correct url for
[platal.git] / templates / search.adv.form.tpl
1 {**************************************************************************}
2 {*                                                                        *}
3 {*  Copyright (C) 2003-2004                             *}
4 {*                                  *}
5 {*                                                                        *}
6 {*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *}
7 {*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *}
8 {*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *}
9 {*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *}
10 {*                                                                        *}
11 {*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *}
12 {*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *}
14 {*  GNU General Public License for more details.                          *}
15 {*                                                                        *}
16 {*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *}
17 {*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           *}
18 {*  Foundation, Inc.,                                                     *}
19 {*  59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA               *}
20 {*                                                                        *}
21 {**************************************************************************}
23 <h1>Recherche avancée</h1>
25 <p>[<a href="search.php">Recherche simple</a>]</p>
27 <form id="recherche" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}" method="get">
28   <table class="bicol" cellpadding="3" summary="Recherche">
29     <tr>
30       <td>Nom</td>
31       <td>
32         <input type="text" name="name" size="32" value="{$}" />
33         {if $ && !$with_soundex && $smarty.request.recherche}
34         <a class='smaller' href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?with_soundex=1&amp;{$url_args}">
35           étendre par proximité sonore
36         </a>
37         {/if}
38       </td>
39     </tr>
40     <tr>
41       <td>Prénom</td>
42       <td>
43         <input type="text" name="firstname" size="32" value="{$smarty.request.firstname}" />
44         {if $smarty.request.firstname && !$with_soundex && $smarty.request.recherche}
45         <a class='smaller' href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?with_soundex=1&amp;{$url_args}">
46           étendre par proximité sonore
47         </a>
48         {/if}
49       </td>
50     </tr>
51     <tr>
52       <td>Surnom</td>
53       <td>
54         <input type="text" name="nickname" size="32" value="{$smarty.request.nickname}" />
55       </td>
56     </tr>
57     <tr>
58       <td>Promotion</td>
59       <td>
60         <select name="egal1">
61           <option value="=" {if $smarty.request.egal1 eq "="}selected="selected"{/if}>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</option>
62           <option value="&gt;=" {if $smarty.request.egal1 eq "&gt;="}selected="selected"{/if}>&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;</option>
63           <option value="&lt;=" {if $smarty.request.egal1 eq "&lt;="}selected="selected"{/if}>&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;</option>
64         </select>
65         <input type="text" name="promo1" size="4" maxlength="4" value="{$smarty.request.promo1}" />
66         &nbsp;ET&nbsp;
67         <select name="egal2">
68           <option value="=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq "="}selected="selected"{/if}>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</option>
69           <option value="&gt;=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq "&gt;="}selected="selected"{/if}>&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;</option>
70           <option value="&lt;=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq "&lt;="}selected="selected"{/if}>&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;</option>
71         </select>
72         <input type="text" name="promo2" size="4" maxlength="4" value="{$smarty.request.promo2}" />
73       </td>
74     </tr>
75     <tr>
76       <td>Sexe</td>
77       <td>
78         <table>
79           <tr>
80             <td style="width:100px">
81               <input type="radio" name="woman" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.woman}checked="checked"{/if} />Indifférent
82             </td>
83             <td style="width:100px">
84               <input type="radio" name="woman" value="1" {if $smarty.request.woman eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />Homme
85             </td>
86             <td style="width:100px">
87               <input type="radio" name="woman" value="2" {if $smarty.request.woman eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />Femme
88             </td>
89           </tr>
90         </table>
91       </td>
92     </tr>
93     <tr>
94       <td>Sur</td>
95       <td>
96         <table>
97           <tr>
98             <td style="width:100px">
99               <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.subscriber}checked="checked"{/if} />Indifférent
100             </td>
101             <td style="width:100px">
102               <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="1" {if $smarty.request.subscriber eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />Inscrit
103             </td>
104             <td style="width:100px">
105               <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="2" {if $smarty.request.subscriber eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />Non inscrit
106             </td>
107           </tr>
108         </table>
109       </td>
110     </tr>
111     <tr>
112       <td>En vie</td>
113       <td>
114         <table>
115           <tr>
116             <td style="width:100px">
117               <input type="radio" name="alive" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.alive}checked="checked"{/if} />Indifférent
118             </td>
119             <td style="width:100px">
120               <input type="radio" name="alive" value="1" {if $smarty.request.alive eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />Vivant
121             </td>
122             <td style="width:100px">
123               <input type="radio" name="alive" value="2" {if $smarty.request.alive eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />Décédé
124             </td>
125           </tr>
126         </table>
127       </td>
128     </tr>
129     <tr>
130       <th colspan="2">Géographie</th>
131     </tr>
132     <tr>
133       <td>Ville</td>
134       <td><input type="text" name="city" size="32" value="{$}" /></td>
135     </tr>
136     <tr>
137       <td>Pays</td>
138       <td>
139         <select name="country" onchange="javascript:document.forms.recherche.submit();">
140         {if $}
141           {assign var="country" value=$}
142         {else}
143           {assign var="country" value=""}
144         {/if}
145         {geoloc_country country=$country}
146         </select>
147       </td>
148     </tr>
149     <tr>
150       <td>Région ou département</td>
151       <td>
152         <select name="region">
153         {if $smarty.request.region}
154           {assign var="region" value=$smarty.request.region}
155         {else}
156           {assign var="region" value=""}
157         {/if}
158         {if $ neq ""}
159         {geoloc_region country=$ region=$region}
160         {else}
161         <option value=""></option>
162         {/if}
163         </select>
164       </td>
165     </tr>
166     <tr>
167       <th colspan="2">Activité</th>
168     </tr>
169     <tr>
170       <td>Entreprise</td>
171       <td><input type="text" name="entreprise" size="32" value="{$smarty.request.entreprise}" /></td>
172     </tr>
173     <tr>
174       <td>Fonction</td>
175       <td>
176         <select name="fonction">
177           <option value="0"></option>
178           {iterate from=$choix_postes item=cp}
179           <option value="{$}" {if $smarty.request.fonction eq $}selected{/if}>
180             {$cp.fonction_fr}
181           </option>
182           {/iterate}
183         </select>
184       </td>
185     </tr>
186     <tr>
187       <td>Poste</td>
188       <td><input type="text" name="poste" size="32" value="{$smarty.request.poste}" /></td>
189     </tr>
190     <tr>
191       <td>Secteur</td>
192       <td>
193         <select name="secteur">
194           <option value="0"></option>
195           {iterate item=cs from=$choix_secteurs}
196           <option value="{$}" {if $smarty.request.secteur eq $}selected{/if}>
197             {$cs.label}
198           </option>
199           {/iterate}
200         </select>
201       </td>
202     </tr>
203     <tr>
204       <td>CV contient</td>
205       <td><input type="text" name="cv" size="32" value="{$}" /></td>
206     </tr>
207     <tr>
208       <td colspan="2">
209         <input type='checkbox' name='only_referent' {if $smarty.request.only_referent}checked='checked'{/if} />
210         chercher uniquement parmi les camarades se proposant comme référents
211       </td>
212     </tr>
213     <tr>
214       <th colspan="2">Divers</th>
215     </tr>
216     <tr>
217       <td>Nationalité</td>
218       <td>
219         <select name="nationalite">
220           {iterate from=$choix_nats item=cn}
221           <option value="{$}" {if $smarty.request.nationalite eq $}selected="selected"{/if}>
222             {$cn.text}
223           </option>
224           {/iterate}
225         </select>
226       </td>
227     </tr>
228     <tr>
229       <td>Binet</td>
230       <td>
231         <select name="binet">
232         <option value="0"></option>
233         {iterate item=cb from=$choix_binets}
234           <option value="{$}" {if $smarty.request.binet eq $}selected="selected"{/if}>
235             {$cb.text}
236           </option>
237         {/iterate}
238         </select>
239       </td>
240     </tr>
241     <tr>
242       <td>Groupe X</td>
243       <td>
244         <select name="groupex">
245         <option value="0"></option>
246         {iterate item=cg from=$choix_groupesx}
247           <option value="{$}" {if $smarty.request.groupex eq $}selected="selected"{/if}>
248             {$cg.text}
249           </option>
250         {/iterate}
251         </select>
252       </td>
253     </tr>
254     <tr>
255       <td>Section</td>
256       <td>
257         <select name="section">
258           {iterate item=cs from=$choix_sections}
259           <option value="{$}" {if $smarty.request.section eq $}selected="selected"{/if}>
260             {$cs.text}
261           </option>
262           {/iterate}
263         </select>
264       </td>
265     </tr>
266     <tr>
267       <td>Formation</td>
268       <td>
269         <select name="school" onchange="javascript:document.forms.recherche.submit();">
270           <option value="0"></option>
271           {iterate item=cs from=$choix_schools}
272           <option value="{$}" {if $ eq $}selected="selected"{/if}>
273             {$cs.text}
274           </option>
275           {/iterate}
276         </select>
277       </td>
278     </tr>
279     <tr>
280       <td></td>
281       <td>
282         <select name="diploma">
283           <option value="0"></option>
284           {section name=diploma loop=$choix_diplomas}
285           <option value="{$choix_diplomas[diploma]}" {if $smarty.request.diploma eq
286           $choix_diplomas[diploma]}selected="selected"{/if}>
287             {$choix_diplomas[diploma]}
288           </option>
289           {/section}
290         </select>
291       </td>
292     </tr>
293     <tr>
294       <td>Commentaire contient</td>
295       <td><input type="text" name="free" size="32" value="{$}" /></td>
296     </tr>
297   </table>
298   <div class="center">
299     <br />
300     {min_auth level='cookie'}
301     <input type='checkbox' name='order' value='date_mod' {if $smarty.request.order eq "date_mod"}checked='checked'{/if} />
302     mettre les fiches modifiées récemment en premier <br /> <br />
303     {/min_auth}
304     <input type="submit" name="rechercher" value="Chercher" />
305   </div>
306 </form>
307 <p>
308   <strong>N.B.</strong> Le caractère joker * peut remplacer une ou plusieurs lettres dans les recherches.
309 </p>
311 {* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2: *}