table = $table; $this->key = explode(',', $key); $this->do_sql = $do_sql; } private function processLine(array $array) { if (is_null($this->index)) { $this->index = array_map('strtolower', $array); return true; } if (count($array) != count($this->index)) { return false; } $assoc = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($this->index as $key) { $assoc[$key] = $array[$i]; $i++; } $this->data[] = $assoc; return true; } private function getValue($line, $key, $action) { if (@array_key_exists($action, $line)) { $value = $line[$action]; } elseif (is_callable($action, false)) { $value = call_user_func($action, $line, $key); } else { $value = $action; } if (is_null($value) || $value == 'NULL') { $value = 'NULL'; } return $value; } private function makeAssoc($line, $relation) { $ops = array(); foreach ($relation as $key=>$ref) { $ops[$key] = $this->getValue($line, $key, $ref); } return $ops; } private function makeRequestArgs($line, $relation) { $ops = array(); foreach ($relation as $key=>$ref) { $value = $this->getValue($line, $key, $ref); if (!is_null($value) && $value != 'NULL') { $value = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'"; } $ops[$key] = "$key = $value"; } return $ops; } private function makeRelation() { $relation = array(); foreach ($this->index as $title) { $relation[$title] = $title; } return $relation; } private function execute($query) { if (!$this->do_sql) { echo "$query;\n"; return false; } return XDB::execute($query); } private function getFieldList() { $res = XDB::query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$this->table}"); if ($res->numRows()) { return $res->fetchColumn(); } return null; } public function setCSV($csv, $index = null, $separator = ';') { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/varstream.php'; VarStream::init(); global $csv_source; $this->index = null; $csv_source = $csv; $res = fopen('var://csv_source', 'r'); while (!feof($res)) { $this->processLine(fgetcsv($res, 0, $separator)); } } public function run($action = CSV_UPDATE, $insert_relation = null, $update_relation = null) { if (is_null($insert_relation)) { $insert_relation = $this->makeRelation(); } if (is_null($update_relation)) { $update_relation = $insert_relation; } foreach ($this->data as $line) { $set = join(', ', $this->makeRequestArgs($line, $insert_relation)); switch ($action) { case CSV_INSERT: $this->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO {$this->table} SET $set"); break; case CSV_REPLACE: $this->execute("REPLACE INTO {$this->table} SET $set"); break; case CSV_UPDATE: case CSV_UPDATEONLY: if ($action == CSV_UPDATEONLY || !$this->execute("INSERT INTO {$this->table} SET $set")) { $ops = $this->makeRequestArgs($line, $update_relation); $set = join(', ', $ops); $where = array(); foreach ($this->key as $key) { $where[] = $ops[$key]; } $where = join(' AND ', $where); $this->execute("UPDATE {$this->table} SET $set WHERE $where"); } break; } } } static public function dynamicCond($line, $key) { static $fields, $conds, $values, $thens, $elses; if (!isset($fields)) { $fields = $_SESSION['csv_cond_field']; $conds = $_SESSION['csv_cond']; $values = $_SESSION['csv_cond_value']; $thens = $_SESSION['csv_cond_then']; $elses = $_SESSION['csv_cond_else']; } $field = $line[$fields[$key]]; $cond = $conds[$key]; $value = $values[$key]; if (is_numeric($field) && is_numeric($value)) { $field = floatval($field); $value = floatval($value); } switch ($cond) { case 'defined': $ok = (!empty($field)); break; case 'equals': $ok = ($field == $value); break; case 'contains': $ok = (strpos($field, $value) !== false); break; case 'contained': $ok = (strpos($value, $field) !== false); break; case 'greater': $ok = ($field > $value); break; case 'greater_or_equal': $ok ($field >= $value); break; case 'lower': $ok = ($field < $value); break; case 'lower_or_equal': $ok = ($field <= $value); break; default: $ok = false; } if ($ok) { return $thens[$key]; } else { return $elses[$key]; } } public function registerFunction($name, $desc, $callback) { if (is_callable($callback, false, $ref)) { $this->user_functions['func_' . $name] = array('desc' => $desc, 'callback' => $callback); return true; } return false; } public function describe($name, $desc) { $this->field_desc[$name] = $desc; } public function forceValue($name, $value) { $this->field_value[$name] = $value; } private function cleanSession($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { unset($_SESSION[$field]); } } /** Handle insertion form * @param $page PlatalPage to process * @param $url URI of the page * @param $field Editable fields */ public function apply(&$page, $url, $fields = null) { $sesfields = array('csv_value', 'csv_user_value', 'csv_cond_field', 'csv_update', 'csv_action', 'csv_cond_field', 'csv_cond', 'csv_cond_value', 'csv_cond_then', 'csv_cond_else', 'csv', 'csv_separator', 'csv_url'); if ($url != @$_SESSION['csv_url']) { $this->cleanSession($sesfields); $_SESSION['csv_url'] = $url; } if (is_null($fields) || empty($fields)) { $fields = $this->getFieldList(); } if (is_null($fields)) { return false; } foreach ($this->field_value as $key=>$value) { $search = array_search($key, $fields); unset($fields[$search]); } $current = Env::v('csv_page'); if (empty($current)) { $current = 'source'; } $next = Env::v('csv_next_page'); if (empty($next)) { $next = $current; } $csv = @$_SESSION['csv']; if ($current == 'source' && Env::has('csv_valid')) { $csv = Env::v('csv_source'); $_SESSION['csv'] = $csv; $next = 'values'; } if ($csv) { if (Env::has('csv_separator')) { $sep = Env::v('csv_separator'); if (empty($sep)) { $sep = ';'; } $_SESSION['csv_separator'] = $sep; } $this->setCSV($csv, null, $_SESSION['csv_separator']); } if ($current == 'values' && Env::has('csv_valid')) { $next = 'valid'; } if (empty($csv)) { $next = 'source'; } if (Env::has('csv_action')) { $_SESSION['csv_action'] = Env::v('csv_action'); } if ($next == 'valid') { if ($current != 'valid') { $cpyfields = array('csv_value', 'csv_user_value', 'csv_cond_field', 'csv_update', 'csv_action', 'csv_cond_field', 'csv_cond', 'csv_cond_value', 'csv_cond_then', 'csv_cond_else'); foreach ($cpyfields as $field) { $_SESSION[$field] = Env::v($field); } } $insert = $_SESSION['csv_value']; $values = $_SESSION['csv_user_value']; $update = $_SESSION['csv_update']; foreach ($insert as $key=>$value) { if (empty($value)) { $insert[$key] = null; } elseif ($value == 'user_value') { $insert[$key] = $values[$key]; } elseif ($value == 'cond_value') { $insert[$key] = array($this, 'dynamicCond'); } elseif (array_key_exists($value, $this->user_functions)) { $insert[$key] = $this->user_functions[$value]['callback']; } if (isset($update[$key])) { $update[$key] = $insert[$key]; } } foreach ($this->field_value as $key=>$value) { $insert[$key] = $value; $fields[] = $key; } if ($current == 'valid' && Env::has('csv_valid')) { if (!S::has_xsrf_token()) { $page->kill("L'opération n'a pas pu être effectuée, merci de réessayer."); } $this->run($_SESSION['csv_action'], $insert, $update); $page->assign('csv_done', true); $this->cleanSession($sesfields); } else { $preview = array(); foreach ($this->data as $line) { $preview[] = $this->makeAssoc($line, $insert); } $page->assign('csv_preview', $preview); } } $page->assign('csv_index', $this->index); $page->assign('csv_functions', $this->user_functions); $page->assign('csv_field_desc', $this->field_desc); $page->assign('csv_page', $next); $page->assign('csv_path', $url); $page->assign('csv_fields', $fields); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>