[platal.git] / upgrade / 1.0.1 / merge.php
1 #!/usr/bin/php5
2 <?php
3 require_once 'connect.db.inc.php';
5 $globals->debug = 0; // Do not store backtraces.
6 XDB::startTransaction();
8 // Drops temporary tables and views used to checked if the merge was possible.
9 XDB::rawExecute('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS fusionax_xorg_anciens');
10 XDB::rawExecute('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS fusionax_deceased');
11 XDB::rawExecute('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS fusionax_promo');
12 XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_import');
14 // Fills pid fields in all table, to avoid to many joins.
15 foreach (array('fusionax_activites', 'fusionax_adresses', 'fusionax_anciens', 'fusionax_formations') as $table) {
16 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE $table AS f
17 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
18 SET f.pid = p.pid");
19 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM $table WHERE pid IS NULL");
20 }
22 echo "Update timestamp.\n";
23 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profiles AS p
24 SET p.last_change = GREATEST(COALESCE((SELECT MAX(Date_maj) FROM fusionax_anciens AS f WHERE f.pid = p.pid), '0000-00-00'),
25 COALESCE((SELECT MAX(Date_maj) FROM fusionax_activites AS f WHERE f.pid = p.pid), '0000-00-00'),
26 COALESCE((SELECT MAX(Date_maj) FROM fusionax_adresses AS f WHERE f.pid = p.pid), '0000-00-00'),
27 COALESCE((SELECT MAX(Date_maj) FROM fusionax_formations AS f WHERE f.pid = p.pid), '0000-00-00'),
28 COALESCE(p.last_change, '0000-00-00'))");
30 // Includes entreprises we do not have into profile_job_enum.
31 // We first retrieve AX code, then add missing compagnies.
32 echo "Starts jobs inclusions.\n";
33 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum ADD INDEX (name(20))');
34 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum ADD INDEX (acronym(20))');
35 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum ADD INDEX (AX_code)');
36 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_job_enum, fusionax_entreprises
37 SET profile_job_enum.AX_code = fusionax_entreprises.Code_etab
38 WHERE (profile_job_enum.name = fusionax_entreprises.Raison_sociale AND profile_job_enum.name != '' AND fusionax_entreprises.Raison_sociale != '')
39 OR (profile_job_enum.name = fusionax_entreprises.Sigle AND profile_job_enum.name != '' AND fusionax_entreprises.Sigle != '')
40 OR (profile_job_enum.acronym = fusionax_entreprises.Sigle AND profile_job_enum.acronym != '' AND fusionax_entreprises.Sigle != '')
41 OR (profile_job_enum.acronym = fusionax_entreprises.Raison_sociale AND profile_job_enum.acronym != '' AND fusionax_entreprises.Raison_sociale != '')");
42 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_job_enum (name, acronym, AX_code)
43 SELECT f.Raison_sociale, f.Sigle, f.Code_etab
44 FROM fusionax_entreprises AS f
45 WHERE f.Raison_sociale != ''
47 FROM profile_job_enum AS j
48 WHERE f.Code_etab = j.AX_code)");
50 // Includes jobs we do not have into profile_job_enum.
51 // There are 3 cases:
52 // - the job is incomplete (ie no compagny name) : this is an issue,
53 // - the job is complete but the profile already has a job or more : this is an issue,
54 // - the job is complete and the the profile has no previous job : there is no issue.
55 // We delete obvious duplicates and avoid multiple joins.
56 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
57 FROM fusionax_activites AS f
58 INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)
59 INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = pe.id)");
60 foreach (array('fusionax_activites', 'fusionax_adresses') as $table) {
61 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE $table AS f
62 INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (f.Code_etab = pe.AX_code)
63 SET f.jobid = pe.id");
64 }
65 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum DROP INDEX name');
66 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum DROP INDEX acronym');
67 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum DROP INDEX AX_code');
68 XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_entreprises');
70 // We first update the issues table.
71 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
72 SELECT DISTINCT(f.pid), 'job'
73 FROM fusionax_activites AS f
75 FROM profile_job AS pj
76 WHERE pj.pid = f.pid)");
77 // We then add new jobs.
78 $id = 0;
79 $continue = 1;
80 while ($continue > 0) {
81 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_job (id, pid, jobid, pub, description)
82 SELECT $id, pid, jobid, IF(Annuaire = 1, 'ax', 'private'), description
83 FROM fusionax_activites");
84 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
85 FROM fusionax_activites AS f
86 INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.id = $id AND pj.description = f.description)
87 WHERE pj.jobid = f.jobid OR (pj.jobid IS NULL AND f.jobid IS NULL)");
88 $continue = XDB::affectedRows();
89 ++$id;
90 }
91 XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_activites');
92 // We also have to add related phones and addresses.
93 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_addresses (type, pid, id, text)
94 SELECT 'job', f.pid, pj.id, f.text
95 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
96 INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = f.jobid)
97 WHERE f.Type_adr = 'E' AND f.text IS NOT NULL");
98 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_phones (link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, pid, display_tel)
99 SELECT 'pro', pj.id, 0, 'fixed', f.pid, f.tel
100 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
101 INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = f.jobid)
102 WHERE f.Type_adr = 'E' AND f.tel != ''");
103 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_phones (link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, pid, display_tel)
104 SELECT 'pro', pj.id, IF(f.tel = '', 0, 1), 'fax', f.pid, f.fax
105 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
106 INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = f.jobid)
107 WHERE f.Type_adr = 'E' AND f.fax != ''");
108 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM fusionax_adresses WHERE Type_adr = 'E'");
109 echo "Jobs inclusions finished.\n";
111 // Retrieves information from fusionax_anciens: promo, nationality, corps, email, phone, deathdate.
112 // Updates uncertain promotions, but when we are we are right.
113 echo "Starts various informations inclusions.\n";
114 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm, fusionax_anciens AS f, profile_display AS pd, profile_education AS pe
115 SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'promo'), 'promo'), pm.entry_year_ax = f.promotion_etude
116 WHERE pm.pid = f.pid AND f.pid NOT IN (18399,21099,40616)
117 AND pd.pid = f.pid AND pe.pid = f.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags)
118 AND pd.promo != CONCAT('X', f.promotion_etude)
119 AND !(f.promotion_etude = pe.entry_year + 1 AND pe.grad_year = pe.entry_year + 4)");
121 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues, entry_year_ax)
122 SELECT f.pid, 'promo', f.promotion_etude
123 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
124 INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (f.pid = pd.pid)
125 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (f.pid = pe.pid)
126 WHERE pd.promo != CONCAT('X', f.promotion_etude) AND f.pid NOT IN (18399,21099,40616)
127 AND !(f.promotion_etude = pe.entry_year + 1 AND pe.grad_year = pe.entry_year + 4)");
129 // Updates nationality.
130 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE geoloc_countries ADD INDEX (licensePlate)');
131 XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE profiles AS p
132 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
133 INNER JOIN geoloc_countries AS g ON (g.licensePlate = f.Code_nationalite AND g.nationalityFR IS NOT NULL)
134 SET p.nationality1 = g.iso_3166_1_a2
135 WHERE p.nationality1 IS NULL');
136 XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE profiles AS p
137 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
138 INNER JOIN geoloc_countries AS g ON (g.licensePlate = f.Code_nationalite AND g.nationalityFR IS NOT NULL)
139 SET p.nationality2 = g.iso_3166_1_a2
140 WHERE p.nationality1 != g.iso_3166_1_a2 AND p.nationality2 IS NULL');
141 XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE profiles AS p
142 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
143 INNER JOIN geoloc_countries AS g ON (g.licensePlate = f.Code_nationalite AND g.nationalityFR IS NOT NULL)
144 SET p.nationality3 = g.iso_3166_1_a2
145 WHERE p.nationality1 != g.iso_3166_1_a2 AND p.nationality2 != g.iso_3166_1_a2 AND p.nationality3 IS NULL');
146 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE geoloc_countries DROP INDEX licensePlate');
148 // Updates corps.
149 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_corps_enum (name, abbreviation)
150 VALUES ('Ancien élève étranger', 'Z')");
151 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_corps_rank_enum (name, abbreviation)
152 VALUES ('Ing.ch.P.C.hon.', 'DEL1'), ('Ing.Mil.Air Retr.', 'DEL2'),
153 ('Col.hon.Tra.', 'DEL3'), ('Colonel CR', 'DEL4'),
154 ('Conseil d\'Etat', 'DEL5'), ('Commiss.Gén. Brigade aérienne', 'DEL6'),
155 ('Off. Mar. dém.', 'DEL7'), ('Maître des Requêtes', 'DEL8'),
156 ('', 'DEL9'), ('autres', 'DEL10')");
157 XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE profile_corps AS pc
158 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (f.pid = pc.pid)
159 INNER JOIN profile_corps_enum AS c ON (f.corps_sortie = c.abbreviation)
160 SET pc.original_corpsid = c.id');
161 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_corps (pid, original_corpsid, current_corpsid, rankid, corps_pub)
162 SELECT f.pid, c.id, c.id, r.id, 'ax'
163 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
164 INNER JOIN profile_corps_enum AS c ON (f.corps_sortie = c.abbreviation)
165 INNER JOIN profile_corps_rank_enum AS r ON (f.grade = r.name)
167 FROM profile_corps AS pc
168 WHERE f.pid = pc.pid AND pc.original_corpsid != 1)");
169 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_corps AS c
170 INNER JOIN profile_corps_enum AS e ON (c.original_corpsid = e.id)
171 LEFT JOIN profile_corps_enum AS a ON (a.name = 'Aucun (anc. démissionnaire)')
172 SET c.original_corpsid = a.id
173 WHERE e.name = 'Ancien élève étranger'");
174 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_corps_enum
175 SET name = 'Aucun'
176 WHERE name = 'Aucun (anc. démissionnaire)'");
177 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM profile_corps_enum
178 WHERE name = 'Ancien élève étranger'");
179 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_corps AS c
180 INNER JOIN profile_corps_rank_enum AS r ON (c.rankid = r.id)
181 INNER JOIN profile_corps_rank_enum AS a ON (a.name = 'Aucun')
182 SET c.rankid = a.id
183 WHERE r.name LIKE 'DEL%'");
184 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM profile_corps_rank_enum
185 WHERE name LIKE 'DEL%'");
187 // Updates email_directory.
188 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profiles AS p
189 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
190 SET p.email_directory = f.Mel_usage
191 WHERE f.Mel_publiable = 1 AND f.Mel_usage != '' AND p.email_directory IS NULL");
192 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO register_marketing (uid, email, type)
193 SELECT ap.uid, f.Mel_usage, 'ax'
194 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
195 INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.pid = f.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', perms))
196 LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (e.uid = ap.uid AND e.flags = 'active')
197 WHERE f.Mel_usage != '' AND f.Mel_usage NOT LIKE '%@polytechnique.edu'
198 AND f.Mel_usage NOT LIKE '%@polytechnique.org' AND f.Mel_usage NOT LIKE '%@m4x.org'
199 AND f.Mel_usage NOT LIKE '%@melix.%' AND e.email IS NULL");
201 // Retrieves different deathdates.
202 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
203 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
204 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (f.pid = p.pid)
205 SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'deathdate'), 'deathdate'), pm.deathdate_ax = f.Date_deces
206 WHERE p.deathdate != f.Date_deces");
207 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues, deathdate_ax)
208 SELECT f.pid, 'deathdate', f.Date_deces
209 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
210 INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.pid = p.pid)
211 WHERE p.deathdate != f.Date_deces");
212 echo "Various informations inclusions finished.\n";
214 // Updates phone.
215 // We consider there is conflict if a profile has a phone in both databases.
216 echo "Starts phones inclusions.\n";
217 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
218 INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (f.pid = pm.pid)
219 INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
220 SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'phone'), 'phone')
221 WHERE f.tel_mobile != ''");
222 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
223 SELECT f.pid, 'phone'
224 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
225 INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
226 WHERE f.tel_mobile != '' AND f.Mob_publiable = 1");
228 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub)
229 SELECT f.pid, 'user', 0, 'mobile', f.tel_mobile, 'ax'
230 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
232 FROM profile_phones AS pp
233 WHERE pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
234 AND f.tel_mobile != '' AND f.Mob_publiable = 1");
235 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub)
236 SELECT f.pid, 'user', MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1, 'mobile', f.tel_mobile, 'ax'
237 FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
238 INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user')
239 WHERE f.tel_mobile != '' AND f.Mob_publiable = 1
240 GROUP BY f.pid");
241 XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_anciens');
242 echo "Phones inclusions finished.\n";
244 // Retrieves addresses from AX database (one address per preofile maximum).
245 echo "Starts addresses inclusions.\n";
246 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_addresses ADD INDEX (text(20))');
247 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
248 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
249 INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home')
250 WHERE pa.text = f.text");
251 // Deletes addresses of unknown type.
252 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM fusionax_adresses
253 WHERE Type_adr != 'E' AND Type_adr != 'P'");
255 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
256 INNER JOIN fusionax_adresses AS f ON (f.pid = pm.pid)
257 INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND pa.id = 0)
258 SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'address'), 'address')
259 WHERE f.text IS NOT NULL");
260 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
261 SELECT f.pid, 'address'
262 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
263 INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND pa.id = 0)
264 WHERE f.text IS NOT NULL");
266 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_addresses (pid, type, id, pub, text, flags)
267 SELECT f.pid, 'home', IF(pa.id IS NULL , 0, MAX(pa.id) + 1), 'ax', f.text, 'mail'
268 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
269 LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home')
270 WHERE f.text IS NOT NULL
271 GROUP BY f.pid");
272 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub, link_id)
273 SELECT f.pid, 'address', IF(pp.tel_id IS NULL, 0, MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1), 'fixed', f.tel, 'ax', pa.id
274 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
275 INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND f.text = pa.text)
276 LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'address' AND pp.link_id = pa.id)
277 WHERE f.tel != ''
278 GROUP BY f.pid");
279 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub, link_id)
280 SELECT f.pid, 'address', IF(pp.tel_id IS NULL, 0, MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1), 'fax', f.fax, 'ax', pa.id
281 FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
282 INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND f.text = pa.text)
283 LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'address' AND pp.link_id = pa.id)
284 WHERE f.fax != ''
285 GROUP BY f.pid");
286 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_addresses DROP INDEX text');
287 XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_adresses');
288 echo "Addresses inclusions finished.\n";
290 // Retrieves education from AX database. This is the hardest part since AX only kept education as an unformated string.
291 echo "Starts educations inclusions.\n";
292 // Deletes empty educations.
293 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM fusionax_formations
294 WHERE Intitule_formation = '' AND Intitule_diplome = '' AND Descr_formation = ''");
295 // Insert ids into fusionax_formations to prevent many joins.
296 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_education_enum ADD INDEX (name(60))');
297 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_education_degree_enum ADD INDEX (abbreviation(60))');
298 XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE fusionax_formations AS f
299 LEFT JOIN profile_education_enum AS pe ON (pe.name = f.Intitule_formation)
300 LEFT JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pd ON (pd.abbreviation = f.Intitule_diplome)
301 LEFT JOIN profile_education_field_enum AS pf ON (pf.field = f.Descr_formation)
302 SET f.eduid = pe.id, f.degreeid = pd.id, f.fieldid = pf.id');
303 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_education_enum DROP INDEX name');
304 XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_education_degree_enum DROP INDEX abbreviation');
305 // Updates non complete educations.
306 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_education AS e
307 INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.pid = e.pid)
308 INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pd ON (e.degreeid = pd.id)
309 INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS fd ON (f.degreeid = fd.id)
310 SET e.eduid = f.eduid
311 WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET('primary', e.flags) AND e.eduid IS NULL AND pd.level = fd.level");
312 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_education AS e
313 INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.pid = e.pid)
314 SET e.degreeid = f.degreeid
315 WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET('primary', e.flags) AND e.degreeid IS NULL AND e.eduid = f.eduid");
316 // Deletes duplicates.
317 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
318 FROM fusionax_formations AS f
319 INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS fd ON (fd.abbreviation = f.Intitule_diplome)
320 INNER JOIN profile_education AS e ON (e.pid = f.pid AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('primary', e.flags))
321 INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pd ON (pd.id = e.degreeid)
322 WHERE f.eduid = e.eduid AND fd.level = pd.level");
323 // Updates merge_issues table.
324 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
325 INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.pid = pm.pid)
326 SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'education'), 'education')");
327 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
328 SELECT pid, 'education'
329 FROM fusionax_formations");
331 $id = 0;
332 $continue = 1;
333 while ($continue > 0) {
334 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_education (id, pid, eduid, degreeid, fieldid, program)
335 SELECT $id, pid, eduid, degreeid, fieldid, Descr_formation
336 FROM fusionax_formations");
337 XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
338 FROM fusionax_formations AS f
339 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = f.pid AND pe.id = $id)
340 WHERE (pe.eduid = f.eduid OR (pe.eduid IS NULL AND f.eduid IS NULL))
341 AND (pe.degreeid = f.degreeid OR (pe.degreeid IS NULL AND f.degreeid IS NULL))
342 AND (pe.fieldid = f.fieldid OR (pe.fieldid IS NULL AND f.fieldid IS NULL))
343 AND (pe.program = f.Descr_formation OR (pe.program IS NULL AND f.Descr_formation IS NULL))");
344 $continue = XDB::affectedRows();
345 ++$id;
346 }
347 // Updates merge_issues table (eduid and degreeid should never be empty).
348 XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
349 INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = pm.pid)
350 SET pm.issues = CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'education')
351 WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET('education', pm.issues) AND (pe.eduid = '' OR pe.eduid IS NULL OR pe.degreeid = '' OR pe.degreeid IS NULL)");
352 XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
353 SELECT pid, 'education'
354 FROM profile_education
355 WHERE eduid = '' OR eduid IS NULL OR degreeid = '' OR degreeid IS NULL");
357 XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_formations');
358 echo "Educations inclusions finished.\n";
360 echo "All inclusions are done.\n";
362 XDB::commit();
364 /* vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4: */
365 ?>