A few fixes in DB upgrade scripts.
[platal.git] / upgrade / newdirectory-0.0.1 / 09_education.sql
1 -- Updates diplomas
2 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'PhD', degree = 'Doctorat', level = 8 WHERE degree = 'PhD';
3 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'Lic.', level = 3 WHERE degree = 'Licence';
4 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'MSc', degree = 'Master of Science', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'MS';
5 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'DEA', degree = "Diplôme d'Études Approfondies", level = 5 WHERE degree = 'DEA';
6 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'ME', degree = 'Master of Economics', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'ME';
7 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'MBA', degree = 'Master of Business Administration', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'MBA';
8 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'MiF', degree = 'Master in Finance', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'MiF';
9 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'MPA', degree = 'Master of Public Administration', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'MPA';
10 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'MIA', degree = 'Master of International Affairs', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'MIA';
11 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'Corps', degree = 'Corps', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'Corps';
12 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'Ing.', degree = 'Ingénieur', level = 5 WHERE degree = 'Ingénieur';
13 UPDATE profile_education_degree_enum SET abbreviation = 'Dipl.', degree = 'Diplôme', level = 0 WHERE degree = 'Diplôme';
15 INSERT INTO profile_education_degree_enum (abbreviation, degree, level)
16 VALUES ('Agr.', 'Agrégation', 4), ('CAPES', 'Certificat d\'Aptitude au Professorat de l\'Enseignement du Second degré', 4),
17 ('DESS', 'Diplôme d\'Études Supérieures Spécialisées', 5), ('BTS', 'Brevet de Technicien Supérieur', 2), ('MA', 'Master of Arts', 5),
18 ('Maîtr.', 'Maîtrise', 4), ('HDR', 'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches', 8), ('DEUG', 'Diplôme d\'Études Universitaires Générales', 2),
19 ('MEE', 'Master of Electrical Engineering', 5), ('MPhil', 'Master of Philosophy', 5), ('MUP', 'Master of Urban Planning', 5),
20 ('MME', 'Master of Mechanical Engineering', 5), ('MCP', 'Master of City Planning', 5), ('BA', 'Bachelor of Arts', 3),
21 ('MEl', 'Master of Electronics', 5), ('MM', 'Master of Management', 5), ('MIB', 'Master of International Business', 5),
22 ('MC', 'Master of Chemistry', 5), ('MEM', 'Master of Engineering in Manufacturing', 5), ('MEng', 'Master of Engineering', 5),
23 ('MCE', 'Master of Chemical Engineering', 5), ('M', 'Master', 5), ('MMS', 'Master of Military Studies', 5),
24 ('MSI', 'Master of Science in Information', 5),
25 ('DESCF', 'Diplôme d\'Études Supérieures Comptables et Financières', 5), ('MB', 'Master of Biotechnology', 5);
27 -- Updates universities
28 UPDATE profile_education_enum
29 SET abbreviation = 'Université Claude Bernard', name = 'Université Claude Bernard (Lyon 1)'
30 WHERE name = 'Université Claude Bernard';
31 UPDATE profile_education_enum
32 SET abbreviation = 'Télécom', name = 'Télécom ParisTech', url = 'http://www.telecom-paristech.fr/'
33 WHERE name = 'Télécom';
34 UPDATE profile_education_enum
35 SET abbreviation = 'ENGREF', name = 'École Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts', url = 'http://www.agroparistech.fr/-Ecole-interne-ENGREF-.html'
36 WHERE name = 'ENGREF';
37 UPDATE profile_education_enum
38 SET abbreviation = 'INSEE', name = 'Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques'
39 WHERE name = 'INSEE';
40 UPDATE profile_education_enum
41 SET abbreviation = 'Météo', name = 'École Nationale de la Météorologie'
42 WHERE name = 'Météo';
43 UPDATE profile_education_enum
44 SET abbreviation = 'Mines', name = 'Mines ParisTech'
45 WHERE name = 'Mines';
46 UPDATE profile_education_enum
47 SET abbreviation = 'Ponts', name = 'École des Ponts ParisTech'
48 WHERE name = 'Ponts';
49 UPDATE profile_education_enum
50 SET abbreviation = 'ENSAE', name = 'École Nationale de la Statistique et de l\'Administration Économique ParisTech'
51 WHERE name = 'ENSAE';
52 UPDATE profile_education_enum
53 SET abbreviation = 'ENSAM', name = 'Arts et Métiers ParisTech'
54 WHERE name = 'ENSAM';
55 UPDATE profile_education_enum
56 SET abbreviation = 'ENSEEIHT', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure d\'Électrotechnique, d\'Électronique, d\'Informatique, d\'Hydraulique et des Télécommunications'
57 WHERE name = 'ENSEEIHT';
58 UPDATE profile_education_enum
59 SET abbreviation = 'ENSIMAG', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure d\'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble', url = 'http://ensimag.grenoble-inp.fr/'
60 WHERE name = 'ENSIMAG';
61 UPDATE profile_education_enum
62 SET abbreviation = 'ENSTA', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées'
63 WHERE name = 'ENSTA';
64 UPDATE profile_education_enum
65 SET abbreviation = 'ENSPM', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs'
66 WHERE name = 'ENSPM';
67 UPDATE profile_education_enum
68 SET abbreviation = 'INAPG', name = 'Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon', url = 'http://www.agroparistech.fr/'
69 WHERE name = 'INAPG';
70 UPDATE profile_education_enum
71 SET abbreviation = 'HEC', name = 'École des Hautes Études Commerciales'
72 WHERE name = 'HEC';
73 UPDATE profile_education_enum
74 SET abbreviation = 'X', name = 'École polytechnique', url = 'http://www.polytechnique.edu/'
75 WHERE name = 'X';
76 UPDATE profile_education_enum
77 SET abbreviation = 'SUPAERO', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure de l\'Aéronautique et de l\'Espace', url = 'http://www.isae.fr/'
78 WHERE name = 'Supaéro';
79 UPDATE profile_education_enum
80 SET abbreviation = 'SupOptique', name = 'Institut d\'Optique Théorique et Appliquée'
81 WHERE name = 'Supoptique';
82 UPDATE profile_education_enum
83 SET abbreviation = 'Supélec', name = 'École Supérieure d\'Électricité'
84 WHERE name = 'Supélec';
85 UPDATE profile_education_enum
86 SET abbreviation = 'ENA', name = 'École Nationale d\'Administration'
87 WHERE name = 'ENA';
88 UPDATE profile_education_enum
89 SET abbreviation = 'INSEAD', name = 'Institut Européen d\'Administration des Affaires', url = 'http://www.insead.edu/'
90 WHERE name = 'INSEAD';
91 UPDATE profile_education_enum
92 SET abbreviation = 'Chimie Paris', name = 'Chimie Paris ParisTech', url = 'http://www.enscp.fr/'
93 WHERE name = 'Chimie Paris';
94 UPDATE profile_education_enum
95 SET abbreviation = 'INSTN', name = 'Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires'
96 WHERE name = 'INSTN';
97 UPDATE profile_education_enum
98 SET abbreviation = 'UMPC', name = 'Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (Paris-VI)', url = 'http://www.upmc.fr/'
99 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 6 (Pierre et Marie Curie - Jussieu)';
100 UPDATE profile_education_enum
101 SET abbreviation = 'Paris-Sud', name = 'Université Paris-Sud (Paris-XI)'
102 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 11 (Orsay)';
103 UPDATE profile_education_enum
104 SET abbreviation = 'Paris-Diderot', name = 'Université Denis Diderot (Paris-VII)', url = 'http://www.univ-paris7.fr/'
105 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 7 (Denis Diderot - Jussieu)';
106 UPDATE profile_education_enum
107 SET abbreviation = 'Dauphine', name = 'Université de Technologie en Sciences des Organisations et de la Décision de Paris-Dauphine (Paris-IX)'
108 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 9 (Dauphine)';
109 UPDATE profile_education_enum
110 SET abbreviation = 'Panthéon-Sorbonne', name = 'Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris-I)'
111 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)';
112 UPDATE profile_education_enum
113 SET abbreviation = 'Nanterre', name = 'Université de Paris Ouest - Nanterre La Défense (Paris-X)'
114 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 10 (Nanterre)';
115 UPDATE profile_education_enum
116 SET abbreviation = 'Paris-Descartes', name = 'Université Paris Descartes (Paris-V)'
117 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 5 (René Descartes)';
118 UPDATE profile_education_enum
119 SET abbreviation = 'Sorbonne Nouvelle', name = 'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris-III)'
120 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 3 (Sorbonne Nouvelle)';
121 UPDATE profile_education_enum
122 SET abbreviation = 'Vincennes-Saint-Denis', name = 'Université de Vincennes à Saint-Denis (Paris-VIII)'
123 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 8 (Vincennes - Saint Denis)';
124 UPDATE profile_education_enum
125 SET abbreviation = 'Paris-Val de Marne', name = 'Université Paris-Val de Marne (Paris-XII)'
126 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 12 (Val de Marne)';
127 UPDATE profile_education_enum
128 SET abbreviation = 'Paris-Nord', name = 'Université Paris-Nord (Paris-XIII)'
129 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 13 (Nord)';
130 UPDATE profile_education_enum
131 SET abbreviation = 'Paris-Sorbonne', name = 'Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris-IV)'
132 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 4 (Sorbonne)';
133 UPDATE profile_education_enum
134 SET abbreviation = 'Assas', name = 'Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris-II)'
135 WHERE name = 'Univ Paris 2 (Panthéon - Assas)';
136 UPDATE profile_education_enum
137 SET abbreviation = 'CDI', name = 'Collège des Ingénieurs'
138 WHERE name = 'Collège des Ingénieurs';
139 UPDATE profile_education_enum
140 SET abbreviation = 'ENS Ulm', name = 'École Normale Supérieure'
141 WHERE name = 'ENS Ulm';
142 UPDATE profile_education_enum
143 SET abbreviation = 'ENS Lyon', name = 'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon '
144 WHERE name = 'ENS Lyon';
145 UPDATE profile_education_enum
146 SET abbreviation = 'ENS Cachan', name = 'École Normale Supérieure de Cachan'
147 WHERE name = 'ENS Cachan';
148 UPDATE profile_education_enum
149 SET abbreviation = 'ESPCI', name = 'ESPCI ParisTech'
150 WHERE name = 'ESPCI';
151 UPDATE profile_education_enum
152 SET abbreviation = 'Sciences Po', name = 'Institut d\'Études Politiques de Paris'
153 WHERE name = 'IEP Paris';
154 UPDATE profile_education_enum
155 SET abbreviation = 'Sciences Po Aix', name = 'Institut d\'Études Politiques d\'Aix-en-Provence'
156 WHERE name = 'IEP Aix';
157 UPDATE profile_education_enum
158 SET abbreviation = 'EHESS', name = 'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales'
159 WHERE name = 'EHESS';
160 UPDATE profile_education_enum
161 SET abbreviation = 'ENSIC', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques'
162 WHERE name = 'ENSIC';
163 UPDATE profile_education_enum
164 SET abbreviation = 'Grenoble INP', name = 'Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble', url = 'http://www.grenoble-inp.fr/'
165 WHERE name = 'INPG';
166 UPDATE profile_education_enum
167 SET abbreviation = 'UJF'
168 WHERE name = 'Université Joseph-Fourier (Grenoble 1)';
169 UPDATE profile_education_enum
170 SET abbreviation = 'ESSEC', name = 'École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales'
171 WHERE name = 'ESSEC';
172 UPDATE profile_education_enum
173 SET abbreviation = 'INPL', name = 'Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine'
174 WHERE name = 'INPL';
175 UPDATE profile_education_enum
176 SET abbreviation = 'ENSAPB', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure d\'Architecture de Paris-Belleville'
177 WHERE name = 'EAPB (Ecole Architecture Paris Belleville)';
178 UPDATE profile_education_enum
179 SET abbreviation = 'ENSAPLV', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure d\'Architecture de Paris-La Villette'
180 WHERE name = 'EAPLV (Ecole Architecture Paris La Villette)';
181 UPDATE profile_education_enum
182 SET abbreviation = 'EAVT', name = 'École d\'Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires à Marne-la-Vallée'
183 WHERE name = 'EAVT (Ecole d\'architecture de Marne La Vallee)';
184 UPDATE profile_education_enum
185 SET abbreviation = 'ENSP', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage'
186 WHERE name = 'ENSP Versailles';
187 UPDATE profile_education_enum
188 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'École Nationale Supérieure du Génie Maritime', url = 'http://www.ensta.fr/'
189 WHERE name = 'Génie maritime (Ecole nationale supérieur du)';
190 UPDATE profile_education_enum
191 SET abbreviation = 'CPA de Paris', name = 'Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires de Paris', url = ''
192 WHERE name = 'Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires';
193 UPDATE profile_education_enum
194 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'ESCP-EAP', url = 'http://www.escp-eap.eu/'
195 WHERE name = 'ESCP-EAP';
196 UPDATE profile_education_enum
197 SET abbreviation = 'CEPE', name = 'Centre d\'Études des Programmes Économiques'
198 WHERE name = 'CEPE';
199 UPDATE profile_education_enum
200 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Institut des Actuaires', url = 'http://www.institutdesactuaires.com/'
201 WHERE name = 'Institut des actuaires';
202 UPDATE profile_education_enum
203 SET abbreviation = 'CEIPI', name = 'Centre d\'Études Internationales de la Propriété Industrielle'
204 WHERE name = 'CEIPI';
205 UPDATE profile_education_enum
206 SET abbreviation = 'Université Paul-Sabatier', name = 'Université Paul-Sabatier (Toulouse III)'
207 WHERE name = 'Univ Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier)';
208 UPDATE profile_education_enum
209 SET abbreviation = 'Université de Provence', name = 'Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)'
210 WHERE name = 'Université de Provence';
211 UPDATE profile_education_enum
212 SET abbreviation = 'INSA Rouen', name = 'Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen'
213 WHERE name = 'INSA Rouen';
214 UPDATE profile_education_enum
215 SET abbreviation = 'IAE de Paris', name = 'Institut d\'Administration des Entreprises de Paris', url = 'http://iae.univ-paris1.fr/'
216 WHERE name = 'Institut d\'Administration des Entreprises';
217 UPDATE profile_education_enum
218 SET abbreviation = 'CNSMDP', name = 'Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris'
219 WHERE name = 'Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris';
220 UPDATE profile_education_enum
221 SET name = 'École Normale de Musique de Paris'
222 WHERE name = 'École normale de musique de Paris';
223 UPDATE profile_education_enum
224 SET abbreviation = 'ENSMN'
225 WHERE name = 'École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy';
227 UPDATE profile_education_enum
228 SET abbreviation = 'NDU', country = 'US'
229 WHERE name = 'National Defense University';
230 UPDATE profile_education_enum
231 SET abbreviation = 'Brown', country = 'US'
232 WHERE name = 'Brown University';
233 UPDATE profile_education_enum
234 SET abbreviation = 'Berkeley', name = 'University of California, Berkeley', country = 'US'
235 WHERE name = 'Univ Berkeley';
236 UPDATE profile_education_enum
237 SET abbreviation = 'CalTech', name = 'California Institute of Technology', country = 'US'
238 WHERE name = 'CalTech';
239 UPDATE profile_education_enum
240 SET abbreviation = 'MIT', name = 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', country = 'US'
241 WHERE name = 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology';
242 UPDATE profile_education_enum
243 SET abbreviation = 'Cornell', name = 'Cornell University', country = 'US'
244 WHERE name = 'Univ Cornell';
245 UPDATE profile_education_enum
246 SET abbreviation = 'Stanford', name = 'Stanford University', country = 'US'
247 WHERE name = 'Univ Stanford';
248 UPDATE profile_education_enum
249 SET abbreviation = 'UCLA', name = 'University of California, Los Angeles', country = 'US'
250 WHERE name = 'Univ UCLA';
251 UPDATE profile_education_enum
252 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'University of Illinois', country = 'US'
253 WHERE name = 'Univ Illinois';
254 UPDATE profile_education_enum
255 SET abbreviation = 'Michigan', name = 'University of Michigan, Ann Arbor', country = 'US'
256 WHERE name = 'Univ Michigan';
257 UPDATE profile_education_enum
258 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Seattle University', country = 'US'
259 WHERE name = 'Univ Seattle';
260 UPDATE profile_education_enum
261 SET abbreviation = 'UGA', name = 'University of Georgia', country = 'US'
262 WHERE name = 'Univ Georgia';
263 UPDATE profile_education_enum
264 SET abbreviation = 'UT Austin', name = 'University of Texas at Austin', country = 'US'
265 WHERE name = 'Univ Texas';
266 UPDATE profile_education_enum
267 SET abbreviation = 'RIP', name = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute', country = 'US'
268 WHERE name = 'Univ Rensselaer';
269 UPDATE profile_education_enum
270 SET abbreviation = 'NYU', name = 'New York University', country = 'US'
271 WHERE name = 'Univ New York';
272 UPDATE profile_education_enum
273 SET abbreviation = 'Harvard', name = 'Harvard University', country = 'US'
274 WHERE name = 'Univ Harvard';
275 UPDATE profile_education_enum
276 SET abbreviation = 'The Wharton School', name = 'The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania', country = 'US', url = 'http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/'
277 WHERE name = 'Univ Wharton';
278 UPDATE profile_education_enum
279 SET country = 'US'
280 WHERE name = 'University of Pennsylvania';
281 UPDATE profile_education_enum
282 SET abbreviation = 'Columbia University', name = 'Columbia University in the City of New York', country = 'US'
283 WHERE name = 'Univ Columbia';
284 UPDATE profile_education_enum
285 SET abbreviation = 'WSBS', name = 'Watson School of Biological Sciences', country = 'US'
286 WHERE name = 'Watson School of Biological Sciences';
287 UPDATE profile_education_enum
288 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Colorado School of Mines', country = 'US'
289 WHERE name = 'Univ Colorado School of Mines';
290 UPDATE profile_education_enum
291 SET abbreviation = 'Princeton', name = 'Princeton University', country = 'US'
292 WHERE name = 'Univ Princeton';
293 UPDATE profile_education_enum
294 SET abbreviation = 'Georgia Tech', name = 'Georgia Institute of Technology', country = 'US'
295 WHERE name = 'GeorgiaTech';
296 UPDATE profile_education_enum
297 SET abbreviation = 'JHU', name = 'Johns Hopkins University', country = 'US'
298 WHERE name = 'Univ Johns Hopkins';
299 UPDATE profile_education_enum
300 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'University of Chicago', country = 'US'
301 WHERE name = 'Univ Chicago';
302 UPDATE profile_education_enum
303 SET abbreviation = 'Yale', name = 'Yale University', country = 'US'
304 WHERE name = 'Univ Yale';
305 UPDATE profile_education_enum
306 SET abbreviation = 'TAMU', name = 'Texas A&M University', country = 'US'
307 WHERE name = 'Texas A&M University';
308 UPDATE profile_education_enum
309 SET abbreviation = 'UCSB', name = 'University of California, Santa Barbara', country = 'US'
310 WHERE name = 'Univ Santa-Barbara';
311 UPDATE profile_education_enum
312 SET abbreviation = 'Kellogg', name = 'Kellogg School of Management', country = 'US'
313 WHERE name = 'Kellogg School of Management';
314 UPDATE profile_education_enum
315 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'University of Iowa', country = 'US'
316 WHERE name = 'Univ Iowa';
317 UPDATE profile_education_enum
318 SET abbreviation = 'UW-Madison', name = 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', country = 'US', url = 'http://www.wisc.edu/'
319 WHERE name = 'Univ Wisconsin-Madison';
320 UPDATE profile_education_enum
321 SET abbreviation = 'UCSD', name = 'University of California, San Diego', country = 'US'
322 WHERE name = 'Univ San Diego';
323 UPDATE profile_education_enum
324 SET abbreviation = 'NU', name = 'Northwestern University', country = 'US'
325 WHERE name = 'Univ Northwestern';
326 UPDATE profile_education_enum
327 SET abbreviation = 'CU', name = 'University of Colorado at Boulder', country = 'US'
328 WHERE name = 'Univ Colorado at Boulder';
329 UPDATE profile_education_enum
330 SET abbreviation = 'CMU', name = 'Carnegie Mellon University', country = 'US'
331 WHERE name = 'Univ Carnegie Mellon';
332 UPDATE profile_education_enum
333 SET abbreviation = 'Carolina', name = 'University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill', country = 'US'
334 WHERE name = 'Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill';
335 UPDATE profile_education_enum
336 SET abbreviation = 'UM', country = 'US'
337 WHERE name = 'University of Miami';
338 UPDATE profile_education_enum
339 SET country = 'US'
340 WHERE name = 'Purdue University';
341 UPDATE profile_education_enum
342 SET abbreviation = 'CFA Institute', name = 'Chartered Financial Analyst Institute', country = 'US'
343 WHERE name = 'CFA Institute';
346 UPDATE profile_education_enum
347 SET country = 'HK', abbreviation = 'CityU'
348 WHERE name = 'City University of Hong Kong';
350 UPDATE profile_education_enum
351 SET abbreviation = 'TU Berlin', name = 'Technische Universität Berlin', country = 'DE'
352 WHERE name = 'Univ TU Berlin';
353 UPDATE profile_education_enum
354 SET abbreviation = 'TU Darmstadt', name = 'Technische Universität Darmstadt', country = 'DE'
355 WHERE name = 'Univ TU Darmstadt';
356 UPDATE profile_education_enum
357 SET abbreviation = 'TU München', name = 'Technische Universität München', country = 'DE'
358 WHERE name = 'Univ TU München';
359 UPDATE profile_education_enum
360 SET abbreviation = 'Universität Karlsruhe', name = 'Universität Karlsruhe (TH)', country = 'DE'
361 WHERE name = 'Univ Karlsruhe';
362 UPDATE profile_education_enum
363 SET abbreviation = 'RWTH', name = 'RWTH Aachen University', country = 'DE'
364 WHERE name = 'Univ RWTH-Aachen';
365 UPDATE profile_education_enum
366 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Universität Stuttgart', country = 'DE'
367 WHERE name = 'Univ Stuttgart';
369 UPDATE profile_education_enum
370 SET abbreviation = 'EPM', name = 'École Polytechnique de Montréal', country = 'CA'
371 WHERE name = 'EP Montréal';
372 UPDATE profile_education_enum
373 SET abbreviation = 'UBC', name = 'University of British Columbia', country = 'CA'
374 WHERE name = 'Univ British Columbia';
375 UPDATE profile_education_enum
376 SET abbreviation = 'McGill', name = 'McGill University', country = 'CA'
377 WHERE name = 'Univ McGill';
378 UPDATE profile_education_enum
379 SET abbreviation = 'UQÀM', name = 'Université du Québec à Montréal', country = 'CA' WHERE id = 125;
381 UPDATE profile_education_enum
382 SET abbreviation = 'UPC', name = 'Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya', country = 'ES'
383 WHERE name = 'Univ Catalunya';
384 UPDATE profile_education_enum
385 SET abbreviation = 'UPM', name = 'Universidad Politècnica de Madrid', country = 'ES'
386 WHERE name = 'Univ Madrid';
387 UPDATE profile_education_enum
388 SET abbreviation = 'UPF', name = 'Universitat Pompeu Fabra', country = 'ES'
389 WHERE name = 'Univ Pompeu Fabra';
390 UPDATE profile_education_enum
391 SET abbreviation = 'IE', country = 'ES'
392 WHERE name = 'Instituto de Empresa';
394 UPDATE profile_education_enum
395 SET abbreviation = 'Chalmers', name = 'Chalmers Tekniska Högskola', country = 'SE'
396 WHERE name = 'Univ Chalmers';
397 UPDATE profile_education_enum
398 SET abbreviation = 'KTH', name = 'Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan', country = 'SE'
399 WHERE name = 'Univ KTH';
400 UPDATE profile_education_enum
401 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Stockholms Universitet', country = 'SE'
402 WHERE name = 'Univ Stockholm';
404 UPDATE profile_education_enum
405 SET abbreviation = 'TU Delft', name = 'Technische Universiteit Delft', country = 'NL'
406 WHERE name = 'Univ TU Delft';
407 UPDATE profile_education_enum
408 SET abbreviation = 'RSM', name = 'Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University', country = 'NL'
409 WHERE name = 'RSM';
410 UPDATE profile_education_enum
411 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Universiteit Leiden', country = 'NL'
412 WHERE name = 'Univ Leiden';
414 UPDATE profile_education_enum
415 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Kyoto University', country = 'JP'
416 WHERE name = 'Univ Kyoto';
417 UPDATE profile_education_enum
418 SET abbreviation = 'Todai', name = 'University of Tokyo', country = 'JP'
419 WHERE name = 'Univ Tokyo';
420 UPDATE profile_education_enum
421 SET abbreviation = 'Tokyo Tech', name = 'Tokyo Institute of Technology', country = 'JP'
422 WHERE name = 'Tokyo Institute of Technology';
424 UPDATE profile_education_enum
425 SET abbreviation = 'UNIL', name = 'Université de Lausanne', country = 'CH'
426 WHERE name = 'Univ Lausanne';
427 UPDATE profile_education_enum
428 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Universität Zürich', country = 'CH'
429 WHERE name = 'Univ Zürich';
430 UPDATE profile_education_enum
431 SET abbreviation = 'EPFL', name = 'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne', country = 'CH'
432 WHERE name = 'EP Fédérale Lausanne';
433 UPDATE profile_education_enum
434 SET abbreviation = 'IMD', name = 'International Institute for Management Development', country = 'CH'
435 WHERE name = 'Institute for Management Development';
436 UPDATE profile_education_enum
437 SET abbreviation = 'ETH Zürich', name = 'Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich', country = 'CH'
438 WHERE name = 'ETH Zürich';
440 UPDATE profile_education_enum
441 SET abbreviation = 'UNIMI', name = 'Università degli Studi di Milano', country = 'IT'
442 WHERE name = 'Univ Milano';
443 UPDATE profile_education_enum
444 SET abbreviation = 'UNITO', name = 'Università degli Studi di Torino', country = 'IT'
445 WHERE name = 'Univ Torino';
446 UPDATE profile_education_enum
447 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Politecnico di Milano', country = 'IT'
448 WHERE name = 'Politecnico di Milano';
449 UPDATE profile_education_enum
450 SET abbreviation = 'EUI', name = 'European University Institute', country = 'IT'
451 WHERE name = 'Institut Universitaire Européen';
452 UPDATE profile_education_enum
453 SET abbreviation = 'Università Bocconi', name = 'Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi', url = 'http://www.unibocconi.it/', country = 'IT'
454 WHERE name = 'Université Bocconi';
456 UPDATE profile_education_enum
457 SET abbreviation = 'MGU', name = 'Lomonosov Moscow State University', country = 'RU'
458 WHERE name = 'Univ Moscow (lomonosov)';
459 UPDATE profile_education_enum
460 SET abbreviation = 'Bauman MSTU', name = 'Bauman Moscow State Technical University', country = 'RU', url = 'http://www.bmstu.ru/'
461 WHERE name = 'Univ Moscow (Bauman)';
463 UPDATE profile_education_enum
464 SET abbreviation = 'Technion', name = 'Israel Institute of Technology', country = 'IL'
465 WHERE name = 'Univ Technion';
466 UPDATE profile_education_enum
467 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Weizmann Institute of Science', country = 'IL'
468 WHERE name = 'Institut Weizmann';
470 UPDATE profile_education_enum
471 SET abbreviation = 'Oxford', name = 'University of Oxford', country = 'GB'
472 WHERE name = 'Univ Oxford';
473 UPDATE profile_education_enum
474 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'London Business School', country = 'GB'
475 WHERE name = 'London Business School';
476 UPDATE profile_education_enum
477 SET abbreviation = 'LSE', name = 'The London School of Economics and Political Science', country = 'GB'
478 WHERE name = 'London School of Economics';
479 UPDATE profile_education_enum
480 SET abbreviation = 'Cambridge', name = 'University of Cambridge', country = 'GB'
481 WHERE name = 'Univ Cambridge';
482 UPDATE profile_education_enum
483 SET abbreviation = 'Imperial College', name = 'Imperial College London', country = 'GB', url = 'http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/'
484 WHERE name = 'Imperial College';
485 UPDATE profile_education_enum
486 SET abbreviation = 'Henley', name = 'Henley Management College', country = 'GB', url = 'http://www.henley.reading.ac.uk/'
487 WHERE name = 'Henley Management College';
488 UPDATE profile_education_enum
489 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'University of Southampton', country = 'GB', url = 'http://www.soton.ac.uk/'
490 WHERE name = 'Univ Southampton';
491 UPDATE profile_education_enum
492 SET abbreviation = '', name = 'Cardiff University', country = 'GB'
493 WHERE name = 'Univ Cardiff';
495 UPDATE profile_education_enum
496 SET abbreviation = 'UNSW', name = 'The University of New South Wales', country = 'AU'
497 WHERE name = 'Univ New South Wales (Sydney Australia)';
498 UPDATE profile_education_enum
499 SET abbreviation = 'USyd', country = 'AU'
500 WHERE name = 'University of Sydney';
502 UPDATE profile_education_enum
503 SET abbreviation = 'THU', name = 'Tsinghua University', country = 'CN'
504 WHERE name = 'Univ Tsinghua';
506 UPDATE profile_education_enum
507 SET abbreviation = 'NUS', name = 'National University of Singapore', country = 'SG'
508 WHERE name = 'National University of Singapore';
510 UPDATE profile_education_enum
511 SET abbreviation = 'NTNU', name = 'Norwegian University of Science and Technology', country = 'NO', url = 'http://www.ntnu.no/'
512 WHERE name = 'Univ Trondheim';
514 UPDATE profile_education_enum
515 SET abbreviation = '', country = 'GB'
516 WHERE name = 'University of Surrey';
517 UPDATE profile_education_enum
518 SET abbreviation = '', country = 'GB'
519 WHERE name = 'Heriot-Watt University';
520 UPDATE profile_education_enum
521 SET abbreviation = 'UCL', country = 'GB'
522 WHERE name = 'University College London';
524 UPDATE profile_education_enum
525 SET abbreviation = 'OIV', country = 'FR'
526 WHERE name = 'Organisme International de la Vigne et du Vin';
527 UPDATE profile_education_enum
528 SET abbreviation = 'NSU', name = 'Novosibirsk State University', url = 'http://www.nsu.ru/', country = 'RU'
529 WHERE name = 'Université de Novossibirsk (Новосибирский Государственный Университет)';
531 UPDATE profile_education_enum
532 SET abbreviation = 'IITs', country = 'IN'
533 WHERE name = 'Indian Institutes of Technology';
535 UPDATE profile_education_enum
536 SET name = 'Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale', country = 'FR', url ='http://www.ihedn.fr/',
537 abbreviation = 'IHEDN'
538 WHERE name = 'IHEDN';
540 UPDATE profile_education_enum
541 SET name = "Centre des Hautes Études de l'Armement", country = 'FR', url ='http://www.chear.defense.gouv.fr/',
542 abbreviation = 'CHEAr'
543 WHERE name = 'CHEAr';
545 -- Cleans duplicated entries
546 UPDATE profile_education SET eduid = 0 WHERE eduid = 70;
547 DELETE FROM profile_education_enum WHERE id = 70;
548 DELETE FROM profile_education_degree WHERE eduid = 70;
550 UPDATE profile_education SET eduid = 91 WHERE eduid = 106;
551 DELETE FROM profile_education_enum WHERE id = 106;
552 DELETE FROM profile_education_degree WHERE eduid = 106;
554 -- Adds new universities needed for the AX directory
555 INSERT INTO profile_education_enum (name, url, country, abbreviation)
556 VALUES ('Institut Supérieur de l\'Aéronautique et de l\'Espace', 'http://www.isae.fr/', 'FR', 'ISAE'),
557 ('École du Personnel Navigant d\'Essais et de Réception',
558 'http://www.defense.gouv.fr/dga/archives/l_epner_ecole_du_personnel_navigant_d_essais_et_de_reception', 'FR', 'EPNER'),
559 ('Agrocampus Ouest', 'http://www.agrocampus-ouest.fr/', 'FR', 'ENSAR'),
560 ('Montpellier SupAgro', 'http://www.supagro.fr/', 'fr', ''),
561 ('Institut Supérieur des Matériaux et de la Construction Mécanique Saint-Ouen', 'http://www.cefi.org/BOUCHON/BS/ISMCM_Saint-Ouen.htm',
562 'FR', 'ISMCM Saint-Ouen'),
563 ('École Centrale d\'Électronique ', 'http://www.ece.fr/', 'FR', 'ECE'),
564 ('École Nationale de l\'Aviation Civile', 'http://www.enac.fr/', 'FR', 'ENAC'),
565 ('Centre des Hautes Études de la Construction', 'http://www.chec.fr/', 'FR', 'CHEC'),
566 ('École de l\'Air', 'http://www.ecole-air.air.defense.gouv.fr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=203&Itemid=251', 'FR', ''),
567 ('Institut Supérieur des Affaires', '', 'FR', 'ISA'),
568 ('École Supérieure de Gestion de Paris', 'http://www.esg.fr/', 'FR', 'ESG Paris'),
569 ('Institut des Hautes Études Européennes', 'http://www-ihee.u-strasbg.fr/', 'FR', 'IHEE'),
570 ('École Nationale de la Magistrature', 'http://www.enm.justice.fr/', 'FR', 'ENM'),
571 ('Institut de Formation Supérieure BioMédicale', 'http://www.igr.fr/ifsbm/', 'FR', 'IFSBM'),
572 ('Institut Supérieur de l\'AgroAlimentaire', 'http://www.isaa.fr/', 'FR', 'ISAA'),
573 ('École des Mines d\'Alès', 'http://www.ema.fr/', 'FR', 'EMA'),
574 ('Syracuse University', 'http://www.syr.edu/', 'US', 'SU'),
575 ('Dartmouth College', 'http://www.dartmouth.edu/', 'US', ''),
576 ('International Teachers Programme', 'http://www.itp-schools.org/', '', 'ITP'),
577 ('University of Kentucky', 'http://www.uky.edu/', 'US', 'UK'),
578 ('Marine Corps University', 'http://www.mcu.usmc.mil/', 'US', 'MCU'),
579 ('Chartered Institute of Management Accountants', 'http://www.cimaglobal.com/', 'GB', 'CIMA'),
580 ('Naval Postgraduate School', 'http://www.nps.edu/', 'US', 'NPS'),
581 ('Royal College of Art', 'http://www.rca.ac.uk/', 'GB', 'RCA'),
582 ('Uniwersytet Gdański', 'http://www.univ.gda.pl/', 'PL', ''),
583 ('College of Europe', 'http://www.coleurope.eu/', '', ''),
584 ('Queen\'s University', 'http://www.queensu.ca/', 'CA', 'Queen\'s'),
585 ('Université de Bretagne Occidentale', 'http://www.univ-brest.fr/', 'FR', 'UBO'),
586 ('University of California, Davis', 'http://www.ucdavis.edu/', 'US', 'UC Davis'),
587 ('Universität Stuttgarti', 'http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/', 'DE', ''),
588 ('Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti', 'http://www.pub.ro/', 'RO', 'Politehnica din Bucureşti'),
589 ('University of Birmingham', 'http://www.bham.ac.uk/', 'GB', ''),
590 ('University of Rome', '', 'IT', ''),
591 ('University of Sheffield', 'http://www.shef.ac.uk/', 'GB', ''),
592 ('University of Utah', 'http://www.utah.edu/', 'US', ''),
593 ('University of Washington', 'http://www.washington.edu/', 'US', ''),
594 ('Urbana University', 'http://www.urbana.edu/', 'US', ''),
595 ('Université de Technologie de Compiègne', 'http://www.utc.fr/', 'FR', 'UTC'),
596 ('Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University', 'http://www.vt.edu/', 'US', 'Virginia Tech'),
597 ('Cleveland State University', 'http://www.csuohio.edu/', 'US', 'CSU'),
598 ('Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires du Nord', '', 'FR', 'CPA du Nord'),
599 ('Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires de Lyon', '', '', 'CPA de Lyon'),
600 ('Amherst College', 'http://www.amherst.edu/', 'US', ''),
601 ('Ottawa University', 'http://www.ottawa.edu/', 'US', 'OU'),
602 ('Indiana University', 'http://www.indiana.edu/', 'US', ''),
603 ('University of Notre Dame du Lac', 'http://www.nd.edu/', 'US', 'Notre Dame'),
604 ('University of Maryland, College Park ', 'http://www.umd.edu/', 'US', 'UMCP'),
605 ('Vanderbilt University', 'http://www.vanderbilt.edu/', 'US', ''),
606 ('Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse', 'http://www.inp-toulouse.fr/', 'FR', 'INP Toulouse'),
607 ('University of Houston', 'http://www.uh.edu/', 'US', 'UH'),
608 ('École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l\'Industrie', 'http://www.estp.fr/', 'FR', 'ESTP'),
609 ('Université Jean-Moulin (Lyon-III)', 'http://www.univ-lyon3.fr/', 'FR', 'Université Jean-Moulin'),
610 ('École Nationale Supérieure d\'Ingénieurs Électriciens de Grenoble', 'http://ense3.grenoble-inp.fr/', 'FR', 'ENSIEG'),
611 ('École Nationale Supérieure d\'Hydraulique et de Mécanique de Grenoble', 'http://ense3.grenoble-inp.fr/', 'FR', 'ENSHMG'),
612 ('Université de Rennes 1', 'http://www.univ-rennes1.fr/', 'FR', ''),
613 ('École Centrale Paris', 'http://www.ecp.fr/', 'FR', 'Centrale Paris'),
614 ('University of Dallas', 'http://www.udallas.edu/', 'US', ''),
615 ('Pontifical Catholic University of Chile', 'http://www.uc.cl/', 'CL', 'PUC'),
616 ('Universitat Oberta de Catalunya', 'http://www.uoc.edu/web/eng/', 'ES', 'UOC'),
617 ('University of California, Irvine', 'http://www.uci.edu/', 'US', 'UCI'),
618 ('Association Francophone de Management de Projet', 'http://www.afitep.fr/', 'FR', 'AFITEP'),
619 ('Centre Européen d\'Éducation Permanente', 'http://www.cedep.fr/', 'FR', 'CEDEP'),
620 ('Collège Interarmées de Défense', 'http://www.college.interarmees.defense.gouv.fr/', 'FR', ''),
621 ('Centre de Formation des Journalistes', 'http://www.cfpj.com/', 'FR', 'CFJ'),
622 ('Institut National des Hautes Études de Sécurité', 'http://www.inhes.interieur.gouv.fr/', 'FR', 'INHES'),
623 ('Université d\'Orléans', 'http://www.univ-orleans.fr/', 'FR', '');
626 -- Médecine is not a university but an educational field
627 REPLACE INTO profile_education (pid, id, fieldid, eduid, degreeid)
628 SELECT e.pid, e.id, f.id, 0, d.id
629 FROM profile_education AS e
630 INNER JOIN profile_education_enum AS l ON (l.id = e.eduid)
631 INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS d ON (d.degree = "Doctorat")
632 INNER JOIN profile_education_field_enum AS f ON (f.field = "Médecine")
633 WHERE l.name = "Médecine";
635 DELETE FROM profile_education_enum
636 WHERE name = "Médecine";
638 # vim:set syntax=mysql: