Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/xorg/maint' into xorg/master
[platal.git] / upgrade / 1.1.0 / 02_new_mail_insertion.sql
1 INSERT INTO email_source_account (uid, email, type, flags, expire)
2 SELECT uid, CONCAT(alias, ''), IF(type = 'a_vie', 'forlife', 'alias'), REPLACE(flags, 'epouse', 'marital'), expire
3 FROM aliases
4 WHERE type = 'a_vie' OR type = 'alias';
5 INSERT INTO email_source_account (uid, email, type, flags, expire)
6 SELECT uid, CONCAT(alias, ''), IF(type = 'a_vie', 'forlife', 'alias'), REPLACE(flags, 'epouse', 'marital'), expire
7 FROM aliases
8 WHERE type = 'a_vie' OR type = 'alias';
9 INSERT INTO email_source_account (uid, email, type)
10 SELECT a.uid, v.alias, 'alias'
11 FROM virtual AS v
12 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (v.vid = vr.vid)
13 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.hruid = LEFT(vr.redirect, LOCATE('@', vr.redirect)-1))
14 WHERE v.type = 'user' AND v.alias LIKE '' AND a.uid IS NOT NULL;
15 INSERT INTO email_source_account (uid, email, type)
16 SELECT a.uid, REPLACE(v.alias, '', ''), 'alias'
17 FROM virtual AS v
18 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (v.vid = vr.vid)
19 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.hruid = LEFT(vr.redirect, LOCATE('@', vr.redirect)-1))
20 WHERE v.type = 'user' AND v.alias LIKE '' AND a.uid IS NOT NULL;
22 INSERT INTO email_source_other (hrmid, email, type)
23 SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('h.', alias), ''), CONCAT(alias, ''), 'homonym'
24 FROM aliases
25 WHERE type = 'homonyme'
26 GROUP BY (alias);
27 INSERT INTO email_source_other (hrmid, email, type)
28 SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('h.', alias), ''), CONCAT(alias, ''), 'homonym'
29 FROM aliases
30 WHERE type = 'homonyme'
31 GROUP BY (alias);
33 INSERT INTO homonyms_list (hrmid, uid)
34 SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('h.', a.alias), ''), h.uid
35 FROM homonyms AS h
36 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.uid = h.homonyme_id)
37 WHERE a.type = 'homonyme';
39 INSERT INTO email_redirect_account (uid, redirect, rewrite, type, action, broken_date, broken_level, last, flags, hash, allow_rewrite)
40 SELECT a.uid,, e.rewrite, 'smtp',, e.panne, e.panne_level, e.last,
41 IF(e.flags = '', 'inactive', IF(e.flags = 'disable', 'disabled', IF(e.flags = 'panne', 'broken', e.flags))), e.hash, e.allow_rewrite
42 FROM emails AS e
43 LEFT JOIN emails AS ef ON (e.uid = ef.uid)
44 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (e.uid = a.uid)
45 WHERE e.flags != 'filter' AND ef.flags = 'filter';
46 INSERT INTO email_redirect_account (uid, redirect, type, action, flags)
47 SELECT a.uid, CONCAT(a.hruid, ''), 'googleapps',, 'active'
48 FROM email_options AS eo
49 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = eo.uid)
50 LEFT JOIN emails AS ef ON (eo.uid = ef.uid)
51 WHERE FIND_IN_SET('googleapps', AND ef.flags = 'filter';
52 INSERT INTO email_redirect_account (uid, redirect, type, action, flags)
53 SELECT a.uid, CONCAT(a.hruid, ''), 'imap', 'let_spams', 'active'
54 FROM email_options AS eo
55 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = eo.uid)
56 WHERE FIND_IN_SET('imap',;
58 INSERT INTO email_redirect_other (hrmid, type, action)
59 SELECT hrmid, 'homonym', 'homonym'
60 FROM email_source_other
61 WHERE type = 'homonym'
62 GROUP BY (hrmid);
64 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, redirect, type)
65 SELECT v.alias, vr.redirect, IF(v.type = 'dom', 'domain', IF(v.type = 'evt', 'event', v.type))
66 FROM virtual AS v
67 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (vr.vid = v.vid)
68 WHERE v.alias NOT LIKE '' AND vr.vid IS NOT NULL AND v.alias != '';
69 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, type, redirect)
70 SELECT CONCAT(alias, ''), 'list',
71 CONCAT('polytechnique.org_', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT(alias, ''),
72 '-admin+post', '+admin'),
73 '-owner+post', '+owner'),
74 '-bounces+post', '+bounces'))
75 FROM aliases
76 WHERE type = 'liste';
77 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, type, redirect)
78 SELECT CONCAT(alias, ''), 'list',
79 CONCAT('polytechnique.org_', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT(alias, ''),
80 '-admin+post', '+admin'),
81 '-owner+post', '+owner'),
82 '-bounces+post', '+bounces'))
83 FROM aliases
84 WHERE type = 'liste';
85 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, redirect, type)
86 SELECT v.alias, vr.redirect, 'user'
87 FROM virtual AS v
88 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (v.vid = vr.vid)
89 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.hruid = LEFT(vr.redirect, LOCATE('@', vr.redirect)-1))
90 WHERE v.type = 'user' AND v.alias LIKE '' AND vr.vid IS NOT NULL AND a.uid IS NULL;
91 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, redirect, type)
92 SELECT REPLACE(v.alias, '', ''), vr.redirect, 'user'
93 FROM virtual AS v
94 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (v.vid = vr.vid)
95 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.hruid = LEFT(vr.redirect, LOCATE('@', vr.redirect)-1))
96 WHERE v.type = 'user' AND v.alias LIKE '' AND vr.vid IS NOT NULL AND a.uid IS NULL;
98 -- Note: There are some adresses on virtual that have no match on the virtual_redirect.
99 -- The adresses in this situation are dropped.
101 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (domain)
102 VALUES (''), ('');
103 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (domain)
104 SELECT domain
105 FROM virtual_domains;
107 -- From aliases file
108 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, redirect, type)
109 VALUES ('', '', 'admin'),
110 ('', '', 'admin'),
111 ('', '', 'admin'),
112 ('', '', 'admin'),
113 ('', '', 'admin'),
114 ('', '', 'admin'),
115 ('', '', 'admin'),
116 ('', '', 'admin'),
117 ('', '', 'admin'),
118 ('', '', 'admin'),
119 ('', '', 'admin'),
120 ('', '', 'admin'),
121 ('', '', 'admin'),
122 ('', '', 'admin'),
123 ('', '', 'admin'),
124 ('', '', 'admin'),
125 ('', '', 'admin'),
126 ('', '', 'admin'),
127 ('', '', 'admin'),
128 ('', '', 'admin'),
129 ('', '', 'admin'),
130 ('', '', 'admin'),
131 ('', '', 'admin'),
132 ('', '', 'admin'),
133 ('', '', 'admin'),
134 ('', '', 'admin'),
135 ('', '', 'partner'),
136 ('', '', 'partner'),
137 ('', '', 'partner'),
138 ('', '', 'partner'),
139 ('', '', 'partner'),
140 ('', '', 'partner'),
141 ('', '', 'partner'),
142 ('', '', 'partner'),
143 ('', '', 'partner'),
144 ('', '', 'partner'),
145 ('', '', 'partner'),
146 ('', '', 'partner'),
147 ('', '', 'partner'),
148 ('', '', 'partner'),
149 ('', '', 'partner'),
150 ('', '', 'partner'),
151 ('', '', 'partner'),
152 ('', '', 'partner'),
153 ('', '', 'partner'),
154 ('', '', 'partner'),
155 ('', '', 'partner'),
156 ('', '', 'partner'),
157 ('', '', 'partner'),
158 ('', '', 'partner'),
159 ('', '', 'partner'),
160 ('', '', 'partner'),
161 ('', '', 'partner'),
162 ('', '', 'partner'),
163 ('', '', 'partner'),
164 ('', '', 'partner'),
165 ('', '', 'partner'),
166 ('', '', 'partner'),
167 ('', '', 'partner'),
168 ('', '', 'partner'),
169 ('', '', 'partner'),
170 ('', '', 'partner'),
171 ('', '', 'partner'),
172 ('', '', 'partner'),
173 ('', '', 'partner'),
174 ('', '', 'partner'),
175 ('', '', 'partner'),
176 ('', '', 'partner'),
177 ('', '', 'partner'),
178 ('', '', 'partner'),
179 ('', '', 'admin'),
180 ('', '', 'admin'),
181 ('', '', 'admin'),
182 ('', '', 'admin'),
183 ('', '', 'admin'),
184 ('', '', 'admin'),
185 ('', '', 'admin'),
186 ('', '', 'admin'),
187 ('', '', 'admin'),
188 ('', '', 'admin'),
189 ('', '', 'admin'),
190 ('', '', 'admin'),
191 ('', '', 'admin'),
192 ('', '', 'admin'),
193 ('', '', 'admin'),
194 ('', '', 'admin'),
195 ('', '', 'admin'),
196 ('', '', 'admin'),
197 ('', '', 'admin'),
198 ('', '', 'admin'),
199 ('', '', 'admin'),
200 ('', '', 'admin'),
201 ('', '', 'admin'),
202 ('', '', 'admin'),
203 ('', '', 'admin'),
204 ('', '', 'admin'),
205 ('', '', 'partner'),
206 ('', '', 'partner'),
207 ('', '', 'partner'),
208 ('', '', 'partner'),
209 ('', '', 'partner'),
210 ('', '', 'partner');
212 INSERT INTO email_source_other (hrmid, email, type)
213 VALUES ('', '', 'ax'),
214 ('', '', 'ax'),
215 ('', '', 'ax'),
216 ('', '', 'ax'),
217 ('', '', 'ax'),
218 ('', '', 'ax'),
219 ('', '', 'ax'),
220 ('', '', 'ax'),
221 ('', '', 'ax'),
222 ('', '', 'ax'),
223 ('', '', 'ax'),
224 ('', '', 'ax'),
225 ('', '', 'ax'),
226 ('', '', 'ax'),
227 ('', '', 'ax'),
228 ('', '', 'ax'),
229 ('', '', 'honeypot'),
230 ('', '', 'honeypot'),
231 ('', '', 'honeypot'),
232 ('', '', 'honeypot');
234 INSERT INTO email_redirect_other (hrmid, redirect, type, action)
235 VALUES ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
236 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
237 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
238 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
239 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
240 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
241 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
242 ('', '', 'smtp', 'let_spams'),
243 ('', '', 'smtp', 'let_spams');
245 -- Drop renamed list
246 DELETE FROM email_virtual WHERE email LIKE '';
247 DELETE FROM email_virtual WHERE email LIKE '';
249 -- Imap and bounce
250 UPDATE email_redirect_account AS e,
251 (SELECT IF(SUM(IF(type != 'imap', 1, 0)) = 0, 'imap_only', 'normal') AS status, uid
252 FROM email_redirect_account
253 WHERE flags = 'active'
254 GROUP BY uid) AS sub
255 SET e.action = 'imap_and_bounce'
256 WHERE sub.status = 'imap_only' AND sub.uid = e.uid AND type = 'imap';
258 -- vim:set syntax=mysql: