* [SectionName] * fieldname = value * * * With this configuration file, you'll be able to access 'value' via * $globals->sectionname->fieldname. Let say 'sectionname' is a namespace * * * You should derivate this class into a local Globals class. In this class * you can specify configuration variables that belongs to the 'global' namespace * (accessible via $global->fieldname). To do so, just define the fieldname * in your class and set its value in the [Core] section of you ini file. */ class PlGlobals { public $coreVersion = '0.9.17'; /** Debug level. * This is a combination of the DEBUG_ flags. As soon as at least * one flag is set, the debug mode is activated, this means: * - debug panel on the top of the pages * - don't hide php notices * - recompile templates when they have been changed */ public $debug = 0; /** Access mode. */ public $mode = 'rw'; // 'rw' => read/write, // 'r' => read/only // '' => site down /** BaseURL of the site. * This is read from the HTTP headers if available but you MUST give a * default value for this field in you configuration file (because, this * can be used in CLI scripts that has no access no HTTP headers...) * * [Core] * baseurl = "https//www.mysite.org/" */ public $baseurl; /** In case your base url is https-based, this provied an HTTP-based value * for the URL. */ public $baseurl_http; /** paths */ public $spoolroot; /** Localization configuration. */ public $locale; public $timezone; /** You must give a list of file to load. * The filenames given are relatives to the config path of your plat/al installation. */ public function __construct(array $files) { $this->spoolroot = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); $this->readConfig($files); if (isset($_SERVER) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $base = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://'; $this->baseurl = @trim($base .$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/'); $this->baseurl_http = @trim('http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/'); } $this->setLocale(); } private function readIniFile($filename) { $array = parse_ini_file($filename, true); if (!is_array($array)) { return; } foreach ($array as $cat => $conf) { $c = strtolower($cat); foreach ($conf as $k => $v) { if ($c == 'core' && property_exists($this, $k)) { $this->$k=$v; } else { if (!isset($this->$c)) { $this->$c = new stdClass; } $this->$c->$k = $v; } } } } private function readConfig(array $files) { foreach ($files as $file) { $this->readIniFile($this->spoolroot . '/configs/' . $file); } if (file_exists($this->spoolroot.'/spool/conf/platal.dynamic.conf')) { $this->readIniFile($this->spoolroot.'/spool/conf/platal.dynamic.conf'); } } /** Writes an ini file separated in categories * @param filename the name of the file to write (overwrite existing) * @param categories an array of categories (array of keys and values) */ private function writeIniFile($filename, &$categories) { // [category] // key = value $f = fopen($filename, 'w'); foreach ($categories as $cat => $conf) { fwrite($f, '; {{{ '.$cat."\n\n"); fwrite($f, '['.$cat.']'."\n\n"); foreach ($conf as $k => $v) { fwrite($f, $k.' = "'.str_replace('"','\\"',$v).'"'."\n"); } fwrite($f, "\n".'; }}}'."\n"); } fwrite($f, '; vim:set syntax=dosini foldmethod=marker:'."\n"); fclose($f); } /** Change dynamic config file * @param conf array of keys and values to add or replace * @param category name of category to change * * Opens the dynamic conf file and set values from conf in specified * category. Updates config vars too. */ public function changeDynamicConfig($conf, $category = 'Core') { $dynamicfile = $this->spoolroot.'/spool/conf/platal.dynamic.conf'; if (file_exists($dynamicfile)) { $array = parse_ini_file($dynamicfile, true); } else { $array = null; } if (!is_array($array)) { // dynamic conf is empty $array = array($category => $conf); } else { // looks for a category that looks the same (case insensitive) $same = false; foreach ($array as $m => &$c) { if (strtolower($m) == strtolower($category)) { $same = $m; break; } } if (!$same) { // this category doesn't exist yet $array[$category] = $conf; } else { // this category already exists $conflower = array(); foreach ($conf as $k => $v) { $conflower[strtolower($k)] = $v; } // $conflower is now same as $conf but with lower case keys // replaces values of keys that already exists foreach ($array[$same] as $k => $v) { if (isset($conflower[strtolower($k)])) { $array[$same][$k] = $conflower[strtolower($k)]; unset($conflower[strtolower($k)]); } } // add new keys foreach ($conf as $k => $v) { if (isset($conflower[strtolower($k)])) { $array[$same][$k] = $v; } } } } // writes the file over $this->writeIniFile($dynamicfile, $array); // rereads the new config to correctly set vars $this->readIniFile($dynamicfile); } public function bootstrap($conf, $callback, $category = 'Core') { $bootstrap = false; $category = strtolower($category); foreach ($conf as $key) { if (!isset($this->$category->$key)) { $bootstrap = true; break; } } if ($bootstrap) { call_user_func($callback); } } private function setLocale() { setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $this->locale); setlocale(LC_TIME, $this->locale); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $this->locale); date_default_timezone_set($this->timezone); mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>