[platal.git] / upgrade / newdirectory-0.0.1 / addresses.php
1 #!/usr/bin/php5
2 <?php
3 require_once 'connect.db.inc.php';
4 require_once 'geocoding.inc.php';
6 $globals->debug = 0; // Do not store backtraces.
8 $res = XDB::query('SELECT MIN(pid), MAX(pid)
9 FROM profiles');
11 $pids = $res->fetchOneRow();
13 $minPid = $pids[0];
14 $maxPid = $pids[1];
16 echo "This will take a few minutes.\n";
18 // Fills the 'text' field in profile_addresses.
19 for ($pid = $minPid; $pid < $maxPid + 1; ++$pid) {
20 // First deals with home addresses (located in #x4dat#.adresses).
21 $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT a.adrid AS id, a.adr1, a.adr2, a.adr3,
22 UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.datemaj) AS datemaj,
23 a.postcode, a.city, a.cityid, a.region, a.regiontxt,
24 a.pub, a.country, gp.pays AS countrytxt, gp.display,
25 FIND_IN_SET('coord-checked', a.statut) AS checked,
26 FIND_IN_SET('res-secondaire', a.statut) AS secondaire,
27 FIND_IN_SET('courrier', a.statut) AS mail,
28 FIND_IN_SET('temporaire', a.statut) AS temporary,
29 FIND_IN_SET('active', a.statut) AS current,
30 FIND_IN_SET('pro', a.statut) AS pro,
31 a.glat AS precise_lat, a.glng AS precise_lon
32 FROM #x4dat#.adresses AS a
33 INNER JOIN #x4dat#.geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.a2 = a.country)
34 INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))
35 WHERE ap.pid = {?}
36 ORDER BY a.adrid",
37 $pid);
39 while ($address = $res->next()) {
40 $text = get_address_text($address);
41 XDB::iterator('UPDATE profile_addresses
42 SET text = {?}
43 WHERE pid = {?} AND type = {?} AND id = {?}',
44 $text, $pid, $address['pro'] ? 'job' : 'home', $address['id']);
45 }
47 // Then deals with job addresses (located in #x4dat#.entreprises).
48 $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT e.entrid AS jobid, 0 AS id, e.adr1, e.adr2, e.adr3,
49 e.postcode, e.city, e.cityid, e.region, e.regiontxt,
50 e.adr_pub AS pub, e.country, gp.pays AS countrytxt, gp.display,
51 e.glat AS precise_lat, e.glng AS precise_lon
52 FROM #x4dat#.entreprises AS e
53 INNER JOIN #x4dat#.geoloc_pays AS gp ON (gp.a2 = e.country)
54 INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (e.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))
55 WHERE ap.pid = {?}
56 ORDER BY e.entrid",
57 $pid);
59 while ($address = $res->next()) {
60 $text = get_address_text($address);
61 XDB::iterator('UPDATE profile_addresses
62 SET text = {?}
63 WHERE pid = {?} AND type = {?} AND id = {?} AND jobid = {?}',
64 $text, $pid, 'job', $address['id'], $address['jobid']);
65 }
66 }
68 function get_address_text($adr)
69 {
70 $t = '';
71 if (isset($adr['adr1']) && $adr['adr1']) $t .= $adr['adr1'];
72 if (isset($adr['adr2']) && $adr['adr2']) $t .= "\n".$adr['adr2'];
73 if (isset($adr['adr3']) && $adr['adr3']) $t .= "\n".$adr['adr3'];
74 $l = '';
75 if (isset($adr['display']) && $adr['display']) {
76 $keys = explode(' ', $adr['display']);
77 foreach ($keys as $key) {
78 if (isset($adr[$key])) {
79 $l .= ' ' . $adr[$key];
80 } else {
81 $l .= ' ' . $key;
82 }
83 }
84 if ($l) substr($l, 1);
85 } elseif ($adr['country'] == 'US' || $adr['country'] == 'CA' || $adr['country'] == 'GB') {
86 if ($adr['city']) $l .= $adr['city'] . ",\n";
87 if ($adr['region']) $l .= $adr['region'] . ' ';
88 if ($adr['postcode']) $l .= $adr['postcode'];
89 } else {
90 if (isset($adr['postcode']) && $adr['postcode']) $l .= $adr['postcode'] . ' ';
91 if (isset($adr['city']) && $adr['city']) $l .= $adr['city'];
92 }
93 if ($l) $t .= "\n" . trim($l);
94 if ($adr['country'] != '00' && (!$adr['countrytxt'] || $adr['countrytxt'] == strtoupper($adr['countrytxt']))) {
95 $res = XDB::query('SELECT countryFR
96 FROM geoloc_countries
97 WHERE iso_3166_1_a2 = {?}',
98 $adr['country']);
99 $adr['countrytxt'] = $res->fetchOneCell();
100 }
101 if (isset($adr['countrytxt']) && $adr['countrytxt']) {
102 $t .= "\n" . $adr['countrytxt'];
103 }
104 return trim($t);
105 }
107 /* vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4: */
108 ?>