caching = false; $this->config_overwrite = false; $this->use_sub_dirs = false; $this->template_dir = $globals->spoolroot."/templates/"; $this->compile_dir = $globals->spoolroot."/spool/templates_c/"; array_unshift($this->plugins_dir, $globals->spoolroot."/plugins/"); $this->config_dir = $globals->spoolroot."/configs/"; $this->compile_check = !empty($globals->debug); $this->_page_type = $type; $this->_tpl = $tpl; $this->_errors = array(); $this->_jsonVars = array(); $this->_failure = false; $this->register_prefilter('at_to_globals'); } // }}} // {{{ function changeTpl() public function changeTpl($tpl, $type = SKINNED) { $this->_tpl = $tpl; $this->_page_type = $type; $this->assign('xorg_tpl', $tpl); } // }}} // {{{ function raw() public function raw() { global $globals; $this->assign('globals', $globals); return $this->fetch($this->_tpl); } // }}} // {{{ function _run() protected function _run($skin) { global $globals, $TIME_BEGIN; session_write_close(); $this->register_prefilter('trimwhitespace'); $this->register_prefilter('form_force_encodings'); $this->addJsLink('xorg.js'); $this->assign('xorg_errors', $this->_errors); $this->assign('xorg_failure', $this->_failure); $this->assign('globals', $globals); if (Env::has('json') && count($this->_jsonVars)) { return $this->jsonDisplay(); } if (Env::v('display') == 'light') { $this->_page_type = SIMPLE; } elseif (Env::v('display') == 'raw') { $this->_page_type = NO_SKIN; } elseif (Env::v('display') == 'full') { $this->_page_typ = SKINNED; } switch ($this->_page_type) { case NO_SKIN: error_reporting(0); $this->display($this->_tpl); exit; case SIMPLE: $this->assign('simple', true); case SKINNED: $this->register_modifier('escape_html', 'escape_html'); $this->default_modifiers = Array('@escape_html'); } $this->register_outputfilter('hide_emails'); $this->addJsLink('wiki.js'); header("Accept-Charset: utf-8"); if (Env::v('forceXml')) { header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); } if (!$globals->debug) { error_reporting(0); $this->display($skin); exit; } if ($globals->debug & 1) { PlBacktrace::clean(); $this->assign_by_ref('backtraces', PlBacktrace::$bt); } $this->assign('validate', true); error_reporting(0); $result = $this->fetch($skin); $ttime = sprintf('Temps total: %.02fs - Mémoire totale : %dKo
', microtime(true) - $TIME_BEGIN , memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024); $replc = "VALIDATION HTML INACTIVE
"; if ($globals->debug & 2) { $fd = fopen($this->compile_dir."/valid.html","w"); fwrite($fd, $result); fclose($fd); exec($globals->spoolroot."/bin/devel/ ".$this->compile_dir."/valid.html", $val); foreach ($val as $h) { if (preg_match("/^X-W3C-Validator-Errors: (\d+)$/", $h, $m)) { $replc = 'HTML OK
'; if ($m[1]) { $replc = "{$m[1]} ERREUR(S) !!!
"; } break; } } } echo str_replace("@HOOK@", $ttime.$replc, $result); exit; } // }}} // {{{ function nb_errs() public function nb_errs() { return count($this->_errors); } // }}} // {{{ function trig() public function trig($msg) { $this->_errors[] = $msg; } // }}} // {{{ function kill() public function kill($msg) { global $platal; $this->assign('platal', $platal); $this->trig($msg); $this->_failure = true; $this->run(); } // }}} // {{{ function addJsLink public function addJsLink($path) { $this->append('xorg_js', $path); } // }}} // {{{ function addCssLink public function addCssLink($path) { $this->append('xorg_css', $path); } // }}} // {{{ function addCssInline public function addCssInline($css) { if (!empty($css)) { $this->append('xorg_inline_css', $css); } } // }}} // {{{ function setRssLink public function setRssLink($title, $path) { $this->assign('xorg_rss', array('title' => $title, 'href' => $path)); } // }}} // {{{ function jsonDisplay protected function jsonDisplay() { header("Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8"); array_walk_recursive($this->_jsonVars, "escape_xorgDB"); $jsonbegin = Env::v('jsonBegin'); $jsonend = Env::v('jsonEnd'); if (Env::has('jsonVar')) { $jsonbegin = Env::v('jsonVar').' = '; $jsonend = ';'; } elseif (Env::has('jsonFunc')) { $jsonbegin = Env::v('jsonFunc').'('; $jsonend = ');'; } echo $jsonbegin, json_encode($this->_jsonVars), $jsonend; exit; } // }}} // {{{ function jsonAssign public function jsonAssign($var, $value) { $this->_jsonVars[$var] = $value; } } function escape_xorgDB(&$item, $key) { if (is_a($item, 'XOrgDBIterator')) { $expanded = array(); while ($a = $item->next()) { $expanded[] = $a; } $item = $expanded; } } // {{{ function escape_html () /** * default smarty plugin, used to auto-escape dangerous html. * * < --> < * > --> > * " --> " * & not followed by some entity --> & */ function escape_html($string) { if (is_string($string)) { $transtbl = Array('<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"', '\'' => '''); return strtr($string, $transtbl); } else { return $string; } } // }}} // {{{ function at_to_globals() /** * helper */ function _to_globals($s) { global $globals; $t = explode('.',$s); if (count($t) == 1) { return var_export($globals->$t[0],true); } else { return var_export($globals->$t[0]->$t[1],true); } } /** * compilation plugin used to import $globals confing through directives */ function at_to_globals($tpl_source, &$smarty) { return preg_replace('/#globals\.([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+?)#/e', '_to_globals(\'\\1\')', $tpl_source); } // }}} // {{{ function trimwhitespace function trimwhitespace($source, &$smarty) { $tags = '(script|pre|textarea)'; preg_match_all("!<$tags.*?>.*?!ius", $source, $tagsmatches); $source = preg_replace("!<$tags.*?>.*?!ius", "&&&tags&&&", $source); // remove all leading spaces, tabs and carriage returns NOT // preceeded by a php close tag. $source = preg_replace('/((?)\n)[\s]+/m', '\1', $source); $source = preg_replace("!&&&tags&&&!e", 'array_shift($tagsmatches[0])', $source); return $source; } // }}} // {{{ function form_force_encodings($source, &$smarty) { return preg_replace('///'; } function hide_emails($source, &$smarty) { //prevent email replacement in