table_log_sessions}"); list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin, $dmax, $dmin) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if (($year < $ymin) || ($year == $ymin && $month < $mmin)) { return array(); } if (($year > $ymax) || ($year == $ymax && $month > $mmax)) { return array(); } $min = ($year==$ymin && $month==$mmin) ? intval($dmin) : 1; $max = ($year==$ymax && $month==$mmax) ? intval($dmax) : $day_max[$month]; for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) { $days[$i] = $i; } } return $days; } /** Retrieves the available months for a given year. * Obtains a list of month numbers that are within the timeframe that * we have log entries for. * * @param integer year * @return array List of month numbers we have log info for. * @private */ function _getMonths($year) { global $globals; // give a 'no filter' option $months[0] = "----"; if ($year) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)), MONTH(MAX(start)), MONTH(MIN(start)) FROM {$globals->table_log_sessions}"); list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if (($year < $ymin) || ($year > $ymax)) { return array(); } $min = $year == $ymin ? intval($mmin) : 1; $max = $year == $ymax ? intval($mmax) : 12; for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) { $months[$i] = $i; } } return $months; } /** Retrieves the username for a given authentication method and user id. * This function caches the results of the lookups to avoid uncecessary * database requests. * * @return the matching username. * @private */ function _getUsername($auth, $uid) { global $globals; static $cache; if (!isset($cache[$auth][$uid])) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT alias FROM aliases WHERE id = {?} AND type="a_vie"', $uid); $cache[$auth][$uid] = $res->fetchOneCell(); } return $cache[$auth][$uid]; } /** Retrieves the available years. * Obtains a list of years that we have log entries covering. * * @return array years we have log entries for. * @private */ function _getYears() { global $globals; // give a 'no filter' option $years[0] = "----"; // retrieve available years $res = XDB::query("select YEAR(MAX(start)), YEAR(MIN(start)) FROM {$globals->table_log_sessions}"); list($max, $min) = $res->fetchOneRow(); for($i = intval($min); $i<=$max; $i++) { $years[$i] = $i; } return $years; } /** Make a where clause to get a user's sessions. * Prepare the where clause request that will retrieve the sessions. * * @param $year INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given year. * @param $month INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given month. * @param $day INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given day. * @param $auth INTEGER Only get log entries with the given authentication type. * @param $uid INTEGER Only get log entries referring to the given user ID. * * @return STRING the WHERE clause of a query, including the 'WHERE' keyword * @private */ function _makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $auth, $uid) { // start constructing the "where" clause $where = array(); if ($auth) array_push($where, "auth='$auth'"); if ($uid) array_push($where, "uid='$uid'"); // we were given at least a year if ($year) { if ($day) { $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day+1, $year); } elseif ($month) { $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month+1, 1, $year); } else { $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year); $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year+1); } $where[] = "start >= " . date("Ymd000000", $dmin); $where[] = "start < " . date("Ymd000000", $dmax); } if (!empty($where)) { return ' WHERE ' . implode($where, " AND "); } else { return ''; } // WE know it's totally reversed, so better use array_reverse than a SORT BY start DESC } /** Run the log viewer and fill out the Smarty variables for display. * * @param page the page that will display the viewer's data * @param outputvar the Smarty variable to which we should assign the output * @param template the template to use for display */ function run(&$page, $outputvar='', $template='') { global $globals; if (isset($_REQUEST['logsess'])) { // we are viewing a session $res = XDB::query("SELECT host, ip, browser, auth, uid, sauth, suid FROM {$globals->table_log_sessions} WHERE id =".$_REQUEST['logsess']); $sarr = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $sarr['username'] = $this->_getUsername($sarr['auth'], $sarr['uid']); if ($sarr['suid']) { $sarr['suer'] = $this->_getUsername($sarr['sauth'], $sarr['suid']); } $page->assign('session', $sarr); $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT a.text,, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.stamp) AS stamp FROM {$globals->table_log_events} AS e LEFT JOIN {$globals->table_log_actions} AS a ON WHERE e.session='{$_REQUEST['logsess']}'"); while ($myarr = $res->next()) { $page->append('events', $myarr); } } else { // we are browsing the available sessions $logauth = isset($_REQUEST['logauth']) ? $_REQUEST['logauth'] : ''; $loguser = isset($_REQUEST['loguser']) ? $_REQUEST['loguser'] : ''; $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM aliases WHERE alias={?}', Env::v('loguser')); $loguid = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($loguid) { $year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : 0; $month = isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : 0; $day = isset($_REQUEST['day']) ? $_REQUEST['day'] : 0; } else { $year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : date("Y"); $month = isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : date("m"); $day = isset($_REQUEST['day']) ? $_REQUEST['day'] : date("d"); } if (!$year) $month = 0; if (!$month) $day = 0; // smarty assignments // retrieve available years $page->assign('years', $this->_getYears()); $page->assign('year', $year); // retrieve available months for the current year $page->assign('months', $this->_getMonths($year)); $page->assign('month', $month); // retrieve available days for the current year and month $page->assign('days', $this->_getDays($year, $month)); $page->assign('day', $day); // retrieve available auths $auths = array('all', 'native' => ''); $page->assign('auths', $auths); $page->assign('logauth', $logauth); $page->assign('loguser', $loguser); // smarty assignments if ($loguid || $year) { // get the requested sessions $where = $this->_makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $logauth, $loguid); $select = "SELECT id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start) as start, auth, uid FROM {$globals->table_log_sessions} AS s $where ORDER BY start DESC"; $res = XDB::iterator($select); $sessions = array(); while ($mysess = $res->next()) { $mysess['username'] = $this->_getUsername($mysess['auth'], $mysess['uid']); // pretty label for auth method $mysess['lauth'] = $auths[$mysess['auth']]; // summary of events $mysess['events'] = array(); $sessions[$mysess['id']] = $mysess; } array_reverse($sessions); // attach events $sql = "SELECT, a.text FROM {$globals->table_log_sessions} AS s LEFT JOIN {$globals->table_log_events} AS e ON( INNER JOIN {$globals->table_log_actions} AS a ON( $where"; $res = XDB::iterator($sql); while ($event = $res->next()) { array_push($sessions[$event['id']]['events'], $event['text']); } $page->assign_by_ref('sessions', $sessions); } else { $page->assign('msg_nofilters', "Sélectionner une annuée et/ou un utilisateur"); } } // if requested, assign the content to be displayed if (!empty($outputvar)) { $page->assign($outputvar, $page->fetch($template)); } $page->changeTpl('logger-view.tpl'); } } ?>