table->table . '.' . $field->name . '\'): ' . $reason); } } class PlDBNoSuchFieldException extends PlException { public function __construct($field, PlDBTable $table) { parent::__construct('Erreur lors de l\'accès à la base de données', 'No such field ' . $field . ' in table ' . $table->table); } } class PlDBNoSuchKeyException extends PlException { public function __construct($key, PlDBTable $table) { parent::__construct('Erreur lors de l\'accès à la base de données', 'No such key ' . $key . ' in table ' . $table->table); } } class PlDBIncompleteEntryDescription extends PlException { public function __construct($field, PlDBTable $table) { parent::__construct('Erreur lors de l\'accès à la base de données', 'The field ' . $field . ' is required to describe an entry in table ' . $table->table); } } class PlDBTableField { public $table; public $name; public $inPrimaryKey; public $type; public $typeLength; public $typeParameters; public $allowNull; public $defaultValue; public $autoIncrement; private $validator; private $formatter; public function __construct(array $column) { $this->name = $column['Field']; $this->typeParameters = explode(' ', str_replace(array('(', ')', ',', '\''), ' ', $column['Type'])); $this->type = array_shift($this->typeParameters); if ($this->type == 'enum' || $this->type == 'set') { $this->typeParameters = new PlFlagSet(implode(',', $this->typeParameters)); } else if (ctype_digit($this->typeParameters[0])) { $this->typeLength = intval($this->typeParameters[0]); array_shift($this->typeParameters); } $this->allowNull = ($column['Null'] === 'YES'); $this->autoIncrement = (strpos($column['Extra'], 'auto_increment') !== false); $this->inPrimaryKey = ($column['Key'] == 'PRI'); try { $this->defaultValue = $this->format($column['Default']); } catch (PlDBBadValueException $e) { $this->defaultValue = null; } } public function registerFormatter($class) { $this->formatter = $class; } public function registerValidator($class) { $this->validator = $class; } public function format($value, $badNullFallbackToDefault = false) { if (is_null($value)) { if ($this->allowNull || $this->autoIncrement) { return $value; } if ($badNullFallbackToDefault) { return $this->defaultValue; } throw new PlDBBadValueException($value, $this, 'null not allowed'); } if (!is_null($this->validator)) { $class = $this->validator; new $class($this, $value); } if (!is_null($this->formatter)) { $class = $this->formatter; $value = new $class($this, $value); } else if ($this->type == 'enum') { if (!$this->typeParameters->hasFlag($value)) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($value, $this, 'invalid value for enum ' . $this->typeParameters->flags()); } return $value; } else if ($this->type == 'set') { $value = new PlFlagSet($value); foreach ($value as $flag) { if (!$this->typeParameters->hasFlag($flag)) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($value, $this, 'invalid flag for set ' . $this->typeParameters->flags()); } } return $value; } else if (ends_with($this->type, 'int')) { if (!is_int($value) && !ctype_digit($value)) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($value, $this, 'value is not an integer'); } $value = intval($value); if (count($this->typeParameters) > 0 && $this->typeParameters[0] == 'unsigned') { if ($value < 0) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($value, $this, 'value is negative in an unsigned field'); } } /* TODO: Check bounds */ return $value; } else if (ends_with($this->type, 'char')) { if (strlen($value) > $this->typeLength) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($value, $this, 'value is expected to be at most ' . $this->typeLength . ' characters long, ' . strlen($value) . ' given'); } return $value; } else if (starts_with($this->type, 'date') || $this->type == 'timestamp') { return new DateFieldFormatter($this, $value); } return $value; } } interface PlDBTableFieldValidator { public function __construct(PlDBTableField $field, $value); } interface PlDBTableFieldFormatter extends PlDBTableFieldValidator, XDBFormat, PlExportable { } class DateFieldFormatter implements PlDBTableFieldFormatter { private $datetime; private $storageFormat; public function __construct(PlDBTableField $field, $date) { $this->datetime = make_datetime($date); if (is_null($this->datetime)) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($date, $field, 'value is expected to be a date/time, ' . $date . ' given'); } if ($field->type == 'date') { $this->storageFormat = 'Y-m-d'; } else if ($field->type == 'datetime') { $this->storageFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; } else { $this->storageFormat = 'U'; } } public function format() { return XDB::escape($this->export()); } public function date($format) { return $this->datetime->format($format); } public function export() { return $this->datetime->format($this->storageFormat); } } class JSonFieldFormatter implements PlDBTableFieldFormatter, ArrayAccess { private $data; public function __construct(PlDBTableField $field, $data) { if (strpos($field->type, 'text') === false) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($data, $field, 'json formatting requires a text field'); } if (is_string($data)) { $this->data = json_decode($data, true); } else if (is_object($data)) { if ($data instanceof PlExportable) { $this->data = $data->export(); } else { $this->data = json_decode(json_encode($data), true); } } else if (is_array($data)) { $this->data = $data; } if (is_null($this->data)) { throw new PlDBBadValueException($data, $field, 'cannot interpret data as json: ' . $data); } } public function format() { return XDB::escape(json_encode($this->data)); } public function export() { return $this->data; } public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->data[$offset]); } public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->data[$offset]; } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { $this->data[$offset] = $value; } public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->data[$offset]); } } /** This class aims at providing a simple interface to interact with a single * table of a database. It is implemented as a wrapper around XDB. */ class PlDBTable { const PRIMARY_KEY = 'PRIMARY'; public $table; private $schema; private $primaryKey; private $uniqueKeys; private $multipleKeys; private $mutableFields; public function __construct($table) { $this->table = $table; $this->schema(); } private function parseSchema(PlIterator $schema, PlIterator $keys) { $this->schema = array(); $this->primaryKey = array(); $this->uniqueKeys = array(); $this->multipleKeys = array(); $this->mutableFields = array(); while ($column = $schema->next()) { $field = new PlDBTableField($column); $this->schema[$field->name] = $field; if (!$field->inPrimaryKey) { $this->mutableFields[] = $field->name; } } while ($column = $keys->next()) { $name = $column['Key_name']; $multiple = intval($column['Non_unique']) != 0; $field = $column['Column_name']; if ($multiple) { if (!isset($this->multipleKeys[$name])) { $this->multipleKeys[$name] = array(); } $this->multipleKeys[$name][] = $field; } else if ($name == self::PRIMARY_KEY) { $this->primaryKey[] = $field; } else { if (!isset($this->uniqueKeys[$name])) { $this->uniqueKeys[$name] = array(); } $this->uniqueKeys[$name][] = $field; } } } private function schema() { if (!$this->schema) { $schema = XDB::iterator('DESCRIBE ' . $this->table); $keys = XDB::iterator('SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $this->table); $this->parseSchema($schema, $keys); } return $this->schema; } private function field($field) { $schema = $this->schema(); if (!isset($schema[$field])) { throw new PlDBNoSuchFieldException($field, $this); } return $schema[$field]; } public function formatField($field, $value) { return $this->field($field)->format($value); } public function registerFieldFormatter($field, $class) { return $this->field($field)->registerFormatter($class); } public function registerFieldValidator($field, $class) { return $this->field($field)->registerValidator($class); } public function defaultValue($field) { return $this->field($field)->defaultValue; } private function hasKeyField(PlDBTableEntry $entry, array $fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($entry->$field)) { return true; } } return false; } private function keyFields($keyName) { if ($keyName == self::PRIMARY_KEY) { return $this->primaryKey; } else if (isset($this->uniqueKeys[$keyName])) { return $this->uniqueKeys[$keyName]; } else if (isset($this->multipleKeys[$keyName])) { return $this->multipleKeys[$keyName]; } throw new PlDBNoSuchKeyException($keyName, $this); } private function bestKeyFields(PlDBTableEntry $entry, $allowMultiple) { if ($this->hasKeyField($entry, $this->primaryKey)) { return $this->primaryKey; } foreach ($this->uniqueKeys as $fields) { if ($this->hasKeyField($entry, $fields)) { return $fields; } } if ($allowMultiple) { foreach ($this->multipleKeys as $fields) { if ($this->hasKeyField($entry, $fields)) { return $fields; } } } return $this->primaryKey; } public function key(PlDBTableEntry $entry, array $keyFields) { $key = array(); foreach ($keyFields as $field) { if (!isset($entry->$field)) { throw new PlDBIncompleteEntryDescription($field, $this); } else { $key[] = XDB::escape($this->$field); } } return implode('-', $key); } public function primaryKey(PlDBTableEntry $entry) { return $this->key($this->keyFields(self::PRIMARY_KEY)); } private function buildKeyCondition(PlDBTableEntry $entry, array $keyFields, $allowIncomplete) { $condition = array(); foreach ($keyFields as $field) { if (!isset($entry->$field)) { if (!$allowIncomplete) { throw new PlDBIncompleteEntryDescription($field, $this); } } else { $condition[] = XDB::format($field . ' = {?}', $entry->$field); } } return implode(' AND ', $condition); } public function fetchEntry(PlDBTableEntry $entry) { $result = XDB::rawFetchOneAssoc('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ' . $this->buildKeyCondition($entry, $this->bestKeyFields($entry, false), false)); if (!$result) { return false; } return $entry->fillFromDBData($result); } public function iterateOnCondition(PlDBTableEntry $entry, $condition, $sortField) { if (empty($sortField)) { $sortField = $this->primaryKey; } if (!is_array($sortField)) { $sortField = array($sortField); } $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $sortField); $it = XDB::rawIterator('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ' . $condition . ' ' . $sort); return PlIteratorUtils::map($it, array($entry, 'cloneAndFillFromDBData')); } public function iterateOnEntry(PlDBTableEntry $entry, $sortField) { return $this->iterateOnCondition($entry, $this->buildKeyCondition($entry, $this->bestKeyFields($entry, true), true), $sortField); } const SAVE_INSERT_MISSING = 0x01; const SAVE_UPDATE_EXISTING = 0x02; const SAVE_IGNORE_DUPLICATE = 0x04; public function saveEntry(PlDBTableEntry $entry, $flags) { $flags &= (self::SAVE_INSERT_MISSING | self::SAVE_UPDATE_EXISTING | self::SAVE_IGNORE_DUPLICATE); Platal::assert($flags != 0, "Hey, the flags ($flags) here are so stupid, don't know what to do"); if ($flags == self::SAVE_UPDATE_EXISTING) { $values = array(); foreach ($this->mutableFields as $field) { if ($entry->hasChanged($field)) { $values[] = XDB::format($field . ' = {?}', $entry->$field); } } if (count($values) > 0) { XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $values) . ' WHERE ' . $this->buildKeyCondition($entry, $this->keyFields(self::PRIMARY_KEY), false)); } } else { $values = array(); foreach ($this->schema as $field=>$type) { if ($entry->hasChanged($field)) { $values[$field] = XDB::escape($entry->$field); } } if (count($values) > 0) { $query = $this->table . ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($values)) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $values) . ')'; if (($flags & self::SAVE_UPDATE_EXISTING)) { $update = array(); foreach ($this->mutableFields as $field) { if (isset($values[$field])) { $update[] = "$field = VALUES($field)"; } } if (count($update) > 0) { $query = 'INSERT ' . $query; $query .= "\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . implode(', ', $update); } else { $query = 'INSERT IGNORE ' . $query; } } else if (($flags & self::SAVE_IGNORE_DUPLICATE)) { $query = 'INSERT IGNORE ' . $query; } else { $query = 'INSERT ' . $query; } XDB::rawExecute($query); $id = XDB::insertId(); if ($id) { foreach ($this->primaryKey as $field) { if ($this->schema[$field]->autoIncrement) { $entry->$field = $id; break; } } } } } } public function deleteEntry(PlDBTableEntry $entry, $allowIncomplete) { XDB::rawExecute('DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ' . $this->buildKeyCondition($entry, $this->bestKeyFields($entry, $allowIncomplete), $allowIncomplete)); } public function exportEntry(PlDBTableEntry $entry) { $export = array(); foreach ($this->schema as $key=>$field) { $value = $entry->$key; if ($value instanceof PlExportable) { $value = $value->export(); } $export[$key] = $value; } return $export; } public static function get($name) { return new PlDBTable($name); } } class PlDBTableEntry extends PlAbstractIterable implements PlExportable { private $table; private $changed; private $fetched = false; private $autoFetch; private $data = array(); public function __construct($table, $autoFetch = false) { if ($table instanceof PlDBTable) { $this->table = $table; } else { $this->table = PlCache::getGlobal('pldbtable_' . $table, array('PlDBTable', 'get'), array($table)); } $this->autoFetch = $autoFetch; $this->changed = new PlFlagSet(); } /** Register a custom formatter for a field. * * A formatter can be used to perform on-the-fly conversion from db storage to a user-friendly format. * For example, if you have a textual field that contain json, you can use a JSonFieldFormatter on this * field to perform automatic decoding when reading from the database (or when assigning the field) * and automatic json_encoding when storing the object back to the db. */ protected function registerFieldFormatter($field, $formatterClass) { $this->table->registerFieldFormatter($field, $formatterClass); } /** Register a custom validator for a field. * * A validator perform a pre-filter on the value of a field. As opposed to the formatters, it does * not affects how the value is stored in the database. */ protected function registerFieldValidator($field, $validatorClass) { $this->table->registerFieldValidator($field, $validatorClass); } /** This hook is called when the entry is going to be updated in the db. * * A typical usecase is a class that stores low-level representation of * an object in db and perform a conversion between this low-level representation * and a higher-level representation. * * @return true in case of success */ protected function preSave() { return true; } /** This hook is called when the entry has been save in the database. * * It can be used to perform post-actions on save like storing extra data * in database or sending a notification. */ protected function postSave() { } /** This hook is called when the entry is going to be deleted from the db. * * Default behavior is to call preSave(). * * @return true in case of success. */ protected function preDelete() { return $this->preSave(); } /** This hook is called when the entry has just been fetched from the db. * * This is the counterpart of @ref preSave and a typical use-case is the conversion * from a high-level representation of the objet to a representation suitable for * storage in the database. * * @return true in case of success. */ protected function postFetch() { return true; } public function __get($field) { if (isset($this->data[$field])) { return $this->data[$field]; } else if (!$this->fetched && $this->autoFetch) { $this->fetch(); if (isset($this->data[$field])) { return $this->data[$field]; } } return $this->table->defaultValue($field); } public function __set($field, $value) { $this->data[$field] = $this->table->formatField($field, $value); $this->changed->addFlag($field); } public function __isset($field) { return isset($this->data[$field]); } public function primaryKey() { $this->table->primaryKey($this); } public function hasChanged($field) { return $this->changed->hasFlag($field); } public function fillFromArray(array $data) { foreach ($data as $field => $value) { $this->$field = $value; } } public function fillFromDBData(array $data) { $this->fillFromArray($data); $this->changed->clear(); return $this->postFetch(); } public function copy(PlDBTableEntry $other) { Platal::assert($this->table == $other->table, "Trying to fill an entry of table {$this->table->table} with content of {$other->table->table}."); $this->changed = $other->changed; $this->fetched = $other->fetched; $this->data = $other->data; } public function cloneAndFillFromDBData(array $data) { $clone = clone $this; $clone->fillFromDBData($data); return $clone; } public function fetch() { return $this->table->fetchEntry($this); } public function iterate($sortField = null) { return $this->table->iterateOnEntry($this, $sortField); } public function iterateOnCondition($condition, $sortField = null) { return $this->table->iterateOnCondition($this, $condition, $sortField); } public function save($flags) { if (!$this->preSave()) { return false; } $this->table->saveEntry($this, $flags); $this->changed->clear(); $this->postSave(); return true; } public function update($insertMissing = false) { $flags = PlDBTable::SAVE_UPDATE_EXISTING; if ($insertMissing) { $flags = PlDBTable::SAVE_INSERT_MISSING; } return $this->save($flags); } public function insert($allowUpdate = false) { $flags = PlDBTable::SAVE_INSERT_MISSING; if ($allowUpdate) { $flags |= PlDBTable::SAVE_UPDATE_EXISTING; } return $this->save($flags); } public function delete() { if (!$this->preDelete()) { return 0; } return $this->table->deleteEntry($this, true); } public function export() { return $this->table->exportEntry($this); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>