date>=$a->date); } /** Class spoolhead * class used in thread overviews */ class BananaSpoolHead { /** date (timestamp) */ var $date; /** subject */ var $subject; /** author */ var $from; /** reference of parent */ var $parent; /** paren is direct */ var $parent_direct; /** array of children */ var $children = Array(); /** true if post is read */ var $isread; /** number of posts deeper in this branch of tree */ var $desc; /** same as desc, but counts only unread posts */ var $descunread; /** constructor * @param $_date INTEGER timestamp of post * @param $_subject STRING subject of post * @param $_from STRING author of post * @param $_desc INTEGER desc value (1 for a new post) * @param $_read BOOLEAN true if read * @param $_descunread INTEGER descunread value (0 for a new post) */ function BananaSpoolHead($_date, $_subject, $_from, $_desc=1, $_read=true, $_descunread=0) { $this->date = $_date; $this->subject = $_subject; $this->from = $_from; $this->desc = $_desc; $this->isread = $_read; $this->descunread = $_descunread; } } /** Class spool * builds and updates spool */ define("BANANA_SPOOL_VERSION", '0.2'); class BananaSpool { var $version; /** spool */ var $overview; /** group name */ var $group; /** array msgid => msgnum */ var $ids; /** thread starts */ var $roots; /** test validity */ var $valid = true; /** constructor * @param $_group STRING group name * @param $_display INTEGER 1 => all posts, 2 => only threads with new posts * @param $_since INTEGER time stamp (used for read/unread) */ function BananaSpool($_group, $_display=0, $_since="") { global $banana; $this->group = $_group; $groupinfo = $banana->nntp->group($_group); if (!$groupinfo) { $this->valid = false; return null; } $this->_readFromFile(); $do_save = false; $first = $banana->maxspool ? max($groupinfo[2] - $banana->maxspool, $groupinfo[1]) : $groupinfo[1]; $last = $groupinfo[2]; if ($this->version == BANANA_SPOOL_VERSION && is_array($this->overview)) { $mids = array_keys($this->overview); foreach ($mids as $id) { if (($first <= $last && ($id < $first || $id > $last)) || ($first > $last && $id < $first && $id > $last)) { $this->delid($id, false); $do_save = true; } } if (!empty($this->overview)) { $first = max(array_keys($this->overview))+1; } } else { unset($this->overview, $this->ids); $this->version = BANANA_SPOOL_VERSION; } if ($first<=$last && $groupinfo[0]) { $do_save = true; $this->_updateSpool("$first-$last"); } if ($do_save) { $this->_saveToFile(); } $this->_updateUnread($_since, $_display); } function _readFromFile() { $file = $this->_spoolfile(); if (file_exists($file)) { $temp = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); foreach (get_object_vars($temp) as $key=>$val) { $this->$key = $val; } } } function _saveToFile() { $file = $this->_spoolfile(); uasort($this->overview, "spoolcompare"); $this->roots = Array(); foreach($this->overview as $id=>$msg) { if (is_null($msg->parent)) { $this->roots[] = $id; } } file_put_contents($file, serialize($this)); } function _spoolfile() { global $banana; $url = parse_url($banana->host); $file = $url['host'].'_'.$url['port'].'_'.$this->group; return dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/spool/'.$file; } function _updateSpool($arg) { global $banana; $dates = array_map('strtotime', $banana->nntp->xhdr('Date', $arg)); $subjects = array_map('headerdecode', $banana->nntp->xhdr('Subject', $arg)); $froms = array_map('headerdecode', $banana->nntp->xhdr('From', $arg)); $msgids = $banana->nntp->xhdr('Message-ID', $arg); $refs = $banana->nntp->xhdr('References', $arg); if (is_array(@$this->ids)) { $this->ids = array_merge($this->ids, array_flip($msgids)); } else { $this->ids = array_flip($msgids); } foreach ($msgids as $id=>$msgid) { $msg = new BananaSpoolHead($dates[$id], $subjects[$id], $froms[$id]); $refs[$id] = str_replace('><', '> <', @$refs[$id]); $msgrefs = preg_split("/[ \t]/", strtr($refs[$id], $this->ids)); $parents = preg_grep('/^\d+$/', $msgrefs); $msg->parent = array_pop($parents); $msg->parent_direct = preg_match('/^\d+$/', array_pop($msgrefs)); if (isset($this->overview[$id])) { $msg->desc = $this->overview[$id]->desc; $msg->children = $this->overview[$id]->children; } $this->overview[$id] = $msg; if ($p = $msg->parent) { if (empty($this->overview[$p])) { $this->overview[$p] = new BananaSpoolHead($dates[$p], $subjects[$p], $froms[$p], 1); } $this->overview[$p]->children[] = $id; while ($p) { $this->overview[$p]->desc += $msg->desc; $p = $this->overview[$p]->parent; } } } } function _updateUnread($since, $mode) { global $banana; if (empty($since)) { return; } if (is_array($newpostsids = $banana->nntp->newnews($since, $this->group))) { if (!is_array($this->ids)) { $this->ids = array(); } $newpostsids = array_intersect($newpostsids, array_keys($this->ids)); foreach ($newpostsids as $mid) { $this->overview[$this->ids[$mid]]->isread = false; $this->overview[$this->ids[$mid]]->descunread = 1; $parentmid = $this->ids[$mid]; while (isset($parentmid)) { $this->overview[$parentmid]->descunread ++; $parentmid = $this->overview[$parentmid]->parent; } } if (count($newpostsids)) { switch ($mode) { case 1: foreach ($this->roots as $k=>$i) { if ($this->overview[$i]->descunread==0) { $this->killdesc($i); unset($this->roots[$k]); } } break; } } } } /** kill post and childrens * @param $_id MSGNUM of post */ function killdesc($_id) { if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) { foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) { $this->killdesc($c); } } unset($this->overview[$_id]); if (($msgid = array_search($_id, $this->ids)) !== false) { unset($this->ids[$msgid]); } } /** delete a post from overview * @param $_id MSGNUM of post */ function delid($_id, $write=true) { if (isset($this->overview[$_id])) { if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->parent)) { $this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children = array_diff($this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children, array($_id)); if (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) { $this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children = array_merge($this->overview[$this->overview[$_id]->parent]->children, $this->overview[$_id]->children); foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) { $this->overview[$c]->parent = $this->overview[$_id]->parent; $this->overview[$c]->parent_direct = false; } } $p = $this->overview[$_id]->parent; while ($p) { $this->overview[$p]->desc--; $p = $this->overview[$p]->parent; } } elseif (sizeof($this->overview[$_id]->children)) { foreach ($this->overview[$_id]->children as $c) { $this->overview[$c]->parent = null; } } unset($this->overview[$_id]); $msgid = array_search($_id, $this->ids); if ($msgid) { unset($this->ids[$msgid]); } if ($write) { $this->_saveToFile(); } } } /** displays children tree of a post * @param $_id INTEGER MSGNUM of post * @param $_index INTEGER linear number of post in the tree * @param $_first INTEGER linear number of first post displayed * @param $_last INTEGER linear number of last post displayed * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current post * @param $_pfx_node STRING prefix used for current node * @param $_pfx_end STRING prefix used for children of current node * @param $_head BOOLEAN true if first post in thread * * If you want to analyse subject, you can define the function hook_getSubject(&$subject) which * take the subject as a reference parameter, transform this subject to be displaid in the spool * view and return a string. This string will be put after the subject. */ function _to_html($_id, $_index, $_first=0, $_last=0, $_ref="", $_pfx_node="", $_pfx_end="", $_head=true) { $spfx_f = makeImg('k1.gif', 'o', 21, 9); $spfx_n = makeImg('k2.gif', '*', 21, 9); $spfx_Tnd = makeImg('T-direct.gif', '+', 21, 12); $spfx_Lnd = makeImg('L-direct.gif', '`', 21, 12); $spfx_snd = makeImg('s-direct.gif', '-', 21, 5); $spfx_T = makeImg('T.gif', '+', 21, 12); $spfx_L = makeImg('L.gif', '`', 21, 12); $spfx_s = makeImg('s.gif', '-', 21, 5); $spfx_e = makeImg('e.gif', ' ', 21, 12); $spfx_I = makeImg('I.gif', '|', 21, 12); if ($_index + $this->overview[$_id]->desc < $_first || $_index > $_last) { return; } $res = ''; if ($_index>=$_first) { $hc = empty($this->overview[$_id]->children); $res .= '\n"; $res .= "".fancyDate($this->overview[$_id]->date)." \n"; $res .= "" ."
$_pfx_node".($hc?($_head?$spfx_f:($this->overview[$_id]->parent_direct?$spfx_s:$spfx_snd)):$spfx_n) ."
"; $subject = $this->overview[$_id]->subject; if (strlen($subject) == 0) { $subject = _b_('(pas de sujet)'); } $link = null; if (function_exists('hook_getSubject')) { $link = hook_getSubject($subject); } $subject = formatPlainText(htmlentities($subject)); if ($_index == $_ref) { $res .= '' . $subject . $link . ''; } else { $res .= makeHREF(Array('group' => $this->group, 'artid' => $_id), $subject, $subject) . $link; } $res .= "\n".formatFrom($this->overview[$_id]->from)."\n"; if ($hc) { return $res; } } $_index ++; $children = $this->overview[$_id]->children; while ($child = array_shift($children)) { if ($_index > $_last) { return $res; } if ($_index+$this->overview[$child]->desc >= $_first) { if (sizeof($children)) { $res .= $this->_to_html($child, $_index, $_first, $_last, $_ref, $_pfx_end.($this->overview[$child]->parent_direct?$spfx_T:$spfx_Tnd), $_pfx_end.$spfx_I, false); } else { $res .= $this->_to_html($child, $_index, $_first, $_last, $_ref, $_pfx_end.($this->overview[$child]->parent_direct?$spfx_L:$spfx_Lnd), $_pfx_end.$spfx_e, false); } } $_index += $this->overview[$child]->desc; } return $res; } /** Displays overview * @param $_first INTEGER MSGNUM of first post * @param $_last INTEGER MSGNUM of last post * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current/selectionned post */ function to_html($_first=0, $_last=0, $_ref = null) { $res = ''; $new = '
' . makeImgLink(Array('group' => $this->group, 'action' => 'new'), 'post.gif', _b_('Nouveau message')); $new .= '
'; if (is_null($_ref)) { $next = $this->nextUnread(); if (!is_null($next)) { $next = '
' . makeImgLink(Array('group' => $this->group, 'artid' => $next), 'next_unread.gif', _b_('Message non-lu suivant')) . '
'; } $new = '
' . makeImgLink(Array('group' => $this->group, 'action' => 'new'), 'post.gif', _b_('Nouveau message')) . '
'; $res .= ''; $res .= ''; $res .= ''; } else { $res .= ''; } $index = 1; if (sizeof($this->overview)) { foreach ($this->roots as $id) { $res .= $this->_to_html($id, $index, $_first, $_last, $_ref); $index += $this->overview[$id]->desc ; if ($index > $_last) { break; } } } else { $res .= ''; } global $banana; if (is_object($banana->groups)) { $res .= ''; } return $res .= '
' . $next . _b_('Date') . '' . _b_('Sujet') . '' . $new . _b_('Auteur') . '
' . _b_('Aperçu de ') . makeHREF(Array('group' => $this->group), $this->group) . '
'._b_('Aucun message dans ce forum').'
' . $banana->groups->to_html() . '
'; } /** computes linear post index * @param $_id INTEGER MSGNUM of post * @return INTEGER linear index of post */ function getndx($_id) { $ndx = 1; $id_cur = $_id; while (true) { $id_parent = $this->overview[$id_cur]->parent; if (is_null($id_parent)) break; $pos = array_search($id_cur, $this->overview[$id_parent]->children); for ($i = 0; $i < $pos ; $i++) { $ndx += $this->overview[$this->overview[$id_parent]->children[$i]]->desc; } $ndx++; //noeud père $id_cur = $id_parent; } foreach ($this->roots as $i) { if ($i==$id_cur) { break; } $ndx += $this->overview[$i]->desc; } return $ndx; } /** Return root message of the given thread * @param id INTEGER id of a message */ function root($id) { $id_cur = $id; while (true) { $id_parent = $this->overview[$id_cur]->parent; if (is_null($id_parent)) break; $id_cur = $id_parent; } return $id_cur; } /** Returns previous thread root index * @param id INTEGER message number */ function prevThread($id) { $root = $this->root($id); $last = null; foreach ($this->roots as $i) { if ($i == $root) { return $last; } $last = $i; } return $last; } /** Returns next thread root index * @param id INTEGER message number */ function nextThread($id) { $root = $this->root($id); $ok = false; foreach ($this->roots as $i) { if ($ok) { return $i; } if ($i == $root) { $ok = true; } } return null; } /** Return prev post in the thread * @param id INTEGER message number */ function prevPost($id) { $parent = $this->overview[$id]->parent; if (is_null($parent)) { return null; } $last = $parent; foreach ($this->overview[$parent]->children as $child) { if ($child == $id) { return $last; } $last = $child; } return null; } /** Return next post in the thread * @param id INTEGER message number */ function nextPost($id) { if (count($this->overview[$id]->children) != 0) { return $this->overview[$id]->children[0]; } $cur = $id; while (true) { $parent = $this->overview[$cur]->parent; if (is_null($parent)) { return null; } $ok = false; foreach ($this->overview[$parent]->children as $child) { if ($ok) { return $child; } if ($child == $cur) { $ok = true; } } $cur = $parent; } return null; } /** Look for an unread message in the thread rooted by the message * @param id INTEGER message number */ function _nextUnread($id) { if (!$this->overview[$id]->isread) { return $id; } foreach ($this->overview[$id]->children as $child) { $unread = $this->_nextUnread($child); if (!is_null($unread)) { return $unread; } } return null; } /** Find next unread message * @param id INTEGER message number */ function nextUnread($id = null) { if (!is_null($id)) { // Look in message children foreach ($this->overview[$id]->children as $child) { $next = $this->_nextUnread($child); if (!is_null($next)) { return $next; } } } // Look in current thread $cur = $id; do { $parent = is_null($cur) ? null : $this->overview[$cur]->parent; $ok = is_null($cur) ? true : false; if (!is_null($parent)) { $array = &$this->overview[$parent]->children; } else { $array = &$this->roots; } foreach ($array as $child) { if ($ok) { $next = $this->_nextUnread($child); if (!is_null($next)) { return $next; } } if ($child == $cur) { $ok = true; } } $cur = $parent; } while(!is_null($cur)); return null; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 ?>