$value) { $this->$key = $data->$key; } } elseif (!is_null($data)) { $this->fromRaw($data); } } protected function makeTextPart($body, $content_type, $encoding, $charset = null, $format = 'fixed') { $this->body = $body; $this->charset = $charset; $this->encoding = $encoding; $this->content_type = $content_type; $this->format = strtolower($format); $this->parse(); } protected function makeDataPart($body, $content_type, $encoding, $filename, $disposition, $id = null) { $this->body = $body; $this->content_type = $content_type; $this->encoding = $encoding; $this->filename = $filename; $this->disposition = $disposition; $this->id = $id; if (is_null($content_type) || $content_type == 'application/octet-stream') { $this->decodeContent(); $this->content_type = BananaMimePart::getMimeType($this->body, false); } } protected function makeFilePart(array $file, $content_type = null, $disposition = 'attachment') { $body = file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']); if ($body === false || strlen($body) != $file['size']) { return false; } if (is_null($content_type) || $content_type == 'application/octet-stream') { $content_type = BananaMimePart::getMimeType($file['tmp_name']); } if (substr($content_type, 0, 5) == 'text/') { $encoding = '8bit'; } else { $encoding = 'base64'; $body = chunk_split(base64_encode($body)); } $this->filename = $file['name']; $this->content_type = $content_type; $this->disposition = $disposition; $this->body = $body; $this->encoding = $encoding; return true; } protected function makeMultiPart($body, $content_type, $encoding, $boundary) { $this->body = $body; $this->content_type = $content_type; $this->encoding = $encoding; $this->boundary = $boundary; $this->parse(); } protected function convertToMultiPart() { if (!$this->isType('multipart', 'mixed')) { $newpart = new BananaMimePart($this); $this->content_type = 'multipart/mixed'; $this->encoding = '8bit'; $this->multipart = array($newpart); $this->headers = null; $this->charset = null; $this->disposition = null; $this->filename = null; $this->boundary = null; $this->body = null; $this->format = null; $this->id = null; } } public function addAttachment(array $file, $content_type = null, $disposition = 'attachment') { if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { return false; } $newpart = new BananaMimePart; if ($newpart->makeFilePart($file, $content_type, $disposition)) { $this->convertToMultiPart(); $this->multipart[] = $newpart; return true; } return false; } protected function getHeader($title, $filter = null) { if (!isset($this->headers[$title])) { return null; } $header =& $this->headers[$title]; if (is_null($filter)) { return trim($header); } elseif (preg_match($filter, $header, $matches)) { return trim($matches[1]); } return null; } protected function fromRaw($data) { if (is_array($data)) { if (array_key_exists('From', $data)) { $this->headers = array_map(array($this, 'decodeHeader'), array_change_key_case($data)); return; } else { $lines = $data; } } else { $lines = explode("\n", $data); } $headers = BananaMimePart::parseHeaders($lines); $this->headers =& $headers; if (empty($headers) || empty($lines)) { return; } $content = join("\n", $lines); $test = trim($content); if (empty($test)) { return; } $content_type = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-type', '/^\s*([^ ;]+?)(;|$)/')); if (empty($content_type)) { $encoding = '8bit'; $charset = 'CP1252'; $content_type = 'text/plain'; $format = strtolower($this->getHeader('x-rfc2646', '/format="?([^ w@"]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i')); } else { $encoding = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-transfer-encoding')); $disposition = $this->getHeader('content-disposition', '/(inline|attachment)/i'); $boundary = $this->getHeader('content-type', '/boundary="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'); $charset = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-type', '/charset="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i')); $filename = $this->getHeader('content-disposition', '/filename="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'); $format = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-type', '/format="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i')); $id = $this->getHeader('content-id', '/<(.*?)>/'); if (empty($filename)) { $filename = $this->getHeader('content-type', '/name="?([^"]+)"?/'); } } list($type, $subtype) = explode('/', $content_type); switch ($type) { case 'text': case 'message': $this->makeTextPart($content, $content_type, $encoding, $charset, $format); break; case 'multipart': $this->makeMultiPart($content, $content_type, $encoding, $boundary); break; default: $this->makeDataPart($content, $content_type, $encoding, $filename, $disposition, $id); } } private function parse() { if ($this->isType('multipart')) { $this->splitMultipart(); } else { $parts = $this->findUUEncoded(); if (count($parts)) { $this->convertToMultiPart(); $this->multipart = array_merge(array($textpart), $parts); } } } private function splitMultipart() { $this->decodeContent(); if (is_null($this->multipart)) { $this->multipart = array(); } $boundary =& $this->boundary; $parts = preg_split("/\n--" . preg_quote($boundary, '/') . "(--|\n)/", $this->body, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($parts as &$part) { $newpart = new BananaMimePart($part); if (!is_null($newpart->content_type)) { $this->multipart[] = $newpart; } } $this->body = null; } public static function getMimeType($data, $is_filename = true) { if ($is_filename) { $type = mime_content_type($data); } else { $arg = escapeshellarg($data); $type = preg_replace('/;.*/', '', trim(shell_exec("echo $arg | file -bi -"))); } return empty($type) ? 'application/octet-stream' : $type; } private function findUUEncoded() { $this->decodeContent(); $parts = array(); if (preg_match_all("/\n(begin \d+ ([^\r\n]+)\r?(?:\n(?!end)[^\n]*)*\nend)/", $this->body, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as &$match) { $data = convert_uudecode($match[1]); $mime = BananaMimePart::getMimeType($data, false); if ($mime != 'application/x-empty') { $this->body = trim(str_replace($match[0], '', $this->body)); $newpart = new BananaMimePart; $newpart->makeDataPart($data, $mime, '8bit', $match[2], 'attachment'); $parts[] = $newpart; } } } return $parts; } static private function _decodeHeader($charset, $c, $str) { $s = ($c == 'Q' || $c == 'q') ? quoted_printable_decode($str) : base64_decode($str); $s = @iconv($charset, 'UTF-8', $s); return str_replace('_', ' ', $s); } static public function decodeHeader(&$val, $key) { if (preg_match('/[\x80-\xff]/', $val)) { if (!is_utf8($val)) { $val = utf8_encode($val); } } elseif (strpos($val, '=') !== false) { $val = preg_replace('/(=\?.*?\?[bq]\?.*?\?=) (=\?.*?\?[bq]\?.*?\?=)/i', '\1\2', $val); $val = preg_replace('/=\?(.*?)\?([bq])\?(.*?)\?=/ie', 'BananaMimePart::_decodeHeader("\1", "\2", "\3")', $val); } } static public function &parseHeaders(array &$lines) { $headers = array(); while ($lines) { $line = array_shift($lines); if (isset($hdr) && $line && ctype_space($line{0})) { $headers[$hdr] .= ' ' . trim($line); } elseif (!empty($line)) { if (strpos($line, ':') !== false) { list($hdr, $val) = explode(":", $line, 2); $hdr = strtolower($hdr); if (in_array($hdr, Banana::$msgparse_headers)) { $headers[$hdr] = ltrim($val); } else { unset($hdr); } } } else { break; } } array_walk($headers, array('BananaMimePart', 'decodeHeader')); return $headers; } static public function encodeHeader($value, $trim = 0) { if ($trim) { if (strlen($value) > $trim) { $value = substr($value, 0, $trim); } } $value = preg_replace('/([\x80-\xff]+)/e', '"=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode("\1") . "?="', $value); return $value; } private function decodeContent() { $encodings = Array('quoted-printable' => 'quoted_printable_decode', 'base64' => 'base64_decode', 'x-uuencode' => 'convert_uudecode'); foreach ($encodings as $encoding => $callback) { if ($this->encoding == $encoding) { $this->body = $callback($this->body); $this->encoding = '8bit'; break; } } if (!$this->isType('text')) { return; } if (!is_null($this->charset)) { $body = iconv($this->charset, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $this->body); if (empty($body)) { return; } $this->body = $body; } else { $this->body = utf8_encode($this->body); } $this->charset = 'utf-8'; } public function send($force_inline = false) { $this->decodeContent(); if ($force_inline) { $dispostion = $this->disposition; $this->disposition = 'inline'; } $headers = $this->getHeaders(); foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { header("$key: $value"); } if ($force_inline) { $this->disposition = $disposition; } echo $this->body; exit; } private function setBoundary() { if ($this->isType('multipart') && is_null($this->boundary)) { $this->boundary = '--banana-bound-' . time() . rand(0, 255) . '-'; } } public function getHeaders() { $headers = array(); $this->setBoundary(); $headers['Content-Type'] = $this->content_type . ";" . ($this->filename ? " name=\"{$this->filename}\";" : '') . ($this->charset ? " charset=\"{$this->charset}\";" : '') . ($this->boundary ? " boundary=\"{$this->boundary}\";" : "") . ($this->format ? " format={$this->format}" : ""); if ($this->encoding) { $headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = $this->encoding; } if ($this->disposition) { $headers['Content-Disposition'] = $this->disposition . ($this->filename ? "; filename=\"{$this->filename}\"" : ''); } return array_map(array($this, 'encodeHeader'), $headers); } public function hasBody() { if (is_null($this->content) && !$this->isType('multipart')) { return false; } return true; } public function get($with_headers = false) { $content = ""; if ($with_headers) { foreach ($this->getHeaders() as $key => $value) { $line = "$key: $value"; $line = explode("\n", wordwrap($line, Banana::$msgshow_wrap)); for ($i = 1 ; $i < count($line) ; $i++) { $line[$i] = "\t" . $line[$i]; } $content .= implode("\n", $line) . "\n"; } $content .= "\n"; } if ($this->isType('multipart')) { $this->setBoundary(); foreach ($this->multipart as &$part) { $content .= "\n--{$this->boundary}\n" . $part->get(true); } $content .= "\n--{$this->boundary}--"; } elseif ($this->isType('text', 'plain')) { $content .= banana_flow($this->body); } else { $content .= banana_wordwrap($this->body); } return $content; } public function getText() { $this->decodeContent(); return $this->body; } public function toHtml() { @list($type, $subtype) = $this->getType(); if ($type == 'image') { $part = $this->id ? $this->id : $this->filename; return '' . banana_htmlentities($this->filename) . ''; } elseif ((!in_array($type, Banana::$msgshow_mimeparts) && !in_array($this->content_type, Banana::$msgshow_mimeparts)) || $this->disposition == 'attachment') { $part = $this->id ? $this->id : $this->filename; if (!$part) { $part = $this->content_type; } return '[' . Banana::$page->makeImgLink(array('group' => Banana::$group, 'artid' => Banana::$artid, 'part' => $part, 'text' => $this->filename ? $this->filename : $this->content_type, 'img' => 'save')) . ']'; } elseif ($type == 'multipart' && ($subtype == 'mixed' || $subtype == 'report')) { $text = ''; foreach ($this->multipart as &$part) { $text .= $part->toHtml(); } return $text; } else { switch ($subtype) { case 'html': return banana_formatHtml($this); case 'enriched': case 'richtext': return banana_formatRichText($this); default: if ($type == 'message') { // we have a raw source of data (no specific pre-formatting) return '
' . utf8_encode(banana_formatPlainText($this)); } return banana_formatPlainText($this); } } return null; } public function quote() { list($type, $subtype) = $this->getType(); if (in_array($type, Banana::$msgedit_mimeparts) || in_array($this->content_type, Banana::$msgedit_mimeparts)) { if ($type == 'multipart' && ($subtype == 'mixed' || $subtype == 'report')) { $text = ''; foreach ($this->multipart as &$part) { $qt = $part->quote(); $qt = rtrim($qt); if (!empty($text)) { $text .= "\n" . banana_quote("", 1) . "\n"; } $text .= $qt; } return $text; } switch ($subtype) { case 'html': return banana_quoteHtml($this); case 'enriched': case 'richtext': return banana_quoteRichText($this); default: return banana_quotePlainText($this); } } } protected function getType() { return explode('/', $this->content_type); } protected function isType($type, $subtype = null) { list($mytype, $mysub) = $this->getType(); return ($mytype == $type) && (is_null($subtype) || $mysub == $subtype); } public function isFlowed() { return $this->format == 'flowed'; } public function getFilename() { return $this->filename; } protected function getParts($type, $subtype = null) { $parts = array(); if ($this->isType($type, $subtype)) { return array($this); } elseif ($this->isType('multipart')) { foreach ($this->multipart as &$part) { $parts = array_merge($parts, $part->getParts($type, $subtype)); } } return $parts; } public function getFile($filename) { if ($this->filename == $filename) { return $this; } elseif ($this->isType('multipart')) { foreach ($this->multipart as &$part) { $file = $part->getFile($filename); if (!is_null($file)) { return $file; } } } return null; } public function getAttachments() { if (!is_null($this->filename)) { return array($this); } elseif ($this->isType('multipart')) { $parts = array(); foreach ($this->multipart as &$part) { $parts = array_merge($parts, $part->getAttachments()); } return $parts; } return array(); } public function getAlternatives() { $types =& Banana::$msgshow_mimeparts; $names =& Banana::$mimeparts; $source = null; if (in_array('source', $types)) { $source = @$names['source'] ? $names['source'] : 'source'; } if (!$this->isType('multipart', 'alternative') && !$this->isType('multipart', 'related')) { if ($source) { $parts = array($this); } else { return array(); } } else { $parts =& $this->multipart; } $alt = array(); foreach ($parts as &$part) { list($type, $subtype) = $part->getType(); $ct = $type . '/' . $subtype; if (in_array($ct, $types) || in_array($type, $types)) { if (isset($names[$ct])) { $alt[$ct] = $names[$ct]; } elseif (isset($names[$type])) { $alt[$ct] = $names[$type]; } else { $alt[$ct] = $ct; } } } if ($source) { $alt['source'] = $source; } return $alt; } public function getPartById($id) { if ($this->id == $id) { return $this; } elseif ($this->isType('multipart')) { foreach ($this->multipart as &$part) { $res = $part->getPartById($id); if (!is_null($res)) { return $res; } } } return null; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8: ?>