date = $message['date']; $this->subject = stripslashes($message['subject']); $this->from = $message['from']; $this->desc = 1; $this->isread = true; $this->descunread = 0; } } class BananaSpool { private $version; private $mode; /** group name */ public $group; /** spool */ public $overview; /** array msgid => msgnum */ public $ids; /** thread starts */ public $roots; /** constructor * @param $_group STRING group name * @param $_display INTEGER 1 => all posts, 2 => only threads with new posts * @param $_since INTEGER time stamp (used for read/unread) */ protected function __construct($group) { $this->version = BANANA_SPOOL_VERSION; $this->mode = Banana::SPOOL_ALL; $this->group = $group; } public static function getSpool($group, $since = 0, $clean = false) { if (!is_null(Banana::$spool) && Banana::$spool->group == $group) { $spool =& Banana::$spool; } else { $spool = BananaSpool::readFromFile($group); } if (is_null($spool)) { $spool = new BananaSpool($group); } Banana::$spool =& $spool; $spool->build(); if ($clean) { $spool->markAllAsRead(); } $spool->updateUnread($since); return $spool; } private static function spoolFilename($group) { $file = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); $file .= '/spool/' . Banana::$protocole->name() . '/'; if (!is_dir($file)) { mkdir($file); } return $file . Banana::$protocole->filename(); } private static function readFromFile($group) { $file = BananaSpool::spoolFilename($group); if (!file_exists($file)) { return null; } $spool = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); if ($spool->version != BANANA_SPOOL_VERSION || $spool->mode != Banana::SPOOL_ALL) { return null; } return $spool; } private function compare($a, $b) { return ($b->date >= $a->date); } private function saveToFile() { $file = BananaSpool::spoolFilename($this->group); uasort($this->overview, array($this, 'compare')); $this->roots = Array(); foreach($this->overview as $id=>$msg) { if (is_null($msg->parent)) { $this->roots[] = $id; } } if ($this->mode == Banana::SPOOL_ALL) { file_put_contents($file, serialize($this)); } } private function build() { $threshold = 0; // Compute the range of indexes list($msgnum, $first, $last) = Banana::$protocole->getIndexes(); if ($last < $first) { $threshold = $firt + $msgnum - $last; $threshold = (int)(log($threshold)/log(2)); $threshold = (2 ^ ($threshold + 1)) - 1; } if (Banana::$spool_max && Banana::$spool_max < $msgnum) { $first = $last - Banana::$spool_max; if ($first < 0) { $first += $threshold; } } $clean = $this->clean($first, $last, $msgnum); $update = $this->update($first, $last, $msgnum); if ($clean || $update) { $this->saveToFile(); } } private function clean(&$first, &$last, $msgnum) { $do_save = false; if (is_array($this->overview)) { $mids = array_keys($this->overview); foreach ($mids as $id) { if (($first <= $last && ($id < $first || $id > $last)) || ($first > $last && $id < $first && $id > $last)) { $this->delid($id, false); $do_save = true; } } if (!empty($this->overview)) { $first = max(array_keys($this->overview))+1; } } return $do_save; } private function update(&$first, &$last, $msgnum) { if ($first > $last || !$msgnum) { return false; } $messages =& Banana::$protocole->getMessageHeaders($first, $last, array('Date', 'Subject', 'From', 'Message-ID', 'References', 'In-Reply-To')); if (!is_array($this->ids)) { $this->ids = array(); } foreach ($messages as $id=>&$message) { $this->ids[$message['message-id']] = $id; } foreach ($messages as $id=>&$message) { if (!isset($this->overview[$id])) { $this->overview[$id] = new BananaSpoolHead($message); } $msg =& $this->overview[$id]; $msgrefs = BananaMessage::formatReferences($message); $parents = preg_grep('/^\d+$/', $msgrefs); $msg->parent = array_pop($parents); $msg->parent_direct = preg_match('/^\d+$/', array_pop($msgrefs)); if (!is_null($p = $msg->parent)) { if (empty($this->overview[$p])) { $this->overview[$p] = new BananaSpoolHead($messages[$p]); } $this->overview[$p]->children[] = $id; while (!is_null($p)) { $this->overview[$p]->desc += $msg->desc; if ($p != $this->overview[$p]->parent) { $p = $this->overview[$p]->parent; } else { $p = null; } } } } Banana::$protocole->updateSpool($messages); return true; } private function updateUnread($since) { if (empty($since)) { return; } $newpostsids = Banana::$protocole->getNewIndexes($since); if (empty($newpostsids)) { return; } if (!is_array($this->ids)) { $this->ids = array(); } $newpostsids = array_intersect($newpostsids, array_keys($this->ids)); foreach ($newpostsids as $mid) { $id = $this->ids[$mid]; if ($this->overview[$id]->isread) { $this->overview[$id]->isread = false; while (isset($id)) { $this->overview[$id]->descunread ++; $id = $this->overview[$id]->parent; } } } } public function setMode($mode) { $this->mode = $mode; switch ($mode) { case Banana::SPOOL_UNREAD: foreach ($this->roots as $k=>$i) { if ($this->overview[$i]->descunread == 0) { $this->killdesc($i); unset($this->roots[$k]); } } break; } } /** Mark the given id as read * @param id MSGNUM of post */ public function markAsRead($id) { if (!$this->overview[$id]->isread) { $this->overview[$id]->isread = true; while (isset($id)) { $this->overview[$id]->descunread--; $id = $this->overview[$id]->parent; } } } /** Mark all unread messages as read */ public function markAllAsRead(array &$array = null) { if (is_null($array)) { $array =& $this->roots; } foreach ($array as $id) { if (!$this->overview[$id]->isread) { $this->markAsRead($id); } if ($this->overview[$id]->descunread) { $this->markAllAsRead($this->overview[$id]->children); } } } /** kill post and childrens * @param $_id MSGNUM of post */ private function killdesc($_id) { if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) { foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) { $this->killdesc($c); } } unset($this->overview[$_id]); if (($msgid = array_search($_id, $this->ids)) !== false) { unset($this->ids[$msgid]); } } /** delete a post from overview * @param $_id MSGNUM of post */ public function delid($_id, $write = true) { if (isset($this->overview[$_id])) { if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->parent)) { $this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children = array_diff($this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children, array($_id)); if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) { $this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children = array_merge($this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children, $this->overview[$_id]->children); foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) { $this->overview[$c]->parent = $this->overview[$_id]->parent; $this->overview[$c]->parent_direct = false; } } $p = $this->overview[$_id]->parent; while ($p) { $this->overview[$p]->desc--; $p = $this->overview[$p]->parent; } } elseif (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) { foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) { $this->overview[$c]->parent = null; } } unset($this->overview[$_id]); $msgid = array_search($_id, $this->ids); if ($msgid) { unset($this->ids[$msgid]); } if ($write) { $this->saveToFile(); } } } private function formatDate($stamp) { $today = intval(time() / (24*3600)); $dday = intval($stamp / (24*3600)); if ($today == $dday) { $format = "%H:%M"; } elseif ($today == 1 + $dday) { $format = _b_('hier')." %H:%M"; } elseif ($today < 7 + $dday) { $format = '%a %H:%M'; } else { $format = '%a %e %b'; } return utf8_encode(strftime($format, $stamp)); } /** displays children tree of a post * @param $_id INTEGER MSGNUM of post * @param $_index INTEGER linear number of post in the tree * @param $_first INTEGER linear number of first post displayed * @param $_last INTEGER linear number of last post displayed * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current post * @param $_pfx_node STRING prefix used for current node * @param $_pfx_end STRING prefix used for children of current node * @param $_head BOOLEAN true if first post in thread * * If you want to analyse subject, you can define the function hook_getSubject(&$subject) which * take the subject as a reference parameter, transform this subject to be displaid in the spool * view and return a string. This string will be put after the subject. */ private function _to_html($_id, $_index, $_first=0, $_last=0, $_ref="", $_pfx_node="", $_pfx_end="", $_head=true) { static $spfx_f, $spfx_n, $spfx_Tnd, $spfx_Lnd, $spfx_snd, $spfx_T, $spfx_L, $spfx_s, $spfx_e, $spfx_I; if (!isset($spfx_f)) { $spfx_f = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'k1', 'alt' => 'o', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 9)); $spfx_n = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'k2', 'alt' => '*', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 9)); $spfx_Tnd = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'T-direct', 'alt' => '+', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12)); $spfx_Lnd = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'L-direct', 'alt' => '`', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12)); $spfx_snd = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 's-direct', 'alt' => '-', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 5)); $spfx_T = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'T', 'alt' => '+', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12)); $spfx_L = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'L', 'alt' => '`', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12)); $spfx_s = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 's', 'alt' => '-', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 5)); $spfx_e = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'e', 'alt' => ' ', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12)); $spfx_I = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'I', 'alt' => '|', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12)); } $overview =& $this->overview[$_id]; if ($_index + $overview->desc < $_first || $_index > $_last) { return ''; } $res = ''; if ($_index >= $_first) { $hc = empty($overview->children); $res .= '\n"; $res .= '' . $this->formatDate($overview->date) . " \n"; $res .= '' . $_pfx_node .($hc ? ($_head ? $spfx_f : ($overview->parent_direct ? $spfx_s : $spfx_snd)) : $spfx_n); $subject = $overview->subject; if (empty($subject)) { $subject = _b_('(pas de sujet)'); } $link = null; if (function_exists('hook_getSubject')) { $link = hook_getSubject($subject); } $subject = banana_catchFormats($subject); if ($_index != $_ref) { $subject = Banana::$page->makeLink(Array('group' => $this->group, 'artid' => $_id, 'text' => $subject, 'popup' => $subject)); } $res .= ' ' . $subject . $link; $res .= "\n" . BananaMessage::formatFrom($overview->from) . "\n"; if ($hc) { return $res; } } $_index ++; $children = $overview->children; while ($child = array_shift($children)) { $overview =& $this->overview[$child]; if ($_index > $_last) { return $res; } if ($_index + $overview->desc >= $_first) { if (sizeof($children)) { $res .= $this->_to_html($child, $_index, $_first, $_last, $_ref, $_pfx_end . ($overview->parent_direct ? $spfx_T : $spfx_Tnd), $_pfx_end . $spfx_I, false); } else { $res .= $this->_to_html($child, $_index, $_first, $_last, $_ref, $_pfx_end . ($overview->parent_direct ? $spfx_L : $spfx_Lnd), $_pfx_end . $spfx_e, false); } } $_index += $overview->desc; } return $res; } /** Displays overview * @param $_first INTEGER MSGNUM of first post * @param $_last INTEGER MSGNUM of last post * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current/selectionned post */ public function toHtml($first = 0, $overview = false) { $res = ''; if (!$overview) { $_first = $first; $_last = $first + Banana::$spool_tmax - 1; $_ref = null; } else { $_ref = $this->getNdx($first); $_last = $_ref + Banana::$spool_tafter; $_first = $_ref - Banana::$spool_tbefore; if ($_first < 0) { $_last -= $_first; } } $index = 1; foreach ($this->roots as $id) { $res .= $this->_to_html($id, $index, $_first, $_last, $_ref); $index += $this->overview[$id]->desc ; if ($index > $_last) { break; } } return $res; } /** computes linear post index * @param $_id INTEGER MSGNUM of post * @return INTEGER linear index of post */ public function getNdX($_id) { $ndx = 1; $id_cur = $_id; while (true) { $id_parent = $this->overview[$id_cur]->parent; if (is_null($id_parent)) break; $pos = array_search($id_cur, $this->overview[$id_parent]->children); for ($i = 0; $i < $pos ; $i++) { $ndx += $this->overview[$this->overview[$id_parent]->children[$i]]->desc; } $ndx++; //noeud père $id_cur = $id_parent; } foreach ($this->roots as $i) { if ($i==$id_cur) { break; } $ndx += $this->overview[$i]->desc; } return $ndx; } /** Return root message of the given thread * @param id INTEGER id of a message */ public function root($id) { $id_cur = $id; while (true) { $id_parent = $this->overview[$id_cur]->parent; if (is_null($id_parent)) break; $id_cur = $id_parent; } return $id_cur; } /** Returns previous thread root index * @param id INTEGER message number */ public function prevThread($id) { $root = $this->root($id); $last = null; foreach ($this->roots as $i) { if ($i == $root) { return $last; } $last = $i; } return $last; } /** Returns next thread root index * @param id INTEGER message number */ public function nextThread($id) { $root = $this->root($id); $ok = false; foreach ($this->roots as $i) { if ($ok) { return $i; } if ($i == $root) { $ok = true; } } return null; } /** Return prev post in the thread * @param id INTEGER message number */ public function prevPost($id) { $parent = $this->overview[$id]->parent; if (is_null($parent)) { return null; } $last = $parent; foreach ($this->overview[$parent]->children as $child) { if ($child == $id) { return $last; } $last = $child; } return null; } /** Return next post in the thread * @param id INTEGER message number */ public function nextPost($id) { if (count($this->overview[$id]->children) != 0) { return $this->overview[$id]->children[0]; } $cur = $id; while (true) { $parent = $this->overview[$cur]->parent; if (is_null($parent)) { return null; } $ok = false; foreach ($this->overview[$parent]->children as $child) { if ($ok) { return $child; } if ($child == $cur) { $ok = true; } } $cur = $parent; } return null; } /** Look for an unread message in the thread rooted by the message * @param id INTEGER message number */ private function _nextUnread($id) { if (!$this->overview[$id]->isread) { return $id; } foreach ($this->overview[$id]->children as $child) { $unread = $this->_nextUnread($child); if (!is_null($unread)) { return $unread; } } return null; } /** Find next unread message * @param id INTEGER message number */ public function nextUnread($id = null) { if (!is_null($id)) { // Look in message children foreach ($this->overview[$id]->children as $child) { $next = $this->_nextUnread($child); if (!is_null($next)) { return $next; } } } // Look in current thread $cur = $id; do { $parent = is_null($cur) ? null : $this->overview[$cur]->parent; $ok = is_null($cur) ? true : false; if (!is_null($parent)) { $array = &$this->overview[$parent]->children; } else { $array = &$this->roots; } foreach ($array as $child) { if ($ok) { $next = $this->_nextUnread($child); if (!is_null($next)) { return $next; } } if ($child == $cur) { $ok = true; } } $cur = $parent; } while(!is_null($cur)); return null; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8: ?>