Changes email_virtual type from 'user' to 'alias'.
[platal.git] / upgrade / 1.1.0 / 02_new_mail_insertion.sql
1 -- 1/ Feeds email_virtual_domains from virtual_domains and aliases.
3 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name)
4 VALUES ('');
5 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name)
6 SELECT domain
7 FROM virtual_domains;
8 UPDATE email_virtual_domains
9 SET aliasing = id;
11 SET @p_domain_id = 0;
12 SET @m_domain_id = 0;
13 SELECT @p_domain_id := id
14 FROM email_virtual_domains
15 WHERE name = '';
16 SELECT @m_domain_id := id
17 FROM email_virtual_domains
18 WHERE name = '';
20 DELETE FROM email_virtual_domains
21 WHERE name IN ('', '', '', '', '');
22 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name, aliasing)
23 SELECT '', id
24 FROM email_virtual_domains
25 WHERE name = '';
26 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name, aliasing)
27 SELECT '', id
28 FROM email_virtual_domains
29 WHERE name = '';
30 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name, aliasing)
31 SELECT '', id
32 FROM email_virtual_domains
33 WHERE name = '';
34 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name, aliasing)
35 SELECT '', id
36 FROM email_virtual_domains
37 WHERE name = '';
38 INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name, aliasing)
39 SELECT '', id
40 FROM email_virtual_domains
41 WHERE name = '';
43 -- 2/ Feeds email_source_account
44 INSERT INTO email_source_account (uid, domain, email, type, flags, expire)
45 SELECT uid, @p_domain_id, alias, IF(type = 'a_vie', 'forlife', 'alias'), REPLACE(flags, 'epouse', 'marital'), expire
46 FROM aliases
47 WHERE type = 'a_vie' OR type = 'alias';
48 INSERT INTO email_source_account (uid, domain, email, type)
49 SELECT a.uid, @m_domain_id, SUBSTRING_INDEX(v.alias, '@', 1), 'alias'
50 FROM virtual AS v
51 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (v.vid = vr.vid)
52 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.hruid = LEFT(vr.redirect, LOCATE('@', vr.redirect) - 1))
53 WHERE v.type = 'user' AND v.alias LIKE '' AND a.uid IS NOT NULL;
55 -- 3/ Feeds email_source_other
56 INSERT INTO email_source_other (hrmid, email, domain, type, expire)
57 SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('h.', alias), ''), alias, @p_domain_id, 'homonym', IF(expire IS NULL, '0000-00-00', expire)
58 FROM aliases
59 WHERE type = 'homonyme'
60 GROUP BY alias;
61 INSERT INTO email_source_other (hrmid, email, type, domain)
62 VALUES ('', 'AX-test', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
63 ('', 'AX-nicolas.zarpas', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
64 ('', 'AX-carrieres', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
65 ('', 'AX-info1', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
66 ('', 'AX-info2', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
67 ('', 'AX-bal', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
68 ('', 'AX-annuaire', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
69 ('', 'AX-jaune-rouge', 'ax', @p_domain_id),
70 ('', 'jean-pierre.bilah.1980', 'honeypot', @p_domain_id),
71 ('', 'jean-pierre.blah.1980', 'honeypot', @p_domain_id);
73 -- 4/ Feeds homonyms_list
74 INSERT INTO homonyms_list (hrmid, uid)
75 SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('h.', a.alias), ''), h.uid
76 FROM homonyms AS h
77 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.uid = h.homonyme_id)
78 WHERE a.type = 'homonyme';
80 -- 5/ Feeds email_redirect_account
81 INSERT INTO email_redirect_account (uid, redirect, rewrite, type, action, broken_date, broken_level, last, flags, hash, allow_rewrite)
82 SELECT e.uid,, e.rewrite, 'smtp',, e.panne, e.panne_level, e.last,
83 IF(e.flags = '', 'inactive', IF(e.flags = 'disable', 'disabled', IF(e.flags = 'panne', 'broken', e.flags))), e.hash, e.allow_rewrite
84 FROM emails AS e
85 LEFT JOIN emails AS ef ON (e.uid = ef.uid)
86 WHERE e.flags != 'filter' AND ef.flags = 'filter';
87 INSERT INTO email_redirect_account (uid, redirect, type, action, flags)
88 SELECT a.uid, CONCAT(a.hruid, ''), 'googleapps',, 'active'
89 FROM email_options AS eo
90 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = eo.uid)
91 LEFT JOIN emails AS ef ON (eo.uid = ef.uid)
92 WHERE FIND_IN_SET('googleapps', AND ef.flags = 'filter';
93 INSERT INTO email_redirect_account (uid, redirect, type, action, flags)
94 SELECT a.uid, CONCAT(a.hruid, ''), 'imap', 'let_spams', 'active'
95 FROM email_options AS eo
96 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = eo.uid)
97 WHERE FIND_IN_SET('imap',;
99 -- Imap and bounce
100 UPDATE email_redirect_account AS e,
101 (SELECT IF(SUM(IF(type != 'imap', 1, 0)) = 0, 'imap_only', 'normal') AS status, uid
102 FROM email_redirect_account
103 WHERE flags = 'active'
104 GROUP BY uid) AS sub
105 SET e.action = 'imap_and_bounce'
106 WHERE sub.status = 'imap_only' AND sub.uid = e.uid AND type = 'imap';
108 -- 6/ Feeds email_redirect_other
109 INSERT INTO email_redirect_other (hrmid, type, action)
110 SELECT hrmid, 'homonym', 'homonym'
111 FROM email_source_other
112 WHERE type = 'homonym'
113 GROUP BY (hrmid);
115 INSERT INTO email_redirect_other (hrmid, redirect, type, action)
116 VALUES ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
117 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
118 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
119 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
120 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
121 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
122 ('', '', 'smtp', 'tag_spams'),
123 ('', '', 'smtp', 'let_spams'),
124 ('', '', 'smtp', 'let_spams');
126 -- 7/ Feeds email_virtual
128 -- Note: There are some adresses on virtual that have no match on the virtual_redirect.
129 -- The adresses in this situation are dropped.
131 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, domain, redirect, type)
132 SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(v.alias, '@', 1),, vr.redirect, IF(v.type = 'evt', 'event', v.type)
133 FROM virtual AS v
134 INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (SUBSTRING_INDEX(v.alias, '@', -1) = AND = d.aliasing)
135 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (vr.vid = v.vid)
136 WHERE v.alias NOT LIKE '' AND vr.vid IS NOT NULL AND v.type != 'dom';
138 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, type, domain, redirect)
139 SELECT alias, 'list', @p_domain_id,
140 CONCAT('polytechnique.org_', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT(alias, ''),
141 '-admin+post', '+admin'),
142 '-owner+post', '+owner'),
143 '-bounces+post', '+bounces'))
144 FROM aliases
145 WHERE type = 'liste';
147 INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, redirect, domain, type)
148 SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(v.alias, '@', 1), vr.redirect, @m_domain_id, 'alias'
149 FROM virtual AS v
150 LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect AS vr ON (v.vid = vr.vid)
151 LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.hruid = LEFT(vr.redirect, LOCATE('@', vr.redirect) - 1))
152 WHERE v.type = 'user' AND v.alias LIKE '' AND vr.vid IS NOT NULL AND a.uid IS NULL;
154 -- From aliases file
155 INSERT INTO email_virtual (domain, email, redirect, type)
156 VALUES (@p_domain_id, 'otrs.platal', '', 'admin'),
157 (@p_domain_id, 'validation', '', 'admin'),
158 (@p_domain_id, 'listes+admin', '', 'admin'),
159 (@p_domain_id, 'listes', '', 'admin'),
160 (@p_domain_id, 'gld', '', 'admin'),
161 (@p_domain_id, 'support', '', 'admin'),
162 (@p_domain_id, 'contact', '', 'admin'),
163 (@p_domain_id, 'register', '', 'admin'),
164 (@p_domain_id, 'info', '', 'admin'),
165 (@p_domain_id, 'bug', '', 'admin'),
166 (@p_domain_id, 'resetpass', '', 'admin'),
167 (@p_domain_id, 'association', '', 'admin'),
168 (@p_domain_id, 'x-org', '', 'admin'),
169 (@p_domain_id, 'manageurs', '', 'partner'),
170 (@p_domain_id, 'fondation', '', 'partner'),
171 (@p_domain_id, 'ax', '', 'partner'),
172 (@p_domain_id, 'annuaire-ax', '', 'partner'),
173 (@p_domain_id, 'ax-bdc', '', 'partner'),
174 (@p_domain_id, 'jaune', '', 'partner'),
175 (@p_domain_id, 'jaune+rouge', '', 'partner'),
176 (@p_domain_id, 'xcourseaularge', '', 'partner'),
177 (@p_domain_id, 'xim', '', 'partner'),
178 (@p_domain_id, 'x-consult', '', 'partner'),
179 (@p_domain_id, 'xmcb', '', 'partner'),
180 (@p_domain_id, 'x-maroc', '', 'partner'),
181 (@p_domain_id, 'x-musique', '', 'partner'),
182 (@p_domain_id, 'x-resistance', '', 'partner'),
183 (@p_domain_id, 'x-israel', '', 'partner'),
184 (@p_domain_id, 'gpx', '', 'partner'),
185 (@p_domain_id, 'g.p.x', '', 'partner'),
186 (@p_domain_id, 'pointgamma', '', 'partner'),
187 (@p_domain_id, 'xmpentrepreneur', '', 'partner'),
188 (@p_domain_id, 'xmp-entrepreneur', '', 'partner'),
189 (@p_domain_id, 'xmpangels', '', 'partner'),
190 (@p_domain_id, 'xmp-angels', '', 'partner'),
191 (@p_domain_id, 'relex', '', 'admin'),
192 (@p_domain_id, 'tresorier', '', 'admin'),
193 (@p_domain_id, 'aaege-sso', '', 'admin'),
194 (@p_domain_id, 'innovation', '', 'admin'),
195 (@p_domain_id, 'groupes', '', 'admin'),
196 (@p_domain_id, 'br', '', 'admin'),
197 (@p_domain_id, 'ca', '', 'admin'),
198 (@p_domain_id, 'personnel', '', 'admin'),
199 (@p_domain_id, 'cil', '', 'admin'),
200 (@p_domain_id, 'opensource', '', 'admin'),
201 (@p_domain_id, 'forums', '', 'admin'),
202 (@p_domain_id, 'telepaiement', '', 'admin'),
203 (@p_domain_id, 'hotliners', '', 'admin'),
204 (@p_domain_id, 'kes', '', 'partner'),
205 (@p_domain_id, 'kes1999', '', 'partner'),
206 (@p_domain_id, 'kes2000', '', 'partner');
208 -- Drop renamed list
209 DELETE FROM email_virtual WHERE email LIKE 'tech-email%';
211 -- vim:set syntax=mysql: