Bypass the default query of the User class when no uid is specified
[platal.git] / upgrade / 0.9.16 / 09_watch_cat.sql
1 ALTER TABLE watch_cat ADD COLUMN mail_sg_xette varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL AFTER mail_sg;
2 UPDATE watch_cat SET mail_sg_xette = 'Cette camarade a mis sa fiche à jour' WHERE id = 1;
3 UPDATE watch_cat SET mail_sg_xette = 'Cette camarade s\'est inscrite' WHERE id = 2;
4 UPDATE watch_cat SET mail_sg_xette = 'Cette camarade nous a quittés' WHERE id = 3;
5 UPDATE watch_cat SET mail_sg_xette = 'Cette camarade fête son anniversaire cette semaine' WHERE id = 4;
7 # vim:set syntax=mysql: