count = $count; $this->from = $from; } public function getSql() { if (!is_null($this->count)) { if (!is_null($this->from) && $this->from != 0) { return XDB::format('LIMIT {?}, {?}', (int)$this->from, (int)$this->count); } else { return XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$this->count); } } return ''; } } class PlSqlJoin { private $mode; private $table; private $condition; const MODE_LEFT = 'LEFT'; const MODE_RIGHT = 'RIGHT'; const MODE_INNER = 'INNER'; public function __construct($mode, $table, $condition) { if ($mode != self::MODE_LEFT && $mode != self::MODE_RIGHT && $mode != self::MODE_INNER) { Platal::page()->kill("Join mode error : unknown mode $mode"); return; } $this->mode = $mode; $this->table = $table; $this->condition = $condition; } public function mode() { return $this->mode; } public function table() { return $this->table; } public function condition() { return $this->condition; } /** Replace all "metas" in the condition with their translation. * $ME always becomes the alias of the table * @param $key The name the joined table will have in the final query * @param $joinMetas An array of meta => conversion to apply to the condition */ public function replaceJoinMetas($key, $joinMetas = array()) { $joinMetas['$ME'] = $key; return str_replace(array_keys($joinMetas), $joinMetas, $this->condition); } /** Create a join command from an array of PlSqlJoin * @param $joins The list of 'join' to convert into an SQL query * @param $joinMetas An array of ('$META' => 'conversion') to apply to the joins. */ public static function formatJoins(array $joins, array $joinMetas) { $str = ''; foreach ($joins as $key => $join) { if (! ($join instanceof PlSqlJoin)) { Platal::page()->kill("Error: not a join: $join"); } $mode = $join->mode(); $table = $join->table(); $str .= ' ' . $mode . ' JOIN ' . $table . ' AS ' . $key; if ($join->condition() != null) { $str .= ' ON (' . $join->replaceJoinMetas($key, $joinMetas) . ')'; } $str .= "\n"; } return $str; } } abstract class PlFilterOrder { protected $desc = false; public function __construct($desc = false) { $this->desc = $desc; } public function toggleDesc() { $this->desc = !$desc; } public function setDescending($desc = true) { $this->desc = $desc; } public function buildSort(PlFilter &$pf) { $sel = $this->getSortTokens($pf); if (!is_array($sel)) { $sel = array($sel); } if ($this->desc) { foreach ($sel as $k => $s) { $sel[$k] = $s . ' DESC'; } } return $sel; } // abstract protected function getSortTokens(&$pf); } // {{{ interface PlFilterCondition interface PlFilterCondition { const COND_TRUE = 'TRUE'; const COND_FALSE = 'FALSE'; public function buildCondition(PlFilter &$pf); } // }}} // {{{ class PFC_OneChild abstract class PFC_OneChild implements PlFilterCondition { protected $child; public function __construct(&$child = null) { if (!is_null($child) && ($child instanceof PlFilterCondition)) { $this->setChild($child); } } public function setChild(PlFilterCondition &$cond) { $this->child =& $cond; } } // }}} // {{{ class PFC_NChildren abstract class PFC_NChildren implements PlFilterCondition { protected $children = array(); public function __construct() { $children = func_get_args(); foreach ($children as &$child) { if (!is_null($child) && ($child instanceof PlFilterCondition)) { $this->addChild($child); } } } public function addChild(PlFilterCondition &$cond) { $this->children[] =& $cond; } protected function catConds(array $cond, $op, $fallback) { if (count($cond) == 0) { return $fallback; } else if (count($cond) == 1) { return $cond[0]; } else { return '(' . implode(') ' . $op . ' (', $cond) . ')'; } } } // }}} // {{{ class PFC_True class PFC_True implements PlFilterCondition { public function buildCondition(PlFilter &$uf) { return self::COND_TRUE; } } // }}} // {{{ class PFC_False class PFC_False implements PlFilterCondition { public function buildCondition(PlFilter &$uf) { return self::COND_FALSE; } } // }}} // {{{ class PFC_Not class PFC_Not extends PFC_OneChild { public function buildCondition(PlFilter &$uf) { $val = $this->child->buildCondition($uf); if ($val == self::COND_TRUE) { return self::COND_FALSE; } else if ($val == self::COND_FALSE) { return self::COND_TRUE; } else { return 'NOT (' . $val . ')'; } } } // }}} // {{{ class PFC_And class PFC_And extends PFC_NChildren { public function buildCondition(PlFilter &$uf) { if (empty($this->children)) { return self::COND_FALSE; } else { $true = self::COND_FALSE; $conds = array(); foreach ($this->children as &$child) { $val = $child->buildCondition($uf); if ($val == self::COND_TRUE) { $true = self::COND_TRUE; } else if ($val == self::COND_FALSE) { return self::COND_FALSE; } else { $conds[] = $val; } } return $this->catConds($conds, 'AND', $true); } } } // }}} // {{{ class PFC_Or class PFC_Or extends PFC_NChildren { public function buildCondition(PlFilter &$uf) { if (empty($this->children)) { return self::COND_TRUE; } else { $true = self::COND_TRUE; $conds = array(); foreach ($this->children as &$child) { $val = $child->buildCondition($uf); if ($val == self::COND_TRUE) { return self::COND_TRUE; } else if ($val == self::COND_FALSE) { $true = self::COND_FALSE; } else { $conds[] = $val; } } return $this->catConds($conds, 'OR', $true); } } } // }}} abstract class PlFilter { /** Filters objects matching the PlFilter * @param $objects The objects to filter * @param $limit The portion of the matching objects to show */ public abstract function filter(array $objects, PlLimit &$limit); public abstract function setCondition(PlFilterCondition &$cond); public abstract function addSort(PlFilterOrder &$sort); public abstract function getTotalCount(); /** Get objects, selecting only those within a limit * @param $limit The portion of the matching objects to select */ public abstract function get(PlLimit &$limit); /** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS */ /** List of metas to replace in joins: * '$COIN' => 'pan.x' means 'replace $COIN with pan.x in the condition of the joins' * * "$ME" => "joined table alias" is always added to these. */ protected $joinMetas = array(); protected $joinMethods = array(); /** Build the 'join' part of the query * This function will call all methods declared in self::$joinMethods * to get an array of PlSqlJoin objects to merge */ protected function buildJoins() { $joins = array(); foreach ($this->joinMethods as $method) { $joins = array_merge($joins, $this->$method()); } return PlSqlJoin::formatJoins($joins, $this->joinMetas); } } ?>