# $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 2004/11/25 20:18:39 x99laine Exp $ ################################################################################ # definitions VERSNUM := $(shell grep VERSION ChangeLog | head -1 | sed -e "s/VERSION //;s/ .*//") VERSTAG := $(shell grep VERSION ChangeLog | head -1 | grep 'XX' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && echo 'beta') VERSION = $(VERSNUM)$(VERSTAG) PKG_NAME = platal PKG_DIST = $(PKG_NAME)-$(VERSION) PKG_FILES = AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING README Makefile PKG_DIRS = configs htdocs include install.d plugins po scripts templates upgrade VCS_FILTER = ! -name .arch-ids ! -name CVS define download @echo "Downloading $@ from $(DOWNLOAD_SRC)" wget $(DOWNLOAD_SRC) -O $@ -q || ($(RM) $@; exit 1) endef ################################################################################ # global targets all: build build: core conf static banana wiki openid medals jquery check: @!(find . -name '*.php' -exec php -l {} ";" | grep -v 'No syntax errors detected') test: make -C core test q: @echo -e "Code statistics\n" @sloccount $(filter-out wiki/ spool/, $(wildcard */)) 2> /dev/null | egrep '^[a-z]*:' %: %.in Makefile ChangeLog sed -e 's,@VERSION@,$(VERSION),g' $< > $@ up: update update: @git fetch && git rebase `git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e 's~refs/heads/~origin/~'` && git submodule update doc: @doxygen core/doc/doxygen.cfg ################################################################################ # targets ## ## core ## core: [ -d core/.git ] || ( git submodule init && git submodule update ) make -C core all ## ## conf ## conf: spool/templates_c spool/mails_c classes/platalglobals.php configs/platal.cron htdocs/.htaccess spool/conf spool/tmp spool/banana spool/templates_c spool/mails_c spool/uploads spool/conf spool/tmp spool/run spool/banana: mkdir -p $@ chmod o+w $@ htdocs/.htaccess: htdocs/.htaccess.in Makefile @REWRITE_BASE="/~$$(id -un)"; \ test "$$REWRITE_BASE" = "/~web" && REWRITE_BASE="/"; \ sed -e "s,@REWRITE_BASE@,$$REWRITE_BASE,g" $< > $@ ## ## static content ## static: htdocs/javascript/core.js htdocs/javascript@VERSION htdocs/javascript/core.js: cd htdocs/javascript/ && ln -s ../../core/htdocs/javascript/core.js %@VERSION: % Makefile ChangeLog cd $< && rm -f $(VERSION) && ln -sf . $(VERSION) ## ## wiki ## WIKI_NEEDS = \ wiki/local/farmconfig.php \ wiki/pub/skins/empty \ wiki/cookbook/e-protect.php \ spool/wiki.d \ htdocs/uploads \ htdocs/wiki \ wiki: get-wiki build-wiki build-wiki: $(WIKI_NEEDS) | get-wiki htdocs/uploads: cd htdocs && ln -sf ../spool/uploads htdocs/wiki: cd htdocs && ln -sf ../wiki/pub wiki spool/wiki.d: mkdir -p $@ chmod o+w $@ cd $@ && ln -sf ../../include/wiki/wiki.d/* . wiki/cookbook/e-protect.php: cd wiki/cookbook && ln -sf ../../include/wiki/e-protect.php wiki/local/farmconfig.php: cd wiki/local/ && ln -sf ../../include/wiki/farmconfig.php wiki/pub/skins/empty: cd wiki/pub/skins/ && ln -sf ../../../include/wiki/empty get-wiki: @if ! test -d wiki; then \ wget http://www.pmwiki.org/pub/pmwiki/pmwiki-latest.tgz; \ tar -xzvf pmwiki-latest.tgz; \ rm pmwiki-latest.tgz; \ mv pmwiki-* wiki; \ fi ## ## openid ## openid: get-openid spool/openid/store # There is no obvious way to automatically use the latest version OPENID_VERSION = 2.2.2 OPENID_COMMIT = 782224d get-openid: @if ! test -d include/Auth; then \ wget --no-check-certificate \ https://github.com/openid/php-openid/tarball/$(OPENID_VERSION) \ -O php-openid-$(OPENID_VERSION).tar.gz; \ tar -xzf php-openid-$(OPENID_VERSION).tar.gz; \ mv openid-php-openid-$(OPENID_COMMIT)/Auth include/; \ rm php-openid-$(OPENID_VERSION).tar.gz; \ rm -r openid-php-openid-$(OPENID_COMMIT); \ fi spool/openid/store: mkdir -p $@ chmod o+w $@ ## ## banana ## banana: htdocs/images/banana htdocs/css/banana.css htdocs/images/banana: banana-sub cd $(@D) && ln -snf ../../banana/img $(@F) htdocs/css/banana.css: banana-sub cd $(@D) && ln -snf ../../banana/css/style.css $(@F) banana-sub: make -C banana ## ## Medal thumbnails ## MEDAL_PICTURES=$(wildcard htdocs/images/medals/*.jpg) MEDAL_THUMBNAILS=$(subst /medals/,/medals/thumb/,$(MEDAL_PICTURES)) medals: $(MEDAL_THUMBNAILS) $(MEDAL_THUMBNAILS): $(subst /medals/thumb/,/medals/,$(@F)) convert -resize x50 $(subst /medals/thumb/,/medals/,$@) $@ ## ## jquery ## JQUERY_VERSION=1.5.1 JQUERY_PLUGINS=color form JQUERY_PLUGINS_PATHES=$(addprefix htdocs/javascript/jquery.,$(addsuffix .js,$(JQUERY_PLUGINS))) JQUERY_UI_VERSION=1.8.10 JQUERY_UI=core widget tabs datepicker JQUERY_UI_PATHES=$(addprefix htdocs/javascript/jquery.ui.,$(addsuffix .js,$(JQUERY_UI))) JQUERY_TMPL_VERSION=vBeta1.0.0 JQUERY_TMPL_PATH=htdocs/javascript/jquery.tmpl.js JSTREE_VERSION=1.0rc2 JSTREE_PATH=htdocs/javascript/jquery.jstree.js # TODO: jquery.autocomplete.js should rather be downloaded from an official source. The issue # is that the version we use is not available anymore on the Internet, and the latest version # we could use is not backward compatible with our current code. jquery: htdocs/javascript/jquery.xorg.js htdocs/javascript/jquery.ui.xorg.js $(JSTREE_PATH) htdocs/javascript/jquery.xorg.js: htdocs/javascript/jquery.js $(JQUERY_PLUGINS_PATHES) $(JQUERY_TMPL_PATH) htdocs/javascript/jquery.autocomplete.js cat $^ > $@ htdocs/javascript/jquery.ui.xorg.js: $(JQUERY_UI_PATHES) htdocs/javascript/jquery.ui.datepicker-fr.js cat $^ > $@ htdocs/javascript/jquery-$(JQUERY_VERSION).min.js: DOWNLOAD_SRC = http://jquery.com/src/$(@F) htdocs/javascript/jquery-$(JQUERY_VERSION).min.js: @-rm htdocs/javascript/jquery-*.min.js @$(download) htdocs/javascript/jquery.js: htdocs/javascript/jquery-$(JQUERY_VERSION).min.js ln -snf $(