#!/usr/bin/php5 -q total() > 0) { echo "Erreur pour la vérification : $comment\n$sql\n\n"; echo "|"; while($col = $it->nextField()) { echo "\t" . $col->name . "\t|"; } echo "\n"; while ($arr = $it->next()) { echo "|"; foreach ($arr as $val) { echo "\t$val\t|"; } echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } } function checkCount($sql, $comment = '') { $count = XDB::rawFetchOneCell($sql); if ($err = XDB::error()) { echo $err; } if ($count > 0) { echo "Erreur pour la vérification : $comment\n$sql\n\n"; echo "|\tTotal\t|\n|\t$count\t|\n\n"; } } function info($sql, $comment = '', $onlyCounts = false) { global $opt_verbose; if ($opt_verbose) { if ($onlyCounts) { checkCount($sql, $comment); } else { check($sql, $comment); } } } function infoCountEmpty($table, $field, $nonEmpty = false) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table"; if ($nonEmpty) { $sql .= " WHERE $field IS NOT NULL OR $field != ''"; $negation = ' non'; } else { $sql .= " WHERE $field IS NULL OR $field = ''"; $negation = ''; } $comment = "Nombre de champs '$field'$negation vides dans la table '$table'."; info($sql, $comment, true); } /* Parses options. */ $opts = Console_GetOpt::getopt($argv, 'v'); $opt_verbose = false; if (PEAR::isError($opts)) { echo $opts->getMessage(); } else { $opts = $opts[0]; foreach ($opts as $opt) { switch ($opt[0]) { case 'v': $opt_verbose = true; break; } } } /* Checks rewriting on deleted aliases. */ check("SELECT s1.email, r.redirect, r.rewrite AS broken FROM email_redirect_account AS r INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s1 ON (r.uid = s1.uid AND s1.type = 'forlife') LEFT JOIN email_source_account AS s2 ON (r.uid = s2.uid AND r.rewrite LIKE CONCAT(s2.email, '@%')) WHERE r.rewrite != '' AND s2.uid IS NULL", "Personnes qui ont des rewrite sur un alias perdu."); /* Lists unsound emails that remain unprocessed by the administrators. */ check("SELECT s1.email, s2.email, w.email FROM email_watch AS w INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r1 ON (w.email = r1.redirect) LEFT JOIN email_redirect_account AS r2 ON (w.email = r2.redirect AND r1.uid != r2.uid) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s1 ON (s1.uid = r1.uid AND s1.type = 'forlife') LEFT JOIN email_source_account AS s2 ON (s2.uid = r2.uid AND s2.type = 'forlife') WHERE w.state = 'pending' GROUP BY w.email ORDER BY w.email", "Donne la liste des emails douteux actuellement non traites par les administrateurs."); /* Lists dangerous and unsound emails. */ info("SELECT s1.email, s2.email, w.email, w.state FROM email_watch AS w INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r1 ON (w.email = r1.redirect) LEFT JOIN email_redirect_account AS r2 ON (w.email = r2.redirect AND r1.uid != r2.uid) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s1 ON (s1.uid = r1.uid AND s1.type = 'forlife') LEFT JOIN email_source_account AS s2 ON (s2.uid = r2.uid AND s2.type = 'forlife') WHERE w.state != 'safe' GROUP BY w.email ORDER BY w.email", "Donne la liste des emails dangereux ou douteux."); /* Lists homonyms who have an alias equals to their loginbis for more than a month. */ check("SELECT e.email AS homonym, f.email AS forlife, e.expire FROM email_source_account AS e INNER JOIN homonyms_list AS l ON (e.uid = l.uid) INNER JOIN homonyms_list AS h ON (l.hrmid = h.hrmid) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS f ON (h.uid = f.uid AND f.type = 'forlife') WHERE e.expire < NOW() ORDER BY homonym, forlife", "Donne la liste des homonymes qui ont un alias égal à leur loginbis depuis plus d'un mois, il est temps de supprimer leur alias."); // Counts empty profile fields that should never be empty. infoCountEmpty('profile_addresses', 'text'); infoCountEmpty('profile_addresses', 'postalText'); infoCountEmpty('profile_education', 'eduid'); infoCountEmpty('profile_education', 'degreeid'); infoCountEmpty('profile_job', 'jobid'); infoCountEmpty('profile_mentor', 'expertise'); infoCountEmpty('profile_networking', 'address'); infoCountEmpty('profile_phones', 'search_tel'); infoCountEmpty('profile_phones', 'display_tel'); // XXX: counts the number of remaining issues due to the merge (to be removed once all merge related issues have been fixed) infoCountEmpty('profile_merge_issues', 'issues', true); // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>