Smarty(); $this->compile_check = Banana::$debug_smarty; $this->template_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/'; $this->compile_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/spool/templates_c/'; $this->register_prefilter('banana_trimwhitespace'); } /** Add an error message * @param message STRING html code of the error to display */ public function trig($message) { $this->error[] = $message; } /** Kill the current page (generate an error message and skip page generation) * @param message STRING html code of the error message to display @ @return XHTML code of the page */ public function kill($message) { $this->trig($message); $this->assign('killed', true); return $this->run(); } /** Set the current page * @param page STRING page name */ public function setPage($page) { $this->page = $page; return true; } /** Register an action to show on banana page * @param action_code HTML code of the action * @param pages ARRAY pages where to show the action (null == every pages) * @return true if success */ public function registerAction($action_code, array $pages = null) { $this->actions[] = array('text' => $action_code, 'pages' => $pages); return true; } /** Register a new page * @param name Name of the page * @param text Text for the tab of the page * @param template Template path for the page if null, the page is not handled by banana * @return true if success */ public function registerPage($name, $text, $template = null) { $this->pages[$name] = array('text' => $text, 'template' => $template); return true; } /** Remove a page * @param page STRING page name to kill */ public function killPage($page) { $this->killed[] = $page; } /** Preparte the page generation * @return template to use */ protected function prepare() { $this->registerPage('subscribe', _b_('Abonnements'), null); $this->registerPage('forums', _b_('Les forums'), null); if (!is_null(Banana::$group)) { $this->registerPage('thread', Banana::$group, null); if (!is_null(Banana::$artid)) { $this->registerPage('message', _b_('Message'), null); if ($this->page == 'cancel') { $this->registerPage('cancel', _b_('Annulation'), null); } elseif ($this->page == 'new') { $this->registerPage('new', _b_('Répondre'), null); } } elseif ($this->page == 'new') { $this->registerPage('new', _b_('Nouveau'), null); } } foreach ($this->killed as $page) { unset($this->pages[$page]); } foreach ($this->actions as $key=>&$action) { if (!is_null($action['pages']) && !in_array($this->page, $action['pages'])) { unset($this->actions[$key]); } } return 'banana-base.tpl'; } /** Generate XHTML code */ public function run() { $tpl = $this->prepare(); if (!isset($this->pages[$this->page])) { $this->trig(_b_('La page demandée n\'existe pas')); $this->actions = array(); $this->page = null; } $this->assign('group', Banana::$group); $this->assign('artid', Banana::$artid); $this->assign('part', Banana::$part); $this->assign('first', Banana::$first); $this->assign('action', Banana::$action); $this->assign('profile', Banana::$profile); $this->assign('spool', Banana::$spool); $this->assign('protocole', Banana::$protocole); $this->register_function('url', array($this, 'makeUrl')); $this->register_function('link', array($this, 'makeLink')); $this->register_function('imglink', array($this, 'makeImgLink')); $this->register_function('img', array($this, 'makeImg')); $this->register_modifier('b', '_b_'); $this->assign('errors', $this->error); $this->assign('page', $this->page); $this->assign('pages', $this->pages); $this->assign('actions', $this->actions); if (!Banana::$debug_smarty) { $error_level = error_reporting(0); } $text = $this->fetch($tpl); $text = banana_utf8entities($text); if (!Banana::$debug_smarty) { error_reporting($error_level); } return $text; } /** Build a URL in Banana * @param params ARRAY location datas * @param smarty OBJECT Smarty instance associated (null if none) * @return URL of the page associated with the given parameters * * Usual parameters are : * - group : the box name * - artid : the current message id (index of message-id) * - part : part id to show (may be a content-id, xface or a mime-type for text) * - first : first linear-index to show in spool view * - action: like subscribe, cancel, new * - all others params are allowed, but not parsed by the base implementation of banana * * smarty funciton : {url param1=... param2=...} */ public function makeUrl(array $params, &$smarty = null) { if (function_exists('hook_makeLink') && $res = hook_makeLink($params)) { return $res; } $proto = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://'; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $file = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (count($params) != 0) { $get = '?'; foreach ($params as $key=>$value) { if (strlen($get) != 1) { $get .= '&'; } $get .= $key . '=' . $value; } } else { $get = ''; } return $proto . $host . $file . $get; } /** Build a link to a Banana page * @param params ARRAY location datas * @param smarty OBJECT Smarty instance associated (null if none) * @return Link to the page associated with the given parameters * * Support all @ref makeURL parameters, but catch the following: * - text : if set, defined the text of the link (if not set, the URL is used * - popup : title of the link (showed as a tooltip on most browsers) * - class : specific style class for the markup * - accesskey: keyboard key to trigger the link * None of this parameters is needed * * Smarty function : {link param1=... param2=...} */ public function makeLink(array $params, &$smarty = null) { $catch = array('text', 'popup', 'class', 'accesskey'); foreach ($catch as $key) { ${$key} = isset($params[$key]) ? $params[$key] : null; unset($params[$key]); } $link = $this->makeUrl($params, &$smarty); if (is_null($text)) { $text = $link; } if (!is_null($accesskey)) { $popup .= ' (raccourci : ' . $accesskey . ')'; } if (!is_null($popup)) { $popup = ' title="' . banana_htmlentities($popup) . '"'; } if (!is_null($class)) { $class = ' class="' . $class . '"'; } if (!is_null($accesskey)) { $accesskey = ' accesskey="' . $accesskey . '"'; } return '' . $text . ''; } /** Build a link to one of the banana built-in images * @param params ARRAY image datas * @param smarty OBJECT Smarty instance associated (null if none) * @return Img tag * * Supported parameters are * - img : name of the image (without its extension) * - alt : alternative text * - height and width : dimensions of the images * img and alt are needed * * Smarty function: {img img=... alt=... [height=...] [width=...]} */ public function makeImg(array $params, &$smarty = null) { $catch = array('img', 'alt', 'height', 'width'); foreach ($catch as $key) { ${$key} = isset($params[$key]) ? $params[$key] : null; } $img .= ".gif"; if (function_exists('hook_makeImg') && $res = hook_makeImg($img, $alt, $height, $width)) { return $res; } if (!is_null($width)) { $width = ' width="' . $width . '"'; } if (!is_null($height)) { $height = ' height="' . $height . '"'; } $proto = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://'; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $file = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/img/' . $img; $url = $proto . $host . $file; return '' . _b_($alt) . ''; } /** Build a link with an image as text * @param params ARRAY image and location data * @param smarty OBJECT Smarty instance associated (null if none) * @return an image within an link * * All @ref makeImg and @ref makeLink parameters are supported * if text is set, the text will be appended after the image in the link * * Smarty function : {imglink img=... alt=... [param1=...]} */ public function makeImgLink(array $params, &$smarty = null) { $params['alt'] = _b_($params['alt']); if (!isset($params['popup'])) { $params['popup'] = $params['alt']; } $img = $this->makeImg($params, $smarty); if (isset($params['text'])) { $img .= ' ' . $params['text']; } $params['text'] = $img; return $this->makeLink($params, $smarty); } /** Redirect to the page with the given parameter * @ref makeURL */ public function redirect(array $params = array()) { header('Location: ' . $this->makeUrl($params)); } } // {{{ function banana_trimwhitespace function banana_trimwhitespace($source, &$smarty) { $tags = array('script', 'pre', 'textarea'); foreach ($tags as $tag) { preg_match_all("!<{$tag}[^>]+>.*?!is", $source, ${$tag}); $source = preg_replace("!<{$tag}[^>]+>.*?!is", "&&&{$tag}&&&", $source); } // remove all leading spaces, tabs and carriage returns NOT // preceeded by a php close tag. $source = preg_replace('/((?)\n)[\s]+/m', '\1', $source); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $source = preg_replace("!&&&{$tag}&&&!e", 'array_shift(${$tag}[0])', $source); } return $source; } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8: ?>