') { $line = substr($line, 1); if (!$strict && ctype_space($line{0})) { $line = substr($line, 1); } $quote_level++; } if (ctype_space($line{0})) { $line = substr($line, 1); } return $line; } function banana_quote($line, $level, $mark = '>') { $lines = explode("\n", $line); $quote = str_repeat($mark, $level); foreach ($lines as &$line) { $line = $quote . $line; } return implode("\n", $lines); } function banana_unflowed($text) { $lines = explode("\n", $text); $text = ''; while (!is_null($line = array_shift($lines))) { $level = 0; $line = banana_removeQuotes($line, $level); while (banana_isFlowed($line)) { $lvl = 0; if (empty($lines)) { break; } $nl = $lines[0]; $nl = banana_removeQuotes($nl, $lvl); if ($lvl == $level) { $line .= $nl; array_shift($lines); } else { break; } } $text .= banana_quote($line, $level) . "\n"; } return $text; } function banana_wordwrap($text, $quote_level) { if ($quote_level > 0) { $length = Banana::$msgshow_wrap - $quote_level - 1; return banana_quote(wordwrap($text, $length), $quote_level); } return wordwrap($text, Banana::$msgshow_wrap); } function banana_catchFormats($text) { $formatting = Array('/' => 'em', // match / first in order not to match closing markups <> '_' => 'u', '*' => 'strong'); $url = Banana::$msgshow_url; preg_match_all("/$url/ui", $text, $urls); $text = str_replace($urls[0], "&&&urls&&&", $text); foreach ($formatting as $limit=>$mark) { $limit = preg_quote($limit, '/'); $text = preg_replace('/' . $limit . '(\S+?)' . $limit . '/us', "<$mark>\\1", $text); } return preg_replace('/&&&urls&&&/e', 'array_shift($urls[0])', $text); } // {{{ URL Catcher tools function banana__cutlink($link) { $link = banana_html_entity_decode($link, ENT_QUOTES); if (strlen($link) > Banana::$msgshow_wrap) { $link = substr($link, 0, Banana::$msgshow_wrap - 3) . "..."; } return banana_htmlentities($link, ENT_QUOTES); } function banana__cleanURL($url) { $url = str_replace('@', '%40', $url); if (strpos($url, '://') === false) { $url = 'http://' . $url; } return '' . banana__cutlink($url) . ''; } function banana__catchMailLink($email) { $mid = '<' . $email . '>'; if (isset(Banana::$spool->ids[$mid])) { return Banana::$page->makeLink(Array('group' => Banana::$group, 'artid' => Banana::$spool->ids[$mid], 'text' => $email)); } elseif (strpos($email, '$') !== false) { return $email; } return '' . $email . ''; } // }}} function banana_catchURLs($text) { $url = Banana::$msgshow_url; $res = preg_replace("/&(lt|gt|quot);/", " &\\1; ", $text); $res = preg_replace("/$url/uie", "'\\1'.banana__cleanurl('\\2').'\\3'", $res); $res = preg_replace('/(["\[])?(?:mailto:|news:)?([a-z0-9.\-+_\$]+@([\-.+_]?[a-z0-9])+)(["\]])?/ie', "'\\1' . banana__catchMailLink('\\2') . '\\4'", $res); $res = preg_replace("/ &(lt|gt|quot); /", "&\\1;", $res); return $res; } // {{{ Quotes catcher functions function banana__replaceQuotes($text, $regexp) { return stripslashes(preg_replace("@(^|
|\n)$regexp@i", '\1', $text));

// }}}

function banana_catchQuotes($res, $strict = true)
    if ($strict) {
        $regexp = ">";
    } else {
        $regexp = "> *";
    while (preg_match("/(^|
|\n)$regexp/i", $res)) {
        $res  = preg_replace("/(^|
            ." . banana__replaceQuotes('\\2', '$regexp')"
            ." . '
    return $res;

function banana_catchSignature($res)
    $res = preg_replace("@
-- ?\n@", "
\n-- \n", $res);
    $parts = preg_split("/\n-- ?\n/", $res);
    $sign  = '

    return join($sign, $parts);

function banana_plainTextToHtml($text, $strict = true)
    $text = banana_htmlentities($text);
    $text = banana_catchFormats($text);
    $text = banana_catchURLs($text);
    $text = banana_catchQuotes($text, $strict);
    $text = banana_catchSignature($text);
    return banana_cleanHtml('
' . $text . '
'); } function banana_wrap($text, $base_level = 0, $strict = true) { $lines = explode("\n", $text); $text = ''; $buffer = array(); $level = 0; while (!is_null($line = array_shift($lines))) { $lvl = 0; $line = banana_removeQuotes($line, $lvl, $strict); if($lvl != $level) { if (!empty($buffer)) { $text .= banana_wordwrap(implode("\n", $buffer), $level + $base_level) . "\n"; $buffer = array(); } $level = $lvl; } $buffer[] = $line; } if (!empty($buffer)) { $text .= banana_wordwrap(implode("\n", $buffer), $level + $base_level); } return $text; } function banana_formatPlainText(BananaMimePart &$part, $base_level = 0) { $text = $part->getText(); if ($part->isFlowed()) { $text = banana_unflowed($text); } $text = banana_wrap($text, $base_level, $part->isFlowed()); return banana_plainTextToHtml($text, $part->isFlowed()); } function banana_quotePlainText(BananaMimePart &$part) { $text = $part->getText(); if ($part->isFlowed()) { $text = banana_unflowed($text); } return banana_wrap($text, 1); } // }}} // {{{ HTML Functions function banana_htmlentities($text, $quote = ENT_COMPAT) { return htmlentities($text, $quote, 'UTF-8'); } function banana_html_entity_decode($text, $quote = ENT_COMPAT) { return html_entity_decode($text, $quote, 'UTF-8'); } function banana_removeEvilAttributes($tagSource) { $stripAttrib = 'javascript:|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|'. 'onmousemove|onmouseout|onkeypress|onkeydown|onkeyup'; return stripslashes(preg_replace("/$stripAttrib/i", '', $tagSource)); } function banana_cleanStyles($tag, $attributes) { static $td_style, $conv, $size_conv; if (!isset($td_style)) { $conv = array('style' => 'style', 'width' => 'width', 'height' => 'height', 'border' => 'border-size', 'size' => 'font-size', 'align' => 'text-align', 'valign' => 'vertical-align', 'face' => 'font', 'bgcolor' => 'background-color', 'color' => 'color', 'style' => 'style', 'cellpadding' => 'padding', 'cellspacing' => 'border-spacing'); $size_conv = array(1 => 'xx-small', 2 => 'x-small', 3 => 'small', 4 => 'medium', 5 => 'large', 6 => 'x-large', 7 => 'xx-large', '-2' => 'xx-small', '-1' => 'x-small', '+1' => 'medium', '+2' => 'large', '+3' => 'x-large', '+4' => 'xx-large'); $td_style = array(); } if ($tag == 'table') { array_unshift($td_style, ''); } if ($tag == '/table') { array_shift($td_style); } if ($tag{0} == '/') { return ''; } if ($tag == 'td') { $style = $td_style[0]; } else { $style = ''; } $attributes = str_replace("\n", ' ', stripslashes($attributes)); $attributes = str_replace('= "', '="', $attributes); foreach ($conv as $att=>$stl) { $pattern = '/\b' . preg_quote($att, '/') . '="(.+?)"/i'; if (preg_match($pattern, $attributes, $matches)) { $attributes = preg_replace($pattern, '', $attributes); $val = $matches[1]; if ($att == 'cellspacing' && strpos($style, 'border-collapse') === false) { $style .= "border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: $val $val; "; } elseif ($att == 'cellpadding' && $tag == 'table') { $td_style[0] = "$stl: {$val}px; "; } elseif ($att == 'style') { $val = rtrim($val, ' ;'); $style .= "$val; "; } elseif ($att == 'size') { $val = $size_conv[$val]; $style .= "$stl: $val; "; } elseif (is_numeric($val)) { $style .= "$stl: {$val}px; "; } else { $style .= "$stl: $val; "; } } } if (!empty($style)) { $style = 'style="' . $style . '" '; } return ' ' . $style . trim($attributes); } function banana_filterCss($css) { $css = preg_replace("/(^|\n|,)\s*(\w+[^\{\}\<]+\{)/s", '\1.banana .message .body .html \2', $css); $css = preg_replace('/ body\b/i', '', $css); if (!Banana::$msgshow_externalimages) { if (preg_match("/url\(((ht|f)tps?:.*?)\)/i", $css)) { $css = preg_replace("/url\(((ht|f)tps?:.*?)\)/i", 'url(invalid-image.png)', $css); Banana::$msgshow_hasextimages = true; } } return $css; } /** * @return string * @param string * @desc Strip forbidden tags and delegate tag-source check to removeEvilAttributes() */ function banana_cleanHtml($source, $to_xhtml = false) { if (!function_exists('tidy_repair_string')) { $tidy_config = array('drop-empty-paras' => true, 'drop-proprietary-attributes' => true, 'hide-comments' => true, 'logical-emphasis' => true, 'output-xhtml' => true, 'replace-color' => true, 'join-classes' => false, 'clean' => false, 'show-body-only' => false, 'alt-text' => '[ inserted by TIDY ]', 'wrap' => 120); if (function_exists('tidy_setopt')) { // Tidy 1.0 foreach ($tidy_config as $field=>$value) { tidy_setopt($field, $value); } tidy_set_encoding('utf8'); $source = tidy_repair_string($source); } else { // Tidy 2.0 $source = tidy_repair_string($source, $tidy_config, 'utf8'); } } // To XHTML if ($to_xhtml) { // catch inline CSS $css = null; if (preg_match('/(.*?)<\/head>/is', $source, $matches)) { $source = preg_replace('/.*?<\/head>/is', '', $source); preg_match_all('/(.*?)<\/style>/is', $matches[1], $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as &$match) { $css .= $match; } $css = banana_filterCss($css); Banana::$page->addCssInline($css); } // clean DTD $source = str_replace('/', '', $source); $source = str_replace('', '', $source); } $allowedTags = '

  • ' . '

    '; $source = strip_tags($source, $allowedTags); // Use inlined style instead of old html attributes if ($to_xhtml) { $source = preg_replace('/<(\/?\w+)(.*?)(\/?>)/ise', "'<\\1' . banana_cleanStyles('\\1', '\\2') . '\\3'", $source); } return preg_replace('/<(.*?)>/ie', "'<'.banana_removeEvilAttributes('\\1').'>'", $source); } function banana_catchHtmlSignature($res) { $res = preg_replace("@(

    )\n?-- ?\n?(]*>|]*>)@", "\\1
    -- \\2", $res); $res = preg_replace("@]*>\n?-- ?\n?(]*>)@", "
    \\2", $res); $res = preg_replace("@(]*>)\n?-- ?\n@", "
    \\1", $res); $parts = preg_split("@(:?]*>\n?-- ?\n?

    |]*>\n?-- ?\n?]*>)@", $res); $sign = '
    '; return join($sign, $parts); } // {{{ Link to part catcher tools function banana__linkAttachment($cid) { return banana_htmlentities( Banana::$page->makeUrl(Array('group' => Banana::$group, 'artid' => Banana::$artid, 'part' => $cid))); } // }}} function banana_hideExternalImages($text) { if (preg_match("/]*?)src=['\"](?!cid).*?['\"](.*?)>/i", $text)) { Banana::$msgshow_hasextimages = true; return preg_replace("/]*?)src=['\"](?!cid).*?['\"](.*?)>/i", '', $text); } return $text; } function banana_catchPartLinks($text) { $article = Banana::$page->makeURL(array('group' => Banana::$group, 'artid' => Banana::$artid, 'part' => Banana::$part)); $article = banana_htmlentities($article); $text = preg_replace('/cid:([^\'" ]+)/e', "banana__linkAttachment('\\1')", $text); $text = preg_replace('/href="(#.*?)"/i', 'href="' . $article . '\1"', $text); return $text; } // {{{ HTML to Plain Text tools function banana__convertFormats($res) { $table = array('em|i' => '/', 'strong|b' => '*', 'u' => '_'); foreach ($table as $tags=>$format) { $res = preg_replace("!!is", $format, $res); } return $res; } function banana__convertQuotes($res) { return preg_replace('!([^<]*)!ies', "\"\n\" . banana_quote(banana__convertQuotes('\\1' . \"\n\"), 1, '>')", $res); } // }}} function banana_htmlToPlainText($res) { $res = str_replace("\n", '', $res); $res = banana__convertFormats($res); $res = trim(strip_tags($res, '

    ')); $res = preg_replace("@@si", "\n", $res); $res = banana__convertQuotes($res); return banana_html_entity_decode($res); } function banana_formatHtml(BananaMimePart &$part) { $text = $part->getText(); $text = banana_catchHtmlSignature($text); if (!Banana::$msgshow_externalimages) { $text = banana_hideExternalImages($text); } $text = banana_catchPartLinks($text); return banana_cleanHtml($text, true); } function banana_quoteHtml(BananaMimePart &$part) { $text = $part->getText(); $text = banana_htmlToPlainText($text); return banana_wrap($text, 1); } // }}} // {{{ Richtext Functions /** Convert richtext to html */ function banana_richtextToHtml($source) { $tags = Array('bold' => 'b', 'italic' => 'i', 'smaller' => 'small', 'bigger' => 'big', 'underline' => 'u', 'subscript' => 'sub', 'superscript' => 'sup', 'excerpt' => 'blockquote', 'paragraph' => 'p', 'nl' => 'br' ); // clean unsupported tags $protectedTags = '<'.join('><', array_keys($tags)).'>'; $source = strip_tags($source, $protectedTags); // convert richtext tags to html foreach (array_keys($tags) as $tag) { $source = preg_replace('@(]*>)@i', '\1'.$tags[$tag].'\2', $source); } // some special cases $source = preg_replace('@@i', '
    ', $source); $source = preg_replace('@
    @i', '', $source); $source = preg_replace('@@i', '<', $source); $source = preg_replace('@]*>((?:[^<]|<(?!/comment>))*)
    @i', '', $source); return banana_cleanHtml($source); } function banana_formatRichText(BananaMimePart &$part) { $text = $part->getText(); $text = banana_richtextToHtml($text); $text = banana_catchHtmlSignature($text); return banana_cleanHtml($text); } function banana_quoteRichtText(BananaMimePart &$part) { $text = $part->getText(); $text = banana_richtextToHtml($text); $text = banana_htmlToPlainText($text); return banana_wrap($text, 1); } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8: ?>