Integrates external readers to the rss feeds and the iCal calendars.
[platal.git] / upgrade / 0.9.2 / nationalites.sql
2 alter table `nationalites` add column iso3166 varchar(2) not null;
4 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (1,'Albanais','AL');
5 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (2,'Algérien','DZ');
6 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (3,'Allemand','DE');
7 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (4,'Américain','US');
8 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (5,'Argentin','AR');
9 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (6,'Australien','AU');
10 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (7,'Autrichien','AT');
11 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (8,'Belge','BE');
12 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (9,'Benin','BJ');
13 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (10,'Botswanais','BW');
14 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (11,'Bouthan','BT');
15 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (12,'Brésilien','BR');
16 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (13,'Britannique','GB');
17 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (14,'Bulgare','BG');
18 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (15,'Burkina Faso','BF');
19 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (16,'Cambodgien','KH');
20 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (17,'Camerounais','CM');
21 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (18,'Canadien','CA');
22 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (19,'Chilien','CL');
23 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (20,'Chinois','CN');
24 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (21,'Colombien','CO');
25 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (22,'Coréen','KR');
26 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (86,'Costaricien','CR');
27 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (80,'Croate','HR');
28 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (23,'Cubain','CU');
29 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (24,'Danois','DK');
30 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (26,'Egyptien','EG');
31 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (81,'Equatorien','EC');
32 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (27,'Espagnol','ES');
33 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (28,'Estonien','EE');
34 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (29,'Finlandais','FI');
35 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (30,'Français','FR');
36 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (31,'Gabonais','GA');
37 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (32,'Georgien','GE');
38 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (33,'Grec','GR');
39 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (34,'Haïtien','HT');
40 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (36,'Hong-Kong','HK');
41 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (37,'Hongrois','HU');
42 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (38,'Indien','IN');
43 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (39,'Iranien','IR');
44 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (40,'Irlandais','IE');
45 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (41,'Islandais','IS');
46 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (42,'Israélien','IL');
47 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (43,'Italien','IT');
48 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (44,'Ivoirien','CI');
49 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (45,'Jamaïcain','JM');
50 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (46,'Japonais','JP');
51 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (47,'Kazakh','KZ');
52 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (49,'Lettonien','LV');
53 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (50,'Libanais','LB');
54 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (51,'Lituanien','LT');
55 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (52,'Luxembourgeois','LU');
56 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (53,'Macédonien','MK');
57 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (82,'Malgache','MG');
58 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (54,'Malien','ML');
59 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (55,'Marocain','MA');
60 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (56,'Mexicain','MX');
61 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (35,'Néerlandais','NL');
62 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (57,'Néo-Zélandais','NZ');
63 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (58,'Norvégien','NO');
64 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (59,'Palestinien','PS');
65 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (60,'Péruvien','PE');
66 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (61,'Polonais','PL');
67 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (62,'Portugais','PT');
68 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (63,'Roumain','RO');
69 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (64,'Russe','RU');
70 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (65,'Sénégalais','SN');
71 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (66,'Serbe','CS');
72 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (84,'Singapourien','SG');
73 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (67,'Slovaque','SI');
74 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (69,'Sud-Africain','ZA');
75 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (70,'Suédois','SE');
76 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (71,'Suisse','CH');
77 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (72,'Tadjik','TJ');
78 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (73,'Taïwanais','TW');
79 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (74,'Tchèque','CZ');
80 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (75,'Tunisien','TN');
81 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (76,'Turc','TR');
82 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (83,'Ukrainien','UA');
83 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (85,'Uruguayen','UY');
84 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (77,'Vénézuélien','VE');
85 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (78,'Vietnamien','VN');
86 replace INTO `nationalites` VALUES (79,'Yougoslave','CS');
88 alter table geoloc_pays add column nat varchar(100) not null;
89 update geoloc_pays inner join nationalites ON iso3166=a2 set nat=text;
90 update auth_user_md5 set nationalite='' where nationalite='0' or nationalite='36';
91 alter table auth_user_md5 change column nationalite nationalite varchar(2) not null;
92 update auth_user_md5 AS u
93 inner join nationalites AS n ON
94 inner join geoloc_pays AS g ON iso3166=a2
95 set u.nationalite = a2;
97 drop table nationalites;