Display the name of non-X in member list instead of email (if available)
[platal.git] / upgrade / 0.0.0_to_0.9.0 / to_mailman.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #***************************************************************************
3 #* Copyright (C) 2004 polytechnique.org *
4 #* http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
5 #* *
6 #* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 #* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 #* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9 #* (at your option) any later version. *
10 #* *
11 #* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 #* GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 #* *
16 #* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 #* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
18 #* Foundation, Inc., *
19 #* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
20 #***************************************************************************
22 import base64, MySQLdb, os, getopt, sys, MySQLdb.converters, sha
23 from pwd import getpwnam
24 from grp import getgrnam
26 from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
27 from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
29 import paths
30 from Mailman import MailList
31 from Mailman import Utils
32 from Mailman import Message
33 from Mailman import Errors
34 from Mailman import mm_cfg
35 from Mailman import i18n
36 from Mailman.UserDesc import UserDesc
37 from Mailman.ListAdmin import readMessage
39 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 # helpers
41 #
43 def connectDB():
44 db = MySQLdb.connect(
45 db='x4dat',
46 user=mm_cfg.MYSQL_USER,
47 passwd=mm_cfg.MYSQL_PASS,
48 unix_socket='/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock')
49 db.ping()
50 return db.cursor()
52 def set_options(vhost,listname,opts,vals):
53 try:
54 mlist = MailList.MailList(vhost+'-'+listname)
55 except:
56 return 0
57 try:
58 for (k,v) in vals.iteritems():
59 if k not in opts:
60 continue
61 if k == 'default_member_moderation':
62 for member in mlist.getMembers():
63 mlist.setMemberOption(member, mm_cfg.Moderate, int(v))
64 t = type(mlist.__dict__[k])
65 if t is bool: mlist.__dict__[k] = bool(v)
66 elif t is int: mlist.__dict__[k] = int(v)
67 elif t is str: mlist.__dict__[k] = Utils.uncanonstr(v,'fr')
68 else: mlist.__dict__[k] = v
69 mlist.Save()
70 mlist.Unlock()
71 return 1
72 except:
73 mlist.Unlock()
74 raise
75 return 0
77 def mass_subscribe(vhost,listname,users):
78 try:
79 mlist = MailList.MailList(vhost+'-'+listname)
80 except:
81 return 0
82 try:
83 members = mlist.getRegularMemberKeys()
84 added = []
85 for user in users:
86 name, forlife = user;
87 if forlife+'@polytechnique.org' in members:
88 continue
89 userd = UserDesc(forlife+'@polytechnique.org', name, None, 0)
90 mlist.ApprovedAddMember(userd, 0, 0)
91 added.append( (userd.fullname, userd.address) )
92 mlist.Save()
93 finally:
94 mlist.Unlock()
95 return added
97 def add_owner(vhost,listname,forlife):
98 try:
99 mlist = MailList.MailList(vhost+'-'+listname)
100 except:
101 return 0
102 try:
103 if forlife+'@polytechnique.org' not in mlist.owner:
104 mlist.owner.append(forlife+'@polytechnique.org')
105 mlist.Save()
106 finally:
107 mlist.Unlock()
108 return True
110 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 # admin procedures [ check.php ]
112 #
114 check_opts = {
115 'acceptable_aliases' : '',
116 'admin_immed_notify' : True,
117 'administrivia' : True,
118 'anonymous_list' : False,
119 'autorespond_admin' : False,
120 'autorespond_postings' : False,
121 'autorespond_requests' : False,
122 'available_languages' : ['fr'],
123 'ban_list' : [],
124 'bounce_matching_headers' : '',
125 'bounce_processing' : False,
126 'convert_html_to_plaintext' : False,
127 'digestable' : False,
128 'digest_is_default' : False,
129 'discard_these_nonmembers' : [],
130 'emergency' : False,
131 'encode_ascii_prefixes' : 2,
132 'filter_content' : False,
133 'first_strip_reply_to' : False,
134 'forward_auto_discards' : True,
135 'header_filter_rules' : [],
136 'hold_these_nonmembers' : [],
137 'include_list_post_header' : False,
138 'include_rfc2369_headers' : False,
139 'new_member_options' : 256,
140 'nondigestable' : True,
141 'obscure_addresses' : True,
142 'preferred_language' : 'fr',
143 'reject_these_nonmembers' : [],
144 'reply_goes_to_list' : 0,
145 'reply_to_address' : '',
146 'require_explicit_destination' : False,
147 'send_reminders' : 0,
148 'send_welcome_msg' : True,
149 'topics_enabled' : False,
150 'umbrella_list' : False,
151 'unsubscribe_policy' : 0,
152 }
154 def check_options(vhost,listname,correct=False):
155 try:
156 mlist = MailList.MailList(vhost+'-'+listname)
157 except:
158 return 0
159 try:
160 options = { }
161 for (k,v) in check_opts.iteritems():
162 if mlist.__dict__[k] != v:
163 options[k] = v,mlist.__dict__[k]
164 if correct: mlist.__dict__[k] = v
165 if mlist.real_name != listname:
166 options['real_name'] = listname, mlist.real_name
167 if correct: mlist.real_name = listname
168 if mlist.host_name != vhost:
169 options['real_name'] = vhost, mlist.host_name
170 if correct: mlist.host_name = vhost
171 if correct: mlist.Save()
172 mlist.Unlock()
173 return (details,options)
174 except:
175 mlist.Unlock()
176 return 0
178 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 # admin procedures [ soptions.php ]
180 #
182 def create_list(vhost,listname,desc,advertise,modlevel,inslevel,owners,members):
183 name = vhost+'-'+listname;
184 if Utils.list_exists(name):
185 return 0
187 mlist = MailList.MailList()
188 try:
189 oldmask = os.umask(002)
190 pw = sha.new('foobar').hexdigest()
191 try:
192 mlist.Create(name, owners[0], pw)
193 finally:
194 os.umask(oldmask)
196 mlist.real_name = listname
197 mlist.host_name = vhost
198 mlist.description = desc
200 mlist.advertised = int(advertise) > 0
201 mlist.default_member_moderation = int(modlevel) is 2
202 mlist.generic_nonmember_action = int(modlevel) > 0
203 mlist.subscribe_policy = 2 * (int(inslevel) is 1)
205 mlist.owner = owners
207 mlist.subject_prefix = '['+listname+'] '
208 mlist.max_message_size = 0
210 mlist.Save()
211 mlist.Unlock()
212 check_options(vhost,listname,True)
213 mass_subscribe(vhost,listname,members)
214 except:
215 raise
216 return 0
217 return 1
219 uid = getpwnam(mm_cfg.MAILMAN_USER)[2]
220 gid = getgrnam(mm_cfg.MAILMAN_GROUP)[2]
222 if not os.getuid():
223 os.setregid(gid,gid)
224 os.setreuid(uid,uid)
226 if ( os.getuid() is not uid ) or ( os.getgid() is not gid):
227 sys.exit(0)
229 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'f')
230 for o, a in opts:
231 if o == '-f' and os.fork():
232 sys.exit(0)
234 mysql = connectDB()
236 #-------------------- LOGIC ---------------------
238 mysql.execute ("""SELECT a.id, a.alias, d.topic, d.bienvenue,
239 FIND_IN_SET('publique',d.type) AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('promo',d.type) AS advertised,
240 (1-FIND_IN_SET('freeins',d.type)) AS inslevel,
241 (1-FIND_IN_SET('libre',d.type))*2 AS modlevel
242 FROM aliases AS a
243 INNER JOIN listes_def AS d USING(id)
244 WHERE a.type='liste'""")
245 lists = mysql.fetchall()
246 i=0
247 l=len(lists)
249 for id,alias,desc,welcome,advertise,inslevel,modlevel in lists:
250 mysql.execute ( """SELECT a.alias
251 FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
252 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( a.id=u.user_id AND a.type='a_vie' )
253 INNER JOIN listes_mod AS m ON ( m.idu=u.user_id AND m.idl='%i' )""" %(id) )
254 owners = map(lambda x: x[0]+'@polytechnique.org', mysql.fetchall())
255 if owners == []: owners = ['listes@m4x.org']
256 if desc.startswith('ADMIN/'): owners=[mm_cfg.ADMIN_ML_OWNER]
257 mysql.execute ( """SELECT CONCAT(u.prenom, ' ',u.nom),a.alias
258 FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
259 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( a.id=u.user_id AND a.type='a_vie' )
260 INNER JOIN listes_ins AS m ON ( m.idu=u.user_id AND m.idl='%i' )""" %(id) )
261 members = mysql.fetchall()
262 create_list('polytechnique.org',alias,desc,advertise,modlevel,inslevel,owners,members)
263 set_options('polytechnique.org',alias,['welcome_msg'],{'welcome_msg':welcome})
264 i = i+1
265 print ("""[%3i/%i] '%s' created""" %(i,l,alias))
267 # vim:set et: