[platal.git] / modules / register.php
1 <?php
2 /***************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Polytechnique.org *
4 * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
5 * *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
9 * (at your option) any later version. *
10 * *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
14 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
15 * *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
17 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
18 * Foundation, Inc., *
19 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
20 ***************************************************************************/
22 class RegisterModule extends PLModule
23 {
24 function handlers()
25 {
26 return array(
27 'register' => $this->make_hook('register', AUTH_PUBLIC),
28 'register/end' => $this->make_hook('end', AUTH_PUBLIC),
29 'register/end.php' => $this->make_hook('end_old', AUTH_PUBLIC),
30 'register/success' => $this->make_hook('success', AUTH_MDP),
31 'register/save' => $this->make_hook('save', AUTH_MDP),
32 );
33 }
35 function handler_register(&$page, $hash = null)
36 {
37 $alert = null;
38 $sub_state = S::v('sub_state', Array());
39 if (!isset($sub_state['step'])) {
40 $sub_state['step'] = 0;
41 }
42 if (!isset($sub_state['backs'])) {
43 $sub_state['backs'] = array();
44 }
45 if (Get::has('back') && Get::i('back') < $sub_state['step']) {
46 $sub_state['step'] = max(0,Get::i('back'));
47 $state = $sub_state;
48 unset($state['backs']);
49 $sub_state['backs'][] = $state;
50 if (count($sub_state['backs']) == 3) {
51 $alert .= "Tentative d'inscription tres hesitante - ";
52 }
53 }
55 // Compatibility with old sources, keep it atm
56 if (!$hash && Env::has('hash')) {
57 $hash = Env::v('hash');
58 }
60 if ($hash) {
61 $res = XDB::query(
62 "SELECT m.uid, u.promo, u.nom, u.prenom, u.matricule, u.naissance_ini, FIND_IN_SET('watch', u.flags)
63 FROM register_marketing AS m
64 INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON u.user_id = m.uid
65 WHERE m.hash={?}", $hash);
66 if (list($uid, $promo, $nom, $prenom, $ourmat, $naiss, $watch) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
67 $sub_state['uid'] = $uid;
68 $sub_state['hash'] = $hash;
69 $sub_state['promo'] = $promo;
70 $sub_state['nom'] = $nom;
71 $sub_state['prenom'] = $prenom;
72 $sub_state['ourmat'] = $ourmat;
73 $sub_state['watch'] = $watch;
74 $sub_state['naissance_ini'] = $naiss;
76 XDB::execute(
77 "REPLACE INTO register_mstats (uid,sender,success)
78 SELECT m.uid, m.sender, 0
79 FROM register_marketing AS m
80 WHERE m.hash", $sub_state['hash']);
81 }
82 }
84 switch ($sub_state['step']) {
85 case 0:
86 require_once('wiki.inc.php');
87 wiki_require_page('Reference.Charte');
88 if (Post::has('step1')) {
89 $sub_state['step'] = 1;
90 if (isset($sub_state['hash'])) {
91 $sub_state['step'] = 3;
92 require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/register/register.inc.php');
93 create_aliases($sub_state);
94 }
95 }
96 break;
98 case 1:
99 if (Post::has('promo')) {
100 $promo = Post::i('promo');
101 $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*)
102 FROM auth_user_md5
103 WHERE perms='pending' AND deces = '0000-00-00'
104 AND promo = {?}",
105 $promo);
106 if (!$res->fetchOneCell()) {
107 $err = "La promotion saisie est incorrecte ou tous les camardes de cette promo sont inscrits !";
108 } else {
109 $sub_state['step'] = 2;
110 $sub_state['promo'] = $promo;
111 if ($promo >= 1996 && $promo<2000) {
112 $sub_state['mat'] = ($promo % 100)*10 . '???';
113 } elseif($promo >= 2000) {
114 $sub_state['mat'] = 100 + ($promo % 100) . '???';
115 }
116 }
117 }
118 break;
120 case 2:
121 if (count($_POST)) {
122 require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/register/register.inc.php');
123 $sub_state['prenom'] = Post::v('prenom');
124 $sub_state['nom'] = Post::v('nom');
125 $sub_state['mat'] = Post::v('mat');
126 $err = check_new_user($sub_state);
128 if ($err !== true) { break; }
129 $err = create_aliases($sub_state);
130 if ($err === true) {
131 unset($err);
132 $sub_state['step'] = 3;
133 }
134 }
135 break;
137 case 3:
138 if (count($_POST)) {
139 require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/register/register.inc.php');
140 if (!isvalid_email(Post::v('email'))) {
141 $err[] = "Le champ 'E-mail' n'est pas valide.";
142 } elseif (!isvalid_email_redirection(Post::v('email'))) {
143 $err[] = $sub_state['forlife']." doit renvoyer vers un email existant ".
144 "valide, en particulier, il ne peut pas être renvoyé vers lui-même.";
145 }
146 $birth = trim(Env::v('naissance'));
147 if (!preg_match('/^[0-3][0-9][01][0-9][12][90][0-9][0-9]$/', $birth)) {
148 $err[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte.";
149 } else {
150 $year = (int)substr($birth, 4, 4);
151 $promo = (int)$sub_state['promo'];
152 if ($year > $promo - 15 || $year < $promo - 30) {
153 $err[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte.";
154 $alert = "Date de naissance incorrecte a l'inscription - ";
155 $sub_state['wrong_naissance'] = $birth;
156 }
157 }
159 // Check if the given email is known as dangerous
160 $res = Xdb::iterRow("SELECT w.state, w.description, a.alias
161 FROM emails AS e
162 INNER JOIN emails_watch AS w ON (e.email = w.email AND w.state != 'safe')
163 INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (e.uid = a.id AND a.type = 'a_vie')
164 WHERE e.email = {?}
165 ORDER BY a.alias", Post::v('email'));
166 $aliases = array();
167 $email_banned = false;
168 while(list($gstate, $gdescription, $alias) = $res->next()) {
169 $state = $gstate;
170 if ($state == 'dangerous') {
171 $email_banned = true;
172 }
173 $description = $gdescription;
174 $aliases[] = $alias;
175 }
176 if (count($aliases) != 0) {
177 $alert .= "Email surveille propose a l'inscription - ";
178 }
179 if ($sub_state['watch']) {
180 $alter .= "Inscription d'un utilisateur surveillé - ";
181 }
183 if (check_ip('unsafe')) {
184 unset($err);
185 }
187 if (isset($err)) {
188 $err = join('<br />', $err);
189 } else {
190 $sub_state['naissance'] = sprintf("%s-%s-%s",
191 substr($birth,4,4),
192 substr($birth,2,2),
193 substr($birth,0,2));
194 if ($sub_state['naissance_ini'] != '0000-00-00' && $sub_state['naissance'] != $sub_state['naissance_ini']) {
195 $alert .= "Date de naissance incorrecte à l'inscription - ";
196 }
197 $sub_state['email'] = Post::v('email');
198 $ip_banned = check_ip('unsafe');
199 if ($ip_banned) {
200 $alert .= "Tentative d'inscription depuis une IP surveillee";
201 }
202 if ($email_banned || $ip_banned) {
203 $err = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'inscription."
204 . " Merci de contacter <a href='mailto:register@{$globals->mail->domain}>"
205 . " register@{$globals->mail->domain}</a>"
206 . " pour nous faire part de cette erreur";
207 } else {
208 $sub_state['step'] = 4;
209 if (count($sub_state['backs']) >= 3) {
210 $alert .= "Fin d'une inscription hésitante";
211 }
212 finish_ins($sub_state);
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 break;
217 }
219 $_SESSION['sub_state'] = $sub_state;
220 if ($alert) {
221 send_warning_mail($alert);
222 }
223 $page->changeTpl('register/step'.intval($sub_state['step']).'.tpl');
224 if (isset($err)) {
225 $page->trig($err);
226 }
227 }
229 function handler_end_old(&$page)
230 {
231 return $this->handler_end($page, Env::v('hash'));
232 }
234 function handler_end(&$page, $hash = null)
235 {
236 global $globals;
239 $page->changeTpl('register/end.tpl');
240 $_SESSION['sub_state'] = array('step' => 5);
242 if (check_ip('unsafe')) {
243 send_warning_mail('Une IP surveillée a tenté de finaliser son inscription');
244 XDB::execute('DELETE FROM register_pending
245 WHERE hash = {?} AND hash != \'INSCRIT\'', $hash);
246 return PL_FORBIDDEN;
247 }
249 require_once('user.func.inc.php');
251 if ($hash) {
252 $res = XDB::query(
253 "SELECT r.uid, r.forlife, r.bestalias, r.mailorg2,
254 r.password, r.email, r.naissance, u.nom, u.prenom,
255 u.promo, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags), u.naissance_ini
256 FROM register_pending AS r
257 INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON r.uid = u.user_id
258 WHERE hash={?} AND hash!='INSCRIT'", $hash);
259 }
261 if (!$hash || !list($uid, $forlife, $bestalias, $mailorg2, $password, $email,
262 $naissance, $nom, $prenom, $promo, $femme, $naiss_ini) = $res->fetchOneRow())
263 {
264 $page->kill("<p>Cette adresse n'existe pas, ou plus, sur le serveur.</p>
265 <p>Causes probables :</p>
266 <ol>
267 <li>Vérifie que tu visites l'adresse du dernier
268 e-mail reçu s'il y en a eu plusieurs.</li>
269 <li>Tu as peut-être mal copié l'adresse reçue par
270 mail, vérifie-la à la main.</li>
271 <li>Tu as peut-être attendu trop longtemps pour
272 confirmer. Les pré-inscriptions sont annulées
273 tous les 30 jours.</li>
274 <li>Tu es en fait déjà inscrit.</li>
275 </ol>");
276 }
280 /***********************************************************/
281 /****************** REALLY CREATE ACCOUNT ******************/
282 /***********************************************************/
284 XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_md5
285 SET password={?}, perms="user",
286 date=NOW(), naissance={?}, date_ins = NOW()
287 WHERE user_id={?}', $password, $naissance, $uid);
288 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO auth_user_quick (user_id) VALUES ({?})', $uid);
289 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO aliases (id,alias,type)
290 VALUES ({?}, {?}, "a_vie")', $uid,
291 $forlife);
292 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO aliases (id,alias,type,flags)
293 VALUES ({?}, {?}, "alias", "bestalias")',
294 $uid, $bestalias);
295 if ($mailorg2) {
296 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO aliases (id,alias,type)
297 VALUES ({?}, {?}, "alias")', $uid,
298 $mailorg2);
299 }
301 require_once('emails.inc.php');
302 $redirect = new Redirect($uid);
303 $redirect->add_email($email);
305 // on cree un objet logger et on log l'inscription
306 $logger = new CoreLogger($uid);
307 $logger->log('inscription', $email);
309 XDB::execute('UPDATE register_pending SET hash="INSCRIT" WHERE uid={?}', $uid);
311 global $platal;
312 $platal->on_subscribe($forlife, $uid, $promo, $password);
314 $mymail = new PlMailer('register/inscription.reussie.tpl');
315 $mymail->assign('forlife', $forlife);
316 $mymail->assign('prenom', $prenom);
317 $mymail->send();
319 require_once('user.func.inc.php');
320 user_reindex($uid);
322 if (!start_connexion($uid, false)) {
323 return PL_FORBIDDEN;
324 }
325 $_SESSION['auth'] = AUTH_MDP;
327 /***********************************************************/
328 /************* envoi d'un mail au démarcheur ***************/
329 /***********************************************************/
330 $res = XDB::iterRow(
331 "SELECT DISTINCT sa.alias, IF(s.nom_usage,s.nom_usage,s.nom) AS nom,
332 s.prenom, FIND_IN_SET('femme', s.flags) AS femme
333 FROM register_marketing AS m
334 INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS s ON ( m.sender = s.user_id )
335 INNER JOIN aliases AS sa ON ( sa.id = m.sender
336 AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', sa.flags) )
337 WHERE m.uid = {?}", $uid);
338 XDB::execute("UPDATE register_mstats SET success=NOW() WHERE uid={?}", $uid);
340 while (list($salias, $snom, $sprenom, $sfemme) = $res->next()) {
341 $mymail = new PlMailer();
342 $mymail->setSubject("$prenom $nom s'est inscrit à Polytechnique.org !");
343 $mymail->setFrom('"Marketing Polytechnique.org" <register@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>');
344 $mymail->addTo("\"$sprenom $snom\" <$salias@{$globals->mail->domain}>");
345 $msg = ($sfemme?'Chère':'Cher')." $sprenom,\n\n"
346 . "Nous t'écrivons pour t'informer que $prenom $nom (X$promo), "
347 . "que tu avais incité".($femme?'e':'')." à s'inscrire à Polytechnique.org, "
348 . "vient à l'instant de terminer son inscription.\n\n"
349 . "Merci de ta participation active à la reconnaissance de ce site !!!\n\n"
350 . "Bien cordialement,\n"
351 . "L'équipe Polytechnique.org";
352 $mymail->setTxtBody(wordwrap($msg, 72));
353 $mymail->send();
354 }
356 /**** send a mail to X.org administrators ****/
357 if ($globals->register->notif) {
358 $mymail = new PlMailer();
359 $mymail->setSubject("Inscription de $prenom $nom (X$promo)");
360 $mymail->setFrom('"Webmaster Polytechnique.org" <web@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>');
361 $mymail->addTo($globals->register->notif);
362 $msg = "$prenom $nom (X$promo) a terminé son inscription avec les données suivantes :\n"
363 . " - nom : $nom\n"
364 . " - prenom : $prenom\n"
365 . " - promo : $promo\n"
366 . " - naissance : $naissance (date connue : $naiss_ini)\n"
367 . " - forlife : $forlife\n"
368 . " - email : $email\n"
369 . " - sexe : $femme\n"
370 . " - ip : {$logger->ip} ({$logger->host})\n"
371 . ($logger->proxy_ip ? " - proxy : {$logger->proxy_ip} ({$logger->proxy_host})\n" : "");
372 $mymail->setTxtBody($msg);
373 $mymail->send();
374 }
376 Marketing::clear($uid);
378 pl_redirect('register/success');
379 $page->assign('uid', $uid);
380 }
382 function handler_success(&$page)
383 {
384 $page->changeTpl('register/success.tpl');
386 $_SESSION['sub_state'] = array('step' => 5);
387 if (Env::has('response2')) {
388 $_SESSION['password'] = $password = Post::v('response2');
390 XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET password={?}
391 WHERE user_id={?}', $password,
392 S::v('uid'));
394 $log = S::v('log');
395 $log->log('passwd', '');
397 if (Cookie::v('ORGaccess')) {
398 require_once('secure_hash.inc.php');
399 setcookie('ORGaccess', hash_encrypt($password), (time()+25920000), '/', '' ,0);
400 }
402 $page->assign('mdpok', true);
403 }
405 $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT sub, domain
406 FROM register_subs
407 WHERE uid = {?} AND type = 'list'
408 ORDER BY domain",
409 S::i('uid'));
410 $current_domain = null;
411 $lists = array();
412 while (list($sub, $domain) = $res->next()) {
413 if ($current_domain != $domain) {
414 $current_domain = $domain;
415 $client = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'), $domain);
416 }
417 list($details, ) = $client->get_members($sub);
418 $lists["$sub@$domain"] = $details;
419 }
420 $page->assign_by_ref('lists', $lists);
422 $page->addJsLink('motdepasse.js');
423 }
425 function handler_save(&$page)
426 {
427 global $globals;
429 // Finish registration procedure
430 if (Post::v('register_from_ax_question')) {
431 XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_quick
432 SET profile_from_ax = 1
433 WHERE user_id = {?}',
434 S::v('uid'));
435 }
436 if (Post::v('add_to_nl')) {
437 require_once 'newsletter.inc.php';
438 NewsLetter::subscribe();
439 }
440 if (Post::v('add_to_ax')) {
441 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/axletter/axletter.inc.php';
442 AXLetter::subscribe();
443 }
444 if (Post::v('add_to_promo')) {
445 $r = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM groupex.asso WHERE diminutif = {?}',
446 S::v('promo'));
447 $asso_id = $r->fetchOneCell();
448 XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO groupex.membres (uid,asso_id)
449 VALUES ({?}, {?})',
450 S::v('uid'), $asso_id);
451 $mmlist = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'));
452 $mmlist->subscribe("promo".S::v('promo'));
453 }
454 if (Post::v('sub_ml')) {
455 $subs = array_keys(Post::v('sub_ml'));
456 $current_domain = null;
457 foreach ($subs as $list) {
458 list($sub, $domain) = explode('@', $list);
459 if ($domain != $current_domain) {
460 $current_domain = $domain;
461 $client = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'), $domain);
462 }
463 $client->subscribe($sub);
464 }
465 }
467 pl_redirect('profile/edit');
468 }
469 }
471 // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
472 ?>