cacheEnabled() && S::has('__DE_' . $type)) { self::$enumerations[$type] = S::v('__DE_' . $type); } else { $cls = "DE_" . ucfirst($type); $obj = new $cls(); self::$enumerations[$type] = $obj; if (Platal::globals()->cacheEnabled() && $obj->capabilities & DirEnumeration::SAVE_IN_SESSION) { S::set('__DE_' . $type, $obj); } } } /** Retrieves all options for a given type * @param $type Type of enum for which options are requested * @return Array of the results */ static public function getOptions($type) { if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$enumerations)) { self::init($type); } $obj = self::$enumerations[$type]; if ($obj->capabilities & DirEnumeration::HAS_OPTIONS) { return call_user_func(array($obj, 'getOptions')); } else { return array(); } } /** Retrieves all options for a given type * @param $type Type of enum for which options are requested * @return PlIterator over the results */ static public function getOptionsIter($type) { if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$enumerations)) { self::init($type); } $obj = self::$enumerations[$type]; $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); if ($obj->capabilities & DirEnumeration::HAS_OPTIONS) { return call_user_func_array(array($obj, 'getOptionsIter'), $args); } else { return PlIteratorUtils::fromArray(array()); } } /** Retrieves all options with number of profiles for autocompletion * @param $type Type of enum for which options are requested * @param $text Text to autocomplete * @return PlIterator over the results */ static public function getAutoComplete($type, $text) { if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$enumerations)) { self::init($type); } $obj = self::$enumerations[$type]; if ($obj->capabilities & DirEnumeration::HAS_AUTOCOMP) { return call_user_func(array($obj, 'getAutoComplete'), $text); } else { return PlIteratorUtils::fromArray(array()); } } /** Retrieves a list of IDs for a given type * @param $type Type of enum for which IDs are requested * @param $text Text to search in enum valuees * @param $mode Mode of search for those IDs (prefix/suffix/infix) */ static public function getIDs($type, $text, $mode = XDB::WILDCARD_EXACT) { if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$enumerations)) { self::init($type); } $obj = self::$enumerations[$type]; if ($obj->capabilities & DirEnumeration::HAS_OPTIONS) { return call_user_func(array($obj, 'getIDs'), $text, $mode); } else { return array(); } } /** Retrieves a single ID for a given type. * @param $type Type of the enum for which an ID is requested * @param $text Text to search in enum values * @param $mode Mode of search of that ID (prefix/suffix/infix/exact) */ static public function getID($type, $text, $mode = XDB::WILDCARD_EXACT) { $ids = self::getIDs($type, $text, $mode); return array_shift($ids); } } // }}} // {{{ class DirEnumeration abstract class DirEnumeration { const AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT = 11; const HAS_OPTIONS = 0x001; const HAS_AUTOCOMP = 0x002; const SAVE_IN_SESSION = 0x004; public $capabilities = 0x003; // self::HAS_OPTIONS | self::HAS_AUTOCOMP; /** An internal array of ID => optionTxt */ protected $options = null; /** Description of the MySQL storage of the fields */ protected $idfield = 'id'; protected $valfield = 'text'; protected $valfield2 = null; protected $from; protected $join = ''; protected $where = ''; /** Fields for autocompletion */ protected $ac_join = ''; // Additional joins protected $ac_where = null; // Additional where protected $ac_beginwith = true; // Whether to search for 'x%' or for '%x%' protected $ac_unique; // Which field is to be taken as unique protected $ac_distinct = true; // Whether we want to keep only distinct valfield value protected $ac_withid = true; // Do we want to fetch id too ? protected function _fetchOptions() { if (is_null($this->options)) { $this->loadOptions(); } } public function getOptions() { $this->_fetchOptions(); return $this->options; } public function getOptionsIter() { $options = $this->getOptions(); $options = self::expandArray($options); return PlIteratorUtils::fromArray($options, 1, true); } // {{{ function getIDs /** Retrieves possible IDs for given text * @param $text Text to search for IDs * @param $mode Mode of search (PREFIX, SUFFIX, CONTAINS) * @return An array of matching IDs ; if empty, input should be considered invalid */ public function getIDs($text, $mode) { if ($mode == XDB::WILDCARD_EXACT) { $options = $this->getOptions(); return array_keys($options, $text); } else { if ($this->where == null) { $where = 'WHERE '; } else { $where = $this->where . ' AND '; } $conds = array(); $conds[] = $this->valfield . XDB::formatWildcards($mode, $text); if ($this->valfield2 != null) { $conds[] = $this->valfield2 . XDB::formatWildcards($mode, $text); } $where .= '(' . implode(' OR ', $conds) . ')'; return XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT ' . $this->idfield . ' FROM ' . $this->from . ' ' . $this->join . ' ' . $where . ' GROUP BY ' . $this->idfield); } } // }}} /** Builds a list of query parts for searching @$text in @$field : * field LIKE 'text%', field LIKE '% text%', field LIKE '%-text%' */ private function mkTests($field, $text) { $tests = array(); $tests[] = $field . XDB::formatWildcards(XDB::WILDCARD_PREFIX, $text); if (!$this->ac_beginwith) { $tests[] = $field . XDB::formatWildcards(XDB::WILDCARD_CONTAINS, ' ' . $text); $tests[] = $field . XDB::formatWildcards(XDB::WILDCARD_CONTAINS, '-' . $text); } return $tests; } static protected function expandArray(array $tab, $keyname = 'id', $valname = 'field') { $res = array(); foreach ($tab as $key => $val) { $res[$key] = array( $keyname => $key, $valname => $val, ); } return $res; } // {{{ function getAutoComplete public function getAutoComplete($text) { $text = str_replace(array('%', '_'), '', $text); if (is_null($this->ac_where) || $this->ac_where == '') { $where = ''; } else { $where = $this->ac_where . ' AND '; } $tests = $this->mkTests($this->valfield, $text); if (!is_null($this->valfield2)) { $tests = array_merge($tests, $this->mkTests($this->valfield2, $text)); } $where .= '(' . implode(' OR ', $tests) . ')'; return XDB::iterator('SELECT ' . $this->valfield . ' AS field' . ($this->ac_distinct ? (', COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $this->ac_unique . ') AS nb') : '') . ($this->ac_withid ? (', ' . $this->idfield . ' AS id') : '') . ' FROM ' . $this->from . ' ' . $this->ac_join . ' WHERE ' . $where . ' GROUP BY ' . $this->valfield . ' ORDER BY ' . ($this->ac_distinct ? 'nb DESC' : $this->valfield) . ' LIMIT ' . self::AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT); } // }}} // {{{ function loadOptions /** The function used to load options */ protected function loadOptions() { $this->options = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('id', 'SELECT ' . $this->valfield . ' AS field, ' . $this->idfield . ' AS id FROM ' . $this->from . ' ' . $this->join . ' ' . $this->where . ' GROUP BY ' . $this->valfield . ' ORDER BY ' . $this->valfield); } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ class DE_WithSuboption /** A class for DirEnum with possibility to select only suboptions for a given parameter (country, school, ...) */ abstract class DE_WithSuboption extends DirEnumeration { protected $optfield; protected $suboptions = null; protected function loadOptions() { $opts = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('id', 'SELECT ' . $this->valfield . ' AS field, ' . $this->optfield . ' AS subid, ' . $this->idfield . ' AS id FROM ' . $this->from . ' ' . $this->join . ' ' . $this->where . ' GROUP BY ' . $this->valfield . ' ORDER BY ' . $this->valfield); $this->options = array(); $this->suboptions = array(); foreach ($opts as $id => $opt) { $this->options[$id] = $opt['field']; if (!array_key_exists($opt['subid'], $this->suboptions)) { $this->suboptions[$opt['subid']] = array(); } $this->suboptions[$opt['subid']][$id] = $opt['field']; } } public function getOptions($subid = null) { $this->_fetchOptions(); if ($subid == null) { return $this->options; } else if (array_key_exists($subid, $this->suboptions)) { return $this->suboptions[$subid]; } else { return array(); } } public function getOptionsIter($subid = null) { return PlIteratorUtils::fromArray(self::expandArray($this->getOptions($subid)), 1, true); } public function getIDs($text, $mode, $subid = null) { if ($mode == XDB::WILDCARD_EXACT) { $options = $this->getOptions($subid); return array_keys($options, $text); } else { if ($this->where == null) { $where = 'WHERE '; } else { $where = $this->where . ' AND '; } if ($subid != null && array_key_exists($subid, $this->suboptions)) { $where .= XDB::format($this->optfield . ' = {?} AND ', $subid); } $conds = array(); $conds[] = $this->valfield . XDB::formatWildcards($mode, $text); if ($this->valfield2 != null) { $conds[] = $this->valfield2 . XDB::formatWildcards($mode, $text); } $where .= '(' . implode(' OR ', $conds) . ')'; return XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT ' . $this->idfield . ' FROM ' . $this->from . ' ' . $this->join . ' ' . $where . ' GROUP BY ' . $this->idfield); } } public function getAutoComplete($text, $subid = null) { $text = str_replace(array('%', '_'), '', $text); if (is_null($this->ac_where) || $this->ac_where == '') { $where = ''; } else { $where = $this->ac_where . ' AND '; } if ($subid != null && array_key_exists($subid, $this->suboptions)) { $where .= XDB::format($this->optfield . ' = {?} AND ', $subid); } $tests = $this->mkTests($this->valfield, $text); if (!is_null($this->valfield2)) { $tests = array_merge($tests, $this->mkTests($this->valfield2, $text)); } $where .= '(' . implode(' OR ', $tests) . ')'; return XDB::iterator('SELECT ' . $this->valfield . ' AS field' . ($this->ac_distinct ? (', COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $this->ac_unique . ') AS nb') : '') . ($this->ac_withid ? (', ' . $this->idfield . ' AS id') : '') . ' FROM ' . $this->from . ' ' . $this->ac_join . ' WHERE ' . $where . ' GROUP BY ' . $this->valfield . ' ORDER BY ' . ($this->ac_distinct ? 'nb DESC' : $this->valfield) . ' LIMIT ' . self::AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT); } } // }}} /** GROUPS */ // {{{ class DE_Binets class DE_Binets extends DirEnumeration { protected $from = 'profile_binet_enum'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_binets ON ( = profile_binets.binet_id)'; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_Sections class DE_Sections extends DirEnumeration { protected $from = 'profile_section_enum'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profiles ON (profiles.section ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_GroupesX class DE_GroupesX extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = ''; protected $valfield = 'groups.nom'; protected $valfield2 = 'groups.diminutif'; protected $from = 'groups'; protected $where = 'WHERE (cat = \'GroupesX\' OR cat = \'Institutions\') AND pub = \'public\''; protected $ac_join = "INNER JOIN group_members ON ( = group_members.asso_id AND ( = 'GroupesX' OR = 'Institutions') AND = 'public')"; protected $ac_unique = 'group_members.uid'; } // }}} /** EDUCATION */ // {{{ class DE_EducationSchools class DE_EducationSchools extends DirEnumeration { protected $ac_beginwith = false; protected $idfield = ''; protected $valfield = ''; protected $valfield2 = 'profile_education_enum.abbreviation'; protected $from = 'profile_education_enum'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_education ON (profile_education.eduid ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_EducationDegrees class DE_EducationDegrees extends DirEnumeration { public $capabilities = self::HAS_OPTIONS; protected $idfield = 'profile_education_degree.degreeid'; protected $optfield = 'profile_education_degree.eduid'; protected $valfield = ''; protected $from = 'profile_education_degree_enum'; protected $join = 'INNER JOIN profile_education_degree ON (profile_education_degree.degreeid ='; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_EducationFields class DE_EducationFields extends DirEnumeration { protected $valfield = 'profile_education_field_enum.field'; protected $from = 'profile_education_field_enum'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_education ON (profile_education.fieldid ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_CurrentCorps class DE_CurrentCorps extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = ''; protected $valfield = ''; protected $valfield2 = 'profile_corps_enum.abbrev'; protected $from = 'profile_corps_enum'; protected $where = 'WHERE profile_corps_enum.still_exists = 1'; protected $ac_unique = ''; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_corps ON (profile_corps.current_corpsid ='; } // }}} // // {{{ class DE_OriginCorps class DE_OriginCorps extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = ''; protected $valfield = ''; protected $valfield2 = 'profile_corps_enum.abbrev'; protected $from = 'profile_corps_enum'; protected $ac_unique = ''; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_corps ON (profile_corps.original_corpsid ='; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_CorpsRanks class DE_CorpsRanks extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = ''; protected $valfield = ''; protected $valfield2 = 'profile_corps_rank_enum.abbrev'; protected $from = 'profile_corps_rank_enum'; protected $ac_unique = ''; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_corps ON (profile_corps.rankid ='; } // }}} /** GEOLOC */ // {{{ class DE_Nationalities class DE_Nationalities extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = 'geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2'; protected $valfield = 'geoloc_countries.nationality'; protected $valfield2 = 'geoloc_countries.nationalityEn'; protected $from = 'geoloc_countries'; protected $join = 'INNER JOIN profiles ON (geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2 IN (profiles.nationality1, profiles.nationality2, profiles.nationality3))'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profiles ON (geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2 IN (profiles.nationality1, profiles.nationality2, profiles.nationality3))'; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_Countries class DE_Countries extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = 'geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2'; protected $valfield = ''; protected $valfield2 = 'geoloc_countries.countryEn'; protected $from = 'geoloc_countries'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_addresses ON (geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2 = profile_addresses.countryId)'; protected $ac_unique = ''; protected $ac_where = 'profile_addresses.type = \'home\''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_AdminAreas class DE_AdminAreas extends DE_WithSuboption { protected $idfield = ''; protected $optfield = ''; protected $valfield = ''; protected $from = 'geoloc_administrativeareas'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_addresses ON (profile_addresses.administrativeAreaId ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_SubAdminAreas class DE_SubAdminAreas extends DE_WithSuboption { protected $idfield = ''; protected $optfield = 'geoloc_subadministrativeareas.administrativearea'; protected $valfield = ''; protected $from = 'geoloc_subadministrativeareas'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_addresses ON (profile_addresses.subadministrativeAreaId ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_Localities class DE_Localities extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = ''; protected $valfield = ''; protected $from = 'geoloc_localities'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_addresses ON (profile_addresses.localityID ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} /** JOBS */ // {{{ class DE_Companies class DE_Companies extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = ''; protected $valfield = ''; protected $valfield2 = 'profile_job_enum.acronym'; protected $from = 'profile_job_enum'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_job ON (profile_job.jobid ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_JobDescription class DE_JobDescription extends DirEnumeration { protected $valfield = 'profile_job.description'; protected $from = 'profile_job'; protected $idfield = ''; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_JobTerms class DE_JobTerms extends DirEnumeration { // {{{ function getAutoComplete public function getAutoComplete($text) { $tokens = JobTerms::tokenize($text.'%'); if (count($tokens) == 0) { return PlIteratorUtils::fromArray(array()); } $token_join = JobTerms::token_join_query($tokens, 'e'); return XDB::iterator('SELECT e.jtid AS id, e.full_name AS field, COUNT(DISTINCT AS nb FROM profile_job_term_enum AS e INNER JOIN profile_job_term_relation AS r ON (r.jtid_1 = e.jtid) INNER JOIN profile_job_term AS p ON (r.jtid_2 = p.jtid) '.$token_join.' GROUP BY e.jtid ORDER BY nb DESC, field LIMIT ' . self::AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT); } // }}} } // }}} /** NETWORKING */ // {{{ class DE_Networking class DE_Networking extends DirEnumeration { protected $idfield = 'profile_networking_enum.nwid'; protected $valfield = ''; protected $from = 'profile_networking_enum'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_networking ON (profile_networking.nwid = profile_networking_enum.nwid)'; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} /** MEDALS */ // {{{ class DE_Medals class DE_Medals extends DirEnumeration { protected $from = 'profile_medal_enum'; protected $ac_join = 'INNER JOIN profile_medals ON (profile_medals.mid ='; protected $ac_unique = ''; } // }}} /** ACCOUNTS */ // {{{ class DE_AccountTypes class DE_AccountTypes extends DirEnumeration { public $capabilities = 0x005; // self::HAS_OPTIONS | self::SAVE_IN_SESSION; protected $from = 'account_types'; protected $valfield = 'perms'; protected $idfield = 'type'; } // }}} // {{{ class DE_Skins class DE_Skins extends DirEnumeration { public $capabilities = 0x005; // self::HAS_OPTIONS | self::SAVE_IN_SESSION; protected $from = 'skins'; protected $valfield = 'name'; protected $idfield = 'skin_tpl'; } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>