================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.9 ?? Oct 2005 New : * Core : - HTTP redirection safe wrt Session (should solve login problems). -MC - Free $_SESSION before the page rendering, to release locks. -MC * Documentation : - Documentation now use Wiki -Car * Paiement : - Fixed little text mistake in Payments menu. -CAT - Direct link from and to events. -Car * Profile : - User can now accept synchronisation from AX by admin. -Car - Address will try to display as the country standard. -Car - Warning for common name (no Nickname allowed). -MC * Xnet : - Groups can be non subscribable. -Car - Most Wanted Feature : directories synchronization with lists. -MC - Various bug fixes in events management. -Car - Groups can now synchronize MLs and the directory. -MC Bug/Wish : * Admin : - #337: Add link to trackers and support websites for admins. -CAT * Contacts : - #352: Enhance PDFs : add the generation date. -MC * Core : - #310: Display the max number of photo in trombipromo. -Car * Mails : - #327: broken mail test is more explicit for unaware users. -MC * Paiments : - #336 : Micro -> Tele(payments). -MC - #356 : Payments use usage name instead of last name. -Car * Profile : - #330,333: Interface improvements. -Car - #332: User can precise why he asks for a usage name. -Car - #335: Already assigned promotion don't generate a request. -CAT - #346: Professional profile code desynch. fixed. -MC - #357: Reindex user for fast search at subscribe time. -MC - #358: Avoid duplicate email address when bestalias = 4life. -MC - #363: Rework actions possible on the profile for deceased pple. -MC * Xnet : - #334: Interface improvements. -Car - #341: Improve member deletion. -MC - #374: Event interface. -Car - #376: Reply-To on the mail form. -MC - #388: Deadline for event inscriptions. -Car * User Interface : - #338: Broken FSF link fixed on donation page. -CAT - #339: New RSS links that allow direct and easier RSS activation. -CAT - #130: Each page now shows a different title. -CAT From 0.9.8 Branch : * Xnet : - #362: Fix a problem with evenements that only have 1 moment. -MC ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.8 18 Jul 2005 New : * Admin : - Synchronisations with geoloc.org. -Car Bug/Wish : * Admin : - #323: admin link in fiche opens out of the popup. -Car - #324: admin can modify the usage name. -Car * Profile : - User can delete his own melix. -Car - #328,329: bug fixes and direct acess to public fiche. -Car - #331: antispam option didn't work with Safari. -Car * Lists : - #318: Deletion of email with + in aliases. -Car ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.7 21 Jun 2005 New : * Profile : - Address parser. -Car * Search : - Nickname are used in fast search. -Car - Firefox searchplugin for quick search. -Car * Xnet : - Events management. -Car - Events using paiements. -Car - Sending mail to all the participants/absents of an event. -Car Bug/Wish : * Core : - #78,302: accept spaces in login. -Car * Fiche : - #308: organizing layout. -Car * Lists : - #23: multiple inscriptions. -Car * Xnet : - #311,312: private members list. -Car - Inscription in a group with no admin. -Car Fixes (from 0.9.6 branch) : * Core : - #316: locale was not set correctly. dates are in french again. -MC * Search : - #307: fix bad escaping in advanced search. -MC * Xnet : - Have a connection link even on index page. -MC - Deleting and securing deletion of empty aliases. -Car - #314: fix bad links to categories -Car ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.6 07 May 2005 New : * Profile : - Stayed down students (orange) management. -Car * Search : - Last improvements (clean code for search now !). -MC * Stats : - Drop mail stats pages (buggy and not accurate anymore). -MC * Polytechnique.net in now in plat/al ! -MC Bug/Wish : * Admin : - #298: On su exit, go back to SU page on the given account. -MC - #300: Notify hotliners for validation comments. -Car - #301: Some design issues solved for validation. -MC * Misc : - #290: Date display with no preceding 0. -Car * Profile : - #299: Be more specific wrt given name for women. -MC Fixes (from 0.9.5 branch) : * Search : - #304: Next/Prev links were missing if #pages was 2. -MC ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.5 07 Apr 2005 New : * Core : - Improve login/exit wrt cookie. -MC * Docs : - use of secure SMTP on a pocket PC. -Car * Fiche : - A public fiche is now available for visitors. -Car * Money : - lighter code and support for a PayPal account. -Car * Profile : - One can choose precisely which fields appear on his public fiche. -Car - Accents and special chars in name and first name -Car - Spouse name extended to usage name. -Car * Register : - Already subscribed members now have a warning. -MC * Search : - Public searches display more information. -Car Bug/Wish : * Admin : - #291: change bestalias when alias disappear. -Car * Core : - #279, #281: permanent connexion explanations. -MC/Car * Fiche : - #289: hide empty photos in public fiche. -Car * Misc : - #283,285,286,287: text modifications in docs and index page. -Car * Profile : - #278: professionnal email and web site. -Car * Search : - #82: Search by fonction and post for jobs. -Car - #109, 288: Lots of sorting methods for search. -Car - #270: Private/public flags are now used for search. -Car Fixes (from 0.9.4 branch) : * Lists : - Owner can now delete their list. -MC ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.4 24 Jan 2005 New : * Banana : - Total rework, it's now a real library, exit from plat/al. -MC * Contacts : - Brand new PDF of the contact list (using FPDF). -MC - Even include Photos in the PDF (kludgy !). -MC * Core : - New SQL access API : gain in security and code factorization. -MC - Drop good old mysql_assign, iterators are nicer. -MC - Drop magic_quote_gpc (DB API takes care of it itself). -MC - Drop cache algorithm (was complex for no gain). -MC - Enhancements wrt COOKIE. -MC/Car - More homogenous date formating (use %x / %X everywhere). -MC - No more .head.tpl. (thanks to JM for the tip). -MC - Strip unnecessary spaces from templates at compile time. -MC - Allow users to choose email formats globally. -Car - Crons are now handled from plat/al with a global crontab file. -MC * Notifications : - Use Pascal's work to enable a simple, nicer html mail. -MC - Use the new RSS engine to provide a feed of the panel. -MC * Photo Submission : - Rework of the form. -MC - Photo is resized on the fly, instead of dropping too big images. -MC * Registration : - Brand new. -MC * Skins : - Openweb : update. -MC * Validation : - Quite a lot of rewrite, simplifications. -MC Bug/Wish : * Contacts : - #180: Change the list order using name, promo or last change date.-Car * Core : - #153: rework the RSS engine. -MC - #145: Use melix address to log in. -Car - #212: Various font-sizes fixed. -Car - #245: Use PEAR::Date to avoid 1970-2038 php limitations. -MC - #258: Netscape4 Warning. -MC * Emails : - #229: Possibility to show our melix address. -Car * Events : - #238: Links and Mailto are now active. -Car * Fiche : - #218: Quit fiche using Escape key. -Car * Marketing : - #256, #255: Mail are now correctly sent. -MC/Car * Misc : - #65: Broken links. -MC * Notifications : - #63: Birthdays are now in the notifications ! -MC - #215: The notifications use singular or plural. -Car - #232: Add a link to the fiche. -MC/Car * Profile : - #65: Add professionnal cellphone. -Car - #170: Remove region display for french departments. -Car - #204: Add nicknames (searchable too). -MC - #210: Add medals and orders. -MC * Search : - #249, #251, #253: Some tweaks to be more accurate. -MC * Stats : - #261: Stats of registrations over the time. -Car * Validations : - #137: Now possible to add comments without any action. -MC - #191, #256: Marketing now uses the validation process. -MC - #267: Newsletter uses the validation process too. -MC ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.3 27 Dec 2004 New : * Core : - Members can be disabled. It deletes volatile datas. -MC - Start the new work on modules (XOrgHook). -MC - XOrgMenu class to deal with Menu entries. -MC - Lots of includes renames, rewrites, beautifuling. -MC - Try to avoid the unreadable {"..."|url} modifier, use {rel}/. -MC - Use a real .conf file, and no more .php's for configuration. -MC - Make raw access to POST/GET/... disappear. -MC * Distribution : - Do not modify PHP include path from auto.prepend.inc.php. -SHK - Add install.d/apache.conf with a sample Apache config file. -SHK - Add Makefile to generate distribution tarballs. -SHK - Generate xorg.config.inc.php using "make". -SHK - Add a basic README file. -SHK * Lists : - Moderators are now allowed to change the moderation level. -MC * Mails : - Use HermesMailer. -MC - Create a script to treats NL bounces. -MC * Money : standalone module. -MC * Skins : - New skin : openweb. -MC - No more annoying submit button, onclick is used to submit. -MC - This is the first autonom module of the site ! -MC * Stats : - Better y-range for graphs. -MC * WebRedirect (was: Carva) : now standalone. -MC Bug/Wish : * Admin : - #186: Users are reachable by melix, redirects, aliases... -MC * Bestalias : - #206: Use only the bestalias and the forlife in vcard and fiche. -MC - #207: Enable for the user the choice of his prefered alias. -MC * Core : - #183,185: Implement perms levels : 'pending'+'disabled'. -MC - #154: Birth fields are now of type DATE. -MC * Fiche : - #83,208,222: New fiche. -MC * Lists : - #86: Yet another old old wish : lists archives are online ! -MC - #144: Users can subscribe from members/trombi page too. -MC - #184: Owners can now delete their lists. -MC - #231: Add a link to the user's fiche on moderation page. -MC * Newsletter : - #242: Newsletter is standalone. -MC * Search : - #56: Search on referent. -JS - #189: Selection of diplomas depends on schools. -JS - #195: Better heuristic for google like (thanks OG). -MC - #203: New fields in search (alive, subscriber, free). -JS * User Interface : - #211: All imgs in the skins are links to login.php. -MC Fixes (from 0.9.2 branch) : * Search : - enable mod_date_sort again. -MC ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.2 14 Nov 2004 New : * Carnet : Brand new. -MC * Core : - Creation of the Plugin class. -MC - Now only use iso3166 countries, no more `nationalites`. -MC * Contacts : - Trombino of the contacts is available. -MC * Search+Contacts : - Nicer icons. -MC * Skins : - Various updates. -FRU Bug/Wish : * Docs : - #156: Exit Netscape4 (no more supported), Mozilla enters. -MC * Carnet : - #29,147: Possible to watch subscribings, deaths, `fiche` modifs. -MC * Core : - #135: First instance of the plugin class : class Trombi. -MC - #158: A photo change updates last `fiche` edition stamp. -MC - #100,199: Kludge to determine if a link is popup or not. -MC * Lists : - #138: Refusal message is shown on mail moderation page. -MC - #161: Now supports non-X natively. -MC * Search : - #112,113,126,133,167,171: google like search + some rewrite. -MC * Search+Contacts : - #122: Women now have a • (no more dirty gender icons). -MC - #124: Homeland is now a flag. -MC - #164: Married women are now well sorted (by their spouse name). -MC * Stats : - #8,134: Return of the stats pages. -VP Fixes (from 0.9.1 branch) : * Lists : - Better mails to -owners for reject/discard ops. -MC - Mailman is case sensitive, goto lowercase. -MC ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.1 25 Oct 2004 New : * Lists : - Auto-moderate/discard mails detected as SPAM by bogofilter. -MC - Improve header/subject decoding. -MC - Alpha-sort on listes/admin.php + msgs for each operations. -MC - 1-click moderation for accept and reject cases. -MC * Usability : - #99: All now have title. -MC * NewsLetter : - Brand New NewsLetter module. -MC - Convert old archive to new model. -FAL * Search+Contacts : - Added gender icons. -MC - Better things done for married women. -MC - Deceased members and non-subscribers special treatments. -MC - Mobile is now printed too. -MC - People names are clickable. -MC - Unified template. -JS * Skins: - Liteskin. -XdX Fixes (from 0.9.0 branch) : * Lists : - Corrects problem about mails that have non text/* parts. -MC - Rpc daemon can live everywhere. -MC - Moderation : refusing/rejecting a mail informs other moderators. -MC * Fiche + Search : - Corrects bad handling of firms. -MC - We used the bad table to search functions names. -MC * Skins : - Minor updates. -FRU ================================================================================ VERSION 0.9.0 15 Oct 2004 New : * First Public Release. -PoT ================================================================================ ACRONYMS : * PoT : Polytechnique.org TEAM (see Authors). * Car : Pascal Corpet (Caribou) * CAT : Florian El Ahdab (LeChat) * FAL : Raphaël Marichez (Falco) * FRU : Florent Bruneau (fruneau) * JS : Jean Sébastien Bedo * MC : Pierre Habouzit (MadCoder) * OG : Olivier Guillaumin * SHK : Jeremy Lainé (Sharky) * VP : Vincent Palatin * XdX : Alexandre Hô (XandreX) ================================================================================ vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:tw=80: