$value) { $this->data[$key] = $value; } $this->id = intval($this->data['id']); $this->shortname = $this->data['diminutif']; if (!is_null($this->axDate)) { $this->axDate = format_datetime($this->axDate, '%d/%m/%Y'); } } public function __get($name) { if (property_exists($this, $name)) { return $this->$name; } if (isset($this->data[$name])) { return $this->data[$name]; } return null; } public function __isset($name) { return property_exists($this, $name) || isset($this->data[$name]); } private function getUF($admin = false, $extra_cond = null, $sort = null) { $cond = new PFC_And(new UFC_Group($this->id, $admin), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead())); if (!is_null($extra_cond)) { $cond->addChild($extra_cond); } if ($this->cat == self::CAT_PROMOTIONS) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Registered()); } return new UserFilter($cond, $sort); } public function getMembersFilter($extra_cond = null, $sort = null) { return $this->getUF(false, $extra_cond, $sort); } public function getAdminsFilter($extra_cond = null, $sort = null) { return $this->getUF(true, $extra_cond, $sort); } public function iterMembers($extra_cond = null, $sort = null, $limit = null) { $uf = $this->getMembersFilter($extra_cond, $sort); return $uf->iterUsers($limit); } public function iterAdmins($extra_cond = null, $sort = null, $limit = null) { $uf = $this->getAdminsFilter($extra_cond, $sort); return $uf->iterUsers($limit); } public function getLogo($fallback = true) { if (!empty($this->logo)) { return PlImage::fromData($this->logo, $this->logo_mime); } else if ($fallback) { return PlImage::fromFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../htdocs/images/dflt_carre.jpg', 'image/jpeg'); } return null; } static public function get($id, $can_be_shortname = true) { if (!$id) { return null; } if (!$can_be_shortname) { $where = XDB::format('a.id = {?}', $id); } else { $where = XDB::format('a.diminutif = {?}', $id); } $res = XDB::query('SELECT a.*, d.nom AS domnom, FIND_IN_SET(\'wiki_desc\', a.flags) AS wiki_desc, FIND_IN_SET(\'notif_unsub\', a.flags) AS notif_unsub, (nls.id IS NOT NULL) AS has_nl, ad.text AS address, p.display_tel AS phone, f.display_tel AS fax FROM groups AS a LEFT JOIN group_dom AS d ON d.id = a.dom LEFT JOIN newsletters AS nls ON (nls.group_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS p ON (p.link_type = \'group\' AND p.link_id = a.id AND p.tel_id = 0) LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS f ON (f.link_type = \'group\' AND f.link_id = a.id AND f.tel_id = 1) LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS ad ON (ad.type = \'group\' AND ad.groupid = a.id) WHERE ' . $where); if ($res->numRows() != 1) { if ($can_be_shortname && (is_int($id) || ctype_digit($id))) { return Group::get($id, false); } return null; } $data = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $positions = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT position, uid FROM group_members WHERE asso_id = {?} AND position IS NOT NULL ORDER BY position', $data['id']); return new Group(array_merge($data, array('positions' => $positions))); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>