this->stepped = false; if ($this->elt) { $val = call_user_func($this->callback, $this->elt); if ($val == $this->curval) { $this->curval = $val; return $this->elt; } else { $this->parent->setNext($this->elt); } } $this->over = true; return null; } /** This will always be a too big number, but the actual result can't be easily computed */ public function total() { return $this->source->total(); } public function last() { return $this->over; } public function first() { return false; } } // Wrapper class for 'arrayValueCallback' (get field $key of the given array) class _GetArrayValueCallback { private $key; public function __construct($key) { $this->key = $key; } public function get(array $arr) { if (array_key_exists($this->key, $arr)) { return $arr[$this->key]; } else { return null; } } } // Wrapper class for 'objectPropertyCallback' (get property ->$blah of the given object) class _GetObjectPropertyCallback { private $property; public function __construct($property) { $this->property = $property; } public function get($obj) { $p = $this->property; return @$obj->$p; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>